Unit 3: Executive Branch and Bureaucracy

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costs, 24 hour media coverage, strong/weak

Now: -Electoral College still around. Different now because it _______ alot to do a campaign and there is ___ _______ media coverage -The question is, how _________/____ is the presidency?

divided government

One party controls the White House and another party controls one or both houses of Congress


The heads of the 15 executive branch departments if the federal government

agencies, congress, courts, White House, benefits

**Checks on bureaucracy come from the people Checks: -Come from _________, _________, the _______ or the ________ __________ ex) Environmental groups making agencies issue environment inpact statement and agencies having to do things publicly due to mistrust of the government --To get redtape removed you would have to ask congress and have trade off of _________________. However, politics encourages you to get everything you want at once instead of making trade offs.

crisis, expanded, presidency, ignored, legislative,

**Even after Congress took back power after Lincoln, Lincoln established that during a time of _________ a presidents power could be ______________, and that a popular president could expand their powers even without a crisis --Until the new deal (expect for Theodore Roosevelt and Wilson) _____________ was a source of opposition for congress ---Ex) Cleavland vetoed 414 --Congress ____________ the initiatives of the president --In the past, presidents only gained power during crisis and when they had strong personalities ---Congress used to take the lead in setting ________ agenda ---Presidents used to be in charge of budgets but now they're not

own, paying, Medicare, money, flexibility, government

**Most Western nations have governments that _______ a large part of the government (owning telephone systems, automobiles, railroads), but this is not the case in the US Proxy Government -Government by Proxy=Government _______ other people to do the work -Programs run this way: ___________, Social Security, and taking taxes out of paychecks -Example: Hurricane Katrina and Rita response was paid -Critics say that the government does not pay attention to where the ____________ sent to proxies is spent. Congress doesn't do it because it doesn't have an interest in controlling bureaucracy and likes to keep the bureaucracy small by giving jobs not on federal payroll. -Defenders say that it allows _____________ and defends federalism with the constitution.. --Proxy does result in the Mildred paradox where you can get costly governmental services without meeting a ________________ worker --USDA must make sure all eligible children have lunch over summer and yet only 50% participate

grown, veterans, discretionary authority

**Presidents don't want to admit that bureaucracy has ___________ and references the fact that the amount of civilian workers is the same to misleading. Those who work indirectly for the government has grown vastly. -Agencies themselves didn't really experience growth except for one's dealin with __________ and the __________ department that followed the trend of government by proxy -The power of agencies are not measured by their amount of employees but is instead measured by the employees ability to have __________ _____________ (make decisions that are not expressed by laws beforehand) --The volume of regulations has grown more than spending and number of employees

appoint, remove, money, investigate,

**The Constiutions only mention of bureaucracy is giving the President the ability to _________ people and supreme court justices. Departments and bureaus are not mentioned -James Madison created the bill that brought departments into fruition (Depart men of State) to assist the secretary of state. Appointed by pres --Whether or not presidents should be able to __________ people at wil was departed, but it was agreed on that without this power the president wouldn't have power over his subordinates ---The decision did not resolve the question of who would really control bureaucracy as congress ahs the power to appropriate ________, ______________ administration, and shape ______executed by administration. It was thought by congress that they would control bureaucracy. ----Bureuacracy was currently very small.


**The Presidents personality sets a ____ on the whitehouse is run and how the people will perceive him. Presidential Character and Personality: ex) Eisenhower pretended to be bumbling in public to have freedom of action and his actions were militaristic when put in action

waste, influence, nonexistent

**To most people, bureaucracy is synonymous with _________. To scholars it is more neutral, just a large complex organization. **The answer to why so many people complain about bureaucracy is found in its size and the fact that its combated by branches of the government. Then: US Department of Justice rarely had any ____________ in combating crime and Federal Bureau of Prison barely holds prisonors. Now: US Department now combats crime with the support of the public and founds and Federal Bureau of prisons now holds a lot of inmates. Then: Before the EPA was launched there was __________________ environment protection. Now: Outcry about environmental conditions resulted in the expansion of the program Then: School lunch programs just started Now: Theres an effort to make free lunches nutritious

Bureaucracy, several, parliament, share, Adversary Culture

**_______________ is a component of representative democracy and is essential to all governments. American Constitutionalism and Federal Bureaucracy -Factors of American Bureaucracy --1. Political authority of bureaucracy is shared among _________ institutions ---Appointed officials in ________________ are run by the cabinet ministers who are run by the prime minister ---In the US both congress amd [resident have power of the bureaucracy, and often more have power as there are also committees and subcommittees ***Encourages bureaucrats to pit people against each other --2. Agencies in federal government _______ functions with those in state and local government ---Some agencies like FBI and Postal Sevice deal with american people direct but others like Education worth with other agencies in different levels of gov (education and housing ---Counter example=France: health and education not run by the local gov --3: "____________ ___________": Defense of personal rights through legal action like lawsuits are important.

administrative, powerful presidents, wartime, military, elasticity, public opinion

*The president's power is often described (by Woodrow) as purely ______________ and minimal --This viewpoint ignores the existence of ____________ _______________(Lincoln), expanded power in ___________, and the amount of __________ power pres has (secret codes) --Also ignores the ___________ of the pres' ability to "make sure laws are executed" ex) allowed troops to integrate equality in little rock (eisenhower) and disrupt labor strike (Cleaveland) --Greatest presidential power is politics and __________ __________. American people look to the president for leadership, believing they are the first branch

2/3s, congress, line-item , constitution, negotiate

---Vetos can be overturned through ______ vote, but pocket vetos cannot be overturned since congress has adjourned **Pocket vetos must be introduced back into ___________ if they want to address it again ---President's can't ______-________veto, only governors can ----Congress takes advantage of this by putting in disliked provisions into a bill that the president likes **Line-item vetos are unconstitutional because it is not a power given to the president by the _________________ ---Congress rarely has the votes to over turn veto (only 4% of all vetos have been overturned) ----The process/threat of veto encourages congress to _____________

quiet, bully pulpit, appeals, support, existing views

--A President in campaign speaks boldly, while an in office president is _______ because everything they say will be scrutinized --Presidents make fewer and fewer impromptu speeches after Roosevelt. Use of these speaches is called _______ __________. --Presidential communcation is now more important (Wilson continued coustom of giving state of the union address to congress), president _________ to many constituencies, and public prestige is important ---Going public allows president to build _________ for their policies **Public speaking only serves to bulster __________ _______ not change them

appropriation, policies, created, trust funds, deficits

--Appropriation Committee and Legislative Committees ---An agency's budget is determined by the ________________ committee ----Their power wasn't really challenged in the past ---- The ability of the agency to approve and amend a budget of an agency influences what _________ an agency follows ---Legislative committees are important when an agency is _____________/ a law is first passed, or when an agency needs annual authorization. ---Approrpation Committe has lost its large power due to : ----1. The creation of ______ ______ to pay for the benefits people receive. They operate outside the government budget and appropriation committees don't have power over it ----2. Congress changed the _______________ of programs to annual. ----3. Budget ___________ result in congress trying to keep budgets down which limits debates on what programs are worthwhile

disorganization, accomplish

--Attempts to Reogranize: ---President Bush atttempted to reorganize the federal gov around homeladbd security goals since the department at first had little power ---Presidents want to reorganize because they're appalled by the amount of _________________ in their subordianates ---Presidents can reorganize their staff in the white house, but when reorganizing an agency, they have to have the permission of congress through legislative vetos, however supreme court later declared it unconstitutional. ---Power of the president is measured by how much they can __________________ ---Power of the president is more limited than it seems from the outside, and their duty is pursuading people to do things (past), however power has expanded since FDR

president, house, 3

--Electoral College: ---Electoral College=states selecting electors in any way and those electors go to capital and choose ____________. Expected no majority of popular vote, so _______ would vote then. ---Large states have say, small states protected by always having at least __ votes, and states would have representation when House votes. Framers did not foresee the effect of parties

confidential, ask, acquire information, crimes

--Excecutive Privlege: RIght of the president to keep some things ______________ --- Right isn't given by the constitution, but is justified because: 1) Seperation of powers means that a branch of government doesn't have the right to ____ about the workings of another 2) The principles of administration require that the president be able to _________ ___________________ from subordinates (could not be obtained quickly under publilc scrutiny) ---The constitutional legitmacy was not questioned until 1974: ----Watergate scandal: The Supreme Court looked for recordings and ruled that it was unconstitutional to use excecutive privlege as immunity from ___________ ---Bill Clinton was sued and tried to claim excecutive privlege, which didn't work: ----Decreased the amount of advisors presidents could speak to in confidence

recruited, personal, jobs, Constraints

--Four factors that determine the behavior of bureaucrats: ---1. The way they're _____________ and awarded. ---2. Their ____________ attributes ---3. The nature of their ____ ---4. ____________ that outside forces impose on their agencies.

democracy, legislature, strong, congress, scheming, voters

--Framers were not able to predict the problems that would arise in pres because there were no examples of american _____________ at the time ---They understood that if they made the president too weak they would be overthrown by ____________, but if they were too _______ they would overthrow the legsiature --First plan was to make a president elected by congress. Problem is, a president can be dominated by _____________ and a ____________ president might dominate congress --Final plan was for the president to be chosen by _________. Direct democracy not possible because the people would not know enough about the candidates and large state advantage

prime minster, parliament, majority, majority, coalition cabinet,

--In parliamentary system, ______ __________ is chief and is chose by legislature. Prime selects other ministers from members of ______________. ---If there are only 2 major parties, ministers are from the ___________ party ----Stays in power as long as party has _____________ seats ---If there are many parties (Israel) multiple parties participate in _________ ________ ----Stays in power as long as created coalition sticks together

purse, Committee clearance, Legislative Veto, president, Congressional Investigations

--Other ways to control agencies other than power of the___________ (informal powers): ---___________ ______________: reviewing a certain agency decision in advance and withour passing a law --____________ ________ ---The ability of congress to block a presidential action after it has taken place ---Decided it was not constitutional in Chadha case because the constitution required all decisions of congress be brought to the ________________ --_______________ ________________: ---Constitutional by supreme court, but can't be used to expose the personal affairs of individual or deprive rights of citizens. ---Congress can authorize the freedom of some agencies making the seperate from the president's preferences

2, 22, public, dead

--Preisdent's Term of Office ---George Washington limited himself to __ terms and no president until roosevelt ran for more. ---___ Amendment limited presidents to 2 terms ---One of the issues was _______ acceptance of the president elect ----This was an issue because at the time, newly elected officials in other countries came to office with the previous one often _______ or scandled

Signing Statements, line-item vetos, enforced

--___________ ________________: A way to show what a president things about a bill or tell congress that he thinks its unconstitutional --Congress doesn't like this because they think its is the same as ______-______ ______and stops parts of a law ---President justifies it by saying that it shows how the law should be __________ and allows president to show what part of it the president thinks is unconstitutional and thus shouldn't be enforced --Supreme Court allows Signing Statements

Impoundment of Funds, Constitution, all, congress

--______________________ _____ ________: Refusing to spend money appropriated by congress ---The ______________ doesn't say that Presidents have this power Ex) Nixon wants to reduces spending--->Asks congress for power to limit spending-->Congress Refuses--->Nixon pocket vetoed bills and impounded funds---> Budget reform act of 1974 Budget Reform Act: -Requires President to spend ____ appropriated funds unless he tells ___________ he doesn't wnat to spend it within 45 days. He can delay funding by telling congress, and congress has the ability to refuse the delay

judges, confidential

-3% of expected employees are appointed other than or in addition to merit by presidents for policymaking and exceptions made due to: --1. Presidential appointments authorized by __________ --2. Appoints involved with jobs that have ____________ or policy determining characrer --3. Nincareer excecutive Assignments given to high-rangking members of a regular civil service ==All three are available to president and his administration ---Patronage is precedented and not uncommon

economic, social, Congress, income

-A Change in Role -Changes in bureaucarcy were a result of the Great Depression and World War 2, -Great Depression --Bureaucracy now has an ability to deal with __________ and _______ problems --Supreme Court reversed descuin on the ability of congress delegatng power to pres and administration. ___________ can tell them to make decisions that uphold public interest which gives them more power ---Ex) of Increased power=Nixons presidency and ability to make more decisions on economy -World War 2: First example of government making heavy use of ___________ tax --World War 2 resulted in an ___________ book permitting the expansion of programs and administrators -9/11 --Counterterrorist programs increase

Iron triangle, President, Issue Networks

-Agency Alliances: --______ ______________: relationship between agency, committee, and an interest group. ex) Department of Veteran Affaris, Committee on veteran affairs, and Veteran Organizatiojns (American Legion) make an alliance. An example of client politics, each one helps each other, and may even take constraints, for benefits ---Allies are sometimes so strong they can go against the ____________(ex= Reagan against SBA, congress helped SBA) --Iron triangles are not as common today because since th growth of government agencies are the subject of many legislation rather than one shared belief (due to more subcommittees). Instead of allies, they now have critics ex)EPA subject to criticism by environmentalists and industries --Iron triangles are now ______ _________: people debating governmental policies

Red tape, Conflict, Duplication, Imperialism, Waste, problems

-Bureaucratic "Pathologies" --5 Problems with Bureaucracies ---1. ________ ________: Complex rules and procedures that must be followed to get something done. Exists due to the nature of the government and need to satisfy requirments ---2. ____________: Some agencies work at corss prupose with other agencies. Both Conflict and duplication are the result of congress wanting differnt things and creating agencies for those things ---3. ________________: When two government agencies see, tp be doing the same thing ---4. _____________: Agencies growing without regard to if they've acheived their goal. Result of congress having vague wants and agencies using that to expand ---5. _____________: Spending more than necessary on products. Result of red tape requiring them to buy something **Problems within bureaucracies are hard to limit as it would result in more ________________ --Americans favor the bureaucracies they personally deal with and hate the others

state, accurate, infinitely, house, foreign, public opinion, inherent

-Concerns of the Founders --in 1787-89 Americans feared that the president would overpower states with _________ militia/shared treaty making power would make the tools of the senate ---Not accurate concern because militia power has little significance --Biggest concern was that the president would bribe to be president ______________ (they expected the president to be voted by the ________[when theres no majority] not the electoral college) ---Elections have only gone to the house twice (1800 and 1824) **The real sources of the president's power are: role in _______ affairs, ability to shape ________ ___________, position as head of executive branch, and claims to have __________ powers by virtue of office.

subsidies, Transfering, regulations, congress, constitutional

-Congress has giving authority to admin agencies in 3 areas --1. Paying _____________ to specific groups (farmers, veterans, scientists, schools, hospitals) --2. ______________ money from fed government to local/state governments (grant in aid) --3.Devising and enforcing _________________ for sectors of society and economy ---Grant in aids are monitored by __________ while regulatory programs have independence ---Delegations of power did not become common after 1930 when Supreme Court decided it was ___________________ ex) of delegations: safety regulations for vehicles

dominating, reform, traditional

-Congress used to be the _______________ branch of the government so congressional preferences often effected who was appointed (19th and 20th centuries) Because of this, it was based on the local issues congress represented --Became a problem because they called for ___________ that weren't always big issues --Allowed president to know that his subordinates supported his issues -At first there weren't many jobs but that changed in the middle of the 19th century --Growth was a result of a growing demand of congress's _________________ functions, not new functions --Civil war resulted in growth due to a need for more officials and reveled the weakness of the government as well resulting in a reform. Industrialization after the war also allowed the gov to be able to use its control over interstate commerce

approval, congress, appropriated

-Congressional Oversigigh: --Intererst groups are important to agencies because they are important to congress and agencies and committees take them seriously --Congression supervision of bureaucracy: ---1. No agency can exist without congressional ____________ ---2. No money can be spent unless authorized by _____________ (Authorization Legislation [begins or continues a government program or agency]. ---3. Funds can't be spent until they're __________________ (Originates in the House appropriation committee) **Congress has more power to direct agencies than the president

democrats, republican, parliament, legislature, parliament, president

-Divided Government --George W Bush and ___________ controlled senate passed requirements for education --Bill Clinton + _______________ congress overhauled welfare system -George HW, enacted historical legislation for disabled -Presidential Systems: Democracies --Parliamentary: can be removed by ______________ --Presidential: president can be impeached _______________ --Semi-presidential: prime minister selected(can be removed by ____________), and _____________ selected separately

executives, elective monarchy, washington, become

-Evolution of the Presidency --One of the biggest issues for framers was ____________ because they feared both monarchy and anarchy (existing states gave most power to the legislatures except NY, Mass, Conneticut) --Suggestion for executive: ---Several people hold power in different areas ---Excecutive power checked by a council ---Hamilton=_________ _____________ James Madison: Single elected president **In the end there was a single elected president, with confidence in __________________ being the first, some fearing what the president would ____________

steps, leave, Civil Reform Act

-Firing a Bureaucrat --Majority if bureaucrats don't hold presidential appointment. An executive has to go through many _______ in order to fire or demote them. **People are not fired unless the employer wants to invest a lot of time in the attempt --Instead of firing, employeers attempt to make the person want to _________ the job, denying the promotions, etc. *_________ __________ _______made SES which are high officials that can be hired or transferred more easily than normal civil servants in order to give the president and administration more flexibility ----Didin't work correctly

complexity, early, fewer, responsibility

-How Powerful is the President? --The government has become more constrained due to the ______________ of problems congress needs to deal with --President's Rule of Thumb of Dealing with Political Problems: ---1. A president must do something ________ in their term to get things done before their popularity erodes ---2. Have ________ top priorities than a lot ---3. Find capable white House subordinates and give them defined ____________________ in order to gets things done.

small, controversial, congress, popularity

-How Successful a presidential bill cannot be accurately measured because: 1) The president could be successful on a bunch of ______ bills rather than important ones. 2) A president can keep their victory score high by not taking a position on any _______________ matters 3)Presidents can seem successful if a some bills he likes passes, but most of their legislation is stuck in _____________ 4)Presidential _________________ is hard to predict and control ex) Bush's approval ratings went up durng presidency, Obama's approval ratings lowered during presidency

impeachment, House, senate,

-Impeachment **All civil officers of the US government can be removed by ________________ --Doesn't include civil officers, like cabinet and bureaucrats because they can be removed by president --Steps of Impeachemnt: Set of charges voted by the __________, ⅔ Vote of the ___________ removes them from office in court --Impeachment of Clinton resulted in the expiration of a law that would be used when an official was being impeached --Problem of impeachment: How will impeachment of the president work if those investigating him are part of his ________

America, parliament, presidential, president, prime minister, parliament

-Popular elected government is invented in America, with 13 nations with directly elected presidents in north and south _____________ -Prime minister elected by ____________ used in Western European countries (Japan, Israel) -No purely _____________ system in Europe Ex) France with a directly elected _____________ and ________ ___________ and ______________

support, reelected, penalize, win , popular

-Popularity and Influence --Presidents communicate in order to conver popularity into __________ for programs and reelection --Congress does not have much reason to care about president popularity because 1) Congress gets ______________ easily anyway 2) President can't ____________congress members for not supporting them. --Congress does sometimes benefit from popular benefit, ie) when a president is popular their party candidates _____ their races --Congress understands that it's risky to go against the policies of a popular president --The more ____________ the president, the more bills congress will pass

Founding Period, Wartime, office, senate, tie

-Presidents usually get reelected if they were in the ______________ _________, _____________, or in __________ during peaceful times. When times are divided its rare to get reelected -The Vice President --The first time the Vice president became president was John Tyler, and it was decided that vp who become president when a president is sick would be president ___________________ and have all its powers --Being Vice President doesn't guarantee that you will be president if you run --Being Vice President is notoriously empty job and the only official job of the vp is presiding over the _________ and voting in case of a ____. At best other than that they''re an adviser to the president

Vice President, Cabinet, 2/3, nominate

-Problems of Succession --What if the president falls ill but doesn't die --If the VP steps up, who then becomes vice president ---First decided to be secretary of state, but that would mean VP could pick them, Then decided to be speaker then pro tempore, but both are picked by seniority not skill --Both problems were dealt with by the 25th Amendment **25th Amendment says that when the president says he can't do his job or when the _________ ________________ and the majority of the _____________ agree the president can't do his job the vice president becomes acting president --If President disagrees with the vp then _____ majority of congress decides. --Vice president who becomes acting president is required to ___________ a vp who is elected in by majority vote of congress

satisfaction, rules

-Reforming the Bureaucracy: --NPR is a plan pushed by Vice president Al gore (National Performance Review) ---Was different because rather than suggesting to increase presidential power, it emphasize citizen ______________ with agencies --Congress and President fight over who has control over bureaucracy so in response bureaucrats make _________ that help them avoid angering either, making their jobs harder

same, entire, change, sabotage.

-The Agency's point of View -Most agencies are staffed by people who are recruited by the agencies and have the _______ POV as them as well as have worked there their ___________ lives. --Advantage=Bureaucrats know their jobs and their viewpoints don't __________ no matter who's in power --Disadvantage=A political excecutive who wants to shape policy in an agency will have to win the support of subordinates because subordiantes can discreetly X ____________ them.

Name request job, wants, good job, views

-The Buddy System: --_____ _______________ ______: A job filled by a person an agency has already identified ---Person learns of the job from someone or heys hired by bureau who _______ them by name --Buddy system doesn't really hired bad employees, but is often used to hire people already known to do a _________ ____ ---Also opens up hiring people who's policy ________ support those already in office ex) Agency focusing in consumer protection will hire someone from an interest group with the same views

elected, normal

-The Decline in Popularity --Presidential popularity tends to decline --President's popularity rating tends to be its highest right after its __________ (honeymoon phase) ---Ex) FDR first 100 days, which brought many bills passed by congress --Presidents serving in _____________ times don't enjoy a honeymoon

viewpoints, parties, legitimacy, Appointed, advising, vetoes

-The First Presidents: --First presidents were the most prominent men in the nation and the administration had representatives for all major _____________ (ex: Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson) --Washington was opposed to _________ and when parties opposed there was a stigma against them (due to the belief that it was wrong to take advantage of separation in views to get voted into office) --It was easy to establish the ____________ of parties because the government used little resources at the time (only had to establish a currency and get rid of debts from the war) --_____________ officials must have some sort of social standing. The Presidency was kept modest and faces were not put on coins until they were dead --Congress did not have a responsibility of _____________ the president and _____ occurred sparingly (only when pres thought law was wrong and unconstitutional)

vetos, Electorate, popular, tension

-The Jacksonians --Changes began to occur in politics during the presidency of Andrew Jackson (1829-1837) --He _______ more than any of his predecessors (12 vetos) and they were not on constitutional grounds, but based on policy. Saw himself as the "Tribune of the People" ---______________ was expanding during his time --Jackson demonstrated what could be done by a ____________ president. Congress had more _____________(Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, and John Calhoun)

veto, executive privilege, veto, pocket, adjourns, law

-The Power to Say No: **President has the power to _____ legislation as well as have __________ _____________ (right to withhold information from congress) and impound funds appropriated by congress --Veto: ---Presiden can veto through a _______ message or _____________ veto (not signing veto within 10 days before congress has adjourned) ----pocket vetos can only be used at certain time 1) Just before congress _____________ at the end of ots second session **Unconstitutional to pocket veto during recess **Bills not sifbed/vetoed within 10 days while congress is in session automatically becomes a _____

Jacksonian, one, Lincoln, executed, emancipation

-The Reemergence of Congress: --Congress seized power after _____________ era (except under James Polk, Grovel Cleavland, and Lincoln) and president is subordinate branch of gov ---During this era no presidents served more than ____ term (no-name presidents). Very partisan era ---The winning president has less than the popular vote --The only president to have a lot of power during this era was ____________ ---Opposed the excecutive power used by Jackson. ---During the civil war, he used the vague power of the constitution that stated the president mus "take care that laws be _____________" (this was unprecedented) and authorization as commander-in-cheif ----Actions taken: raised an army, temporarily removed habeaus corpus, writ the __________________ proclamation without congress approval

Politicians, deference, outside, exemplify, public

-The Three Audiences: Pres' persuasive powers are aimed at 1) Fellow ________________: affects hoew much ___________ his views receive. If a president is sene as smart/effective they will be effective. ---Ex) Roosevelt/Lyndon Non Ex) Truman/Carter 2)Party activists/officeholders __________ Washington: Want pres to ____________ their princibples and help them get reelected. (State and local campaigns) 3) The "many" _____: each has a different view.

share, Senate, president, Pyramid Structure, Circular structure, Ad hoc structure

-The White House Office The Presidents closest assistance are in the White House in the West Wing. They _____ the beliefs of president, aren't approved by the ___________, and can be hired and fired by the _______________ ___________ _____________: Assistance report through a hierarchy. Chief of staff-->President -Orderly flow of information (pro), Risk of misinforming pres (con) ___________ ___________: Presidential assistancts Report directly to the president (Carter) -Gives pres information (pro), risks confusion (con) ____ ______ ______________: Presidential Subordinates and other people report directly to the president (Clinton) -Allows a great amount of flexibility (pro), risks cutting president off from the people who help pres apply decisions (con)

persuasion, 2, constituency, duties

-The president must rely on _____________ in order to accomplish much Constitution gives them 2 advantages: -VP and Pres are the only __ elected by the nation --He is the head of state as well as the cheif excecutive of the government **The president can use their __________ and ceremonial _______ to expand power, but they have to do it quick because the second half of their first term will be used to prepare for reelection

Pendleton Act, outrage, republicans

-________ _____________made merit system possible 2 years after patronage became precedent. Was possible to be passed by republicans because: --1. There was public ____________ over the spoils system --2. Republicans feared that Democrats that were elected with an anti-spoils system belief would fire all ______________

more, do as well, myth, same way, rivals, ideological party

1. Does Gridlock Matter? --It's not easy to tell if divided governments are _______ gridlocked than unified ones ---Research has show that divided governments __ __ _____ as united ones in passing important laws, investigations, and treaties ----This is due to the fact that a unified government is a _______. ie) just because a single party controls the government doesn't mean they will see things the ______ _____ Ex) Republicans divided between radical and moderate, and the constitution insures that the president and congress are ________ for power *Unifed government exists only when the same ______________ ______ is in power (Happened during Franklin Rosevelt and Lydndon Johnson)

less, constitution, ideology, like, 2, gridlock

2.Is Policy Gridlock Bad? -President has ______ power to decide what laws get passed than a prime minister --Only way to fix this weakness is by changing the _______________ or voting in members with same __________ as president ---Citizens ____ the idea of gridlock because there are always some beliefs they don't want in power. 1/4 of voters split there ballot vote between ___ parties *_________ is necessary in a representative democracy, and without it it would be a direct democracy -The relative power of the president is more important

serve, limited, constitution, congress, wartime, relates

A Service Role: -Agencies were created from 1861-1901 (like the Pension Office. Department of Agriculture, Labor, and Commerce) and 200,000 new federal employees were hired. -Agencies came inro being not to regulate but to ______ and the government didn't significantly control commerce until the creation of the Interstate Commerce Commission -Why the fed government served a service role: --1. The belief in ____________ government and laissez faire was strong (from the constitution) --2. The ______________ said nothing about giving regulatory power to bureacrats (unless congress set standards for the agency's decisions ---Surpreme Court ruled that (1935) Agencys couldnt make rules on their own, the could only follow the standards set by _______________. Powers of congress can't be used by pres or administrators ----This changes in ____________ where congress can give their powers to president -Wars increased the number of people employed to government and bureaucracies --Occurs because during wars agencies argue that everything they're doing ____________ to the war effor, so they say that having more employees relates and improves war effort

pocket veto

A bill fails to become law because the president did not sign it within 10 days before Congress adjourns

executive agreement

A formal agreement between the U.S. president and the leaders of other nations that does not require Senate approval.

veto message

A message from the president to Congress stating that he will not sign a bill it has passed. Must be produced within 10 days of the bill's passage

pyramid structure

A president's subordinates report to him through a clear chain of command headed by a chief of staff

Signing statement

A presidential document that reveals what the president thinks of a new law and how it ought to be enforced

Impoundment of Funds

A presidential refusal to spend money appropriated by Congress

Office of Management and Budget, Central Intelligency Agency, Council of Economic Advisors, Office of Personnel Management

Agencies in the Excecutive Office: Report directly to the president ________ __ _______________ ____ _______________: provides input to the president on budget proposals, advice on how to mak:e agencies more efficient. Most important ___________ ____________ ________________: Spies on other countries ________________ __ _______________ _______________: Helps Shapes policies ________ __ _____________ _________________: Do the hiring and firing of people who work in government

line-item veto

An executive ability to block a particular provision in a bill passed by the legislature


Charges against a president approved by a majority of the House of Representatives

enhances, culture

Cultures and Careers: -Bureaucrats in agencies are not free to do what ever they want and are bound by laws and understandings (culture) -Agencies have some jobs that are ____________ career which are part of the __________ ex) Air force-->Flying planes not office jobs -Being part of the culture allows you to have the respect of your coworkers, but a strong culture makes it hard to change an agency.


Do Bureaucrats Sabotage their Political Bosses? **Speculated on because its hard to fire bureaucrats -Most bureaucrats will _____________ their bosses orders even if they don't agree with their policy --If a superior acts harshly, they can always leak information about them as protected by the whistleblowing protection act -Bureaucrats don't act on their beliefs because their jobs are highly structured and monitored -Value of the people within the agency might affect how they behave. (In the FTC lawyers and econonmists have room to choose their course of action)

Executive agencies

Federal agencies that are part of the executive branch but outside the structure of cabinet departments. Their heads typically serve at the pleasure of the president and can be removed at the president's discretion.

Acting Appointments

Independent Agencies, Commissions, and Judgeships President appoints people. They serve for fixed terms of office and can only be removed for cause (agencies and commissions). President appoints judges who serve for life and can only be removed by impeachment or conviction "________ ________________"-People the president appoints and which holds office until senate officially appoints them. Disliked by Senate

outside, insiders, legislators

Presidents Are Often Outsiders -Presidents win election, and can win by showing that they are _________ the mess that is Washington. Prime Ministers are chosen from people with Parliament, always ________ --Non political presidents=Jimmy Cater, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George W bush. Only 13% were ____________ before becoming president

majority, presidents, common, gridlock, divided, unified, bad

Presidents May Face Divided Government -There is guaranteed ____________ for prime ministers but it is possible and not guaranteed for _____________ --A divided government (happened 20 times of 32) is more _____________ than a unified government ---Unified Government cases: George W Bush in 2001 with republican controlled gov -People hate divided government because they believe that it always results in a ____________ --There are 2 things wrong with that belief ---1. It is not shown that a gridlock in a ____________ government is any worse than one in a _____________ government ---2. Even if a gridlock does exist, it's not usually a ____ thing for the government

current member, parliament, friends, antagonize, choice

Presidents choose cabinet members from Outside Congress -No __________ _________ of congress can be in cabinet (democracy). The person chosen by a prime minister is usually from ______________ Ex) George Bush chose ___________ and representatives of constituencies to be in cabinet --By getting people from parliament, prime exerts power. Members of parliament won't ___________ prime because they have a _________ in the cabinet

majority, divided, intentional, out of office, resigned

Presidents have no Guaranteed Majority in the Legislature -Prime minister's party always has a __________. President party is not always majority, and there can be a ____________ government. Even united government can result in conflict --Conflict between parties in democracy is intentional Ex) Kennedy have trouble passing laws despite united government -Difference in political position in congress: --Bush decides to go to war and public position goes against him, he continues to go to war because he can't be take ____ __ _______ --When Minister Blair went to war and public opinion was against him he __________

merit, competitive service, decentralized, complex, diversity, changed

Recruitment and Retention -Federal civil service designed to recruit qualified people based on ________ --Some people belong to ______________ ____________________where they have to pass tests to -In resent years competitive service is more __________________(Office of Personnel Managemen/OPM) and exams are less common. This is caused by 3 things --1. Old OPM system was inefficient, not relevant to the _________ needs of agencies --2. Agencies need more professional __________ employees/ --3. Civil rights groups asked for more _____________ --4. The kinds of people hired into the federal civil service has _____________: white collar workforce has increased.

selective, returned, Trustee approach, Delegate model, Polls

Result of constraints: The president has to _____________ about what he wants The president has to be careful about what he invests in and has to make sure that investment will be _____________ Opinion polls are important ____________ ___________: Do what the public good requires even if voters are spectacle ____________ _________: Do what youre constituents want you to do ______ allow you to decide what rhetoric you use when explaining Programs can be radically altered Ex) terroris attack during George w bush changed his focus to foreign policy

circular structure

Several of the president's assistants report directly to him

ad hoc structure

Several subordinates, cabinet officers, and committees report directly to the president on different matters

Political ideology, personal character, competence, party affiliation

The Appointment of Officials -People struggle over who gets appointed to the bureaucracy. These must be considered: --1. Officials selected change how laws are interpreted (_________ _________ considered) --2. What tone the administration has (___________ _______________ considered) --3. How effectively the public business is discharged (_____________ considered) --4. How strong the political oarty in power will be (________ _____________ considered)

decisions, representatives, friends

The Cabinent -Used to meet regulary with president. However, it isn't a deliberate body (fights against each other) so it doesn't have much influence of pres ______________ or help pres gain more power over gov -Cabinet officers are the heads of 15 major executive departments -President directly appoints and controls more cabinet members than Prime minister because ot has to ____________ for control of the agencies with congress and gets more appointments to make up for the power lost --Presidential appointments don't give the president power of ther departments. Heads have to deal with the agencies so they are __________________ of their agencies and not friends of the president. --One advantage of appointments: Can reward _________ with jobs within departments

president, senate, Office of Management and Budget

The Executive Office of the President Agencies in executive office report directly to the __________________ and those who are appointed by them are in the top positions of the agency. Appointments must be confirmed by the ________. May or may not have direct contact with pres depending on size Princple Agencies are: -Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) -Director of National Intelligence (DNI) -National Security Council -_____________ __ ______________ ___ _______________ (OMB) --Most important. Studies figures president submits for budget, studies organization of executive branch and devises plans for reorganizing departments --Used to be nonpartisan but after Reagan administration started making more proposals in president's favor -Office of the US Trade Representative -Office of the Vice President

Interest Groups, Aides and Campaign Advisors, Federal Bureaus and Agencies, Outside Academic specialists and experts:

The President's Program ***Presidents are expected to do more than they ever were before Putting Together a Program President relies on -_________ ________: Pro: Always has specific ideas Con: Narrow view of public -_____ ___ __________ _________: Pro: Will test new ideas for soundness Con: Will not have many ideas (inexperienced) -___________ _________ ______ __________ Pro: Will know what is feasible Con: Will promote own agencies and don't have info on if plans work -___________ _____________ _____________ ___ ____________: Cons: general ideas and criticize existing programs Con: No good judgment on if things are feasible


The inability of the government to act because rival parties control different parts of the government

electoral college

The people chosen to cast each state's votes in a presidential election. Each state can cast one electoral vote for each senator and representative it has. The District of Columbia has 3 electoral votes, even though it cannot elect a representative or senator.

Executive privilege

The power to keep executive communications confidential, especially if they relate to national security. The right to withhold information that Congress may want to obtain from the president or his subordinates

more, armed, appoint, treaties, appoint, approve

The presidency has evolved to have _______ political responsibilites and expectations but its powers have remained the same -Constitutional Powers -Listed out in the constitution: 1.Things the president can do without legislative approval. -Commander of ________ forces -Pardon people -Convene congress in special sessions -_________ low officials -Wield executive power 2.Things the president needs congress' consent for. -Make ________ -________ ambassadors, judges, high officials 3.Powers shared by congress and pres -_______ legislation

bully pulpit

The president's use of his prestige and visibility to guide or enthuse the American public

united government

The same party controls the White House and both houses of Congress

people, size, congress, congress, electoral college, house

Then: 3 views on how to elect presidents: James Wilson: __________ elect president. Not support because _______ of America would make direct voting impossible Roger Sherman: President elected by ___________. Lots of support, but worries of president being a tool for congress Committee of Postponed Matters: _________ ________. ________ chooses president if there is no majority

every, major, leaking info, reaction, time, crisis

Two ways to develop a program 1. Have a policy on ________ thing (Carter and Clinton) To do this you have studey many documents 2. Focus on 4 or 3 _______ initiatives and leave the rest to subordinates (Reagan) Presidents must test the waters when they have an initiative by ___________ _____. Critics leake controversial info. Restraints on Programs: Adverse ____________ to program Limit of president's ____ and attention span Unexpected _______ The federal government, programs, and budget can only be changed marginally except in specially circumstances Things with large support or not able to be changed.

closest, campaign, congress

White House Office/West Wing: -Made up of pres' _________ assistants. -Do not need t be confirmed by the Senate, hired and fired by pres. -Usually Come from Pres' _________________ -Offers advice on foreign and domestic issues and deals with ___________

Prior, happy

Who gets Appointed: ________ Federal experiences Insiders and outsiders Political Following Expertise/Administrative experience Presidnet knows few appointees personally President needs to maintain a balance between political groups, regional alliances and other organizations so appointments must keep them _______ Most appointees have federal experience Rivalry also develops between cabinet members (experts) and WHO (extension of the president Takes months for Presidential _______________ to be filled and approved by Senate Time consuming process: FBI background checks, vistitsto home, personal character etc

The Cabinet

___ ____________: Cheif excecutives of the excecutive brnach departments. Created orginal to advice the president Department of State: Foreign Policy Department of Treasury: Money Department of Defencse: Armed Forces Department of Justice: Law Enforcement Department of the Interior: Public Lands and Natural resources Department of Agriculture: Farm Production Department of Commerce: Trade, Business, Tourism Department of Labor: Wages, Working conditions Department of Health and Human Services: Health of Americans Department of Transportation: Highways, railroads, airlines, seas traffic Department of Housing and Human Services: Health of Americans Department of Energy: Energy planning Department of Education: Advice and Funding for schools Department of Verteran Affairs: Service for veterans Department of Homeland Security: Protects against terrorist attacks

Personal, lower, represent,

__________ Attributes: Shapes the way a bureaucrat uses power -Social class, education, and personal political beliefs -Minorities are typically represented by people in the __________ level of the bureaucracy while those with the most power are middle-aged white men **Political appointees and career bureaucrats don't _________ americans and hold different views of the government than the public. -Policies of the workers reflect what kind of political work they do (agencies they're in/presidents they support)

skill, cause, Executive Agencies, pleasure, president, senate

_________________ ____________: Executive agencies that are run independently from teh witehouse. (President can't be ordered by president) Appointed due to their _____ in their job. Appointed by the president, confirmed by the senate, can only be fired with a ________. Serve a set term and can be renominated by a future president -FCC, Federal Reserve Board (14 years), FDIC, Federal Science Foundation ____________ ___________________: Directly controlled by teh oprsident. Heads of agencies hired by the president and serve at the _______________ of the president. Can be removed at his/her discrection -NASA, EPA, Post Office -Cabinent Departments- Serve at the pleasure of the ______________ Federal judges appointed by the president and confirmed by the __________, only removed by impeachment

executive order

a rule or order issued by the president to an executive branch of the government and having the force of law.

Independent Agencies

agencies in the executive branch of the federal government formed by Congress to help enforce laws and regulations not covered by the executive departments. Serve for a fixed term and can be removed only "for cause"

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