Unit 15

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flat end; directed superior


foot bones


forms the remaining one third of the acetabulum and sends off an inferior process - the ischial ramus


largest portion of the coxal bone is the large crest


lateral bone - articulates with the tibia at the proximal end and talus at the distal end

greater trochanter

lateral, larger

coxal bones

left and right; articulate with the sacrum posteriorly and with each other anteriorly via the pubic symphysis (symphysis pubis).

auricular surface

located at posterior of internal surface; site of articulation with auricular surface of sacrum

lesser sciatic notch

small notch located between ischial spine and ischial tuberosity

lateral and medial epicondyles

small processes located superior and lateral to condyles; serve as attachment sites for supporting ligaments of knee

intertrochanteric line

small ridge connecting greater and lesser trochanters on anterior side

patellar surface

smooth depression just superior to condyles on anterior surface; articular site for patella


smooth depressions on posterior surface; articulate with condyles of femur; lateral articular surface - larger; medial articular surface - smaller;


the only bone of the thigh. long, heavy bone that articulates with the acetabulum of the coxal bone to form the coxal, or hip, joint, and with the tibia and patella to form the knee joint

Surface Anatomy of the Femur

1) find the middle of the iliac crest and move your fingers about 4 to 5 inches distally to find the greater trochanter 2) with your knee bent, place your finger on your patella. now move your finger laterally to find the lateral epicondyle 3) place your finger back on the patella and move it medially to find the medial epicondyle. the medial epicondyle is located deep to the sartorial muscle and is more difficult to palpate

Surface natomy of the ilium

1) iliac crests are the structures that you hang your belt on. they are easy to palpate as no muscles cross over the crest 2) place your hands on your hips and feel along the iliac crest anteriorly until you come come to the anterior superior iliac spine 3) the posterior superior iliac spines lie under the dimples along the midline of your lower back

coxal bone three bones

1) ilium 2) ischium 3) pubis

Surface Anatomy of Phalanges

1) palpate your heel - the calcaneus 2) palpate the arch of your foot and feel the individual metatarsal bones. the base of the fifth metatarsal forms an easily palpable bump at the posteriolateral edge of the arch

bones of the foot

1) tarsals 2) metatarsals 3) Phalanges

Surface anatomy of Tibia

1) which your knee flexed, place your thumbs on either side of the patella. move your thumbs distally. feel condyles of femur then a soft spot that represents joint capsule of the knee. distal to this, you will feel anterior edges of tiial condyles 2) keeping knee fluxed, place finger on patella and move it distally along the midline. Immediately below patella, you will feel soft patellar ligament. as you continue to move distally , you'll palpate a prominent bump - the tibial tuberosity 3) continue down the tibia to fined the anterior border of the shaft - your shin 4 place your finger on the medial bump of your ankle this is the medial mallelus

Surface Anatomy of fibula

1) with your knee flexed, place your thumb on your patella and move it laterally. you will feel the lateral condyle of the femur. move your thumb distally to find a soft spot that represents the joint capsule of the fibula 2) place your finger on the later "bump" of your ankle. this is the lateral malleolus


ankle bones

pubic crest

anterior expansion of superior pubic ramus; pubic crests from right and left coxal bones articulate via pad of firbrocartilage called pubic symphysis

anterior border (crest)

anterior surface of hsaft that forms a crew; your "shin"

ischial ramus

articulates with inferior rams of pubis

anterior border

as in tibia, anterior surface of shaft forms a crest




body of the pubs is a component of the acetabulum


constricted region located between head and trochanters

intercondylar fossa

deep notch between condyles on posterior surface


deep socket on lateral surface of coxal bone; each individual bone of coxal bone contributes about 1/3 to acetabulum; site of articulation with femur

lower appendage

divided into the thigh, leg and foot

lateral malleolus

inferiorly directed projection from lateral side of distal end

medial malleolus

inferiorly directed projection on medial side of distal end


is that portion located distal to the keen and terminates in the foot


kneecap articulates with the femur and forms part of the knee joint

head of fibula

knobby proximal end; articulates with tibia

lateral and medial condyles of tibia

large articular processes at proximal end; articulate with condyles of femur

greater sciatic notch

large notch located between posterior inferior iliac spine and ischial spine;allows passage for sciatic nerve

iliac tuberosity

large, roughened area immediately posterior to auricular surface; attachment site for ligaments that stabilize sacroiliac joint

ischial tuberosity

large, roughened projection at poster-inferior eye of ischium

head of femur

large, round, smooth articulating surface at proximal end; articulates with acetabulum of coxal bone

lateral and medial condyles

large, rounded processes that articulate with condyles of tibia to form knee joint; condyles are directed posteriorly


long slender bone that does not articulate with the femur; not a weight bearing bone. the head of the fibula articulates with the tibia just inferior to the lateral condyle of the tibia

appendicular skeleton

made up of the pelvic girdle and the lower appendages.


medial bone that articulates with the femur and the fibula at its proximal end and talus at distal end

Anterior row bones

medial cuneiform intermediate (middle) cuneiform lateral cuneiform cuboid

lesser trochanter

medial, smaller; inferior to head


middle row bone

obturator foramen

opening formed by fusion of pubic and ischial rami

fovea capitis

pit at center of head; attachment site for ligament between femur and acetabulum

Right/left femur

place the femora on your own thigh with the head facing medial and the patellar surface facing anterior

Right/left fibula

place the fibula on the lateral side of your own leg with the head proximal, anterior border facing anterior and lateral malleolus on the lateral side

right/left patella

place the patella with the apex pointing inferior and the larger, lateral facet facing posterior

Right or left tibia

place tibia on medial side of own leg w/ tibial tuberosity facing anterior and the medial malleolus on the medial side


pointed end; directed inferior


portion of the lower limb located superior to the knee


posterior row of tarsal bones; articulates with tibia and fibula to for ankle joint


posterior row; largest tarsal bone; forms heel; attachment site for strong flexor muscles of leg via clacaneal (achilles) tendon

intercodylar eminence

projection between condyles; attachment site for cruciate ligaments of knee joint

iliac spine

projections located immediately inferior to superior iliac spines

inferior pubic ramus

projects inferiorly from pubic crest and fuses with ischial ramus

superior pubic ramus

projects posterio-superiorly from pubis

intertrochanteric crest

prominent ridge connecting greater and lesser trochanters on posterior aspect

tibial tuberosity

prominent tuberosity located just distal to condyles on anterior surface along midline; attachment site for patellar ligament

base of metatarsals

proximal end; articulate w/ anterior row of tarsals

ischial spine

sharp process located immediately superior to ischial tuberosity

pelvic girdle

specialized set of bones that function to attach the lower appendage onto the axial skeleton and provide an attachment site for the muscles of the lower appendages

iliac crest

superior ridge of ilium; runs between anterior superior iliac spine and posterior superior iliac spine

phalanges (phalanx)

there are three sets of phalanges: proximal, middle, and distal. numbered 1 through 5 starting at the big tow (digits)


toe bones


two large processes adjacent to hear; attachment sites of muscles of thighs and buttocks

Surface anatomy ischium

you are sitting on your ischial tuberosities

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