Unit 2 Tissues and Skin

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__________sweat glands: -found in axilla region and pigmented genital area; -secretion is thicker; -enlarge and begin to function at puberty


connective tissue: loose fibrous -aka __________ tissue


__________: -tiny smooth(involuntary) muscle; -can be seen at follicle; -attached to the base of a dermal papilla

arrector pili

ABCDE rule

asymmetry, border, color, diameter, evolving

_________: transmits a nerve impulse away from the cell body


All neurons consist of a cell body; 1 _______ and 1 or more _________

axon; dendrites

_________: -most common skin cancer; -appears on upper face; -less likely to metastasize; -small raised lesion that erodes in the center and forms a bleeding crusty crater

basal cell carcinoma

pseudostratified epithelium touches the __________ ______, and looks like it has multiple layers but is only one layer.

basment membrane

At ______ follicles that are required for hair growth are already present


If the white pimple is exposed to air it darkens and becomes a ______ or __________. secretion of sebum decreases in late adulthood, which in turn increases wrinkling and cracking of the skin

blackhead or comedo

if dermal-epidermal junction is weakened or destroyed the skin falls apart, may cause________


Connective tissue:_____________ -most unusual; -liquid matrix; -protection and transport


connective tissue as ______ transports substances throughout the body


Matrix of Tissues: __________ -has no fibers; -thin watery matrix

blood plasma

the less melanin in the skin, the more visible changes in color caused by ________ and _______ will be

blood volume; oxygen level

the matrix of ________ is a liquid; while ______ is like firm rubber; _____ is hard and ridgid; and __________&________ is strong and flexible

blood; cartilage; bone; tendons and ligaments

Matrix of Tissues: __________ -hard; -dense packing of collagen bundles containing calcium


where is reticular tissue found?

bone marrow, lymph nodes and spleen

________ are a storage area for calcium and provide support and protection to the body


__________fat; burns its fuel when the body is cold to produce heat


________ corpuscle: -detects vibration

bulboid corpuscle

synovial membranes also line small cushion like sacs found between many body parts... name the sacs


_________ membrane: -skin; -largest and most visible organ; -superficial layer epithelial cells; -underlying layer of CT


What are the 3 types of epithelial membranes

cutaneous, serous, mucous

________: fold of skin that hides root of nail


If blood oxygen levels decrease or if actual blood flow is reduced dramatically, a condition known as ____ occurs


the higher the concentration of melanin the ______ the color of the skin


__________: carry nerve impulses toward the cell body


connective tissue: ____________ -consists of thick bundles of collagen fibers, packed close together; -fibrous CT;

dense fibrous CT

_______: -increase surface area of dermal-epidermal junction; -parallel arrangement of this creates ridges on fingertips and feet=prints

dermal papillae

_________: tiny, nipple like bumps that project upward from the dermis into the epidermis; they stabilize the dermal-epidermal junction

dermal papillae

___________: -basment membrane that acts as a junction between the epidermal layer and dermal layer

dermal-epidermal junction

_________: -deeper layer of the 2 primary skin layers; -thicker than epidermis; -composed of mostly CT; -cells are scattered far apart with many fibers in between


muscle fibers, hair follicles, sweat and oil glands, and many blood vessels are found at various levels of the _______


exocrine glands- release their secretions via _______; endocrine glands- release their secretions via_______

ducts; diffusion into bloodstream

_______ sweat glands: -more numerous and widespread; -distributed all over body surface; -produce perspiration;


What are the 2 types of sweat glands

eccrine and apocrine

_________ fibers help return tissues to a shorter length after being stretched.


_______cartilage: -high degree of flexibility; -found in external ear and larynx(voice box)


Matrix of Tissues: __________ -present in some tissues; -rubbery; -gives tissues ability to stretch and rebound


__________: skin structure -tight pack epithelial cells arranged in up to 5 layers


The skin or cutaneous membrane is composed of two layers: ____________-outermost layer, thin sheet of stratified squamous epithelium; _________-deeper layer, thicker than outer layer, made up of mostly CT

epidermis; dermis

__________ tissue: -forms sheets that cover or line the body; -cells are packed closely together; -little or no intercellular material; -continuous sheets that contain no blood vessels


________membrane: -composed of epithelial tissue; -has underlying layer of fibrous CT


millions of __________ cells reproduce daily to replace the millions shed


CT membranes do not contain

epithelial components

What are the 2 major types of membranes

epithelial membrane; connective membrane

Matrix of Tissues: _____ _____ -very little matrix; -cells are closely connected to each other

epithelial tissue

What are the 4 main types of tissues?

epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous

the ______ has a mucous membrane composed of stratified squamous epithelium


glands of the body are classified as

exocrine; endocrine

Synthesis of Vitamin D in the skin occurs when it is

exposed to UV light

The matrix is also known as the _______ _______

extracellular matrix

where are mucocutaneous junctions found?

eyelids, lips, nasal opening, vulva, anus

loose fibrous (areolar) CT mainly makes up the ________; which is a fibrous material that binds the skin, muscles, bones, and organs together.


_______cartilage: -strongest and most durable; -has disks that act as shock absorbers for the vertebrae and knee joint


the heart is surrounded by a ________ sac lined with a thin slippery membrane that doubles back on itself to form a lubricating fluid filled pocket around the heart


List the 5 types of connective tissue

fibrous(connective tissue proper); bone; cartilage; blood; hematopoietic tissue

______degree burn: -surface layer of epidermis; -blistering occurs


________: blood supply increases and skin reddens

flushing or blushing

_________degree burn: -full thickness burn; -extends to muscle and bone; -high voltage electricity and exposure to intense heat; -so bad the book didnt put a picture


connective tissue connects tissues to each other and forms a supporting _________


__________:Receptor -mediate sensation such as crude touch, temperature and pain

free nerve endings

simple cuboidal epithelium cells usually function in tubes or clusters of secretory cells called


simple cuboidal epithelium is found in

glands; kidney tubules

simple columnar epithelium have "open spaces" among the cells that produce mucus; these are called _______ cells


hair growth begins when cells of the epidermal layer grow down into the dermis, forming a small tube called ________

hair follicle

hair growth begins at the base of the follicle from a small bump called the __________

hair papilla

the spaces within cancellous(spongy) bone are filled with ________ tissue or _________tissue

hematopoetic; adipose

Connective tissue:_____________ -bloodlike CT; -found in red marrow of bone, spleen, tonsils, and lymph nodes; -forms blood and lymph cells;


all adipose tissue secretes ___________ that regulate metabolism and fuel storage in the body


_______cartilage: -most common; -found in support rings of the respiratory tubes and covering the ends of bones that form joints


List the 3 types of cartilage connective tissue

hyaline; fibrocartilage; elastic

another name for skin


skin is a membrane and the main organ of the _________system


____________: consists of skin, hair, nails, and skin glands

integumentary system

_________dense fibrous CT: -collagen fibers in a swirl of tangled bundles; -tough and flexible support; -can stretch but over stretching causes stretch marks


__________: -caused by Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpes virus(KSHV); -appears as purple papules; -quickly spreads to lymph nodes and internal organs;

kaposi sarcoma(KS)

new cells produced in stratum germinativum are pushed up and the epithelial cells die, their cytoplasm is replaced by _________


What are the 2 skin receptors

lamellar corpuscle(Pacini corpuscle) and tactile corpuscle(Meissner corpuscle)

___________corpuscle: -deep corpuscle; -detects pressure deep in the dermis;


_________: hair of a newborn infant, super fine and soft, soon after birth it is lost


simple columnar epithelium is found

lining of stomach; intestines; parts of respiratory and reproductive tracts

________: removing fat with a vacuum aspirator


connective tissue: ____________ -most widely distributed of all CT; -"glue" that holds the organs of the body together; -fibrous CT

loose fibrous CT

List the 4 types of Fibrous connective tissue(connective tissue proper)

loose fibrous(areolar); adipose; reticular;dense fibrous

simple columnar epithelium in mucous membranes can be found lining the walls of .........

lower portion of digestive tract, small intestine

serous membranes secrete a thin watery fluid that reduces friction and serves as a ________when organs rub against each other


________: nail body nearest the root, crescent shaped white area. "little moon"


_________: -most serious skin cancer; -develops from mole or freckle; -transforms into dark spreading cancerous lesion; -ABCDE rule for warning signs

malignant melanoma

_______ is like jelly, made up mostly of water with various interlocking fibers that thicken it


_______: fluid environment that fills the spaces between cells; tissues differ by the amount and type


_________: is produced by cells in the basal layer called melanocytes


function of ________ is to absorb UV radiation before it reaches tissues;


___________: thin sheetlike structure of integumentary system


___________: -cover and protect body surface, line body cavities, and cover inner surface of hollow organs; -anchor organs to each other or bone; -cover internal organs; -some secrete lube to reduce friction


__________: transitional area where the skin and mucous membrane meets

mucocutaneous junction

__________membrane: -epithelial membrane; -epithelial layer and fibrous CT layer; -line body surfaces that open to the exterior of the body; -secretes mucus


mucous vs mucus

mucous= type of membrane; mucus= secretion produced by mucous membrane

epithelial cells of most mucous membranes secrete a thick slimy material called __________, that keeps membranes moist and soft


__________ tissue: contracts to produce movement


________: -layer of epithelium under the nail; -contains blood vessles; - looks pink;

nail bed

visible part of the nail is the_____

nail body

________: -produced by cells in the epidermis; -develop when epidermal cells fill with keratin; -become hard and platelike;


_______: conducting units of nervous system

nerve cells(neurons)

the dermis contains an extensive network of _____ and _________

nerves and nerve endings

___________ tissue: senses, conducts and processes information


__________tissue: -provide rapid communication between body structures and control function


__________: special connecting and supporting cells of nervous tissue


what are the 2 types of cells found in nervous tissue

neurons; neruoglia

building blocks of bones


dermis:_________ -upper region; -parallel rows of dermal papillae

papillary layer

Serous membrane:_________ layer -lines the walls of a body cavity


what is the serous membrane around the heart called


abdominalcavity- serous membrane covering most of the organs is called....


_________: -serious complication of infected appendix; -inflammation of the peritoneum(abdominal cavity serous membrane)


eccrine sweat glands produce a watery transparent liquid called(sweat)


stratum germinativum: -produces _______: which gives color to the skin


thoracic cavity-the serous membranes that surround each lung is called..........


_________: -very painful condition; -inflammation of the serous membranes(pleura) that line the chest cavity and cover the lungs


________: outlets of small ducts from the eccrine sweat glands


Contraction of the arrector pili muscles causes the hair follicle to

produce little raised bumps(goosebumps)

list the 5 functions of the skin

protection, temp reg, sense org, excretion, vit D synthesis

_______ Epithelium: -single layer of distorted columnar cells; -functions to protect; -has cilia that move mucus along the lining


In response to hormone secretion, coarse hair appears in _______ and ________ regions during puberty

pubic and axillary

__________dense fibrous CT: -collagen fiber bundles in parallel rows; -makes up tendons, that connect muscle to bone; -strong and flexible; -can NOT stretch


List the 2 types of dense fibrous tissue

regular and irregular

mucous membranes line ......

respiratory tract, digestive tract, urinary tract, reproductive system

connective tissue: ____________ -found in bone marrow, spleen and lymph nodes; -supports cells of the blood-forming hematopoietic tissue; -fibrous CT


Reticular tissue has thin, delicate webs of collagen fibers called____________

reticular fibers

dermis:_________ -deeper area of dermis; -dense network of interlacing fibers; -mostly collagen fibers; -has elastic fibers

reticular layer

_______: lies in groove of nail and is hidden by the cuticle


_________: -used to determin the extent of a burn;

rule of 9s

__________glands: -secrete oil for hair and skin


"nature's skin cream"


_________: -produced by sebaceous glands; -ducts open to hair follicles; -lubricates hair and skin; -increases during puberty


_______degree burn: -blisters, severe pain, swelling, fluid loss; -scarring is common; -partial thickness burn


_________ membrane: -composed of 2 tissue layers; -epithelial sheet=thin layer of simple squamous epithelium; -CT layer=forms gluelike basement membrane that supports the epithelial layer


_______ ET: -single layer of cells; -cells are the same shape


What are the types of squamous epithelium

simple and stratified

_______ Epithelium: -single layer of tall cells; -functions to protect, secrete, and absorb; -contain goblet cells

simple columnar

_______ Epithelium: -single layer of cells; -cube shaped; -function in secretion and absorption; -forms tubules that form urine in the kidneys

simple cuboidal

_______ Epithelium: -single layer of thin irregular shaped cells; -functions in diffusion, filtration and osmosis(transportation)

simple squamous

Absorption of oxygen into the blood takes place in the ______ ______ _____that forms alveoli in the lungs.

simple squamous epithelium

What are the 2 types of epithelial tissue classified by arrangement of cells?

simple; stratified

Tissues vary by

size and shape; amount and type of material between cells; function

muscle tissue: ______________ -voluntary control; -attach to bone; -make controlled body movements


List the 3 types of muscle tissue

skeletal, cardiac, smooth

_________: -first line of defense; -protects from invasion of microbes; -keratinfilled cells in stratum corneum resist entry of chemicals;


the hypodermis(subcutaneous tissue/superficial fascia) is not a layer of the skin. it lies deep to the dermis and forms a connection between.....

skin and underlying structures of the body

As you age the number of elastic fibers in the dermis decreases and amount of fat in the subcutaneous tissue is reduced... what does this cause

skin looses elasticity and wrinkles develop

_________: -in the skin; -act as a sense organ; -relays messages to the brain; -feels touch, pain, temperature, and pressure

skin receptors

muscle tissue: ______________ -involuntary; -forms walls of blood vessels and hollow organs; -contractions propel material and regulate diameter of blood vessels


cancellous bone is aka

spongy bone

_______ ET: -flat and scalelike


_____________: -slow growing malignant tumour of epidermis; -hard raised nodule; -without treatment will grow and metastasize

squamous cell carcinoma

What are the 3 most common skin cancers? genetic predisposition and exposure to UV light increases the risk

squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma

What are the 4 types of epithelial tissue classified by shape?

squamous; cuboidal; columnar; transitional

arrector pili simultaneously pulls on its points of attachment, produces the raised bump, between depressed area of skin, pulls hair until it is ________


_______ ET: -multiple layers of cells; -named for the shape of cells in the outer layer


_______ Epithelium: -several layers of closely packed cells; -functions in protection; -protects from invasion of microbes

stratified squamous

epithelial layer of mucous membranes vary depending on its location, the cells are either_________ or ________

stratified squamous or simple columnar epithelia

_______ Epithelium: -up to 10 layers of cuboidal shaped cells; -distort to squamous shape when stretched; -functions to protect; -stretches

stratified transitional epithelium

Epidermis:________ -tough outermost layer;

stratum corneum

Epidermis:________ -innermost layer; -made of basal cells; -new cells produced here and pushed up through the "strata"

stratum germinativum

overstretching the skin causes tears in the irregular fibrous tissue called _____________

stretch marks

the dermis and epidermis of the skin are supported by a thick layer of loose CT and fat called __________ or the _________

subcutaneous tissue; hypodermis

the subcutaneous tissue(hypodermis) is also called the

superficial fascia

pseudostratified epithelium is found in

surface lining of trachea

stratified squamous epithelium can be found

surface of lining of mouth and esophagus; surface of skin(epidermis)

__________: -aka sudoriferous glands; -classified in 2 groups: appocrine&eccrine

sweat glands

______: smooth and slick synovial membranes secrete this thick colorless lubricating fluid; reduces friction between bones and joints

synovial fluid

_________-lines the joint capsules

synovial membrane

__________corpuscle: -superficial corpuscle; -detects light touch


_________: skin functions regulates sweat secretion by regulating blood flow close to skin

temperature regulation

What connects muscle to bone?


Matrix of Tissues: __________ -matrix is thick and ropelike; -dense; -strong twisted fibers

tendons and ligaments

__________degree burn: -complete destruction of tissue in the epidermis and dermis; -tissue death extends into subcutaneous tissue; -involve underlying muscles and bone; -no immediate pain, due to destruction of nerve endings, but intense pain occurs after injury; -great risk of infection



tiny air sacs in the lungs

_______ ET: -various shapes; -can stretch


stratified transitional epithelium is found in

urinary bladder

serous membrane:__________layer -membrane folds inward to cover the surface of organs within a body cavity


connective tissue exists as delicate paper thin _____ that hold the internal organs together. It also exists as strong and tough cords, rigid bones, and even blood


________ fat; the triglycerides move into storage after a meal and out of storage as energy nutrients are needed


Sebum secretion increases during adolescence, due to increased blood levels from sex hormones. sebum accumulates in and enlarges some ducts which causes ____

white pimples

List the 2 types of Adipose tissue

white; brown

eccrine glands eliminate waster products such as...

amonia and uric acid

The hypodermis(subcutaneous tissue/superficial fascia) has loose fibrous and adipose tissue, the fat content in this layer may exceed _____cm or more in thickness


In the Rule of Nines, the body is divided into _____ areas of ____% each, area around gentials additional 1%

11; 9%

the skin composes _______% of the body weight


__________ membrane: -composed of only CT


_______ ET: -cube shaped


burns can be caused by overexposure to UVlight, contact with electric current, or _____


connective tissue: ____________ -areolar tissue that stores fat; -fibrous CT

adipose tissue

simple squamous epithelium can be found in

alveoli; lining of blood and lymph vessels

The matrix of bone is hard because collagen bundles containing ________ are tightly packed together


_________bone: -inside of bone; -has lattice of interconnected hollow spaces;


muscle tissue: ______________ -forms walls of the heart; -involuntary; -produces heartbeat; -only tissue with intercalated disks


_____ matrix is the consistency of firm plastic or a gristle like gel


Cartilage cells are called


Matrix of Tissues: __________ -protein that forms twisted ropes within the matrix; -gives tissue flexible strength


connective tissue: loose fibrous -some fibers made of _______, a strong flexible fibrous protein; -some are made of ___________, stretchy and rubbery

collagen; elastin

_______ ET: -taller than they are wide


________ bone: -solid form of bone; -made up of many osteons,


List the 2 type of bone connective tissue

compact; cartilage

____________ tissue: -provides structural and functional support; -most abundant and widely distributed tissue; -has more forms than any other tissue


Matrix of Tissues: _____ _____ -mostly matrix; -cells are few and far between

connective tissue

__________ is the most abundant and widely distributed tissue in the body; with many different types, appearances, and functions (connection, transportation)

connective tissue

sweat produced from the eccrine glands help the body maintain

constant temperature

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