Unit 5 APES

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Which of the following identifies and describes the equipment needed to best determine the amount of water that infiltrated the soil?

A ruler should be used to measure the level of water above the pavers in both pallets immediately after pouring the water over the pavers and immediately after the one-hour wait time.

Which of the following statements best describes the most unsustainable method of clear-cutting forests to harvest timber?

All of the trees in a forest are cut down and removed in one operation.

Which of the following is a direct economic advantage associated with aquaculture?

Aquaculture produces large amounts of seafood for human purchase and consumption year-round.

Which of the following is an unintended environmental consequence of aquaculture?

Contamination of surrounding water by organic waste

Which of the following statements best identifies the author's assumptions in terms of a new green revolution?

Current agricultural practices and strategies need to be evaluated in order to meet the demand for increased food production.

A farmer grows several crops on a farm that has mostly shallow, sandy soil. Which of the following irrigation methods would be the best suited for this farm?

Drip irrigation - Sandy soils have a low water storage capacity and a high infiltration rate; therefore, they need frequent but small amounts of water during irrigation applications, especially when the sandy soil is also shallow. Under these circumstances, drip irrigation is more suitable than the other methods for this farm.

Which of the following changes to the local hydrologic cycle will result if large areas of land experienced clear-cutting?

Evaporation of water from the soil will increase.

Based on the data provided, which of the following descriptions best identifies the types of farms that are being compared?

Farm A is a grass-fed pasture for beef production, whereas Farm B is a traditional concentrated animal feedlot for cattle.

Which of the following scenarios best explains the concept of the tragedy of the commons?

Fish are shared resources, and as the fishing industry competes for the fish, the resource extraction is no longer sustainable.

Farmers use various methods of irrigation on crops. Which of the following statements correctly pairs an irrigation method with an advantage or disadvantage?

Flood irrigation is often used in agricultural fields, however, it increases surface erosion and salinization of the soil. - When farmers flood their fields, they increase the amount of water that will pick up small soil particles and pull them away from the agriculture fields in runoff associated with this method. In this method, farmers are also using water from a municipality or an aquifer, which contains a higher concentration of salts in relation to rain water. This salt will build up in the soil and increase soil salinization.

Which of the following irrigation methods is most likely to result in salinization of the soil, especially if the agricultural fields are located in a warm climate with consistent sunlight?

Furrow irrigation - Furrow irrigation is the most likely to result in salinization because it is the least efficient of the methods listed, with about 35% of water lost to evaporation.

Which of the following describes an aspect of urbanization that would most increase the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere compared to rural and suburban areas?

Increased amounts of waste per unit area in urban areas that leads to higher rates of decay and decomposition - Landfills produce carbon dioxide and methane and are larger in urban areas to accommodate the greater amount of waste that is produced per unit area.

Which of the following best describes an environmental advantage of urbanization?

Individuals living in cities usually have a lower transportation carbon footprint than individuals living in rural areas.

Industrial logging threatens many forested ecosystems. Which of the following environmental consequences will most likely result from clear-cutting deciduous forests for logging?

More carbon dioxide will be added to the atmosphere and increase anthropogenic climate change.

Which of the following statements best identifies the author's perspective in terms of government funding for future agricultural research?

More funding is continually needed because the agricultural research programs have never been completely financially supported.

Assume that the rainwater from one of the green roofs ran off directly into a nearby lake. Water quality results from which of the following parameters show that the green roof would likely improve water quality in the lake?


Which of the following methods should the farmers choose to minimize the cost for efficient pest removal while still reaching their goal of reducing the amount of pollution in the river?

Planting genetically modified crops

Carbon dioxide equivalent ( CO2e ) is used to compare contributions to climate change of various greenhouse gases. A study at a farm calculated the carbon dioxide equivalent for different production stages for beef and chicken production. Which of the following statements is best supported by the data in the graph?

Raising beef contributes more to greenhouse gases than raising chickens does, primarily as a result of fermentation in cows' digestive tracts, which releases methane gas.

Which of the following best describes legislation that could be used to address problems with overfishing?

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora ( CITESCITES ) uses trade rules to protect commercially valuable species.

Which of the following is the best example of an economic approach to reduce overfishing for a fish species with a declining population?

The federal government sets a catch limit (per person or per boat) for the species and imposes a tax on any extra fish that are caught.

Which of the following is a limitation of using only the data in the table to complete an ecological footprint analysis of the different students?

The footprint is a static analysis and does not include all environmental impacts of an individual.

Which of the following is the dependent variable in the study?

The infiltration rate of the water

Which of the following statements best identifies the author's perspective in terms of utilizing science technology for future agricultural advances?

The only way to meet the global demand for more food is to fully utilize new science technologies to advance agriculture.

Which of the following is the independent variable in the study?

The type of pavers used in the pallets

Which of the following is the most likely result from clearing mature, forested land and converting it into agricultural land that would be used for cattle grazing?

There will be a reduction in the uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide.

One example of the tragedy of the commons occurs when trees are harvested from tropical rain forests without any regulations. Which of the following best describes why this is an example of the tragedy of the commons?

Timber producers remove as much timber as possible as cheaply as possible. - The tragedy of the commons occurs when people try to maximize their own profit regardless of future consequences.

The data in the table show mean concentrations (mg/L)(mg/L) of pollutants in rainwater leaving either green or conventional roofs. Which of the following data would be needed to calculate the total amount of a pollutant leaving the roof during and following a rainstorm?

Total volume of rainfall

Which of the following claims would be the best solution to the pest problem, based on the data in the graph?

Use of Integrated Pest Management techniques is the most successful method because the sources for food, water, and shelter for pests are disrupted, leading to a reduced number of pests in the area.

Which of the following solutions would help decrease flood frequencies and flood sizes that are caused by urbanization?

Using new, more permeable materials for roads and sidewalks

Green roofs reduced levels of _________________ because the vegetation absorbed the pollutant.


One way a local community might regulate a shared and limited resource and reduce the tragedy of the commons is to

divide the resources into parcels and assign them to individuals

One way that consumers can help prevent a decrease in the number of fish species that are experiencing population declines is to

eat fish that are caught using sustainable harvesting methods, therefore ensuring fish populations remain stable and reducing the amount bycatch harvested

A major environmental problem caused by using the agricultural practice of tilling is

eutrophication from excessive fertilizer use - Tilling causes soil erosion that many farmers mediate by using fertilizer.

Farmers need to make many decisions about how they grow their crops. One of these decisions is whether to use synthetic fertilizer or organic fertilizer, such as manure. An advantage of using synthetic fertilizer instead of organic fertilizer is that

synthetic fertilizer can provide more targeted macronutrients to the crops

The farming of fish such as salmon at aquaculture facilities poses a threat to marine ecosystems because

the farmed fish can escape and outcompete wild fish for food and territory

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