unit 2 questions

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The 3 parts of the brain include

Forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain

A patient came in for his problem producing a fluent speech. He was able to understand the question being asked and respond slowly with meaningful, but broken/disorganized phrases or short sentences. Which of the following most likely explain this patients speech?

Patients has broca's aphasia

In the spinal cord, the ascending tracts carry ________ information, and the descending tracts carry _____________ information.


Baroreceptor are located in a) Aortic arch and carotid sinuses b) Brain stem c) Heart d) Blood vessels


Broca's and Wernicke's areas are associated with the language function. One is located in the left hemisphere, and one in the right hemesphere. a. false b true


Cardiovascular system is composed of a) Heart and blood vessels b) Heart, lymphatic vessels, and arteries c) Heart and blood d) Heart and arteries


In systemic circulation, the blood is pumped out of the heart and sent to peripheral tissue, where it gets _________ a) deoxygenated b) diluted c) oxygenated d) concentrated


Peptic ulcers are erosions of the mucosa of the stomach or duodenum produce by HCl. One of the leading reason is because of the Helicobacter pylori, which is the bacterium that reduces mucosal barriers. Treatment for ulcers should include A.K+/H+ pump inhibitors (Prilosec) B.Antibiotics C.Antivirus a. A+B b. A+C c. B+C d. A only


Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) includes the following structures a. All of them b. ganglia c. spinal nerves d. cranial nerves


Sarah got a surgical removal of her stomach and she was told to take oral Vitamin B12 everyday. However, during the follow-up test, she was still found to have VitB12 deficiency. This was due to the missing of in her medication. a. Intrinsic factor b. pepsin c. HCl d. Histamine


Somatesthetic sensation includes the senses coming from a. Skin b. Smell c. Hearing d. Vision


Somatic motor neurons can be directly stimulated by sensory neurons. a. True b. False


Somatic reflexes are __________ and ____________ responses that occur when neuronal signals pass through a somatic reflex arc. a. fast and involuntary b. fast and voluntary c. slow and voluntary d. slow and involuntary


The arteries in our body always carry oxygenated blood and the veins always carry deoxygenated blood. this statement is a False b true


The auditory center is located in the a. Temporal lobe b. Insula c. Occipital lobe d. Precentral gyrus


The autonomic motor system has _________ neurons in the PNS, and they synapse in _________________ a. two, autonomic ganglion b. one, brain c. one, spinal cord d. two, sensory ganglion


The brain is a solid structure that has no cavity. a. False b true


The cerebrum has raised folds called gyri, and depressed grooves called sulci. a. false b true


The secretory function of the Digestive System includes exocrine and endocrine function. a. True b. False


The somatic motor neurons have their cell bodies in the______ . The autonomic motor neurons have their cell bodies in the______. a. CNS, PNS and CNS b. PNS, PNS and CNS c. CNS, PNS d. PNS, CNS e. CNS and PNS, PNS


The spinal cord is composed of white matter, and the brain is composed of gray matter. a. false b true


The structures separating atria from ventricles are called ___________. a) atrioventricular valves b) semilunar valves c) tricuspid valves d) bicuspid valves


There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves in the PNS. Most of the cranial nerves arise from a. Hindbrain b. Midbrain c. forebrain


There are _______ phases in each cardiac cycle, with ________ of them belong to the systole and __________ of them belong to the diastole. a) 5; 2; 3 b) 5; 3; 2 c) 4; 2; 2


Usually when the agonist muscle is stimulated, the antagonist muscle is inhibited. a. True b. False


What causes the normal opening ad closing of the heart values a. The pressure difference on the two sides of the valves b. Stimulation by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves c. Turbulent flow in the atria and ventricles d. The action of the papillary muscles and chordae tendinease


When heart rate increases, each heart beat would take _______ time. a) shorter b) longer c) no d) the same


Which one of the following is not a lobe of the cerebrum? a. Sensory motor lobe b. Parietal lobe c. Occitital lobe d. Isula love e. Temporal lobe


Which region of the brain is most likely responsible for primary regulation of vital functions of the body, such as respiration, heart rate, and blood pressure? a. Brain stem b. Cerebellum c. Thalamus d. All of them


___________ controls understanding of words. a. Wernicke's area b. Precentral gyrus c. Post central gyrus d. Brocas area


in the small intestine, digestion of _______ is completed. a. all of them b. fats c. carbonhydrates d. proteins


1Preganglionic neurons in _______________ release Ach as the neurotransmitter. a. only somatic division b. both sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions c. only sympathetic division d. only parasympathetic division


After swallowing, the food bolus will pass through __________, getting into the stomach. a. pyloric region b. esophagus c. large intestine d. small intestine


Cerebral left and right hemispheres carry out exactly the same functions, just for different side of the body. a. ture b false


Choose the organ does NOT belong to the digestive system. a. Liver b. Larynx c. Pharynx d. Pancreas


Digestive System refers only to the gastrointestinal tract. a. True b. False


In a somatic reflex, the effector is ____________, which carry out __________ activities here. a. skeletal muscle, voluntary b. skeletal muscle, involuntary c. smooth muscle, voluntary d. cardiac muscle, involuntary


In an autonomic reflex, the effectors are a. cardiac muscle b. All of them c. glands d. smooth muscle


In parasympathetic division, preganglionic neurons come from ________ of the spinal cord. a. middle b. both ends c. top end d. bottom end


In pulmonary circulation, the blood is pumped out of heart from _________, and comes back to heart in _________. a) right ventricle, right atrium b) right ventricle, left atrium c) left ventricle, left atrium d) left ventricle, right atrium


Lack of lactose on brush broader of small intestine causes diarrhea. What is the mechanism? a. Undigested lactose decrease osmolarity in the intestine b. Undigested lactose incresase osmolarity in the intestine c. Undigested lactose doesn't not change osmolarity in the intestine


Most sensory information is relayed at ____________ a. Hypothalamus b. Thalamus c. Pinal gland d. epithalamus


One preganglionic neuron can only synapse with one postganglionic neuron. a. True b. False


Pancreas is considered both an endocrine and an exocrine organ, because a. It can release substances both internally and externally. b. It produces pancreatic juice and send it locally via a duct. It also produces hormones that regulate blood glucose level. c. It stays both inside and outside the abdominal cavity. d. It has functions both in and out of the digestive system.


Pancreatic juice is made up of bicarbonate and __________ a. bile salts b. enzymes c. bilirubin d. fats


S1, s2 heart sounds are produced by (a) Opening on valves (b) Closing of vavles (c) Systole of the ventricle (d) Diastole of the ventricles (e) Ejection of the blood


Skeletal muscles can only be involved in voluntary movement. a. True b. False


Stroke volume is proportional to ________. (a) total peripheral resistance (b) Both preload and contractility are correct (c) Preload (d) contractility


The acidic environment in the stomach is optimized for ________ activity. a. histamine b. pepsin c. intrinsic factor d. somatostatin


The white matter in the spinal cord is composed of ascending tracts, and the gray matter is composed of descending tracts. a. true b. false


There are 2 types of Ach receptors, which are _________ a. muscarinic and adrenergic b. nicotinic and muscarinic c. nicotinic and adrenergic d. No answer text provided.


Touch perception requires that sensory neurons from the skin transmit signals to the a. Hypothalamus b. Somatosensory cortex c. Broca's are d. Medulla oblongata


When norepinephrine is released as the neurotransmitter, the synapses are called ___________. a. GABAergic b. adrenergic c. dopaminergic d. cholinergic


Which one of the following is not one of the four tunic of the GI tract? a. submucosa b. Premucosa c. muscularis d. mucosa


Which organ produces bile? a. Gallbladder b. Liver c. Pancreas d. Stomach


in a typical somatic reflex arc, sensory signal passes along __________ , which in turn makes a synapse with ____________. a. interneuron, motor neuron b. sensory neuron, interneuron c. interneuron, sensory neuron d. motor neuron, interneuron


the normal heart sounds are produced by __________ a) opening of heart valves b) closure of heart valves c) flowing of blood d) beating of heart


Baroreceptor reflex is an example of ______ a) somatic reflex b) pressure reflex c) autonomic reflex d) sensory reflex


Baroreceptor reflex maintains the homeostasis of (a) The blood composition (b) Blood temp (c) Blood pressure (d) Blood volume


Bile can be concentrated and stored in ______ a. pancreas b. small intestine c. gallbladder d. liver


Cardiac output is a reflect of how much blood is pumped out of the each ventricle in ___________ a) one hour b) one heart beat c) one minute d) one day


Food is passed down from small intestine to large intestine. It goes along the order of in the large intestine. a. Transverse -Ascending -Descending -Sigmoid colon b. Descending-Transverse-Ascecding-Sigmoid colon c. Ascending -Transverse -descending -Sigmoid colon d. Sigmoid - Ascending - Transverse - Descending


In pulmonary circulation, the blood is transported between _______ a) heart and body tissues b) lungs and body tissues c) heart and lungs d) arteries and veins


In sympathetic division, preganglionic neurons come from ________ of the spinal cord. a. bottom end b. both ends c. the middle d. top end


Semilunar valves are located between a) atria and arteries b) veins and ventricles c) ventricles and arteries d) ventricles and atria


Somatic motor neurons innervate _________, which mostly carry out ________ activities. a. cardiac muscle, reflex b. smooth muscles, voluntary c. skeletal muscles, voluntary d. smooth muscles, involuntary e. skeletal muscles, involuntary


Stroke volume is affected by ___ a) Contractility b) Preload c) All of them d) Afterload


The digestion of starch starts in ________ a. small intestine b. esophagus c. mouth d. stomach


The left and right chambers in the heart are separated by________. a) a tendon b) a fiber c) a muscle d) a bone


There are 2 types of motor neurons in the PNS. They are a. sympathetic and parasympathetic motor neurons b. sensory and touching motor neurons c. somatic and autonomic motor neurons d. upper and lower motor neurons


1) Which of the following statement is true about liver? a. Does not have regenerative abilities b. Largest abdominal organ c. all of them d. 2 of them are correct* e. Mostly on the right side


1There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of spinal nerves in the PNS. Please choose the correct order for the spinal nerve levels from head to toe. a. Sacral- Coccygeal- Lumber- Thoracic- Cervical b. Coccygeal- Sacral- Lumber- Thoracic- Cervical c. Cervical- Thoracic- Lumber- Coccygeal -Sacral d. Cervical- Thoracic- Lumber- Sacral - Coccygeal e. Thoracic-Cervical- Lumber- Coccygeal -Sacral


A signal to cause your muscle to contract, pulling your hand away from a hot object, would travel along a. sensory neurons b. autonomic motor neurons c. somatic and autosomatic motor neurons d. somatic motor neurons


Aphasia patients are patients with problems in a. smelling b. Heaing c. Feeling pain d. Talking


Cardiac output is determined by _______. a) blood pressure and blood volume b) stroke volume and blood pressure c) heart rate and blood pressure d) heart rate and stroke volume


Heart rate is controlled by the a) cardiac center in midbrain b) cardiac center in pons c) cardiac center in spinal cord d) cardiac center in medulla oblongata


In autonomic nervous system, ______________ are functional in response to emergencies. a. sensory neurons b. somatic motor neurons c. parasympathetic motor neurons d. sympathetic motor neurons


In one heart beat, the heart generates ______________. This is also called a ____________. a) only one contraction with no relaxation; cardiac pattern b) neither contraction nor relaxation; cardiac repetition c) only one relaxation with no contraction; cardiac circulation d) one contraction and one relaxation; cardiac cycle


The circulatory System is composed of a) Cardiovascular System and Hormone System b) Cardiovascular System and Respiratory System c) Cardiovascular System and Blood System Cardiovascular System and Lymphatic System


The functions of the Circulatory System include a) Protecting human body by clotting and immunity b) Transportation of hormones c) Transportation of waste d) All of them


The heart has 4 chambers. The 2 on the top are called _______, and the bottom 2 are called ________. a) arteries; ventricles b) ventricles; atria c) ventricles; arteries d) atria; ventricles


The hepatocytes (liver cells) make _______. a. pancreatic juice b. mucous c. HCl d. bile


The nucleus controlling the heart rate is located in a. Pons b. Midbrain c. Hypothalamus d. Medulla oblogata


When __________ is stumulated, the digestive system works more actively. a. sensory system b. somatic system c. sympathetic system d. parasympathetic system


in the gastric glands, __________ cells secrete HCl, which makes the pH in stomach _________ a. mucous, low b. parietal, high c. mucous; low d. parietal; low


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