Unit 6 APWH

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A historian researching the effects of Christian missionaries' activities on local social structures in late-nineteenth-century Africa would probably find which of the following sources most useful?

African accounts of converting to Christianity

Which of the following best describes Nyerere's argument in the first paragraph?

Africans interpreted government in terms of their relationships with specific rulers

Which of the following occurred in nineteenth-century Africa as a result of the end of the transatlantic slave trade?

An increased use of slave labor within Africa

Which of the following best characterizes Western imperialist expansion in the late nineteenth century?

An unprecedented amount of territory colonized in a short period of time

The freight transported on the railways to the ports of Buenos Aires and La Plata most likely consisted largely of

Argentinian meat and raw materials for export to Great Britain and Europe

All of the following statements about Armand-Guy Kersaint are factually accurate. Which would best explain why,unlike the author of Source 2, Kersaint is NOT calling for the unconditional and immediate abolition of slavery?

At the time of the French Revolution, Kersaint owned plantations and other property in the FrenchCaribbean.

"We have heard that in your own country opium is prohibited with the utmost strictness and severity — this is a strong proof that you know full well how hurtful opium is to humans. Since you do not permit it to injure your own country, you ought not to have the injurious drug transferred to another country, and above all other, not to China!" Qing government commissioner Lin Zexu to Queen Victoria of Great Britain, 1839 In the passage above, Lin Zexu is asking that the British do which of the following?

Ban the sale of opium by British merchants in China

The print above suggests that as nineteenth-century Japan industrialized, Japanese women did which of thefollowing?

Became involved in the factory system and industrial production

Which of the following most directly explains the importance of improved agricultural productivity to the industrialization of economic production in western Europe in the period 1750-1900 ?

Because less labor was needed on farms, more people moved to urban areas to work in factories

The table indicates that Indian labor migration to Trinidad in the mid- to late nineteenth century shared which of thefollowing patterns with global migration processes in the same period?

Both Indian migration to Trinidad and global migration in general involved migrants who were mostly male

Which of the following best summarizes the two plans for improving nutrition in Britain's colonies?

Both sources emphasize the need to enlist the cooperation of Africans in implementing colonial policies.

Which of the following is a similarity between European and Asian immigrants to the Americas during the nineteenth century

Both were attracted by employment opportunities.

"The Australian nation is another case of a great civilization supplanting a lower race unable to make full use of the landand its resources. The struggle means suffering, intense suffering, while it is in progress; but that struggle and thatsuffering have been the stages by which the White man has reached his present stage of development, and they accountfor the fact that he no longer lives in caves and feeds on roots and nuts. This dependence of progress on the survival of thefitter race, terribly harsh as it may seem to some of you, gives the struggle for existence its redeeming features; it is thefiery crucible out of which comes the finer metal. Based on the passage, the author would most likely have agreed with which of the following statements?

Britain had contributed to human progress by taking over new colonies in Africa

Social Darwinism was used to justify which of the following during the nineteenth century?

British colonization of India

The trade patterns shown on the map above depict

British imports of raw cotton and exports of finished cotton in the 1850s

As illustrated by the passage, which of the following best explains the persistence of slavery in some parts of the Americas into the late nineteenth century?

Cash-crop plantation agriculture remained an important part of some nations' economies.

A historian researching international migration patterns of the nineteenth century would find which of the followingsources most useful?

Census records from New York and Buenos Aires detailing the birthplaces of individuals

Which of the following historical developments in the period 1750-1900 best explains the attitudes toward womenin Muslim societies expressed by the authors of the two sources?

Challenges to existing political and social hierarchies

Which of the following scientific concepts had the greatest role in providing a justification for imperialism in thelate nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution

Based on Bayly's argument, Indian liberal ideas were most clearly influenced by which of the following?

Classical Indian religious and philosophical traditions

The photograph best supports which of the following inferences about French colonial rule in Tahiti in the 1880?

Colonial authorities attempted to impart a sense of French national identity to native Tahitians

Which of the following nineteenth-century processes most directly contributed to the migration of Indian laborers toFiji as described in the passage?

Colonial states in Asia and the Pacific relied on coerced labor to work on plantations

Which of the following groups was Bolívar most trying to influence with this letter?

Creole elites

The image from Japan during the Meiji Restoration best exemplifies which of the following processes?

Cultural changes accompanying greater contact with the United States

A historian researching factors that contributed to the rise of industrial production in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries would find which of the following types of sources most helpful?

Data on migration of rural populations to urban areas

"And God gave unto the Polish kings and knights freedom, that all might be brothers, both the richest and the poorest. The king and the men of knightly rank received into their brotherhood still more people.... And the number of brothers became as great as a nation, and in no nation were there so many people free and calling each other brothers as in Poland." The passage above best reflects which of the following?

Development of nationalism

Based on the third paragraph, Stanley's vision of the future of the Congo River basin can best be seen as part ofwhich of the following late-nineteenth-century developments?

Economic imperialism

The British ownership of most of Argentina's main railway lines can best be described as an example of which of the following late-nineteenth-century developments?

Economic imperialism

Which of the following most directly influenced the arguments about social and economic change in Saint-Domingue expressed by Kersaint and Saint-Maurice in the passages?

Enlightenment thinkers

Which of the following facilitated European expansion in Asia in the nineteenth century?

Europe's development of new military technologies

Which of the following best describes a conclusion about the relationship between steamships and world trade in thelate nineteenth century that is supported by the data in the table?

Europe's dominance in the total number of steamships roughly correlates to its dominance in world trade

Which of the following resulted from Europe's expansion overseas in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries?

European countries acquired colonies and dominated world trade.

The railway network shown on the map most likely contributed to the large-scale migration of which of thefollowing groups in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

European settlers choosing freely to emigrate from Europe

The expansion of the Russian Empire in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries is primarily explained in the context of which of the following global developments?

European states acquiring growing technological and military advantages over non-European societies to expand their power

The expansion of the Russian Empire in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries is primarily explained in thecontext of which of the following global developments?

European states acquiring growing technological and military advantages over non-European societies toexpand their power

"Extraterritoriality" can best be described as which of the following?

Exemption of foreigners from the laws of the country in which they live

Which of the following pieces of data from the table most directly contradicts the claims of European imperial powers that colonies existed for the benefit of the colonized?

Expenditures on administrative salaries were far greater than what was spent on public works and infrastructure.

Which of the following pieces of data from the table most directly contradicts the claims of European imperialpowers that colonies existed for the benefit of the colonized?

Expenditures on administrative salaries were far greater than what was spent on public works andinfrastructure.

Adoption of which of the following power sources has contributed the most to increasing the energy available tohumans?

Fossil fuels

The developments depicted in Map 2 most directly emerged from which of the following developments in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

Government-sponsored industrialization as part of the Meiji reforms

Which of the following describes the major impact of the introduction of coffee growing in places like Kenya andEl Salvador after 1880 ?

Greater dependence on foreign markets by Africans and Latin Americans

Long-distance immigration to the Americas in the late nineteenth century most often contributed to which of thefollowing processes?

Growing rates of urbanization as migrants predominantly settled in cities in the receiving societies

A study of Marx also produced a powerful effect on my mind and helped me to see history and current affairs in a new light. The long chain of history and social development appeared to have some meaning, and the future lost some of its obscurity." All of the following are features of Marxist thought. Which would best explain Nehru's statement about history in the second paragraph?

Human history is the story of a class struggle that will ultimately end with the overthrow of the capitalist system.

The author's statement that descendants of Italian emigrants "ended up forgetting the language of their fathers andforefathers" most directly refers to which of the following aspects of nineteenth-century migration?

Immigrants often adopted the dominant culture of the state in receiving societies

"Again, another marked characteristic of the Anglo-Saxon is what may be called an instinct or genius forcolonizing. His unequaled energy, his indomitable perseverance, and his personal independence, made him apioneer. He excels all others in pushing his way into new countries." The sentiments expressed in the quotation above are most supportive of which of the following concepts?


Which of the following was among the first results of the European Industrial Revolution in other parts of theworld?

Increased demand for commodities such as cotton and palm oil

Which of the following countries or regions led the world in the production of cotton cloth in 1700?


Which of the following best explains why spices, such as cloves, became a LESS important component of colonial trade during the nineteenth century?

Industrialization increased the demand for manufactured goods relative to the demand for spices.

got beaten up many times by the Japanese officials because I resisted changing my name to a Japanese one. Eventually,I got tired of the abuse."So I held out a while longer, but I couldn't stand any more persecution. I finally changed my name to Otake. The 'O' inKorean is the first syllable of the place where I was born. The 'take,' meaning bamboo, is for the huge bamboo grove behind our house. So my Japanese name meant that I was born in my home township, in the house with the bamboo grove in the back" Which of the following global processes led most directly to the historical situation described in the passage?

Industrialized states acquired new territories as sources of raw materials and markets for goods

The photo above, showing skin-tone evaluation performed on an Indonesian inmate in a Dutch colonial prison in1933, most clearly exemplifies which of the following

Influence of scientific theories on race

Which of the following was a major unintended effect of the publication of Charles Darwin's 1859 work On the Origin of Species?

It became the basis of various theories asserting that Europeans were naturally superior to other peoples.

Which of the following was the most direct political consequence of Japan's attempts to sustain the economic trend shown in the table for the period 1930-1938 ?

Japan engaged in imperial expansion to acquire access to raw materials

Which of the following developments in the late 1800s and early 1900s most directly challenges the author'sargument regarding the role of Japan in Asia?

Japanese imperial expansion into Asian territories such as Taiwan and Korea

In the Japanese print above of the war between China and Japan (1894-1895), the artist suggests that the

Japanese showed their mastery of Western technology, dress and military bearing

In the mid-twentieth century, the presence of Chinese and Japanese populations in North America and of South Asian populations in the Caribbean and South Africa is best explained by which of the following?

Labor migrations during the nineteenth century

Which of the following likely contributed the most to the population changes shown in the table for Latin American states such as Argentina and Brazil in the period 1800-1900 ?

Large increases in immigration from Europe

In the period from 1750 to 1850, which of the following political ideologies was gaining increasing influence inwestern Europe and parts of the Atlantic world?


The North and South American independence movements of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuriesshared which of the following?

Limitation of civil rights to a minority of the population

Which of the following statements is true of global migration patterns during the nineteenth century?

Migrants increasingly relocated from rural areas to cities

The numbers in Column B are most likely a reflection of which trend that affected many migrants in the late nineteenth century?

Migrants often lacked opportunities for economic and social advancement as a result of anti-immigrantprejudice and racism in the receiving societies

Which of the following was the most significant change in Latin American labor systems between the time thedocument was produced and 1900 ?

Slavery was abolished in all Latin American countries

"The Australian nation is another case of a great civilization supplanting a lower race unable to make full use of the land and its resources. The struggle means suffering, intense suffering, while it is in progress; but that struggle and that suffering have been the stages by which the White man has reached his present stage of development, and they account for the fact that he no longer lives in caves and feeds on roots and nuts. This dependence of progress on the survival of the fitter race, terribly harsh as it may seem to some of you, gives the struggle for existence its redeeming features; it is the fiery crucible out of which comes the finer metal." Pearson's argument in the passage is most clearly representative of which of the following ideologies?

Social Darwinism

Based on the passage, it can be inferred that in the late nineteenth century international relations were increasingly perceived as being governed by

Social Darwinism and international power politics

The ability of the French colonial government in Algeria to establish schools for the native Algerian population canbest be seen as part of which of the following broader developments in European colonialism in the late nineteenthcentury?

Some European states strengthened their control over their existing colonies.

Which of the following claims does al-Jabarti make about the French?

The French do not believe in either Christianity or Islam.

Based on an analysis of the Japanese currency used during the Meiji period (1868—1912) shown above, which ofthe following is the primary message conveyed by the engraving?

The Japanese government saw itself as a major Pacific power

Which of the following processes in the nineteenth century most directly created the economic needs filled by Indian indentured servants in the Caribbean?

The abolition of the trans-Atlantic slave trade and of slavery in British colonies

In the late nineteenth century, which of the following would most motivate the Dutch to continue to expand theirpresence in Indonesia?

The acquisition of natural resources for manufacturing

The expansion of European colonial empires in Southeast Asia

The acquisition of natural resources for manufacturing

The declaration can best be understood as a rejection of which of the following ideals?

The belief that some groups of people are inherently superior to others

the declaration can best be understood as a rejection of which of the following ideals?

The belief that some groups of people are inherently superior to others

In its description of the condition of the Crimean Tatars, the second paragraph most directly provides evidence ofthe influence of which of the following?

The concept of the civilizing mission

During the nineteenth century, which of the following most directly motivated the major expansion of imperialterritories in Southeast Asia as shown in Map 1 ?

The desire to extract resources and raw materials

The emergence of the German industries referred to in the passage is most directly explained by which of thefollowing processes in the nineteenth century?

The development of new methods of production during the second industrial revolution

Late-nineteenth-century transoceanic labor migrations were most directly facilitated by which of the following developments?

The development of new, more affordable methods of transportation

The data in the table best provide historical context to understand which of the following developments in mid-nineteenth-century Great Britain?

The emergence of social reform movements

Which of the following developments facilitated the family situation portrayed in Brandes' sketch?

The expansion of European colonial empires in Southeast Asia

"We, the native inhabitants of this Mission, have been living on this land for a number of years. We are very sorry to hearthat the Anglican Church authorities have decided to close the Mission and sell its land. If this place is taken from us, thenwe would have nowhere to go. We ask the government to give us about 3,000 acres of Mission land, on the south side ofthe Tod River. We propose to live there and cultivate the land by working jointly among ourselves. We think that theproducts of this land and whatever supplementary income we can obtain by shearing sheep or fishing will be enough tosupport ourselves and our families without being a burden on society and the government." Which of the following most likely explains the land loss suffered by Native Australians as described in Source 1 ?

The growth of Australia's White settler population as a result of migration from Europe

Which of the following best explains the changes in the population of the Hawaiian Islands from 1872 to 1878 ?

The increased presence of Asian indentured servants on Hawaiian plantations

The spread of the liberal ideas discussed in the passage was most directly a result of which of the following?

The influence of European political and educational institutions facilitated by British imperial policies inIndia

Which of the following events would have been most likely to produce a cultural context similar to the one depictedin the image?

The scramble for Africa

The disputes over women's social status alluded to in the letter best reflect which of the following late nineteenth-century changes in Middle Eastern societies?

The spread of intellectual and political ideals that advocated for natural rights

Advocates of the opium-smuggling profession argue that it is immensely profitable and that supplying opium in bulk asthey are doing is not immoral and it only becomes vulgar when the opium is sold in small portions, to individual users.What admirable logic with which one may shield oneself from reality, satisfied that the opium trade is nothing more than'supplying an important source of revenue to British companies operating in India. The trade described in the passage is best seen as an early example of which of the following?

The use of economic imperialism by European merchants and states

In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Social Darwinists made which of the following arguments?

Theories of natural selection could be applied to nations, races, and social classes.

The information on the map most strongly suggests which of the following about Argentina's railways in the latenineteenth century?

They contributed to economic activity by connecting interior regions to the coast

In the background, a group of British civilians, mostly women, are watching the troops pray. The photograph best illustrates which aspect of population movements in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

They often involved the spread of cultural traditions into new locations.

Ethiopia's cultural traditions reflected in the painting had which of the following effects on Ethiopia's interactions with European colonial empires in the late nineteenth century?

They provided Ethiopians with an additional rationale for resisting European encroachment

Which of the following best describes the likely purpose of the photograph?

To reassure the French public of the civilizing effects of colonial rule and the loyalty of colonial populations

Which of the following most likely explains the differences in the perceived risk associated with investing in land in Britain and investing in land in India, as shown in the table?

While improvements in agricultural productivity made investing in land in Britain relatively safe, Britain wasstill in the process of securing its control over India.

As described in the passage, Anna da Trindade's life differed from the typical experience of newly arrived slaves incolonial Latin America in that she was

able to purchase her freedom

In the late nineteenth century, European imperialism in both Africa and China was characterized by

competition among imperialist powers

On a global scale, the implementation of the types of policies that Rivett-Carnac advocated for in the passage is most significant in that it directly led to the

growth of nationalist movements in colonial societies against imperial rule

In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, opponents of the activities illustrated by the graph weremost often motivated by

ideas of inalienable natural rights

Stanley's description of the riches of the Congo in the first two paragraphs can best be seen as an attempt to

place European expansion in the Congo in the context of other imperial ventures that had seemed difficult atfirst but have subsequently turned out to be highly valuable

Darwin's theories were interpreted by Social Darwinists to indicate that

select human groups would dominate those less fit

But there are limits to everything. When the oppressions of the Muslims became intolerable, Brahma, the Lord of theUniverse, provided a means of escape. The resumption of Bengal's good fortune began on the day the British flag wasfirst planted on this land. Tell me, if Muslim rule had continued, what would the condition of this country have beentoday? It must be loudly declared that it is to bless us that the Lord Brahma has brought the English to this country. Britishrule has ended the atrocities of Muslim rule. There can be no comparison between the two: the difference seems to begreater than that between darkness and light or between misery and bliss" The arguments expressed in the passage are significant because they help explain why

social divisions within colonial societies often hindered the efforts of anticolonial movements to overthrowimperial rule

Taken together, the two documents best support the conclusion that Native Australians

used political activism to draw attention to their social and economic plight

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