Unit 2 Module 4 Computer Systems Quiz - Latest

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Which of the following would NOT be considered hardware?

Word Processing

Which of the following is an accurate definition of a computer system?

A computer system is a collection of hardware and software components that work together to meet the needs of the user.

Which of the following is an accurate statement about the software in a computer system? Select all that apply.

A computer system needs software to be able to communicate with users as well as other computers. Software must be part of the computer system in order for the system to be useful. The software in a computer system may be shared if the system is a part of a network.

How have computer users changed over the last 75 years?

Almost anyone can be a computer user today whereas in the past only computer scientists and those with specialized training used computers.

Which of the following statements describe why businesses use networks? Select three that apply.

Businesses use networks to reduce costs. Businesses use networks for customer support. Businesses use networks for data sharing.

Select the statement that best describes the difference between software and hardware.

Computer software is developed by writing a program using programming language whereas computer hardware is made up of the physical components such as memory modules and disk drives.

Which answer most accurately describes the timeline of computer development?

First, computers built and programmed by engineers. Next, limited use of computers by large organizations. Next, introduction of personal computers. Lastly, Graphical User Interface systems are introduced.

What does the acronym IPOS stand for?

Input, processing, output, storage

Which of the following would NOT require the use of a network?

Loading a statistical program on your personal computer

Read the following scenario and determine the best hardware or software solution for the situation. Teachers in the Lincoln County School District are complaining about the speed of the Internet in their classrooms. Marcus, the IT Coordinator, has a limited amount of money to spend to address the issue. Select the option below that uses hardware or software to help solve the problem.

Marcus determines the school's routers that transmit information from the Internet across the district are slow and outdated, so he will use the money to replace them.

Which of the following statements describes why network protocols are necessary?

Network protocols are necessary for computers to communicate with each other.

Which of the following include only elements of a computer system? Select all that apply.

OS CPU Network Cables

Which of the following is/are true of the IPOS cycle?

Once words, numbers or images are entered, a computer processes the data into useable information that can then be accessed to answer questions or meet specific needs.

Which statements about the history of computer development are correct? Select all that apply.

The capabilities and complexities of computers have grown substantially, but the ease of use has also made them user friendly. The development of new hardware and software requires special training. The following are examples of Graphical User Interface systems: GPS systems, ATM machines, and tablets and smart phones.

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