Unit 3 Test: Revel Questions

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What is indicated by a recent Pew poll that found that 70-80 percent of both black and white Americans report that all or most of their close friends are of the same race? Integrated religious institutions and educational institutions provide opportunities for intercultural friendships. Historical forces influence contemporary intercultural interaction. Americans remain fairly racially segregated in their schools and neighborhoods. Students in a multicultural campus assume that they have intercultural relationships just by virtue of being surrounded by cultural diversity.

Americans remain fairly racially segregated in their schools and neighborhoods

Which of the following descriptions provides the best understanding of culture? a group of individuals sharing a country or region of origin. learned patterns of perceptions, values, and behaviors shared by a group of people. a nonchanging and repeating pattern of perceptions, values, and behaviors shared by all people. individuals with similar characteristics of skin tone, eye shape, body type, and hair color.

learned patterns of perceptions, values, and behaviors shared by a group of people

A set of "attitudes, beliefs, and predispositions about the how, where, when, who, and what of the information reception and encoding process" refers to _____. listening skills critical thinking style listening style listening barriers

listening style

Under the new social contract, workers and organizations do not expect _____. loyalty hard work restructuring profit goals


As social media continues to be a vital part of communication, some communication experts have added the term _____, or following social media posts without responding, to their definition of listening. lurking tweeting ghosting phishing


As employee-of-the month, Bryce gets to park in the first spot in the parking lot. What function of organizational communication does his award represent? horizontal maintenance innovation production


Which of these scenarios demonstrates upward communication? Tyler asked his assistant Charles to bring three binders into the meeting room. The sales management team reported the sales goals to each salesperson at Jordan's company. Maria explained to her supervisor that she would be taking a four-week family leave. Two assistant managers worked on a project together in order to meet the deadline.

maria explained to her supervisor that she would be taking a four-week family leave

The tendency to develop relationships with people who are approximately as attractive as we are is known as the _____. predicted outcome theory attractiveness theory uncertainty reduction theory matching hypothesis

matching hypothesis

When Lou is angry, he makes sarcastic remarks to his wife about her appearance, but insists he is "just kidding." Which pitfall of inauthentic communication does this represent? emotional blackmail topic avoidance disqualification meaning denial

meaning denial

_____ listening is based on Eastern philosophy and Zen Buddhism. Ethical Sympathetic Critical Mindful


Someone who understands organizational communication will ask _____ questions about everyday organizational practices. less varied less critical more generic more informed

more informed

Taylor doesn't know why he has to take a communication class in college—he knows how to talk to other people. Taylor appears to be lacking in the most important component of improving intercultural communication, which is _____. striving for empathy avoidance of stereotypes motivation knowledge of self


Without the _____ to be an effective communicator, no other skills will be relevant. motivation knowledge ethics power


According to renowned listening expert Rebecca Shafir, in order to be a better listener, individuals need to understand another person's "_____." movie community barriers book


In the next several decades, the United States will become a "plurality nation," which means that _____. ethnicity will no longer be an important concept no single ethnic group will be the majority the current majority will double in size most people will be identified as multi-racial

no single ethnic group will be the majority

If you are motivated and _____ other ways of viewing the world, then you will be able to engage in meaningful communication. critical of immune to ignorant of open to

open to

When communicators are willing to share their ideas and listen to others in a way that avoids conveying negative or disconfirming feedback, they are practicing _____. extroversion supportiveness openness motivation


_____ consist of the set of interactions that members of groups use to accomplish their individual and common goals. Organizations Cultures Affiliations Social groupings


As emphasized in the text, much of our success within organizations is connected to _____. our cognitive potential our physical appearance our communication abilities our time orientation

our communication abilities

Studies have shown that people with higher-pitched voices tend to be judged by others to be more _____, but less _____. conscientious; emotionally stable intelligent; outgoing emotionally stable; intelligent outgoing; conscientious

outgoing; conscientious

The most typical way relationships end is through _____, which occurs when the relationship simply declines over time and the partners are aware that problems remain unresolved. sudden death passing away justification betrayal

passing away

Communication scholar Benjamin Broome's facilitation of interethnic relations on the island of Cyprus is an example of _____. pluralism enhanced self-awareness peacebuilding mediated communication


After the first day of accounting class, Shondra stopped to talk with three other students and after a friendly exchange, discovered they enjoyed playing tennis as much as she did. She asked if they wanted to get together for a match later that week. Which listening style is Shondra displaying? action-oriented people-oriented time-oriented content-oriented


Which of these characteristics is associated with a long-term orientation? complacency safety individualism perseverance


Organizational culture can be thought of as the _____ of an organization. personality goals history hierarchy


Gaelynn assumes the older staff member in the wheelchair isn't a qualified research librarian, so she goes in search of someone else to answer her question. Gaelynn is letting _____ affect her listening abilities. physical appearance context education social status

physical appearance

The final step one must complete before talking with a colleague about an issue in conflict is _____. knowing what you want understanding the other party's goals planning the interaction understanding your own goals

planning the interaction

During her year-long study with the Denmark government, Brita discovered that leaders there emphasized equality and their interaction with subordinates was less formal than in the United States. Which cultural value did she experience? power distance preferred personality short-term versus long-term orientation human-nature value

power distance

Caden liked Phil initially, but over time, as he learned more about him, he discovered that he didn't like Phil at all. This development can best be explained by _____ theory. equity social exchange uncertainty reduction predicted outcome

predicted outcome

_____ is a value orientation that expresses whether it is more important to "do" or to "be." Preferred personality Human nature Indulgence versus restraint Power distance

preferred personality

Preoccupation and boredom are examples of _____ barriers to listening. conflicting objective psychological physical physiological


Zane's boss asks him to go out on a date and says he "probably can't keep him on staff" if Zane refuses. This is a case of _____. quid pro quo a hostile work environment bullying cyberbullying

quid pro quo

Marcus advised his boss that it might be better to allocate three days instead of two for the inventory process because the warehouse also had to be inventoried. Which form of supervisor-subordinate communication does this demonstrate? ingratiation empowerment assertiveness rationality


Rather than listen to the lecture, Juliette was busy thinking about what question she could ask so she could earn participation points for the class. Which ineffective listening behavior is Juliette demonstrating? predicting judging rejecting rehearsing


Nonstrategic, routine behaviors that couples perform, such as using humor or joking, self-disclosure, and positivity, are examples of _____. de-escalation behaviors initiating behaviors terminating behaviors relational maintenance behaviors

relational maintenance behaviors

Kabi has chosen to attend college in California instead of his home country because of opportunities he sees there. He has come to enjoy the more informal lifestyle in the U.S. Kabi can be identified as _____. a border dweller through displacement a border dweller through travel a border dweller through relationships a border dweller through socialization

a border dweller through travel

According to your text, people with even a few close relationships experience _____ than those who are lonely. a greater sense of well-being more communication anxiety more stress a greater degree of job success

a greater sense of well-being

In the small rural community where Ken lives, the firehouse whistle sounds at noon each day to signal to the farmers that it's time for lunch. The whistle is an example of _____. lurking a soundscape a vocal cue a demographic

a soundscape

How can you most effectively communicate that you're interested in someone else's culture and affirm their sense of identity? acquire knowledge about its history, background, and values. refrain from discussing your own culture's history, background, and values. apply stereotyping and prejudices. remember the benefits gained by intercultural communication.

acquire knowledge about its history, background, and values

Monique enjoyed Professor Kirchoff's class because her lectures were well-organized and error-free, and she always asked the students if they had any questions about the topic. Monique is a(n) _____-oriented listener. content time people action


In U.S. culture, parents are encouraged to understand that _____ will turn toward their friends and away from their families. the elderly young married couples very young children adolescents


What communication strategy is suggested for individuals in intercultural intimate relationships? ignore and downplay the differences between them. embrace the culture of the individual from the majority culture. adopt open communication about the differences between them. cut off communication with those who disapprove of intimate intercultural relationships.

adopt open communication about the differences between them

Corrine reminded her 10-year-old daughter that she needed to have patience when listening to her grandfather because he is hard of hearing and doesn't always know what the other person says. Which individual influence is playing a role in this listening process? nationality gender age biology


Company Q develops a slingshot for young adults and labels it as not suitable for children under age 14. However, its advertising shows young-looking boys happily shooting each other with the toy. Under the communal view, who bears responsibility for the company's unethical communication? the individuals who appear in the ad. the decision-makers at the company. all members of Company Q and its advertisers. the individuals who created the ad.

all members of company q and its advertisers

In the communal ethical approach, an organization's ethical standards should be created by _____ and monitored by _____. all members; all members supervisors; all members supervisors; subordinates select individuals; all members

all members; all members

Health psychologist James J. Lynch conducted research that established a connection between human interaction, which includes listening, and _____. mental awareness sociocultural awareness cardiovascular health digestive health

cardiovascular health

What listening decision can open up opportunities for new experiences that may alter our thinking or behavior? choosing not to listen choosing to listen selectively choosing to cut ourselves off from listening choosing to listen together

choosing to listen together

After dating for several months, Sarah and Mark find themselves getting into arguments over even minor issues. To avoid getting into another argument, they have begun engaging only in small talk. According to Knapp's step model, Sarah and Mark's relationship development is at the _____ step. initiating circumscribing avoiding stagnating


There are hundreds of federally recognized American Indian and Alaska native tribes in the United States that embrace their own culture, language, and history and choose not to share values found in the dominant U.S. culture. These tribes are examples of _____. preferred personality diaspora co-cultural groups power distance

co-cultural groups

In order to maintain authentic and ethical communication, it is vital to _____ issues that are important to the relationship and to the other person. manipulate hide downplay confront


Border dwellers who embrace and thrive in their surroundings, both recognizing its challenges and realizing its potential, are known as _____. constructive marginal people potential intercultural communicators reformed ethnocentrists encapsulated marginal people

constructive marginal people

Nadia would rather engage in a debate on a topic than listen to a speech about it. She is a(n) _____-oriented listener. people content time action


When Trevor goes to a live theater performance, he remembers the main themes of the show, how well the themes were developed, and how credibly the themes were performed by the actors. Trevor displays which of the listening styles? people-oriented content-oriented time-oriented action-oriented


Paula listens to her manager very intently so as not to miss anything she needs to do. Yet when she talks to her mother, Paula listens sympathetically when her mom says she isn't feeling well. This demonstrates how _____ plays a role in listening. community social status context vocal cues


When Kelly told her boyfriend he was cheap during a date, he did not seem bothered by her comment. But when Kelly repeated this at a party, her boyfriend became quite angry. The difference in his reaction is based on _____. context authenticity disqualification framing


Which of the following is a way organizations create rules that attempt to control and influence employees' communication practices? instituting anti-nepotism policies making employees track their expenses creation of sexual harassment policies requiring that employees wear headphones if listening to music

creation of sexual harassment policies

Kyra is from Wisconsin and when she attended school at the University of Georgia, she was surprised that the female students often wore dresses to the football games. This is an example of _____. culture shock preferred personality demographics diaspora

culture shock

Miguel wears earbuds while studying to minimize outside noise. He is making an ethical decision to _____. not listen at all cut himself off from the listening environment immerse himself in the listening environment listen as a group

cut himself off from the listening environment

Pat made an anniversary dinner for Grayson. He accidently burned the meat and the corn-on-the-cob was raw. At the end of dinner, Grayson told him, "Dinner was wonderful." Which of the following best characterizes Grayson's behavior? critical honest jealous deceptive


You are concerned that the person you are dating likes to talk about a lot of topics, but doesn't share personal information or private thoughts with you. You are concerned about which dimension of social penetration theory? vividness frequency breadth depth


A defining element of the process referred to as diaspora is _____. voluntary immigration displacement acculturation traveling for pleasure


Steve's parents frequently advise him on what he should do to be successful in his undergraduate program. Because they have never been to college, he is dismissive of what they have to say. Which type of inauthentic communication does this example demonstrate? meaning denial withdrawal disqualification topic avoidance


When you deny your partner the right to speak on a topic because you perceive yourself to be more expert, you are _____ the person. disqualifying enabling stereotyping authenticating


Managers routinely greet each support staff member when they arrive at work. Which part of organizational culture does this represent? ceremony language habit ritual


When attempting to determine the ethical choices and decisions organizations should make, people usually view the process either from the _____ perspective or the _____ perspective. economic; political individual; communal internal; external interpersonal; cultural

individual; communal

A cultural group in which the majority strongly believe that one's primary responsibility is to one's self is identified as _____. long-term oriented individualistic collectivistic short-term oriented


The communication that occurs between individuals in casual relationships tends to be _____. reliant upon participants' knowledge of each other highly qualitative but not quantitative influenced more by social norms highly personal and superficial

influenced more by social norms

Because they require you to pay attention to content, _____ listening skills are especially important in a college classroom. ethical informational critical supportive


Flirting is a(n) _____ behavior that signals you are interested in a potential romantic relationship with another person. terminating initiating justifying maintaining


What we think of as authentic communication is connected to _____. intimacy social roles manipulation casual relationships


The function of _____ encourages change within the organization. innovation coordination maintenance production


Many faiths have long prescribed whom their members should marry, how many spouses they could have, and even if they should date prior to marriage. This is an example of how _____ impact our communication and relationships. statutes social classes institutions cohorts


Which step in Knapp's stage model occurs when both people seek to increase intimacy and connectedness? circumscribing differentiating intensifying integrating


Messages that are perceived as being designed specifically to cause harm to the recipient are called _____ messages. unintentional intentional inauthentic critical thinking


What are the two types of hurtful messages? ritual and societal intentional and unintentional aggressive and nonaggressive primary and secondary

intentional and unintentional

n societies that value large power distances, what would we expect about interactions between a supervisor at work and his or her subordinates? interactions would not take place interactions would be unclear interactions would be more formal interactions would be strictly informal

interactions would be more formal

For almost everyone, _____ is based on the feeling that one knows and is known by another. sympathy intimacy morality formality


Hope is dedicated to her job and when she completes a project, she feels very satisfied. She knows this is largely due to her boss, who provides her with challenging but achievable projects and who also gives her frequent and specific positive feedback. Which communication strategy does her boss employ? intrinsic motivation ingratiation openness assertiveness

intrinsic motivation

For college students, learning about listening is especially important because _____. it is a new communication experience for most. it is their primary communication activity. it is the activity that is the focus of most communication research. it is the communication activity they are least experienced in.

it is their primary communication

When people perceive a threat to an existing relationship, they often feel _____. proximity diaspora jealousy deception


When he broke up with his partner, Nicholas said it was for the best because now they could both devote more time to their studies. Which disengagement strategy did Nicholas use? positive tone justification negative identity behavioral


Before even initiating a discussion over a conflict, you should _____. focus on your emotions know what you want to accomplish take several minutes to cool off practice what you want to say and do

know what you want to accomplish

What organizational communication knowledge will improve your ability to accomplish your goals? demonstrating how to develop a website creating an organization's mission statement recognizing various types of leadership styles knowing what questions to ask and how to ask them

knowing what questions to ask and how to ask them

What is cited as a primary cause for international business failures? increasingly diverse populations racial and gender diversity lack of attention to cultural factors use of virtual communication technologies

lack of attention to cultural factors

When Maya moved into her new neighborhood, she found that no one comes from her cultural background, celebrates the same holidays that she does, or even shops where she likes to shop. Maya decides that she will just socialize with her existing friends and family, keeping to her comfort zone. Maya's approach to encountering a different culture appears to be _____. accommodation culture shock assimilation remaining separate

remaining separate

In the listening process, when you _____ you show others how you regard their message. hear evaluate respond understand


The idea that having better listening skills leads to fewer misunderstandings, and a sense of well-being for us and those we care about, demonstrates which benefit of improved listening? Better listening is linked to enhanced personal relationships. Listening ability is one of the top three skills sought in job applicants. Listening attentively reduces heart rate and oxygen consumption. Better listening skills can improve your memory.

Better listening is linked to enhanced personal relationships

When his spouse walked in the door and said, "Guess what happened today?" Evan just shrugged and shook his head instead of answering. Which stage of listening is Evan using? responding hearing retaining evaluating


The four phases of listening as described in the text include hearing, receiving information, constructing meaning from it, and _____. remembering it recreating it repeating it responding to it

responding to it

A cultural group that focuses on a strong work ethic and minimizes the importance of personal relationships and enjoying life is considered high in _____. restraint indulgence long-term orientation short-term orientation


Drew chooses to change the channel instead of listening to the media shows that make fun of celebrities. He is engaging in _____ listening. unethical selective critical balanced


People often learn more about themselves and their own cultural background and identities by coming into contact with people whose cultural backgrounds differ from their own. This is known as _____. self-esteem self-communication self-reliance self-awareness


Stereotypes can become _____, meaning if you stereotype people and treat them in a prejudiced or negative manner, they may react in ways that reinforce your stereotype. motivating lawful self-fulfilling unyielding


The gap in information and understanding between supervisors and subordinates on certain issues is known as _____. organizational identification organizational culture supervisor distortion semantic-information distance

semantic-information distance

An individual who repeatedly makes comments pressuring an unwilling partner to have sex with them is engaging in what type of aversive behavior? sexual fraternization sexual coercion situational violence Machiavellian tactics

sexual coercion

Which value dimension reflects a society's attitudes toward virtue or truth? indulgence versus restraint short-term versus long-term orientation human-nature relationship power distance

short-term versus long-term orientation

Jody and Erin are first-year accounting majors who come from similar family backgrounds. Their friends know they are both avid tennis players, so they arrange for them to meet. This is an example of what force that draws people together? attractiveness similarity proximity romance


Which of these words best describes homogeneity in a relationship? complexity similarity attraction difference


Bryan listens carefully when the endodontist explains how to care for his mouth after his wisdom teeth are removed. Which societal force is affecting Bryan's communication behavior? vocal cues social hierarchy community age

social hierarchy

Which aspect of social hierarchy is demonstrated by the fact that people tend to pay attention to what celebrities say and do? physical appearance vocal cues social status context

social status

Lai's mother is from Thailand and her father is from Korea. Lai is a border dweller through _____. socialization relationships assimilation travel


Alexi lives in the city. Even though he sleeps with the windows open, he rarely hears the traffic noise or people talking on the street below his apartment. These noises are examples of a _____. vocal cue generational difference soundscape societal force


When you use openness to end a relationship, you _____. straightforwardly explain why the relationship is ending. make the other person jealous so they want to break up. avoid contacting the other person. make up a false story to avoid hurting the other person's feelings.

straightforwardly explain why the relationship is ending

Marilyn would like Nathan to finish his part of the project so it is ready for the team to present. She decides to call him and check the status of his work and ask him if he is needs help completing it. Marilyn is using _____ to manage this conflict. assimilation upward communication the new social contract strategy control

strategy control

_____ occurs when one assesses the available information and options in order to increase one's understanding of the conflict and the other party before engaging in conflict communication. Confrontation Compromise Escalation Strategy control

strategy control

Carmen and Raoul have been in a relationship for two years. Raoul thought everything was fine, but one day, Carmen told him it was over—without giving him any prior warning. This relationship ending is an example of _____. sudden death misunderstanding unexplained rivalry passing away

sudden death

Mindful listening involves three elements: (1) the desire to get the whole message, (2) the willingness to place your agenda lower in priority than the speaker's, and (3) _____. the need to provide effective feedback the ability to eliminate noise barriers the desire to demonstrate empathy the ability to necessitate change

the ability of eliminate noise barriers

With which of the people below are you in a close relationship? The best friend who you text daily. The cashier who checks out your groceries. The person you say hello to in the elevator on your way to communication class. The person who serves you coffee at Starbucks each morning.

the best friend who you text daily

The historical legacy of slavery in the United States can still be seen today in _____. the election of Barack Obama as president the ongoing exclusion of African Americans from some labor unions the cultural racism instilled in some White Americans the legal status of voting rights

the cultural racism instilled in some white americans

Which of these situations is an example of diaspora? The large population of Chinese immigrants who settled in San Francisco continue to carry on the traditions and language of China. Kylie is fluent in English and Spanish. Juan got a new job and will move from Portland to Washington, D.C. Many high schools introduce students to a foreign language to help them understand there are many types of communities.

the large population of Chinese immigrants who settled in san Francisco continue to carry on the traditions and language of china

Stacey says, "He's so attractive. I bet his romantic partner is very good looking too." This assumption reflects the ideas of _____. predicted outcome theory uncertainty reduction theory social exchange theory the matching hypothesis

the matching hypothesis

Grace's perceptions of the South and her new roommate from Atlanta are based somewhat on many viewings of the 1939 movie Gone With the Wind. Grace soon learns that her roommate is multilingual and sophisticated, but also has a bit of an Southern accent and loves traditional southern food. What dialectic should Grace reconsider in her approach to Southern culture? the differences-similarities dialectic the static-dynamic dialectic the personal-contextual dialectic the cultural-individual dialectic

the static-dynamic dialectic

Which of the following is a component of mindful listening? the choice not to listen the ability to apply filters based on social hierarchy the desire to block out extraneous information the willingness to place your agenda lower on the priority list than the speaker's

the willingness to place your agenda lower on the priority list than the speaker's

According to researcher Mark Orbe, what negative effect often occurs when women try to fully assimilate into a male-dominated organization? They are criticized for being too masculine. They are shamed into taking less pay and benefits. They are harassed for being too professional. They are ignored for being "above their place."

they are criticized for being too masculine

The professor cautioned the study-abroad students against dehumanizing the people and things they would see when they visited Nairobi—while they seemed "exotic," they were humans just like the students. Communication scholar Bradford Hall termed this tendency the "_____." diaspora effect Big Five preferred personality zoo approach

zoo approach

Deandra learns she must work to improve her listening habits in her courses in order to be successful in college. Which of the following strategies should she adopt? Focus on the speaker's words, not your own thoughts. Learn to quickly judge what a speaker is trying to say. Practice predicting what the speaker will say next. Rehearse what you might say next or respond with.

Focus on the speaker's words, not your own thoughts

Which of the following best demonstrates how listening has a positive impact on the brain? Having better listening skills is desired by employers. Having better listening skills is linked to enhanced personal relationships. Having better listening skills takes practice.

Having better listening skills can improve memory

An individual from a collectivist culture would most value _____. group harmony winning at any cost power independence

group harmony

Which of these scenarios demonstrates the new social contract? Michael doesn't want to tell his boss that sales fell again last month, so he tells a "white lie" to make the situation look better. Although Amira has worked at the same bank for 37 years, she knows her job could be outsourced at any time. Martin stays home with his infant son in the morning and works out of his home office in the afternoon. Kevin went directly to the human resource supervisor after his manager made sexual advances toward him.

although amira has worked at the same bank for 37 years, she knows her job could be outsourced at any time

Two effective strategies to try when you have unintentionally misspoken or hurt someone's feelings are _____ and _____. apologies; justification humor; ignorance avoidance; withdrawal reframing; excuses

apologies; justification

Which of the following is an example of using Machiavellian tactics? Telling your roommate a "white lie"—that you don't want to live with him because you need to live alone so you can study more. Telling your roommate directly that you don't want to live with him because he is too messy. Telling your roommate that you don't want to live with him because you don't want to hurt your friendship. Asking a friend to tell your roommate that you don't want to live with him next semester because he is mean

asking a friend to tell your roommate that you don't want to live with him next semester because he is mean

After starting his new job, it took Riley a few weeks to become familiar with the routines of his department. What process was Riley experiencing? ingratiation openness distortion assimilation


When she accepted her new job, Cade knew it would be a matter of time before her new coworkers would consider her an integral part of the workplace. The process Cade will go through to achieve this is called _____. assimilation ingratiation accommodation identification


Keith noticed Carla at a party and thought she was pretty. He went over to talk to her and soon found out they were both interested in distance running. They have now been dating for six weeks. Which theory best explains what drew Keith and Carla together? uncertainty reduction theory predicted outcome theory attraction theory the matching hypothesis

attraction theory

In a relationship with an individualistic orientation, you would find _____. interdependence and reliance on others the possession of a universal truth equality of power autonomy and independence

autonomy and independence

After spending several months dating, Ari and Ellen no longer go on any dates or weekend excursions together. In fact, they both work late shifts so they have an excuse for why they aren't available to spend time together. According to Knapp's stage model, Ari and Ellen's relationship development is at the _____ stage. avoiding differentiating stagnating circumscribing


A co-cultural group is understood to be _____. a. a significant minority group within a dominant majority that shares dominant group values and communication patterns. b. a significant minority group within a dominant majority that does not share dominant group values or communication patterns. c. the dominant group within a diverse culture that is willing to change its group values and communication patterns to accommodate others. d. the dominant group within a diverse culture that is made up of many smaller minority groups that share group values and communication patterns

b. a significant minority group within a dominant majority party that does not share dominant group values or communication patterns

The dimension of self-disclosure known as _____ refers to the number of different topics two individuals willingly discuss. frequency depth breadth width


_____ exists when repeated hostile behaviors are directed toward another person who is unable to defend himself or herself. Bullying Corporate control Assertiveness Grouphate


Natalya has multiple projects due in the same week. The stress of the deadlines has caused her to become physically and mentally exhausted. What is Natalya experiencing? burnout emotion labor work-life conflict upward distortion


The president of the company directed her division managers to prepare and submit their proposed budgets within the next week. This request is an example of _____. peer communication upward communication downward communication horizontal communication

downward communication

Parul and her husband fled to America after their village was taken over by a hostile government. Even though they have lived in California for three years, she has trouble embracing the American culture while trying to maintain her own heritage, and she feels sad because she can never return home. Parul can be described as a(n) _____ marginal person. constructive encapsulated enlightened contingent


Although Charlotte and Amy were good friends before they decided to get an apartment together, lately Charlotte is unhappy with Amy. Amy never seems to take her turn cleaning up or doing the grocery shopping, which are tasks they agreed to share. Charlotte's feelings of being taken advantage of can best be explained by _____. social exchange theory the matching hypothesis equity theory predicted outcome theory

equity theory

Anderson's friend was making suggestive comments about a classmate, but Anderson refused to acknowledge his remarks because they were crude. This describes a(n) _____ challenge associated with listening. ethical physical hierarchical contextual


When Jessa read the derisive e-mail her co-worker had sent, she realized it wasn't actually for her and had to decide if she should forward it to the person it was intended for. Which aspect of listening is Jessa using? ethics context visual cue community


Jacques sees his small community as just about perfect. Overall, he feels no other community ever measures up because the values and traditions he has absorbed seem to clearly be the best. Most people would view Jacques as _____. ethical egocentric ethnocentric multicultural


When 16-year-old Juno tells her parents that she is pregnant, they feel disappointed but respond with support. Their disappointment is an example of what part of the four stages of listening? hearing evaluating reacting responding


When you assess your reaction to a message, you are in the _____ stage of listening. evaluating hearing responding understanding


Close relationships are especially distinguished from other relationships by their _____, intensity, and diversity of contact. superficiality formality frequency interchangeability


Which property of organizational communication refers to the goals and effects of communication? hierarchy structure function culture


The _____ depicts organizations as systems composed not only of many subsystems, but also as embedded in larger systems. general systems theory urgent organizations movement new social contract perspective humanist perspective

general systems theory

When the Nikkei stock market in Japan shows an uptick, the New York Stock Exchange is also affected and investors around the world take notice. What does this example demonstrate? globalization ingratiation hierarchy quid pro quo


Dave strongly feels that he should not purchase coffee from companies that exploit agricultural workers. How can Dave use organizational communication to make the most informed choice? He must watch advertisements and read the labels on coffee products to look for clues. He must understand how to question organizations and how to interpret their responses and policies. He must look for retailers whose corporate culture he finds appealing. He must ask his friends and coworkers questions on what brand of coffee they think is best.

he must understand how to question organizations and how to interpret their responses and policies

The _____ stage of listening occurs when listeners pick up the sound waves directed toward them. hearing understanding evaluating responding


The sound waves that a person picks up when something heavy falls to the floor are part of the _____ stage of the listening process. evaluating responding understanding hearing


Diverse is another word for _____. intercultural dynamic homogeneous heterogeneous


Jasmine is an African American freshman girl in college. Her English professor, Dr. Jain, is a middle-aged man from India. The conversations between Jasmine and Dr. Jain represent a _____ degree of "interculturalness." hidden nonexistent low high


A high degree of similarity is also known as _____. homogeneity proximity ethnocentrism heterogeneity


Patricia has asked her coworker David not to call her "sweetie" and "honey," but he continues to do so. She feels demoralized by these references and reports the situation to her boss. What is taking place in this situation? quid pro quo downward communication hostile work environment upward distortion

hostile work environment

What is the predominant value in the United States regarding the human-nature relationship? humans rule over nature nature rules over humans humans and nature live in harmony humans and nature do not interact

humans rule over nature

What type of messages tend to occur when someone criticizes, teases, or verbally rejects someone? unintentional messages authentic messages hurtful messages avoidance messages

hurtful messages

What is the essential first step in improving our listening skills? become an action-oriented listener identify others' poor listening behaviors become a time-oriented listener identify our poor listening behaviors

identify our poor listening behaviors

Mindful listening is based on empathy, which is the ability to _____. identify with and understand someone else's feelings. control your own emotions when listening to others hear exactly what someone else wants you to hear parallel the intent or emotional tone of others' communication

identify with and understand someone else's feelings

An important goal for those using the strategy control method to manage conflict is to _____. increase the chances for cooperation, collaboration, and compromise. ignore the disagreement and hope it goes away. increase the chances for further confrontation. win the disagreement at their partner's expense.

increase the chances for the cooperation, collaboration, and compromise

Some studies show that attentive listening can actually lead to _____. increased blood pressure increased sensory input to all organs increased heart rate increased blood and oxygen to the brain

increased blood and oxygen to the brain

Researchers found that high-quality social relationships were associated with _____. increased longevity decreased intercultural contact increased power decreased wealth

increased longevity

During her semester in Ecuador, Elizabeth realized how privileged she was to be able to study abroad and to travel to different countries in South America during her school vacation. Which aspect of Elizabeth's learning does this reflect? increased self-awareness mutual demographics diaspora peacebuilding

increased self-awareness

The _____ perspective views ethical failures as resting on the shoulders of specific individuals within the organization. corporate communal employee individual


Which of the following demonstrates the idea of the production function of organizational communication? Tonya is the department manager and reports her sales staff's monthly sales goals to them the first week of each month. Mari schedules annual performance reviews with his staff each December. Glenna decided to put a suggestion box in the lunchroom and see if the staff came up with any good ideas. After his company was restructured, Tomas reported to a new supervisor.

tonya is the department manager and reports her sales staff's monthly sales goals to them the first week of each month

Doug spends three weeks each year in Haiti as a missionary for his church. He is an example of a border dweller through _____. travel dialogue socialization participation


Sunil must promote one of his employees to staff manager. He decides to look for someone who has good listening skills because he knows this will help others perceive the new manager as _____. misinformed healthy trustworthy authoritative


Valarie likes her doctor because he takes the time to listen thoughtfully to everything she has to say and advises her on the best actions to take. This demonstrates how people with good listening skills are seen as _____. trustworthy complacent pleasant dynamic


Work-life conflict occurs when individuals _____. become friends with coworkers manage the emotions they display are empowered by their supervisors try to balance job and home responsibilities

try to balance job and home responsibilities

After listening to her sister describe what had happened at work that day, Monica realized she was now supposed to try and figure out if this was a good thing or a bad thing for her sister. Which stage of listening does this represent? hearing remembering responding understanding


Using the "zoo approach" to view and admire other cultures is considered _____. unethical supportive acceptable inclusive


Connor knew that his company would not be able to ship their custom shoes on time because the leather had not arrived to make the shoes. He didn't want his boss to become upset, so he said they would be shipping the shoes to the customer on schedule. This is an example of _____. horizontal communication empowerment supportiveness upward distortion

upward distortion

As a mobile app developer, Taylor knows it is imperative for her company to respond to customer demands quickly and be the first to develop new products. This demonstrates the idea of _____. hostile work environment new social contracts corporate restructuring urgent organizations

urgent organizations

A religious group that emphasizes punishment over rehabilitation likely believes humans are fundamentally evil. This is an example of which type of value orientation? power distance view of human nature preferred personality indulgence versus restraint

view of human nature

Anyone who wishes to communicate more ethically across cultures should keep in mind that _____. we all communicate through a cultural lens you should always remain true to your view of the world it's acceptable to view others against the standards of your own group other cultures must be valued because they are unique and exotic

we all communicate through a cultural lens

Which question is unimportant when making an ethical decision to listen to information that was not intended for you? What are the expectations of the individual who sent the message? What are the privacy expectations of the intended recipient of the message? Will anyone else know if I listen to this message? Would any benefit result from listening to the message?

will anyone else know if I listened to this message?

According to the text, U.S. media frequently portray male aggression as normal and acceptable, and male sexual drives as urgent and hard-to-control. These portrayals tend to imply that _____. women bear responsibility for controlling sexual contact men are never victims of unwanted sexual coercion men seldom initiate sexual contact female sexual aggression is natural and desirable

women bear responsibility for controlling sexual contact

Tracie and her husband are constantly juggling demands from their jobs while also taking care of their home and children. What organizational dilemma are they facing? burnout work-life conflict ingratiation assimilation

work-life conflict

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