Unit 5 Astronomy
what is the approximate age of the universe
14 billion years old
How many stars are in the Milky Way?
200-400 billion
about how far is the sun from the center of the milky way
26,000- 27,000 light years
suppose we receive a radio message from a civilization around a star about 40 light years from earth? if we rely right away how long will it be between the time it they sent the message and the time they receive our reply
A distant galaxy with a black hole at its center
globular cluster of galaxy
A globular cluster galaxy is a large grouping of lots of other stars. Globular clusters are round and densely packed with stars, and some of which may contain more that a million stars.
barred spiral galaxy
A spiral galaxy with a central bar-shaped structure composed of stars.
why did the big bang not produce heavier elements
By the time helium could survive, the temperature had become too low for heavier elements to form.
Why are Cepheid variables important?
Cepheids variables are pulsating stars whose pulsation periods are directly related to their true luminosities. Therefore they can be used as distance indicators.
Galactic Disk
Flattened region of gas and dust that bisects the galactic halo in a spiral galaxy. This is the region of active star formation.
The most abundant element in the universe is
bulge of a galaxy
The central portion of a spiral galaxy that is roughly spherical (or football shaped) and bulges above and below the plane of the galactic disk.
What recent series of discoveries has made astronomers more optimistic about our prospects of finding life out there?
The discovery of planets around thousands of stars in our galaxy
What is Hubble's Law?
The recession velocity of a galaxy is directly proportional to its distance from us.
Olber's paradox is an apparently simple question, but its resolution suggests that the unit is finite in age. what is the simple question posed by Olbers paradox?
What is a he sky dark at night?
spiral galaxy
a galaxy whose arms curve outward in a pinwheel pattern
halo (of a galaxy)
a spherical distribution of globular clusters, isolated stars, and dark matter that surrounds a galaxy
What did the Urey-Miller experiment find
amino acids were created in a test tube
who discovered that andromeda nebula was really the andromeda galaxy
edwin hubble
true or false: stars continue to form in the halo of our galaxy today
true or false: the hubble galaxy classification ( know as the tuning fork diagram) shows the evolutionary progression of the life cycle of a galaxy
where are most globular clusters found
earlier in history of the universe it was..
Elliptical Galaxy
huge galaxy that is round or oval in shape
What is the Fermi Paradox?
if extraterrestrial life is common, why has some form of intelligent life in the galaxy not communicated with us or visited us?
Nucleus of a Galaxy
in the center of a galaxy
galaxy r is 100mly away from us. galaxy q is 80mly away from us light from which galaxy is what
light from r is more redshifted
the "habitable zone" is a region in a star system where
liquid water could exist on planets
what will the galaxy be called when the milky way collides with andromeda
what experiment models conditions in early earth atmosphere
miller and urey
the electromagnetic force is stronger than gravity. why is it over powered by gravity on a large scale?
most objects are electrically neutral
where does most star formation occur in the milky way today
spiral arms
where does new star formation take place in the milky way
spiral arms
Four fundamental forces of nature
strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, electrostatic forces, gravitation
four fundamental forces
strong, gravity, electromagnetic, weak
In the early 1950's, Stanley Miller and Harold Urey conducted a series of pioneering laboratory experiments involving simulations of the early Earth. What did these experiments reveal?
that under the conditions on the early Earth, they could synthesize some of the building blocks of life in a laboratory
which of the following events in cosmic history is most recent?
the formation of life on Earth
what is the big bang theory
the idea that all matter and energy in the universe began in an unimaginably dense state, and then space itself began expanding
the drake equation allows astronomers to estimate what
the number of civilizations out among the stars with which we might communicate
true or false: the observed composition of ordinary matter in the universe roughly 75 percent hydrogen and 25 percent helium by mass closely matched theoretical predictions based on the big bang theory.
What two quantities did Edwin Hubble compare for a sample of galaxies to discover the expansion of the universe?
velocity and distance
what is a good statement about life elsewhere in the universe is best supported by current evidence
we have no definitive evidence about life around other stars at this time
from a scientific perspective which of the following statements about life elsewhere in the universe is best supported by current evidence
while we have evidence of the building blocks of life elsewhere in the universe, we have no definite evidence about life around other stars at this time