Unit 3 - American Civics A - Conneticut

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According to the Connecticut State Constitution, how many members may there be in the CT Senate?


How many members are in the CT Senate?


How many members are there in the Senate?


What House of Representatives district is East Lyme/Salem in?


What number state were we out of the original 13 colonies?


How many counties do we have?



A process by which a state's legislative measure is referred to voters for final approval or rejection


Belonging to no party or side

Does Connecticut have a bicameral or unicameral legislature?


In over half of the State's, the lawmaking body is a ________________________________

Bicameral body called the "legislature"

What does our state flag look like?

Blue, big badge in the center, three vines, and on a banner it says "Qui Transtulit Sustinet"

Who is the majority leader of the Senate?

Bob Duff

Disorderly Conduct

Disturbing the peace

How long are Senate and House terms of office?

Each term is 2 years

What is the major party in the Senate?



Judge who handles minor civil complaints within a city

Qualified men and women often do not run for seats in the State legislature because ________________________

Legislative pay is rather low in most states

Who is the minority leader of the Senate?

Len Fasano

Who is the President Pro Tempore of the Senate?

Martin M. Looney

Who is the majority leader in the House of Representatives?

Matthew Rither

Who is the state heroine?

Prudence Crandall

What is the state motto?

Qui Transtulit Sustinet

What is the Indian name and meaning for our State?

Quinnehtukqut "Beside the long tidal river"

What does a post-adjournment session accomplish?

Reconsider any bills vetoed by the Governor and not acted upon again by the legislature before the close of a previous regular or special session


Relates to settling a dead person's affairs

What is the minority party in the House of Representatives?


What is the minority party in the Senate?


What is the upper house in the Connecticut legislature?


How are most state legislatures organized?

The legislature has a senate and a House of Representatives.

What is the purpose of the legislative branch?

to help organize society and resolve conflicts by enacting laws for the common good

What is a post-adjournment session also called?


Requirements in CT in order to be a member of the General Assembly:

1) at least 18 years old 2) reside in the district they represent

what are the 3 objectives legislatures meet through lawmaking?

1) authorize the collection and allocation of funds 2) regulate the activities of citizens and organizations 3) integrate public demands and public policy

What are the shorter even-year sessions restricted to doing?

1) consideration of budgetary - revenue and financial issues 2) bills and resolutions raised by committees of the General Assembly 3) emergency matters

How many members are there in the House of Representatives?


How many towns/ municipalities are in Connecticut?


What is the term of office for a state representative?

2 years per term

What is the term of office for a state senator?

2 years per term

What senate district is East Lyme/Salem in?


Where are most of the more important civil and criminal cases heard?

A states general trial courts

Except for the lieutenant governors, the presiding officers in State legislatures are chosen by _______________________

A vote on the floor of their chambers

What is the state mineral?

Almandine garnet

How may Special Sessions be called?

Can be called by the Governor in case of emergency or upon petition by a majority of the members of each house

What is our nickname?

Constitution State and Nutmeg State


Court order authorizing the search of a home

What is the majority party in the House of Representatives?


What is the state fossil?


When do regular sessions of congress begin?

February (even years) or January (odd years)

What is our state capital?


What are legislative members prohibited from doing while holding office? Why?

Holding elective or appointed office concurrently in another any branch or unit of state government. This could lead to corruption and the disruption of the checks and balances. The legislative member will purposely pass laws that favor himself rather than what is best for the country or state. Basically, the legislature will be biased.

Who is our state representative for East Lyme/Salem?

Holly Cheeseman

What is the lower house in the Connecticut legislature?

House of Representatives

Justice of the Peace

In charge of a justice court

What did the Missouri Plan do for the way of selecting judges?

It combines executive appointment and election.

How is a unified court system organized?

It is organized geographically.

When are regular sessions of the General Assembly held?

January - June ( odd-numbered years) February - May ( even-numbered years)

What date did we enter the union?

January 9th, 1788

Who is the Speaker of the House?

Joe Aresimowicz

Who is the state hero?

Nathan Hale

When are elections for the legislative branch held?

November (even-numbered years)

When are senators and representatives elected?

November of Midterm election years

Who is our state senator for East Lyme/Salem?

Paul Formica

What is something a Justice of the Peace is authorized to do?

Perform a marriage

Who is elected as a temporary president?

President Pro Tempore

Who is the President of the Senate?

Susan Bysiewiez

What was the state heroine's occupation?


What is the state bird?

The American Robin

What is our state tree?

The Charter Oak

What is the state shellfish?

The Eastern Oyster

What is the state insect?

The European "praying" mantis

What is the state flower?

The Mountain Laurel

What is the state animal?

The Sperm Whale

Police Power

The State power to protect and promote public health, safety, morals, and general welfare.

Preliminary Hearing

The first step in a major criminal prosecution

Constituent power

The non-legislative power of constitution-making and the constitutional amendment process


The replacement of those who left a group by new people

Who is the minority leader in the House of Representatives?

Themis Klarides


To begin, launch

What is the state ship?

U.S.S. Nautilus

When does the alternate President of the Senate serve?

When the President of Senate is absent

What is the state song?

Yankee Doodle

What is the Senate and House of Representatives (combined) called?

the General Assembly

Who is the leader of the CT Senate?

the Lieutenant Governor (President of Senate)

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