Unit 4

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Which of the following is likely true about the 2018 midterm elections based on the data in the line graph?

Economic issues are less likely to be discussed in the 2018 midterm elections than in the 2012 presidential elections.

When none of the presidential candidates receives a majority of the votes in the electoral college, the winner is chosen by the

House of Representatives only

The main intent of "motor voter" laws is to

increase voter registration

In the last thirty years, the single most important variable in determining the outcome of an election for a member of the House of Representatives has been,


When contributing to congressional campaigns, political action committees (PACs) are most likely to contribute to

incumbents of both major parties

In response to the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (McCain-Feingold Act), the United States Supreme Court, in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010), ruled that

independent campaign expenditures by corporations and unions are protected by the First Amendment

Which of the following has the most influence on the outcome of a congressional election?

A candidate's incumbency status

Which of the following public policies is best supported by the notion of free enterprise?

After a review, the Federal Trade Commission approving a corporate merger of cable providers Correct. The Free Trade Commission approving a corporate merger of cable providers is the best example of the core value of free enterprise as it illustrates the government's willingness to allow private companies operate without government interference.

Which of the following scenarios best reflects the process of political socialization?

An individual takes a civics course in school and develops opinions about politics.

The primary responsibility for determining monetary policy in the United States rests with the

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Policy that describes the impact of the federal budget (including taxes, spending, and borrowing) on the economy is referred to as which of the following?

Fiscal policy

he advantages of incumbency in congressional elections include which of the following? Incumbents receive more campaign contributions than do challengers. Incumbents are able to provide important services for individual voters. The government provides campaign funds for incumbents. The President usually endorses incumbents for reelection. Most American voters believe Congress does a good job.

I and II only

Political parties serve which of the following functions in the United States? Informing the public about political issues Mobilizing voters and getting them to the polls Organizing diverse interests within society Establishing the rules governing financial contributions to political candidates

I, II, and III only

Based on the line graph, which of the following statements about church attendance in 1972 is true?

In 1972, more people surveyed reported attending church weekly than reported attending rarely or never.

All of the following contribute to the success of incumbent members of Congress in election campaigns EXCEPT:

Incumbents tend to understand national issues better than do their challengers.

The table best supports which of the following statements about the two elections for which data are provided?

Independent-leaning Republicans were the Republicans least likely to cross party lines.

The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (McCain-Feingold) did which of the following?

It banned soft money donations to national parties.

The primary election system of selecting presidential candidates has had which of the following effects?

It has loosened the hold of party leaders over the nomination process.

Of the following, which is the most important reason that voter turnout is lower in the United States than in most other industrial democracies.

It has traditionally been more difficult to register to vote in the United States than in most other industrial democracies.

Which of the following best describes the concept of political efficacy?

It is the belief that one can make a difference in politics by expressing an opinion and acting politically.

Which of the following best describes the difference between an open and closed primary?

Only voters who register as members of a political party may vote in that party's closed primary, while independents and others may be eligible to vote in open primaries.

Which of the following most accurately describes media coverage of elections?

Network news coverage is usually dominated by reporters who offer relatively short sound bites from the candidates.

Which of the following statements about political action committees (PACs) is true?

PAC spending makes up a higher percentage of congressional campaign funds than of presidential campaign funds.

The table above supports which of the following statements about partisanship and the 1984 presidential election?

Partisanship was a good predictor of the way a person voted.

Which of the following statements is supported by the information in the table?

Partisanship was a good predictor of the way a person voted.

Which of the following is a likely effect of the trend depicted in the bar graph on voting and elections?

The Democratic Party will win more elections, based on current voting trends.

A state has 11 electoral votes. In a presidential election, the Democratic candidate receives 48 percent of that state's popular vote, the Republican candidate receives 40 percent of the vote, and an independent candidate receives 12 percent of the vote. If the state is similar to most other states, how will the electoral votes most likely be allocated?

The Democratic candidate will receive all 11 electoral votes.

Which of the following best explains why the winner of a presidential election usually claims to have a mandate from voters?

The allocation of electoral votes in the winner-take-all system exaggerates the margin of victory.

Which of the following statements accurately explains a limitation of the line graph?

The line graph does not illustrate differences along party lines regarding the perception of the Federal Reserve.

Which of the following is the most accurate statement about political parties in the United States?

The percentage of voters identifying themselves as either Democrats or Republicans has been declining since the 1970's.

"Voting is partly a matter of habit: the more frequently a person has voted in the past, the more likely she or he is to vote in the current election." All of the following support the observation above EXCEPT:

Unmarried persons over the age of 65 are less likely to vote than are married persons in that age group

A primary election in which voters are required to identify a party preference before the election and are not allowed to split their ticket is called

a closed primary

During the past twenty-five years, all of the following changes in public opinion and political behavior have occurred in the United States EXCEPT

a decline in party competition in the South

An election involving more than two candidates in which the person who receives the most votes is the winner is called

a plurality election

All of the following are reasons incumbents in the House of Representatives enjoy an electoral advantage over challengers EXCEPT that incumbents

get substantial financial support from their party's national committee

Candidates for political office use public opinion polls for all of the following purposes EXCEPT to

bring the opposition's opinions into alignment with those of the candidate

Voter turnout tends to be highest among

college-educated voterscollege-educated voters

Explanations for low voter turnout include all of the following EXCEPT

laws protecting voting rights for minorities

An important change in political culture since 1950 is that United States citizens have become

less trusting of governmental institutions and leaders

Interest groups and political parties both promote United States democracy by

linking citizens to the political process

Compared to voters in a general election, voters in presidential primary elections are

more likely to be affluent

The primary function of political action committees (PAC's) is to

raise campaign funds to support favored candidates

The development and persistence of the two-party system in the United States is best accounted for by

single-member legislative districts

The concept of realignment refers to changes in

the social bases of the parties' voting support

The data in the table provide clear evidence that

the vote in the Midwest predicted the outcome rather consistently

When people vote for some candidates from one party and other candidates from another party, it is called

ticket splitting

Since 1960 the presidential election process has been affected by an increase in all of the following EXCEPT the

turnout of votes

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