Unit 3: Mandible, TMJs, and Sinuses Anatomy (RAD PRO 3)

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when does the mandible ossify

1st year of life

the posterior ethmoid air cells range from ______ to ______ and drain into the ______ _______ _______

2-6 superior nasal meatus

the anterior and middle ethmoid air cells range from _____ to _____ and opens into the _______ ______ _______

2-8 middle nasal meatus

at what age are the frontal and sphenoid sinuses distinguishable from the ethmoids

6-7 years old

what is a sound conducting canal


at the center of the posterior apsect of the petrous portion is the


what transmits vestibulocochlear and facial nerves


where do the sphenoid sinuses lie

In the body of the sphenoid bone directly below the sella turcica

concave area at top of ramus between coronoid and condylar processes

Mandibular notch

functions of paranasal sinuses

Serve as resonating chamber for the voice Decrease weight of skull Aid in warming and moisturizing inhaled air Act as shock absorbers in trauma Possibly control the immune system

superior attachment of the auricle


the top of the petrous ridge lies approximately at the level of the


the superior border of the body of the mandible consists of a spongy bone called ______ ____________, supports the roof of the teeth

alveolar portion

what are the air cells in the ethmoid sinus

anterior, middle, posterior

What are the semicircular canals?

anterior, posterior, and lateral

what is a rounded eminence located on the inferior border of the zygomatic process- it forms the anterior boundary of the mandibular fossa

articular tubercle

what delicate bones are articulated to permit vibratory motion they bridge the middle ear cavity for the transmission of sound vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the internal ear

auditory ossicles

what is a passage by which air pressure in the middle ear is equalized with the pressure in the outside air passages

auditory tube

what is the oval shaped, fibrocartilaginous, sound collecting organ situated on the side of the head


parts of the external ear

auricle and EAM

where is the temporal bone situated

base of the cranium (between the greater wings of the sphenoid and the occipital bone)

what is the curved horizontal portion on the mandible


the internal ear is composed of an irregular shaped bony chamber called

bony labyrinth

when opens into the foramen lacerum

carotid canal

the outer 1/3 of the canal wall is


what is used for hearing


the maxillary sinus is occasionally divided into 2 sinuses by what

complete septum

the auricle has a deep central depression, which is the lower part and leads into the EAM


posterior process on top of ramus; articulates with mandibular fossa of temporal bone to form temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

condylar process

anterior process on top of ramus

coronoid process

what is the organ of hearing and balance


what sinuses are located within lateral masses of labyrinths

ethmoid sinuses

which sinuses develop during puberty and are not completely developed until 17-18

ethmoid sinuses

t/f: frontal sinuses are always symmetric


t/f: the mandible is completely formed at birth


near the petrous apex, is a ragged foramen called

foramen lacerum

what sinuses are the 2nd largest and are paired and are normally located between the tables of the vertical plate of the frontal bone

frontal sinuses

the body and the rami unite where

gonion (angle of mandible)

Where is the TMJ situated?

immediately in front of the EAM

wha tis the anvil


what does the carotid canal contain

internal carotid artery

what deviates from the midline and makes the frontal sinuses rarely symmetric

intersinus septum

the temporal bones form a ________ (large/small) part of the middle fossa


is the mastoid process larger in males or females


what is the hammer


what are the auditory ossicles

malleus, stapes, and incus

what is the largest and densest bone of the face


what receives condyle of mandible to form temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

mandibular fossa

the first mastoid air cells to develop is situated at the upper anterior part of the process and is termed

mastoid antrum

what is the large air cavity situated in the temporal bone above the mastoid air cells and immediately behind the posterior wall of the middle ear

mastoid antrum

what does the middle ear communicate with

mastoid antrum and audittory eustachian tube

what is a conical process projecting from mastoid portion

mastoid process

what sinuses a re usually sufficiently well developed and aerated at birth to be shown on a radiograph

maxillary sinuses

which sinus is the largest and most symmetric (they're paired)

maxillary sinuses

which way does the EAM project

medially anteriorly slightly superiorly

the internal ear is housed within the bony chamber and is an intercommunicating system of ducts and sacs known as

membranous labyrinth

small openings on each side below the second premolar; transmit nerves and blood vessels

mental foramen

At the site of ossification is a slight ridge that ends below in a triangular prominence

mental protuberance

The rami project superiorly at an _______ angle to the body of the mandible, and their broad surface forms an angle of approximately...

obtuse, 110-120 degrees

the inner 2/3 of the canal wall is


the air-filled cavities located in the frontal, ethmoid, and sphenoid bones of the cranium, as well as the maxillae of the face

paranasal sinuses

the maxillary sinus is often divided into sub-compartments by what

partial septa

what forms the inferior posterior part of the temporal bone

petromastoid portion

what contains the organs of hearing and balance

petrous portion

what is the thickest and densest portion of cranium

petrous portion

what projects medially and anteriorly between greater wing of sphenoid and occipital bone... conical or pyramidal in shape

petrous portion

where are the essential parts of the ear housed in

petrous portion of temporal bone

another name for petrous portion

petrous pyramid

what is the upper border of the petrous portion called

petrous ridge

the TMJ slants how

posteriorly 15 degrees inferiorly and medially 15 degrees

what are the 2 vertical portions of the mandible called


the maxillary sinus flood presents several elevations that corresponds to what

roots of subjacent teeth

the temporal bones form a _________ (small/large) part of the posterior fossa


what sinuses are normally paired and occupy the body of the sphenoid bone

sphenoid sinuses

what is the thin upper portion of the temporal bone that forms the side wall of the cranium

squamous portion

what does the temporal bone consist of

squamous portion tympanic portion styloid process zygomatic process petromastoid portion (mastoid and petrous portions)

what is the stirrup


what is a slender, pointed bone projecting inferiorly, anteriorly, and slightly medially from inferior surface of tympanic portion

styloid process

what is the most central and anterior part of the mandible this is where the right and left halves of the mandible have fused


auricle has a prominent cartilaginous lip which projects posteriorly over the entrance of the meatus


what is the function of tympanic membrane

transmission of sound vibrations

t/f: often only 1 sphenoid sinus is present and they are usually asymmetric


t/f: the coronoid process is higher that the mandibular condyle


t/f: the petromastoid portion usually contains air cells


t/f: the sinuses begin to develop early in fetal life, at first appearing as small sacculations of the mucosa of the nasal meatus and recesses


t/f: the tympanic cavity communicates with the nasopharynx through the auditory tube


the mastoid antrum is large, and communicates with what

tympanic cavity

what is a narrow irregularly shaped chamber that lies just posterior and medial to the mandibular fossa

tympanic cavity

the EAM ends at the __________ __________ of the middle ear

tympanic membrane

what is a thin concavoconvex, membranous disk wit an elliptic shape

tympanic membrane

what does the middle ear consist of

tympanic membrane (ear drum) tympanic cavity auditory ossicles

what is located below squama and in front of petromastoid portion -Forms anterior wall, inferior wall, and part of posterior walls of the EAM

tympanic portion

what are involved with equilibrium

vestibule and semicircular canals

What does the bony labyrinth consist of?

vestibule, semicircular canals, cochlea

the squamous portion contains a prominent arched process which projects anteriorly to articulate with the zygomatic bone of the face and completes the zygomatic arch

zygomatic process

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