Unit 1. People and Places

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*crime* /kraɪm/ commit a *crime* Crime is a problem in this area. The crime rate (number of crimes happening) here is very high. He did not commit this crime by himself. The crime of murder. A crime wave (a lot of crime happening all at the same time).

_________ is activity that is against the law. A crime is an action that someone does that is against the law.

*tax* /tæks/ Everyone thinks that taxes are too high. The government are going to increase taxes again. How much tax do you pay every year? The tax system is very difficult to understand.

_________ is part of the money that people earn which they have to give to the government.

*university* /ˌjuː.nɪˈvɜː.sə.ti/ go to *university* I want to go to university next year. She's studying engineering at university. A university student. She spent three years at Cambridge University.

_______________is a place where people can study after they leave school, usually when they are between 18 and 21 years old.

*money* /ˈmʌn.i/ I forgot to bring any money with me. Have you got enough money for the train ticket? How much money have you got? I like my job but I don't get much money for it. It costs a lot of money to fly to Australia. My old car isn't worth much money.

______________is the coins and bank notes that you can use to buy things.

*countryside* /ˈkʌn.tri.saɪd/ open *countryside* unspoilt *countryside* in the *countryside* Some beautiful open countryside (countryside where you can see things like rivers and trees and not buildings or roads). We sat on the train watching the countryside go by. I prefer living in the countryside.

_____________is land that is not in a city or town and where there are not many buildings.

*shopping* /ˈʃɒp.ɪŋ/ go *shopping* do the *shopping* There are lots of places to go shopping. We went shopping this morning. I hate shopping. I do the shopping on Saturday morning. A shopping centre (a place in a town with a lot of shops all in one building).

_____________is the activity of going to the shops to buy things.

*night* /naɪt/ I woke up in the middle of the night. It rained a lot during the night. We worked all through the night. The airport is closed at night. He died on Saturday night. He works nights (during the night rather than during the day).

_____________is the time when it is dark, between the afternoon and the morning.

*people* /ˈpiːpl/ The people at work are really nice. There are 15 people in my class. I met some interesting people in Poland. How many people live in New York? Two people rode past me on bikes. Six people were hurt in the accident. He's the nicest person I know.

____________are men, women, and children. The singular is person.

*traffic* /ˈtræf.ɪk/ heavy *traffic* a *traffic* jam *traffic* lights There's a lot of traffic in the city centre. The traffic was moving very slowly. A traffic jam (when there is so much traffic that people have to wait for long periods of time without moving). There is heavy traffic on the road coming into Hull. Traffic lights (red and green lights that make cars stop and then let them go in order to control the traffic).

____________is all the cars, vans, lorries etc. on the road at the same time.

*civil servant* She's an important civil servant in London. He worked as a civil servant for over thirty years. Do civil servants get paid a lot of money?

a ________ ____________ is someone who works for a government department. All the people and departments together are called the civil service.

*police officer* /pəˈliːs ˌɒfɪsər/ One police officer was hurt during the fighting. The police officer called for help. 20 police officers arrived at the bank.

a __________ _____________ is a man or woman who is in the police.

*shop assistant* /ˈʃɒp əˌsɪstənt/ He's a shop assistant in the supermarket. I had to wait five minutes before a shop assistant came to help to me. I worked for three years as a shop assistant. A helpful shop assistant. Luckily the shop assistant spoke English.

a __________ ______________ is a person who works in a shop and helps the customers.

*journalist* /ˈdʒɜː.nə.lɪst/ Journalists waited outside the building. A television journalist. She's a journalist who reports for the Times newspaper. My daughter wants to be a journalist. A sports journalist.

a _________________ is someone who writes for a newspaper or magazine, or who reports on the news on.

*part* /pɑːt/ Which part of Brazil do you live in? We have students from different parts of the world here. It's a nice part of town.

a________ of something is a particular piece or area of it.

*studio* /ˈstjuː.di.əʊ/ A design/film/television *studio* He works in a studio.

a__________ is a room or office where an artist, designer, or photographer works. A studio is also a place where they make films or television programmes.

*river* /ˈrɪv.ər/ The river goes through the city from east to west. I like swimming in the river. We have a boat on the river. We need to cross the river. A bridge over the river.

a___________ is a long stream of water that runs through a country and goes into the sea.

*waiter* /ˈweɪ.tər/ I worked as a waiter while I was a student. The waiter dropped a plate of food. The waiter asked us what we wanted to eat.

a____________ is a man who works in a cafe or restaurant and brings the food and drinks to the customers. A woman who does this job is called a waitress. Some people use the word waitperson, which can mean a man or a woman doing this job.

*place* /pleɪs/ This is a good place to live. What sort of place is Cardiff? This would be a good place to build a hospital. Criccieth is a nice place for a holiday.

a____________ is a town or city, or a particular area or building in a town or city.

*nurse* /nɜːs/ I've always wanted to be a nurse. He's a nurse at the local hospital. The nurse gave him his medicine. The nurse came to take my temperature.

a_____________ is someone whose job is to look after people who are ill, especially in a hospital.

*church* /tʃɜːtʃ/ a *church* service go to *church* We go to church every Sunday. There's a church at the end of our street. A church service (a regular event at a church, usually on a Sunday). We wanted to get married in a church.

a______________ is a building where Christians go to pray to God, especially on Sundays.

*cathedral* /kəˈθiː.drəl/ There are two cathedrals in Liverpool. A beautiful cathedral. The cathedral is 700 years old.

a______________ is a very big and important church.

*beach* /biːtʃ/ play on a *beach* sit on a *beach* A nice sandy beach. The children were playing on the beach. We spent the day on the beach. There are some lovely beaches near here.

a______________ is the land at the edge of the sea

*factory* /ˈfæk.tər.i/ My dad works in a factory. I'm going to get a job in factory. A car factory. A shoe factory.

a_______________ is a big building where things such as cars and machines are made.

*mosque* /mɒsk/ There's a beautiful mosque in the town centre. You have to take off your shoes before you go into the mosque. Masjid-ul-Haram, near Mecca, is the largest mosque in the world.

a________________ is a building where Muslims go to pray to Allah.

*workplace* /ˈwɜːk.pleɪs/ An accident in the workplace. We need to provide a safe workplace.

a________________ is somewhere such as a factory or office where people work.

*museum* /mjuːˈziː.əm/ The Science Museum The Museum of Modern Art The Louvre is a famous museum in Paris The museum is free (you don't have to pay to get in). We spent an hour in the museum.

a__________________ is a building where people can go and look at interesting things connected with art, history, science etc.

*businessman* /ˈbɪz.nɪs.mən/ a successful *businessman* A very successful businessman. He's a rich businessman.

a__________________ is a man who has an important job in a company or who owns his own company.

*area* /ˈeəriə/ The Lake District is a beautiful area. It's a nice area to live in. There are lots of theatres in this area of the city. Chelsea is a fashionable area of London. I've lived in this area all my life. My brother moved into the area last year (started to live there).

an______ is part of a country or place.

*airport* /ˈeə.pɔːt/ a busy *airport* The plane landed two hours late at the airport. The airport employs over 2,000 people. Heathrow is one of the busiest airports in the world.

an_________ is a place where planes take off (go into the air) and land (come down onto the ground).

*office* /ˈɒf.ɪs/ An open plan office (where there are lots of people working in the same big room). My office is on the second floor. A big office block (a building full of offices). I don't want to work in an office.

an______________ is a building or a room where people work, usually sitting at desks.

*quiet* /ˈkwaɪ.ət/ We spent a quiet evening at home. I go shopping on Tuesday mornings when it's quiet. A quiet village in the country. The town centre is always quiet on Sundays.

if a place is________, there are not many people there and not much is happening.

*hot* /hɒt/ It gets very hot in Milan in August. It's really hot in here. I can't have a bath because there isn't any hot water. I need a hot drink. It was very hot out in the sun. Don't touch the plate - it's very hot. Opposite - Adjective: cold

if something is_____, the temperature is very high, for example because the sun is very strong or because you have a heater on.

*interesting* /ˈɪn.trəs.tɪŋ/ I watched an interesting programme on TV last night This is an interesting book. She has a very interesting job. We met lots of interesting people in Canada. That's an interesting idea. It sounds like an interesting holiday. Opposite - Adjective boring

if something is_______________, you would like to see more of it or know more about it.

*busy* /ˈbɪz.i/ He restaurant gets very busy on Friday evenings. A busy airport. A busy town centre. I've had a very busy week. I was so busy I didn't even stop for lunch. She was too busy to answer my email.

if somewhere is____________, there is a lot of activity and a lot of people there. If you are busy, you have a lot of things to do and do not have any time to relax.

*different* /ˈdɪfr.ənt/ *different* from something or someone I want a different job. My brother and I go to different schools. I work for a different company now. The boys had the same colour hair but different colour eyes. This one is broken - can you get me a different one?

if two things or people are______________, they are not the same.

*go out* Do you want to go out? We went out three times last week. I can't afford to go out tonight. Let's go out. They went out for a meal.

if you __ _____somewhere, you go to somewhere like a restaurant or cinema to have a nice time.

*work long hours* I enjoy the job, but I have to work long hours. I did long hours when I started work as a doctor.

if you _____ _____ _______, you spend a long time at work every day.

*late* /leɪt/ *late* for something I'm going to be late for school if the bus doesn't come soon. Hurry up or you'll be late. I'm sorry I'm late. We got there ten minutes late. She was too late - the train had already left. Opposite - Adjective: early

if you are__________, you arrive somewhere after you are meant to be there, or after something has already started there.

*nice* /naɪs/ There's a nice café near here. She's a nice person. We had a nice meal at a restaurant. This is a nice place to live. He always wears nice clothes. The soup tastes nice.

if you say that something or someone is, you mean that you like them and think they are good or pleasant.

*know* /nəʊ/ Do you know when the film starts? Nobody knows where they went. I know how to make bread. Do you know who is the president of France?

if you________ something, a fact or some information is in your head.

*want* /wɒnt/ Do you want a drink? She wanted a new car. I want to buy another jacket. He wants to become a police officer.

if you________ something, you do not have it but would like to have it, for example because you think you need it.

*visit* /ˈvɪz.ɪt/ A lot of people visit Stratford in the summer. We visited the cathedral in the afternoon. We're going to visit friends in New York. My grandparents come to visit every Christmas.

if you_________ a place, you go there and spend some time there. If you visit a person, you go to where they live or work and spend some time with them.

*relax* /rɪˈlæks/ I walk in the park to relax. Listening to music helps me relax. You must be tired - sit down and relax. I've got so much to do I can't relax. Try to relax.

if you___________, you do not work or do anything difficult, but do things you enjoy that do not need much effort.

*work* /wɜːk/ *work* hard She works in New York. I work in a bank. Over 20 people work in my office. Where do you work? He worked in a restaurant every evening.

if you___________, you have a job and get money for it.

*enjoy* /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ *enjoy* doing something Do you enjoy your job? I don't enjoy working here. She enjoys playing sport. I never enjoy shopping. I hope you enjoy your meal. Did you enjoy your holiday?

if you_______________ something, you like it when it is happening and it makes you happy.

*job* /dʒɒb/ He got a job in a factory. Do you enjoy your job? It's a very boring job. I don't want an office job. She found a job as soon as she left school.

someone's _______ is the work that they do every day in order to earn money.

*local* /ˈləʊ.kəl/ A civil servant in a local government office (the government of a town rather than a country). I work for a local newspaper. Our local football team is doing very well.

something that is happens or exists inside a small area close to where you are, rather than all over the country.

*safe* /seɪf/ *safe* to do something It's a safe area - I walk everywhere, even at night. Is it safe to ride a bike on the streets here? I didn't feel safe on my own in a foreign city. They said it was safe to swim in the sea here.

something that is______ is not dangerous and will not hurt people or do any damage.

*cheap* /tʃiːp/ A cheap hotel. Tickets for the concert were quite cheap. A shop selling cheap clothes. I only bought it because it was cheap. I bought a cheap watch which broke after a week. Opposite - Adjective: expensive

something that is_________ does not cost very much money.

*dirty* /ˈdɜː.ti/ Leave your dirty shoes by the door. His shirt was dirty. Wash the dirty plates. A dirty towel. Don't get your clothes dirty. Opposite - Adjective: clean

something that is_________ has dirt or dust on it and is not clean.

*easy* My job isn't easy, but I enjoy it. The English exam was so easy. It's very easy to find the cinema. An easy question.

something that is__________ is not difficult, and you can do it without much effort.

*boring* My job is really boring. The film was so boring we left before the end. The most boring book I've ever read. He's the most boring teacher in the whole school. Opposite - Adjective: interesting

something that is__________ is not interesting at all.

*become* /bɪˈkʌm/ He wants to become a police officer My brother hopes to become a pilot The weather became very cold last week He became a member of the tennis club

to____________ something means to start to be it.

*north* /nɔːθ/ The city is in the north of the country. Carlisle is in the north of England.

the__________ is the direction towards the top of a map.

*west* /west/ The city is in the west of the country. Bristol is in the west of England.

the__________ is the direction where the sun goes away in the evening.

*south* /saʊθ/ The city is in the south of the country. Brighton is in the south of England.

the___________ is the direction towards the bottom of a map.

*east* /iːst/ The city is in the east of the country. Norwich is in the east of England.

the___________ is the direction where the sun appears in the morning.

*middle* /ˈmɪd.l/ Birmingham is in the middle of England. There's a hole in the middle of my hat. The cathedral is in the middle of the city. We planted a tree in the middle of the garden.

the___________ of somewhere is the place that is the furthest from all the edges, in the centre.

*capital* /ˈkæp.ɪ.təl/ I'm from Mexico City, the capital. Tokyo is the capital of Japan.

the____________ or capital city of a country is the most important city, where the government is.

*government* /ˈɡʌv.ən.mənt/ I don't want the government to raise taxes. The government is going to cut the number of policemen. The government is spending too much money at the moment. Can the government make people happier? The local government (that works in a town or region, not the whole country).

the_______________ is the group of people who are in charge of a country or region.

*go to bed* When do you go to bed? I went to bed at 11 last night. He was tired and decided to go to bed early. I don't want to go to bed yet. My dad wouldn't go to bed until after I came home.

when you ___ ___ ______, you get into bed in order to sleep for the night.

*get up* What time do you get up? I got up late this morning. She got up at 6:30. I hate getting up in the dark in winter. We get up late at weekends. I've got to get up early tomorrow.

when you _____ ___ , you get out of bed after you have finished sleeping.

*speak* /spiːk/ *speak* to someone How many languages can you speak? He speaks English with a German accent. She speaks very good Italian. An you speak more slowly please? The teacher wanted to speak to me after the lesson.

when you__________, you say words that people can hear and understand. if you can speak a particular language, you know enough of its words and grammar to be able to talk to other people who know that language.

*free time* I like to go to the gym in my free time. Doctors don't get much free time. I'll have some free time to come swimming at the weekend. How do you spend your free time?

your ______ _________ is the time when you do not have to work at your job or do school work.

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