Unit 5

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eighteenth amendment:

"Prohibition Law" declared it illegal to make, transport, or sell alcohol in the United States

Plessy v. Ferguson:

"separate but equal" doctrine supreme court upheld the constitutionally of jim crow laws

what are indutrial giants considered?

' Robber Barons'- have no accountability in the market

what is post reconstruction period often called?

'Era of Forgotten Presidents' due to lack of successful government involvement in the economy

what was the ghost dance?

A religious ritual that was supposed to lead to the destruction of whites and the return of the buffalo

Fourteen Points:

A series of proposals in which U.S. president Woodrow Wilson outlined a plan for achieving a lasting peace after World War I.

Zimmerman Telegram:

A telegram Germany Sent to Mexico to convince Mexico to attack the U.S.

Working women experienced new freedoms in the Progressive era because:

A. young immigrant factory workers gained independence from the traditional roles of their fathers B. employment opened up for married white womeen

food and drug act:

Act that established the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which tested and approved drugs before they went on the market.

the Sixteenth Amendment:

Authorized Congress to implement a national income tax.


Belief that assimilating immigrants into American society would make them more loyal citizens

What did the term "white man's burden" mean?

Domination of non-whites by white people was necessary for the progress of civilization.

what is the 'Jim Crow Era'?

During late 1800s, all major societal institutions reflected and supported the oppression of blacks

Nineteenth Amendment:

Gave women the right to vote

poll taxes and literacy tests

How Southern states got around the 15th Amendment, guaranteeing African-Americans the right to vote.

which of the following groups would have given the strongest support to the ideas expressed in the excerpt?

Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans of the 1790s

What is a captain of industry?

People believed to build the economy and create jobs by providing money to society

dollar diplomacy:

President Taft's policy of linking American business interests to diplomatic interests abroad

Roosevelt Corollary:

Roosevelt's 1904 extension of the Monroe Doctrine, stating that the United States has the right to protect its economic interests in South And Central America by using military force

Moral Imperialism:

Woodrow Wilson's idea that Americans were ''meant to carry liberty and justice'' throughout the world

what were Jim Crow expectations?

a black male could not offer his hand with a white male b/c it implied being socially equal, blacks and whites could not eat together, just a bunch of segregation and racism

which amendment did not apply to the indians?

amendment 14 and 15

homestead strike:

andrew carnegie owned steel mill, homestead strike led by henry clay frick whose goal was to break the union, the union's contract was up but Frick refused to make new contract so he locked the workers out, 16 people died but it last 14 hours

in the 1890s, the National American Women Suffrage Association:

argued that native born white women's votes counteeract the "ignorant foreign vote"

sixteenth amendment:

authorize congress to enact a graduated income tax

Sherman Antitrust Act:

banned all combinations and practices that restrained free trade


belief that private control of economic enterpises should be replaced by government ownership in order to ensure a fairer distribution of the benefits of wealth produced

Dawes Act:

broke up tribal land to indian families

The triangle shirtwait fire:

brought in its wake a much needed safety legislation

Tape v. Hurley:

chinese are allowed to go to school

Yick Wo v. Hopkins:

chinese are allowed to operate laundries

us v wong kim:

citizenship for american born chinese

Asian and Mexican immigrants in the early twentieth century:

clusterted in the West as agricultural workers


cover with layer of gold, glittering surface masks a core of little real value (deceptive)

liberty of contract:

defined as the amendment's true meaning

settlement house:

devoted to improve the lives of immigrants

What is vertical integration?

dominated the steel and oil industry by controlling eeveery phase of their industries

Social Gospel

effort to reform protestant churches by expanding appeal in poor urban and making them more attentive to era's social ills

what were some new technologies?

electricity, interchangeable parts

great railroad strike:

end of reconstruction and first natuional labor walkout

the Interstate Commerce Commission was established in 1887 to:

ensure that railroads charge farmers and merchants reasonable and fair rates

during the gilded age, who took the place of the government?

entrepreneurs fill void of government using new technology and wealth leading to an advance society

what is the post-reconstruction?

era of forgotten presidents because the lack of successful federal government in economy

munn v. illinois:

establish a state board empowered to elimate railroad rate discrimination and set maximum charges

Social Darwinism:

evolution was as natural a process in human society as in nature and government cannot interfere

Gilded Age

expansion of economy and corruption due to corporate dominance by politics

fong yue ting v us:

expel chinse aliens without process of law

the nineteenth-century labor movement argued that:

extremes of wealth and poverty threatened democracy.

What notion is implied by Carnegie's argument?

failuree to advance in society indicateed lack of character and self- reeliance.

What became common in American media?

focus on re-establishing racial steryotypes

the quetsion in plessy v. Ferguson was largly based on the rights granted in the

fourteeth amendment

maternalist reforms:

government encourage women's capacity for bearing and raising children, enable them to be economically independent

how did the labor and women's movements challange 19c meaning of American freedom?

growing power of labor unions led to immigrant groups working togeether more effectively. Women rformeers take an active role in providing social services.

private property is essential to what?

individual freedom

nineteenth-century Americans imagined the "wild west" as all of the following EXCEPT:

isolated farms, where men and womencarved out difficult lives on the Great Plains

what did monopolies do?

it excluded competition

Clayton Antitrust Act:

it gives the us government the power to prevent companies from merging together if the merger will reduce competition

chinese exclusion act:

law that prohibited the immigration of Chinese laborers

what was the corruption between lawmakers and companies?

lawmakes supported bills aiding companies where they invested money or recieved stock and salaries

allof the following factors contributed to explosive economic growth during the Gilded Age EXCEPT:

low tariffs

sedition act:

made it a crime to write, print, utter, or publish criticism of the president of government

Newspaper and magazine writers who exposed the ills of industrial and urban life, fueling the Progressive movement, were known as:


President William McKinley justified U.S. annexation of the Philippines on all of the following grounds EXCEPT the United States:

needeed to eensure that the Philippines became an indeependent democracy

wabash v. illinois:

only federal government, not states, could regulate railroads engaged in interstate commerce

wounded knee massacre:

open fire on ghost dancers killing 150-200 indians (mostly women and kids), widely applauded in press, soldiers awarded

what things were used to skirt the 14th Amendment?

poll taxes and literacy tests

which of the following contradictions plagued progressive reformers idea on the political process?

progressive reformers worked both to expand the electorate and to shrink its size through other measures

Sherman Antitrust Act:

prohibited trusts and monopolies; preserve a competitive marketplace to protect consumers from abuse

which institution was hardest hit by the Redeemers once they assumed power in the South?

public schools

Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC):

railroads must charge reasonable rates to farmers and merchants

to create national parls like Yellowstone, Yosemitee, and Glacier, the federal government:

removd Indians who hunted and fished on these lands

single tax:

replace other taxes with a levy on increases in the value of real estate

muller v orgeon:

scientific and sociological studies to demonstrate that because women had less strength and endurement than men, due to the fact that long hours of work were dangerous, but their ability to bear kids

carnegie's idea that "those who can heelp thmselves" best deescribe the late 19c idea of:

social Darwinsim


sought to attack the traditional roles of sexual behavior for women

what does a cowboy represent in the west?

symbol of a life of freedom even though they are low-paid wage workers

what were some preexisting technologies?

telegraph, railroad which led to mass production and distribution of goods; it is called second industrial revolution

Critics later interpreted the 1900 novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz as a commentary on the 1896 presidential election in which of the following ways?

the Wicked Witch of the East symbolizes oppressive eastern industrialists

the Second industrial revolution was marked by:

the acceleration of factory production and increased activity in the mining and railroad industries

federal trade commission:

the government agency created to carry out the powers in the clayton act

what does the west need to survive?

the government assistance which helped them settle and developed

what conditions made profitable farming increasingly challenging during the Gilded Age?

the high rates railroads charged farmers to transport their crops

which of the following properly assesses the significance of the passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act in 1890?

the law established a precedent that the national government could regulate the economy in th interstate of the public good

Why did new products like Ivory Soap and Quaker Oats symbolize the continuing integration of the economy in America's Gilded Age?

the products were national brands , sold eveerywheree across the United States thanks to the expanding railroad network

which statement about the theory of Social Darwinism is FALSE?

the theory argued that the "deseerving poor" only included children

how did populist hope to guarantee farmers inexpensive access to markets for their crops?

they called for public ownership of railroads

why did businesses support the Pure Food and Drug Act?

they understood that greater public confidence in the quality of the products helped their sales

which of the following statements about urban Progressivism is NOT true?

they worked with political machines

Interstate Commerce Commission:

to ensure that the rates railroad charged farmers and merchants to transport their goods were reasonable

knights of labor:

took place of federal government in fighting for workers' rights

seventeeth amendment:

us senators chosen by popular vote, not by state legislation

What is horizontal integration?

used wealth to buy out competition and essentially create no competition

lochner v. new york:

voided a state law establish 10 hours per day, 60 hours per week

the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882:

was the first time race was used to exclude an entire group of people from entering the United States.

the sentiments expressd in the excerpt would have been most strongly supported by which of the following ?

westran agrarian interests

what lead to second Industrial Revolution?

widespread adoption of preexisting technologies lead to mass production and distribution of goods, railroads made it possible

compare the image of the west to the reality

wild west is a lawless place ruled by cowboys and indians according to the image, but the reality is struggling farmers with prominent assistance from the government

who did America support the war?

wilson declared america is neutral, 'peace without victory'

Journalists who worked for newspapers like William Randolph Hearst's New York Journal, which sensationalized events to sell papers, were called:

yellow journalists

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