Unit 2: Creation Stories

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What was an abuse of man's freedom?

Original Sin

What is life like for men and women after the first sin?

Pain came into the world. It became the suffering world we know today.

Who is responsible for the fall of man?

Adam and Eve; They are both responsible. It is humanity's fault.

The attribution of human characteristics to a nonhuman being, usually a deity.


2nd Story of Creation: What did God make man out of?

Clay from the Earth

1st book of the Bible


means "beginning"


What is different about our creation stories from other religion's creation stories?

Genesis is unique because God loved the world and wanted to create something of it. Unlike other stories, where creation happened in a fight of some kind.

Why does God create Eve? How?

God creates Eve because Adam did not have a suitable partner. God creates Eve by taking a rib from the man's body and forming a woman from it.

What name does the author use for God? How is God described?

God is described as a Lord

1st Creation Story: When did God create humans? Why?

God made us on the sixth day. He did it after everything else was created because we needed a place to live.

How does the 1st story of creation highlight the Sabbath day?

God rested on the seventh day.

1st Creation Story: What material did God use?

He began with the Earth.

2nd Story of Creation: What does God start with?

Heaven and Earth

1st Creation Story: How many days did it take?

It took 6 days, but God rested on the seventh.

What is the difference between the two creation stories in which humans are made?

1st Creation Story - God makes all humans at the same time. 2nd Creation Story - God only created Adam and Eve.

How many creation stories are there?


Who tempts Adam and Eve?

The serpent: an anthropomorphic version of the devil

Discuss four religious truths revealed in the two creation stories of Genesis.

There is only one God. God planned creation. Everything that God made is good. The Sabbath is a special day of rest and worship.

Describe how the two creation accounts Genesis point in a veiled way to the coming of Jesus Christ.

They both foreshadow the fullness of Divine Revelation: Jesus Christ. We are made in his image and likeness.

Did God have to create just two humans and name them Adam and Eve?

They could be Adam and Eve, but that's not important. The point was to tell us that God created us and that he loves us.

Are the creation stories true?

Yes, they are spiritually true.

God is closely involved in the life of his _________.


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