Unit 1/2

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Medicaid is:

Federally and State funded but state regulated.

Deception that could cause harm to another person.


The branch of medicine that focuses on health care of the elderly.


To insure the patient's privacy.


How would you best define "professionalism"?

Having a professional attitude

Made up of many people with different types of knowledge and skill levels.

Health care team

One reason that the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was created is to

Help keep health information private and secure

Which of the following is a typical task that an NA performs?

Helping residents with toileting needs

Which of the following healthcare settings is for people who will die in six months?


A patient has certain rights. Some are guaranteed by federal law, such as the right to get a copy of your medical records, and the right to keep them private, etc.

Patient rights

A branch of medical care that deals with the medical care of infants, children and adolescents.


Training to help people with speech and language problems to speak more clearly. Also helps with learning to swallow.

Speech Therapist

Outlines the nursing care to be provided to a patient.

Care plan

The ______ is created for each resident and outlines the steps and tasks the care team must perform.

Care plan

What does DON stand for?

Director of Nursing

How long do you have to certify after completing CNA training?

1 year

Medicare is

A health insurance program for people who are 65 or older or younger people who are disabled and ill

Which of the following is NOT a type of health care organization?

A hostel (a hospital, an assisted-living facility, a sub-acute care unit)

What is a mandated reporter?

A person who is legally required to report suspected or observed abuse

Which care team member assigns tasks and supervises daily care of residents in a long-term care facility?

A registered nurse

The Minimum Data Set is

A resident assessment form used in all facilities that is required by OBRA

Which of the following does the competency evaluation include?

A skills test

The government agency that oversees the welfare of the Elderly is?


The repetitive and deliberate infliction of injury on another person.


Allegation of substantiated patient neglect, abuse or misappropriation of property by a CNA.

Abuse Registry

Where a patient receives active but short-term treatment for a severe injury or episode of illness.

Acute care

Government agency that oversees the welfare of the Elderly.

Adult Protective Services

What are typical duties of an ombudsman?

An ombudsman advocates for residents and helps settle disputes.

Provides care for people who are able to provide most of their own care but need limited help with medications, transportation, meals, and housekeeping.

Assisted living

Which of the following is an example of a duty that nursing assistants generally perform?

Bathing residents

Britt, a nursing assistant, has been under a lot of pressure in his personal life and knows he has not been treating residents as kindly as he should. Mrs. Victor, a resident, tells him she has had enough of his rude behavior and want to talk to his supervisor. Which of the following is the best response?

Britt apologizes, politely tells Mrs. Vector he will let his supervisor know, and then does so.

What is one possible benefit of adult day services?

Caregivers like spouses or adult children can have a break, which allows them to provide better care overall.

Grants recognition to individuals who have met certain qualifications by the state.


Used to describe a disorder that is ongoing and often needs to be controlled through continuous medication or treatment.


Which of the following terms means that a condition lasts a long period of time, even over a lifetime?


Making untrue statements that hurt another person's reputation.


To authorize another person to perform a task on your behalf.


Cabinet-level department of the U.S federal government with the goal of protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services.

Department of Health

Which of the following is an example of an advance directive?

Durable Power of Attorney of Health Care

Moral principles or standards that govern conduct.


Where is long-term care offered:

In skilled nursing facilities

Why is the evaluation step important to the nursing process?

It helps the healthcare team know if goals are being met and the care plan is working.

What is abuse?

It is consciously causing injury to another person.

A list of the general tasks, or functions, and responsibilities of a position.

Job description

A professional relationship between an NA and a resident includes:

Keeping resident information confidential

Being responsible for something, especially by law.


A variety of services which help meet both the medical and non-medical need of people with a chronic illness or disability who cannot care for themselves.

Long Term Care

A federally funded and state-regulated plan designed to help people with low incomes to pay for health care.


Practices the ancient profession of medicine, which is concerned with maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease or injury.

Medical Doctor

Which of the following health care team members are licensed professionals who delegate jobs to nursing assistants?


Consists of an RN, LPN, and CNA.

Nursing Team

Which of the following is a common policy at most long-term care facilities?

Nursing assistants must only perform tasks assigned in a resident's care plan.

Which of the following is a requirement of OBRA?

Nursing assistants must pass a state written and skills exam

An act passed in 1987 to improve the quality of life for people who live in long-term care facilities by making sure that residents receive a certain standard of care.


Which of the following organizations or acts provides guidelines protecting residents' rights?

Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA)

Alanna works at a facility where person-directed care is a key value. During admission Mrs. Ocampo, a new resident, tells her how much she loves gardening and how much she will miss the garden she had at home. What might Alanna do to reflect the values of person-directed care?

Point out the window boxes and flower pots other residents have in their room and assure Mrs. Ocampo that she can get some, too.

An example of ethical behavior by a nursing assistant (NA) is

Protecting a resident's privacy

Long term care residents should be given the same value, respect, and opportunities - the same rights - that an individual enjoys in the larger community.

Resident rights

__________are an ethical code of conduct for healthcare workers that relate to how residents must be treated while living in a facility.

Residents' Rights

Someone who cares for patient that have trouble breathing.

Respiratory Therapist

What you are legally able to do under your job description.

Scope of practice

Dr. Ryvnine is new at The Oaks long-term care facility. She asks Cecilia, a nursing assistant, to change a sterile dressing. How should Cecilia respond?

She should politely tell Dr. Ryvnine that she is not trained or allowed to change sterile dressings.

Which of the following is an example of physical abuse?

Shoving a resident

Demonstrating selected skills learned in the training program.

Skills Exam

Work carried out by trained personnel with the aim of alleviating the conditions of those in need of help or welfare.

Social Worker

Which of the following is the best way for a nursing assistant to keep residents' health information confidential?

Store, file, or shred documents according to facility policy

Regular inspections performed in facilities to make sure they are following state and federal regulations are called


Which one of the following could be considered psychological abuse?

Teasing a person in a cruel way

Illness or condition from which recovery is not expected.

Terminally ill

Jane is a nursing assistant. A resident's son angrily complains to her that his mother hasn't received her medications yet today. Jane's facility does not allow NAs to give medications. Which of the following would be the best response for Jane to tell the son?

That she will locate the nurse and report the situation

What is one reason why reporting a resident's changes and problems to the nurse is a very important role of the nursing assistant?

The care plan must be updated as the resident's condition changes

A resident with dementia hits a nursing assistant and curses at her. The nursing assistant responds by hitting the resident. What could happen to the nursing assistant?

The nursing assistant could lose his or her job and all chances of future employment in the health care field.

Which organization typically investigates charges of abuse against nursing assistants?

Utah Nursing Assistant Registry (UNAR)


Willful infliction of harm.

You allow Mrs. Lowenstein to read in bed before turning out the lights. What does this say about your attitude?

You are caring and compassionate toward your residents.

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