Unit 2 Unity and Diversity AP Bio FINAL STUDY

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Which mutation should least require realignment of homologous regions of a gene that is common to several related species?

1-base substitution

A common ancestor for both species C and E could be at position number _____.


What is thought to be the correct sequence of these events, from earliest to most recent, in the evolution of life on Earth? I. Origin of mitochondria II. Origin of multicellular eukaryotes III. Origin of chloroplasts IV. Origin of cyanobacteria V. Origin of fungal-plant symbioses

4. origin of cyanobacteria 1. origin of mitochondria 3. origin of chloroplasts 2. origin of multicellular eukaryotes 5. origin of fungal-plant symbioses

By reference to the tree above, which of the following is an accurate statement of relationships?

A crocodile is more closely related to a bird than to a lizard.

Which statement represents the best explanation for the observation that the nuclear DNA of wolves and domestic dogs has a very high degree of homology?

Dogs and wolves shared a common ancestor very recently.

Experimental evidence shows that the process of glycolysis is present and virtually identical in organisms from all three domains, Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. Which of the following hypotheses could be best supported by this evidence?

Glycolysis is a universal energy-releasing process and therefore suggests a common ancestor for all forms of life.

Which of the following are problematic when the goal is to construct phylogenies that accurately reflect evolutionary history? I. Polyphyletic taxa II. Paraphyletic taxa III. Monophyletic taxa

I and II

Why is there free oxygen in the air?

It is a by-product of photosynthesis.

Which gas was the least abundant in Earth's early atmosphere, prior to two billion years ago?


A large proportion of archaeans are extremophiles, so called because they inhabit extreme environments with high acidity, salinity, and/or temperature. Such environments are thought to have been much more common on the primitive Earth. Thus, modern extremophiles survive only in places that their ancestors became adapted to long ago. Which of the following is, consequently, a valid statement about modern extremophiles, assuming that their habitats have remained relatively unchanged?

On a phylogenetic tree whose branch lengths are proportional to the amount of genetic change, the branches of the extremophiles should be shorter than the non-extremophilic archaeans.

Which of the following statements was supported by the Miller-Urey experiment?

Organic molecules important to life could have been formed from a vast array of simple chemicals.

Which of these illustrates the correct representation of the binomial scientific name for the African lion?

Panthera leo

Which eukaryotic kingdom includes members that are the result of endosymbioses that included an ancient bacterium and an ancient cyanobacterium?


It has been discovered that enzyme-like catalysis can be carried out not only be enzymes but also by _____.


When using a cladistic approach to systematics, which of the following is considered most important for classification?

Shared derived characters

Choose the true statement about the morphological data in the chart shown below. The "1" in the box means the trait is present and the "0" indicates that the trait is absent.

The lamprey is the only outgroup since it shares none of the derived characteristics.

Which of the following statements provides the strongest evidence that prokaryotes evolved before eukaryotes?

The oldest fossilized cells resemble prokaryotes.

Which species is most closely related to species W?


If you were using cladistics to build a phylogenetic tree of cats, which of the following would be the best outgroup?


A genetic change that caused a certain Hox gene to be expressed along the tip of a vertebrate limb bud instead of farther back helped to make possible the evolution of the tetrapod limb. This type of change is illustrative of _____.

a change in a developmental gene or in its regulation that altered the spatial organization of body parts

In their laboratory simulations of the early Earth, Miller and Urey observed the abiotic synthesis of _____.

amino acids

To apply parsimony to constructing a phylogenetic tree, _____.

choose the tree that represents the fewest evolutionary changes, either in DNA sequences or morphology

If a gene is found in different groups, relatively unchanged over time, it is said to be _____.


The evolution of eukaryotic cells most likely involved _____.

endosymbiosis of an aerobic bacterium in a larger host cell and then evolving into mitochondria

Currently, two extant elephant species (X and Y) are placed in the genus Loxodonta and a third species (Z) is placed in the genus Elephas. Assuming this classification reflects evolutionary relatedness, which of the following is the most accurate phylogenetic tree?

google doc image

The finding that homeobox genes are present in both mammals and insects indicates that these genes must _____.

have arisen very early in the evolutionary history of animals

Two principal organelles of eukaryotes that share features with one another and with bacteria from which they apparently were derived are the _____.

mitochondria and chloroplasts

Some molecular data place the giant panda in the bear family (Ursidae) but place the lesser panda in the raccoon family (Procyonidae). Consequently, the morphological similarities of these two species are probably due to _____.

possession of analogous structures

Based on the phylogenetic tree, which species is not a tree but has seeds?


The four-chambered hearts of birds and the four-chambered hearts of mammals evolved independently of each other. If one were unaware of this independence, then one might logically conclude that _____.

the common ancestor of birds and mammals had a four-chambered heart

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