Unit 2: Wars of Catholic Spain-The Netherlands and England

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Charles V abdicated and retired to a monarchy in what year?


In what year did Philip II send the Duke of Alva to Netherlands and with what purpose?

1567; to suppress religious and political dissidents by establishing a Council of Troubles

When did the battle of the Lepanto happen?


The first revolt of the Netherlands was in 1566 and was started by what?

200 nobles of various provinces founded a league to check the foreign influence of Spain in the Netherlands

Who was Mary Queen of Scots?

A Catholic queen of France until her husband's death and Queen of Scots before being driven out by Calvinist lords

What was the siglo de oro?

A Spanish flowering of new interests, writings, arts, etc. that led to the modern culture

What was the Escorial?

A royal residence built by Philip II to serve as a center for religious life

What did Philip II believe that the advance of Spain's power would lead to?

A universal church and serve the interests of his own monarchy and of his people

What was the 'armada catolica'?

AKA Spanish Armada build in 1588 with 130 ships with the plan to sail to the Spanish army and together sail to defeat the English

What was the Union of Utrecht?

After the southern provinces unified with Parma, the seven northern provinces united and declared their independence from the King of Spain

What was the Twelve Years' Truce?

An agreement signed in 1609 that partitioned the Netherlands into the Union of Utrecht (AKA Dutch), and the Spanish Netherlands in the south

After Charles V abdication, the Hapsburg dynasty was divided into what 2 branches and which was more important?

Austrian and Spanish Branch; Spanish branch was more important

What was Parma's greatest achievement?

Broke the solid front of the 17 provinces by promising the historic liberties of the provinces will be respected; appealed to Catholics and moderates

What happened to the Huguenots in 1572?

Catholic leaders went to suppress over 3,000 Huguenots in Paris on the eve of St. Bartholomew Day

In the first revolt of the Netherlands, what did they petition the King of Spain not to do and why?

Employ the Spanish Inquisition because they feared it as a foreign court?

What was the outcome of the Spanish Armada?

England surrounded the ships and destroyed major vessels; the Protestant wind blew they armada up to Scotland where most of them died

In 1585, how did Elizabeth finally enter the war and support the Dutch?

Entered the war on the side of the rebels, sent out 6,000 English troops to Netherlands under the command of Earl of Liecester

After Charles V abdicated, who became the new Holy Roman Emperor


At the death of King Philip II, how was the Spanish nation in decline?

Forces of the country were weakened by inflation, taxation, emigration and depopulation

What did the pope do to Queen Elizabeth and in what year?

He excommunicated her and absolved her subjects from allegiance to her and gave the right to Catholics to overthrow her in good conscience; 1570

Who was the Duke of Norfolk?

He led Catholics of Northern England in armed rebellion against their heretic queen, Elizabeth I

What was the results of the armada in regards to King Philip II?

He lost influence over the sea and England officially had more sea power

With the new English nationalist feeling of Protestantism, how did Philip II respond to Elizabeth's support of the Dutch?

He prepared to invade England by building an armada with 130 ships

How did Philip II respond to the League of Netherlands?

He refused the petition which led to huge revolt

Who was Sir Francis Drake?

He was a sailor of the English who on the eve of the Spanish attack, sailed to the port of Cadiz and burnt the ships assembling there to join the armada

Why didn't the Netherlands like Philip II?

He was thought of as a foreigner who lived in Spain and had nothing to do with them

Who did Philip II send to the Netherlands in response to the fanatical Calvinists' revolt?

He went forward with the Inquisition, sent the Duke of Alva, and troops

Who was Don Juan?

Hero of the battle victory at Lepanto and half-brother of Philip II; became general of the Netherlands

After his abdication, Charles V left Austria, Bohemia and Hungary to whom?

His brother, Ferdinand

To whom did Charles V leave all his other possessions, including Spanish throne after his abdication in 1556?

His son, King Philip II of Spain

What did the Council of Trouble lead to the unity of?

It united people of all classes in opposition agains the Spanish government

What did Queen Elizabeth I do to Mary Queen of Scots?

Kept her imprisoned

Who was William the Silent?

Lieutenant of Philip II who claimed authority of a sovereign in Holland and started to make orders to raid small port towns of Netherlands and France without warning

Who were the Moriscos?

Muslim born Christians in Spain

What should Philip II's participation in Europe's religious wars be seen as, rather than a single-minded crusade for Catholicism?

Part of his wider military and political campaigns to protect Spanish and Hapsburg interests

How were the Moriscos affected by the Inquisition and why?

People were afraid of them and different from them because they were efficient, sober etc.; in 1608, thousands of Moriscos were driven out of Spain

How did the Calvinists respond when King Philip II refused the petition?

Pillaged 400 churches, pulled down images, defaced paintings and tapestries, stole gold and ruined symbols of any "popery"

What was the Council of Troubles (AKA Council of Blood)?

Punishment designed by Alva that put thousands of people to death, levied new taxes, confiscated estates, etc.

To stop the overthrow of Elizabeth I, what did she do to sway the outcome of the fighting of the Netherlands?

She signed an alliance with the Netherlands patriots

What was the Lepanto?

Spanish battle against the Turks off the coast of Greece in Lepanto where the Spanish won a naval control of the Mediterranean

How did Elizabeth I first support the Dutch?

Started to send aid to the Netherlands but quietly to not provoke a war with Spain

Who was the prince of Parma?

Succeeded Don Juan after his death in 1578 as governor general of the Netherlands

Who did the English Catholics think that Mary Queen of Scots was supposed to be?

The rightful Queen of England instead of Elizabeth

What was Don Juan's plan?

To subdue the Netherlands and then use the country as a base for an invasion of England, to put Mary Stuart on the throne and then marry her

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