Unit 6: Environmental Regulations

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1. Match each treaty or protocol with the correct purpose.

Paris Agreement = aims to combat global climate change Kyoto Protocol = aims to commit industrialized countries Montreal Protocol = aims to regulate the production The Antarctic Treaty System = aims to demilitarize the area

9. How does research-supported recycling behavior influence social norms?

People are more likely to recycle when it is convenient and the bins are located close-by when they want to use them.

1. Why did Orlando need to monitor recycling contamination when making future recycling policies?

Plastic bags were the most common material contaminating recycling. By monitoring the recycling program, Orlando was better informed and could make changes to its existing recycling policies.

3. What was the answer for the question about forecasted change in average global temperature for 1980-2150?

8 degrees Celsius

2. What is the importance of monitoring the zebra mussel population in Lake Texoma in Texas, and how does this impact the making of future policy decisions in Texas?

- Because Lake Texoma borders Oklahoma and Texas, and zebra mussels impact municipal water in both states, this invasive species should be monitored to help policy makers create policies to protect shared municipal waters. - Zebra mussels outcompete native mussel species. Monitoring them will help create policies that can protect the native species.

24. What are benefits of incinerating waste?

- Fewer items end up in landfills. - It allows for recovery of energy.

5. How has the Montreal Protocol been effective?

- It has led to countries involved phasing out most ozone-depleting substances. - It has reduced greenhouse gas emissions of carbon dioxide. - It has saved millions of people each year from skin cancer.

5. Describe the effects of the use of chemical fertilizers in farming.

- It improves short-term soil fertility. - It increases crop yields.

16. What are long-term impacts of hurricanes on the environment?

- Levels of oxygen in ocean water could become depleted. - Earth's coastal landscapes could be reshaped. - Massive fish die offs could occur.

10. If CO2 concentrations in the air continue to increase, what effects might we see in the oceans?

- Ocean water will become more acidic. - Populations of photosynthetic algae will increase.

1. What two acts/protocols regulate dioxins?

- Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act - Clean Air Act

9. What explains a way in which humans impact global temperatures?

- cement production because it releases CO2 - burning of fossil fuels because it releases CO2

19. Which answers are a point source of pollution?

- coal mine - wastewater treatment facility - solid waste incinerator

20. Which answers are the results of eutrophication?

- decreased dissolved oxygen - increased algae populations

15. What should be considered in a cost-benefit analysis of a new coal mine?

- how much profit the mine will make - how the community benefits from jobs at the mine - how much money a rare species of plant near the mine is worth

26. What are the goals of the Kyoto Protocol?

- increase absorption of greenhouse gases - prepare policies and measures to decrease greenhouse gases - reduce greenhouse gas emissions

4. How has the burning of fossil fuels impacted the carbon cycle?

- increased amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere - increased amounts of carbonic acid in the ocean

3. Which are environmental effects of acid rain?

- increases water acidity - decreases trees' ability to grow

25. What does the Montreal Protocol do?

- limits substances that deplete the ozone layer - phases out the use of CFCs

1. What are examples of how Alameda County in California has used research and planning to affect recycling and waste?

- making recycling mandatory for vendors and placing clearly marked recycling bins in convenient locations for county fairs - making vendors at outdoor festivals pay a deposit to help comply with policies on recycling and composting

11. Which are renewable resources?

- solar energy freshwater - forests

17. Which actions would reduce someone's carbon footprint?

- switching to solar energy - carpooling - eating less meat

6. Which answers are important provisions of the Antarctic Treaty System?

- the continent can be used for peaceful purposes only - the continent and its surrounding waters can be used for scientific investigation and cooperation among nations

21. Why is it necessary to treat wastewater before releasing it into the environment?

- to replace harmful bacteria with beneficial bacteria - to remove pollutants

2. Why is conducting research and planning ahead for events so important for influencing recycling success?

When events are prepared to encourage recycling in the local community, then recycling increases at the event and issues are mitigated.

3. Match each state's environmental program or law with the correct purpose.

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) = prevents or minimizes damage Arizona's Water Quality Improvement Grant (WQIG) program = works to monitor and sponsor projects Florida's Environmental Resource Permitting (ERP) Program = helps to regulate human impacts Texas' Regional Low (RVP) Gasoline program = regulates aspects of transportation

7. Why does an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere result in more violent hurricanes?

Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere absorbs light energy and reflects it back to Earth. This energy is transformed into thermal energy in the Earth's oceans. Hurricanes get kinetic energy for their motion from the thermal energy of the water. Warmer oceans cause more violent hurricanes.

8. How do external events impact global temperatures?

Changes in the Earth's axis cause a redistribution of solar energy, which impact global temperatures.

1. Match each city with the correct green initiative.

Chicago = green roof program Los Angeles = tree planting program Orlando = residential backyard composting

2. What effect does an area's climate, and the research done on it, have on green building policies?

Climate affects aspects such as the direction a building faces and its exterior colors. Research also allows policymaking geared toward the specific area's climate, not just toward green design in general.

10. Why is there a need for adequate monitoring of environmental parameters during policy making?

Common resources are easily overused and degraded.

30. Select the response that accurately completes the sentences.

Dioxins are a problem because they persist in the environment They are also a risk to human health. Dioxins can contaminate the environment. Dioxins are regulated under the Clean Air Act and the Soil and water resources Conservation Act One of the actions that helped reduce the impact of dioxins was banning the use of PCBs in electrical power transformers

8. How does research describe the interaction between dioxins and the environment?

Dioxins break down extremely slowly and emissions released a long time ago stay in the environment.

14. Which describes what is happening when you turn on your TV?

Energy found in coal, nuclear fuel, sunlight, water, or other sources is transformed into electrical energy. The TV then transforms electrical energy into light and sound energy.

7. How effective was the Kyoto Protocol?

In 2001, the United States rejected the Kyoto Protocol because nearly half of developed countries failed to meet greenhouse gas emissions.

6. Why was it important that scientists monitoring grasshopper sparrows in New England confirmed that bird decline was associated with the loss of grasslands?

It allowed policymakers to make more informed decisions.

3. Why would it be important to monitor and study wildlife before making policy decisions on whether to drill for oil in an area or not?

It allows policymakers to get an idea of how to protect the wildlife and mitigate issues that arise after the drilling.

4. What does monitoring land in California have to do with policymakers in relation to wildfires?

It allows policymakers to prevent future wildfires and detect when a potential wildfire could occur.

1.How does Florida's Green Lodging Program help the environment?

It designates and recognizes lodging places that make a voluntary commitment to conserve and protect natural resources in Florida.

13. What is true about oil and solar energy?

Only solar energy is continually produced by natural processes.

8. How effective was Orlando in its food waste initiatives?

Orlando was successful because its program was able to withhold millions of pounds of organic waste from entering landfills by composting.

2. What is the ZEV regulation in California?

It requires manufacturers to make more vehicles that produce no emissions.

3. Why is monitoring energy in cities such as Los Angeles important when making policies regarding solar panels?

Monitoring energy lets lawmakers see how effective solar panels are at offsetting energy in certain areas.

2. How is the Paris Agreement doing in relation to its goals?

Most country pledges to reduce human impacts on climate change are not being met.

9. What was established when Congress passed the National Park Service Organic Act in 1916?

The National Park Service(NPS) was established as an agency to promote the use of national park lands while protecting those lands from damage.

2. What purpose does the Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act serve?

The act requires the USDA to regularly report to Congress on soil conditions and water resources on non-federal lands.

1. What is the purpose of the Clean Water Act?

The act structures the regulation of pollution discharges into US waterways and regulates quality standards for surface waters.

4. How does using technological marketing strategies affect Orlando in gaining or losing social support in their food drop-off programs?

The more informed and aware citizens are of the programs, the more likely they are to support them.

7. What is a reason some people criticize the Endangered Species Act?

There is a relatively small quantity of species that have been delisted so far due to recovery.

1. The Clean Air Act of 1970 regulates hazardous emissions released into the air.


6. Complete the response to the following statements about urbanization and its impacts on natural populations.

Urbanization results in increased health risks due to air pollution, reduced farmland, increased migration from rural areas to urban areas and increased opportunities for education.

28. What is the forecasted change in average global temperature from the year 1980 to 2150 if the global emissions remain high based on the current trend of this data?

approximately 8°C

1. What helped to reduce the impact of dioxins?

banning the use of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in electrical power transformers

22. In what way can recycling reduce human impact on the environment?

by reducing the amount of raw materials consumed

12. Which correctly describes a nonrenewable resource and how to reduce its use so that reserves of the resource can be sustained?

coal; increase the production of electricity using wind turbines

Unit Session 6

code: quiz6

29. Match each of the pieces of legislation to its intended purpose.

conserves wildlife, historic objects, scenery, and natural objects for future generations = the National Park Service Organic Act establishes standards and regulates discharges of pollutants = the Clean Water act allows the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and regulate hazardous emissions = the Clean Air Act appraises status and trends of resources on non-federal land = the Soil and Water Conservation Resources Act protects organisms and ecosystems that are at risk of becoming extinct = the Endangered Species Act

18. What is the environmental effect related to chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)?

depletion of the ozone layer

3. It is necessary for scientists to monitor temperature conditions with green roofs, so _[blank]_.

policymakers can have the best possible information on the effectiveness of the roofs when making policies

23. What is the best way to dispose of rechargeable batteries?


27. Which describes renewable resources?

resources that can be replenished by natural processes in a reasonably short period of time

10. As of September 2013, a data study on the outcome of green roofs in Chicago showed that the initiative was_[blank]_.

successful, with over 500 vegetated roofs in the city

5. Florida wetlands provide important habitats. They also help filter pollutants out of the water. If they are adequately monitored, _[blank]_.

this will allow for policies that protect habitats and organisms

2. The Clean Water Act of 1972 regulates pollution levels found in water


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