Unit 1

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8 Fill each of the gaps in this passage with one suitable word. I've often ...........(1) that Stefan's success as a teacher is due to his eccentricity as much as his knowledge of the subject. From the first time he ever ...........(2) into a classroom, students have always loved him. They've probably........... (3) met anybody who displays such an extraordinary mixture of enthusiasm and great personal warmth. It ...........( 4) also probably the first time they've........... (5) somebody who always wears a leather jacket and a scarf even at the height of summer

(1) thought (2) walked I stepped (3) never (4) is (5) met

f) A friend of yours has CUf\4 drafted a composition but\Z:1 is having difficulty with continuous verb forms and asks you to help. Tick ( ./) the most suitable of the two underlined alternatives your friend has given you. The first has been done for you. don't normally go to the cinema. Not because I don't like it but because it's just a habit I have never got into. However, on this occasion I decided ( ./) I was deciding to go because my friends <1l had been constantly going I had constantly gone on about this film all week and eventually wore me down. It starred some ephemeral Hollywood actor whom I (Zl had vaguely heard of I had vaguely been hearing of but couldn't put a face to. We got to the cinema early to find people <3l were already waiting I already waited outside, which suggested that my outside, which suggested that my friends weren't the only ones who thought it was worth seeing - although I could still think of several other things I would rather (4) have been doing I do at that moment. In the end, the film <5) turned out I was turning out to be not half as bad as expected, though I (6) would have preferred I would have been preferring something with a bit more action. The plot centred on two men who were planning to carry out · some immensely complicated robbery, though what they (7) didn't know I weren't knowing was that all the time their plans <SJ were being closely monitored I were closely monitored by the police. Somewhat unpredictably, however, they got away with it because they (9) changed I were changing their plans at the last minute. It was okay but oo> I'm not thinking I I don't think of going again.

(tick:) (1) had been constantly going (2) had vaguely heard of (3) were already waiting (4) have been doing (5) turned out (6) would have preferred (7) didn't k!lQ.lY (8) were being closely monitored (9) changed (10) I'm not thinking

Fill each of the blanks with a suitable word or phrase. EXAMPLE: Look out! We're gomg to hit the car in front! a At this rate, we're .......exhausted by the time we finish. b The minute the train .......standstill, get on and try to find a seat. c By next December, he .......working there for eighteen months. d They claim to be on....... of achieving everything they set out to do. e We were just about ......... the house when Sue called.

a going to be b comes to a c will have been d the point e to leave

Match the questions (1-8) with suitable answers (a-h). 1 Why didn't you call? 2 When do you think they'll be here? 3 Why did they look so hot and sweaty? 4 Why couldn't we use the rooms? 5 Why are they so exhausted? 6 Why didn't the students respond? 7 Why were they apprehended? 8 What time are they setting off tomorrow? a They could be arriving at any moment. b I think they'd been working out in the gym. c They must have been doing something wrong. d I was going to, but I clean forgot. e They weren't listening. f Well, they hope to have been driving for five hours by lunchtime. g They were being cleaned. h They've been working all day up in the attic.

1d 2a 3b 4g sh 6e 7c Sf

3 Circle a letter A. B, C or D that best fills each numbered gap. EXAM PRACTICE 1 As time (26).............. , the power of newspapers seems to be on the (27) ..............This is odd because in the relatively (28)..............past people were predicting that the influence of the written word would diminish in (29).............. proportion to the rate of increase of the spoken word and moving image through TV and video. As people whole-heartedly (30) .... . . . . the internet and cable and satellite television, why don't we see newspapers (31) .. . . . out? How have these organs survived, let alone (32).............. .. .. , particularly on a Sunday? Why don't people who have watched a football match live on the small screen (33).............. the wisdom of rushing out the next day to read a (34) ..............version of it in four or five columns? Why would anyone who has seen a film and formed a (35).............. impression of it the following day read a review of the (36).............. film in a newspaper? To see if s/he is right? Isn't that what friends are for? Don't we have colleagues for just that purpose - to see if our ideas on any (37) ..............song, film or programme tally with others'? What is this product that (38) ..............of not much more than outrageous headlines, wayward comment, subjective editorials and hyperbolic sports pages still doing in our lives? It seems for the time (39).............. to be leading a charmed life. When it finally goes, though, many may come to mourn its (40) ..............

3 (26) B (27) A (28) D (29) B (30) A (31) C (32) A (33) B (34) D (35) A (36) B (37) A (38) C (39) B (40) D

The following sentences contain stative verbs being used in the Continuous. Tick ( ./) those that are acceptable. 1 He is possessing a really remarkable collection of paintings. 2 Who is this coat belonging to? 3 She was always surprising people with her practical jokes. 4 ls that costume fitting you okay? 5 I think she's just lacking in confidence at the moment. 6 I think people arr realising now that tax cuts are out of the question. 7 I'm really despising attitudes like that. 8 I don't think the fourth conditional is existing, is it? 9 I think I'm recognising the lady in the red hat. 10 What is this word meaning? 11 The course is great! I'm loving every minute! 12 My head is hurting. 13 More and more people are preferring to stay at home for their holidays. 14 I'm having a great time. 15 Was that the door bell or am l hearing things?

I He possesses 2 does this coat belong to 3 ./ 4 Does that costume fit 5 ./ 6 ./ (or: realise) 7 I really despise 8 fourth conditional exists, does it? 9 I recognise 10 does this word mean 11 ./ 12 ./ (or: hurts) 13 ./ 14 ./ 15 ./

Fill each of the gaps in this passage with one suitable word. 'When did you really begin to feel at home here?' Paul asked. 'Oh, you've........ (1) me there!' John replied. 'Let's just say you won't feel you truly belong until you've........ (2) out with your colleagues and then made it up several times. Over the summer I've........ (3) it with all of them countless times, often over quite trivial things. I've lost ........(4) of the times I've said to myself - That's it! I've had ........(5) ! But I come back the next day, time after time. I've often ........(6) why I do. As far as the boss goes, just wait until you make a major mistake. Your colleagues will go "Oooh, now you've........ (7) it!" or "Um, that's........ [8) it!", and the boss comes in and just smiles at you. Then you'll 1<1:ow you've ........(9) it. Then you'll definitely have ( 10) ........

(!) got (2) fallen (3) lost (4) count (5) enough I it (6) wondered (7) done I had (8) torn (9) made I cracked (10) arrived

In the following extract from a composition, decide whether the underlined verbs are in the best tense. Tick(./) those that are acceptable and correct those that are not. Describe someone you like or dislike I don't like to admit to disliking anyone, but I have to confess that there is one of my classmates who I am particularly disliking ( 1 ). We have studied (2) together in the same class for the last few years and I bggin (3) to feel that I have been having (4) enough. It's not that he is an unpleasant person - in fact in other circumstances I am .. feeling (5) sure that we would get on fine. It is just that cl · when you have sat (6) next to someone for so long in z such an artificial environment as a classroom, you find (7) ·! ,; that the smallest thing can start to get on your nerves. I thought (8) about this only the other day after the person . in question - let us call him George, though that is not : his real name - had been tcying (9) to help me with an J exercise in our text book. I was realising (10) immediately '~ that he really wasn't knowing ( 11) what he talked ( 12) about. This was not a problem but what annoyed ( 13) me 'i was the fact that he refused (14) to listen to my ij explanations. The exercise was consisting (15) of reading ~J ·1 a text and answering questions on it and I am not !hinking ( 16) that he had been reading ( 17) the text. l .~ didn't know what to say. I was going to tell (18) him J to stop being so stupid but that would have been -~ sounding ( 19) rude. So in the end I just sat (20) and J said nothing.

(1) particularly dislike (2) ./ ( or: have been studying) (3) am beginning (4) have had 5) feel (6) ./ (7) ./ (8) was chinking (9) ./ (10) realised (11) didn't know (12) was talking (13) ./ (14) ./ ( 15) consisted (16) don't think (17) had read (18) ./ (19) would have sounded (20) ./

Fill each of the numbered gaps in this passage with one suitable word. ~ 'Remember that by the terms of the contract you are (1) to leave before midday,' the voice said. ~ 'Yes. Yes, l know. l was (2) about ro pack ~ when you rang.· ..IJi 'Midday,' the voice repeated. j}tj '1 know As I said. I was on the (3) ... of leaving ~ - packing. then leaving.· .f.i 'That is (4) you want to pay for another ..D week,' the voice continued. JI8 'No. No, I'll (5) our by twelve,' I stammered. ~ _gi 'It does say very clearly on your door that all ..D guests are ( 6) vacate their rooms by midday,' the voice went on, quite unnecessarily, I thought. ~ 'Look. I've told you,' I shouted, 'I'll have (7) .... '.;j, before the dock strikes twelve! I'm (8) ... .. in less than fifreen minutes. The flies, ants and cockroaches will soon (9) . partying in a punctually vacated apartment. Have no fear.'

(1) supposed I due I required I obliged (2) just (3) point (4) unless (5) be (6) to (7) left I gone (8) leaving I going I off (9) be (10) move

Tick (t/) the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. 1 After a great deal of hard work, he finally........... his ambitions. a got b realised c possessed d deserved 2 The review committee.......... three practising lawyers and a retired businessman. a consists b comprises c makes up d encloses 3 Don't worry: this is nothing that.......... you. a matters b entails c concerns d complicates 4 As always, I am.......... with everything you say. a agree b agreeing c agreeable d in agreement 5 I ...........doubt whether he will actually carry out his threats. a highly b deeply c absolutely d seriously 6 Her description closely ............that of a known criminal. a assembles b resembles c dissembles d reassembles 7 I .............hope there won't be a repetition of these unfortunate events. a deeply b strongly c sincerely d thoroughly 8 That voice sounds...........I'm sure I know her. a known b usual c familiar d remembered 9 He finally got the reward he so richly . ............. a owes b earns c deserves d justifies 10 I strongly ............that her current enthusiasm is not going to last. a think b conclude c speculate d suspect

(tick.) 1 b 2 b 3 C 4 d 5 d 6 b 7 C 8 C 9 C 10 d

Which sentence refers to a temporary situation? a That lamp sits on that table over there. b You're sitting in my seat. 2 Which activity is probably not completed? a I've been writing this essay all evening. b I've written to him asking for an appointment. 3 Which is a gradual process? a The increase in traffic noise is becoming a real nuisance. b John becomes President of Oxford Rotary Club in July. 4 Which would you say when you look out of the window early one morning? a It's been raining. b It was raining. 5 Which is a more certain plan? a I was thinking of spending the weekend at my sister's. b I'm planning to spend the weekend at my sister's. 6 You saw a colleague waiting for a bus on your way to work. Which would you say to your other colleagues when you get to the office to explain why she was there? a She might have gone to see her dentist. b She might have been going to see her dentist.

(tick:) 1 b 2 a 3 a 4 a 5 b 6 b

0 In the following pairs of sentences decide if one or both are acceptable. Tick (./) those that are and put a cross (X) by those that are not. Example: I'm owning over 200 CDs.)( I own over 200 CDs . ./ 1 a I'm not liking ice-cream. b I don't like ice-cream. 2 a The verdict depends on whether the jury believed the key witness. b The verdict is depending on whether the jury believed the key witness. 3 a I can see somebody moving in the trees over there. b I keep seeing somebody moving in the trees over there. 4 a He is believing that aliens kidnapped his daughter. b He believes that aliens kidnapped his daughter. 5 a She has a baby boy b She's having a baby boy. 6 a Are you still feeling sick? b Do you still feel sick? 7 a I've been thinking about you for some time. b I think about you all the time. 8 a This box is containing all the relevant documents. b This box contains all the relevant documents. 9 a He's an idiot. b He's being an idiot. 10 a I need a holiday b I'm needing a holiday

0 aX b ./ 2 a./ bX 3 a./ b ./ 4 aX b ./ 5 a./ b ./ 6 a./ b ./ 7 a./ b ./ 8 ax b ./ 9 a./ b ./ 10 a./ bX

0 Tick ( ,/) the sentences that are correct. Correct those that are not. 1 Do you think Vicky's always known the truth about us? 2 That's been the second time you've forgotten to post something for me. 3 I haven't seen Peter since he begins seeing his new girlfriend. 4 Ever since we met, you never asked me what I prefer to do. 5 In all ~y life, I never spoke to someone who is quite -~J so stupid. (f) ~\ 6 I don't think Paul and Carol have seen much / cJv/ · of each other of late. ,.t..._: 7 This is the only occasion that I've seen him wearing a tie. 8 Since he's lived here, he was usually extremely friendly. 9 They'll join us after they'll get a bite to eat. 10 He says he hasn't yet come to a final decision.

0 1 ,I 2 That's the second time you've forgotten to post something for me. 3 I haven't seen Peter since he began seeing his new girlfriend. 4 Ever since we met, you have I you've never asked me what I prefer to do. 5 In all my life, I have I I've never spoken to someone I anyone who is quite so stupid. 6 ,I 7 ./ 8 Since he's lived here, he has I he's usually been extremely friendly. 9 They'll join us after they get I 've got I 've had a bite to eat. 10 ,/

(0 After I'd finished teaching earlier that morning,) He told me that 2 I asked him 3 He explained how a young man 4 John had immediately assumed 5 So, before the young man had had a chance to say anything, 6 John, who was in a terrible hurry, then left the man to it, 7 It wasn't until he returned ten minutes later 8 He was actually a school inspector a and had come to ensure that the school was run efficiently. b he had made a terrible mistake. c that he wanted to enrol as a student. d had come to reception. e that the man was able to explain there had been a misunderstanding. f what had happened. g John had given him an application form. h wondering why he looked so puzzled. (i I found John standing outside my classroom.)

0 lb 2 f 3d 4c 5 g 6 h 7e 8a

2 Fill each of the numbered blanks with one suitable word. Many towns and cities around the world (11)............... up a particular image or memory as soon as they are mentioned, whether it is due to a catastrophic earthquake that shattered it, an aeroplane that came down just outside it, or a madman with a gun (12)............... amok through the streets in the dim and (13)............... past. Glastonbury now (14) ...............this group. 'Have you been to Glastonbury?' will rarely be a query as to whether you have (15)............... passed through the town on your travels. Almost certainly it will be a reference to the twenty-odd-year-old Festival of Music whose home it is. What is (16) ...............to in the media as 'an instant town the size of Oxford' appears there for three days in late June and (17)............... inhabited by around 100,000 people, most of whom will have (18)............... up to £100 a ticket for the privilege. In the last year or so, a sometimes quite heated argument has (19)............... out along the lines of 'Are you too old for Glastonbury?' As we milled yesterday amongst the crowds, opinion seemed evenly divided. Never (20) ...............been to such a festival before, seventeen-year-old Nathalie Worsnip failed to see why forty-somethings who (21)............... had their day should spoil things for people like her who (22)............... going to Glastonbury for the first time. She suspected the former would be '(23)............... like mad for middle- aged has-beens' and ignore up-and-cominq young bands who had (24) ...............to break into the big time. On the other hand, reformed hippie and university lecturer, David Stone, pointed out that it was his generation who had (25) Glastonbury on the map.

1 at home until a week has 2 we arrive (there) he will I he'll almost certainly have 3 has had (any) I has been in contact with Loukas for over 4 to meet a more infuriating person than Theo

1 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given. Example: Who is the organiser of this event? running Who .is r!c{rtt1ing this event? 1 It's only after a week that you begin to feel relaxed here. home You won't begin to feel ........ gone by. 2 He's almost certain to leave before we get there. arrive By the time .................... left. 3 Loukas was last heard of over a week ago. contact Nobody .......... a week. 4 Theo is the most infuriating person I've ever met. more I've yet.......... Theo. 5 Never before have I seen children who are so well-behaved. such This is ....................well-behaved children. 6 This type of car used to sell very well before they started producing the more modern 306. less Since they started producing the more modern 306 ........... well. 7 It appears we have received the wrong information. sent We ..........the wrong information. 8 It looks as if we made a mistake on our order form. filled We seem........... incorrectly. 9 The ministers were clearly felt by the president not to have acted swiftly enough. opinion The President was clearly .......................... acted swiftly enough. 10 I'm glad we managed to get out of there: it was hell. made I'm glad we................... there: it was hell.

1 at home until a week has 2 we arrive (there) he will I he'll almost certainly have 3 has had (any) I has been in contact with Loukas for over 4 to meet a more infuriating person than Theo 5 the first time I've seen such 6 this type of car has been selling less 7 appear to have been sent 8 to have filled in/out our order form 9 of the opinion the ministers had not 10 made it out of

The following sentences contain collocations connected with 'time'. Put one of the given words in each of the sentences. surely next time-consuming kill matter twinkling nick immemorial long-standing time 1 Let's leave it at that for the being and continue tomorrow. 2 Slowly but the band is becoming more and more popular. 3 In the of an eye the swindler had vanished, never to return. 4 In to no time they had become the best of friends. 5 The Whittington family have lived there since time . 6 I arrived in the of time to prevent a potential disaster. 7 I wandered around the city centre to time before my appointment. 8 Cooking good French food can be a very . job. 9 They had a agreement to keep each other fully informed of developments. 10 In a of minutes the whole building had been razed to the ground.

1 time 2 surely 3 twinkling 4 next 5 immemorial 6 nick 7 kill 8 time-consuming 9 long-standing IO matter

O Think of one word only which can "'1lf) be used appropriately in all three sentences. In this exercise, many of the collocations are connected with 'time'. Example: For four years ..... the team won the European Cup. The film contained a .... joke about the main character's digestive disorder. We'd better hurry because we're ..... a bit late. running 1 My watch is several minutes a day. The car in second place is on the leader. I think that the chances of our access to such sensitive information are slim. 2 The performance will start on time. The race was declared a heat. I was awoken in the of night by a strange noise from outside. 3 The winning goal was scored in the........... seconds of the game. I've been.......... to meet you for ages. Throughout the world, many minority languages are in danger of ..........out completely. 4 I'm sure such practices were common in the ........... and distant past. The judge took a ..........view of her excuses. I'm afraid I have only a ..........recollection of the events. 5 Early evening is normally considered ..........viewing time by television bosses. As a singer, she is at the ..........of her career. As this is.......... season, I'm afraid flights are difficult to find. 6 I think it's important to.......... this meeting for future reference. Please let me know the.......... she arrives. The director asked to be kept up to the on any major developments. 7 A heated debate has ..........out in the media about corruption in high places. She comes from a.......... home but has never been worried about only seeing one parent at a time. I had a night of very............ sleep and am consequently feeling a bit slow this morning.

1) gaining (2) dead (3) dying (4) dim (5) peak (6) minute (7) broken

Cross out and correct eight errors in this extract from a composition. A ninth error has already been corrected. <dii11: Dear Sir I had recently been on a two-week. holiday with your company to the island of Thassos. I am sorry to have said say that it was the worst holiday I've ever had. Over the years I went on many holidays to Greece, a country I have now come to know quite well. I think I can safely say that, until this year, all of those holidays we.re wonderful. For example I have once spent six weeks on Crete, which I had not visited before. I had loved that holiday so much that I returned every spring for the last four years. This year, however, was different. I honestly consider this to had been the worst holiday of my life. This is not the fault of Thassos: the fault lies entirely with your company whose inability to organise the simplest thing is quite unbelievable. As both the outward and return flights have been delayed for several hours, there was nobody to meet us at the airport or transfer us to our hotel, and when we eventually did reach the hotel, we discovered it had been built over a mile from the beach. Reading your brochure carefully, we feel this was not what we have expected.

I had recently = I have recently I went= I have I I've been I have once spent = I once spent I had loved = I loved I returned = I have returned to had been = to have been have been delayed = were delayed we have expected = we expected I we had expected

2 Fill each of the blanks with a suitable word or phrase. EXAMPLE: As soon as he saw what had happened, he switched off the electricity. a When I started working for this company, I ....... an architect for six years. b She'd .........studying marine biology but she finally decided on geography. c They . .. .. .. . on the road for a mere five minutes when they had a puncture. d I don't recall in such a situation before. e My intention is .. ..finished my studies by June.

a had been (working/training as) b been thinking of ( or: toying with the idea of) c had been d having been I being e to have

3 Fill each of the blanks with a suitable word or phrase. EXAMPLE: I have been writing this composition all evening. a What .. .. ..... doing with yourself over the last couple of days? b I to fix the engine all morning, but finally had to admit defeat. c Next summer, I living here for ten years. d He claimed to meaning to tell me about it but somehow forgot. e I was asking her if she'd like to come to the races on Saturday.

a have you been b was trying I had been trying c will have been d have been e thinking of (or: toying with the idea of)

Put the verbs in brackets into a suitable form. EXAMPLE: This {be) the first time I've had to work all through the night. This is tht first time I've had to work all through the night. a Most of us have been salesmen since we (leave) university. b I (stay) with friends for the last few weeks while I try to find a flat. c That's the first time I (ever get) really angry with him. d We'll make the final decision when we (all finish) reading the report. e I've yet (see) a better player than Michael Owen in this competition.

a left b have been staying c have ever got d have all finished I all finish e to see.

Which of the points in this Section do these examples illustrate? 1 'How did you become a teacher?' T d intended to be an actor, but things didn't work out.' 2 I turned on the computer, but before I had managed to log on there was a power cut. 3 After he told me what he wanted, we talked about the plans for the next day. 4 The exhibition will have finished by the time I get around to seeing it. 5 They appear to have accepted most of your terms.

check 1 unfulfilled plan 2 Past Perfect with before 3 obvious time sequence: use Past Perfect or Past Simple 4 Future Perfect with by the time 5 appear + Perfect infinitive

Correct these sentences. 1 It's the third time he missed a meeting. 2 As soon as he will finish, he's going home. 3 This is the best lasagne I ever have. 4 Since we've known each other, he always shows impeccable manners. 5 Since I've met her, I've never seen her lose her temper.

check I It's the third time he has I he's missed a meeting. 2 As soon as he finishes ( or: has finished), he's going home. 3 This is the best lasagne I have I I've ever had. 4 Since we've known each other, he has I he's always shown impeccable manners. ; Since I met her, I've never seen her lose her temper.

Correct any sentences that are unacceptable. By the time he is fifty, he will live in this country for half his life. 2 It's a surprise party and they won't know anything about it until they got here. 3 They're probably planning a quiet evening together; I know they won't have guessed what we're doing. 4 The other seventy guests should be arrived before Mikis and Maria get here. 5 By the time we will have finished, everybody will have eaten and drunk as much as they can.

e By the time he is fifty, he will have lived/will have been living in this country for half his life. 2 It's a surprise party and they won't know anything about it until they get here. 3 Correct 4 The other seventy guests should have arrived I should arrive before Mi.kis and Maria get here. By the time we have finished, everybody will have eaten and drunk as much as they can.

Example: All the best things will have gone if we don't get to the sale soon. I was really happy when they announced . . . .. . . . . .decided to get married. 2 She proceeded to fix the faulty wiring, having first .. . . .. . . . . . . been switched off. 3 It wasn't until he mentioned the conference that I . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .met before. 4 By next Christmas we .. . . .. . . . . . decorating the house. 5 He is planning. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . completed all his coursework by next week. 6 It's six o'clock: I imagine they ........ . . .. . . . . ...... for the airport by now. 7 The suspect is believed .. . . .. . . . . .fled the country. 8 After he had lost his glasses, he . .. . . .. . . . . ..... but to buy another pair.

l (that) they had 2 checked I made sure that the electricity had 3 realised I remembered (that) we had 4 will I shall I '11 have finished 5 to have 6 will have left I will be heading 7 co have 8 had no alternative I option I choice

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given. 1 It's almost a year since I stopped smoking. up I ....................................................... . ago. 2 Nobody has had sight of the boat for two days. last The boat .... .................... . . .. two days ago. 3 Immediately we finish this, we'll join you. minute We'll......................................................finished this. 4 Bergkamp's goal is the most extraordinary I've ever seen. yet I've........................... an extraordinary goal as Bergkamp's.

l gave up smoking almost a year 2 was last seen 3 join you the minute we have 4 yet to see such

Complete these sentences using the words given. Example: By the time we/get there/ he/left. By the time we get there he will have left. 1 Helen is bound forgotten/ tomorrow I my birthday. 2 We reached the next town having hopelessly lost I than once. 3 Summer will practically be over by I time we I round to I a holiday. 4 Apparently, his explanation felt/been/ less than satisfactory. 5 Colin ought/phoned/now, surely? 6 Don't worry. Everyone forgotten all/ it I time you see them again.

l to have forgotten that tomorrow is my birthday. 2 having got I become hopelessly lost more than once. 3 by the time we get round to having I booking a holiday. 4 is I was felt to have been less than satisfactory. 5 ought to have phoned by now, surely? 6 will have forgotten all about it by the time you see them again.

0 Decide which word, a or b, collocates in these sentences. 1 I .......... agree with everything you said. a whole-heartedly b unconditionally 2 Doesn't time ..... when you're having fun? a move b fly 3 The leaders claimed the meeting had been . ......... a fruitful b prolific 4 Everyone got back safe and ...... after the storm. a soundly b sound 5 I think I've ..... weight since I stopped work. a accumulated b gained 6 They're building a new water .... plant on the coast. a cleaning b purification 7 House prices have ..... dramatically in recent months. a ascended b soared 8 The disgraced former minister has decided to ...........politics altogether. a desert b abandon

la 2b 3a 4b 5b 6b 7b Sb

Match the example sentences (1-5) with the explanations (a-e) of the uses of the Continuous. 1 I was going to try to finish this this evening. 2 I was wondering whether you'd thought of going to see that new film? 3 He was blinking rapidly in the unaccustomed sunlight. 4 I was thinking of meeting Suzette later. 5 I've been thinking a lot recently about your idea. a repeated action b plans you no longer have or are no longer sure about c vague future plans d polite suggestion e emphasising the continuing activity

lb 2d 3a 4c 5e

Tick (v') the most appropriate of the underlined words. She looks very pale. I think she'll I she's going to faint. 2 I'll I I'm going to do that for you, if you like. 3 I'll be I I'm going to be a rocket scientist when I grow up. 4 'Somebody's at the door.' Tll I I'm going to see who it is.' 5 I need to be home early today so I leave I am leaving at 4.00. 6 We'll be in plenty of time providing the traffic is not I won't be too bad. 7 She asked if I would I will be so kind as to give her a lift. 8 What sort of job do you think you will do I will be doing in a few years' time? 9 By the time you get back, all the food will have gone I will go. 10 The two Prime Ministers are to I shall discuss the current economic crisis.

tick:) 1 she's going to 2 I'll 3 I'm going to be 4 I'll 5 am leaving 6 is not 7 would 8 will be doing 9 will have gone 10 are to

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