Unit 6 - History

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Name two advantages of the Confederacy at the outbreak of the Civil War.

1. best generals; 2. defensive strategy; 3. fighting for a way of life

Name two advantages of the Union at the outbreak of the Civil War.

1. population; 2. industrialization

President Lincoln increased his "emergency powers" in order to preserve national security during the Civil War. Name one way Lincoln exercised increased control during the war.

1. suspended hadeus corpus (made it so you had to have evidence to put someone in jail) 2. closed newspapers down

Name two characteristics of the "Lincoln's 10 Percent Reconstruction Plan".

10% had to pledge their loyalty to U.S. made south accept 13th amendment

What is a "Redeemer Democrat"?

A Southern politician who hoped to restore the "Old South" and put things back as close as possible to the way they were before the Civil War; Democrats who fought to regain control of state government from the Republican Party during Reconstruction

Name one way that the term "New South" was not appropriate after the Civil War (in what ways was the South the same after the Civil War?)

African-Americans were still discriminated against; Sharecropping meant that most former slaves were back on the same plantations where they used to be slaves; black codes and Jim Crow laws meant that African-Americans were not truly equal

What is sharecropping?

Also known as "tenant farming"; Under this system, landowners rent parcels of their land to farmers (usually former slaves) in exchange for ½ to ¼ of the cotton that was produced

Put the following Civil War events in the correct chronological order: a. Fort Sumter, b. Lincoln's election as president in 1860, c. secession of South Carolina, and d. the Civil War begins.

B, C, A, D

What was the first battle of the Civil War? Which side won the war?

Bull Run; Confederacy

During Reconstruction, what is a "carpetbagger"? What is a "scalawag"?

Carpetbaggers were Northerners who moved South to assist with Reconstruction; Scalawags were Southerners who voted for Republicans, rather than Democrats

What was the name of the new nation that was formed in 1861 by the 11 Southern states that seceded from the Union? Name 1 difference between this government and the government of the USA.

Confederate States of America; state power, south protected slavery

Which Civil War document said: "...all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free"?

Emancipation Proclamation

The Battle of Antietam was technically a tie, but the war had two important effects on the North. Name one impact of Antietam.

Emancipation Proclamation; England and France would not join

What did the 13th Amendment do?

Ended slavery everywhere in the United States

When Lincoln was elected in 1860, seven Southern states seceded from the Union. But Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia did not join them right away. What event convinced these four "upper South" states to secede and join the Confederacy in 1861?

Fort Sumter

What battle (in Pennsylvania) was considered the "turning point" of the Civil War because the Confederate army never attacked in Northern soil and began to lose the war?


Which Civil War document said: "Four score and seven years ago our forefathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."

Gettysburg Address

What did the 15th Amendment do?

Guaranteed black men the right to vote

What happened to President Andrew Johnson when he vetoed the Freedman's Bureau law, argued against the 14th Amendment, and violated the Tenure of Office Act in 1868?

He was impeached by the House of Representatives (but not removed from office by the Senate)

What was a "border state" during the Civil War (example)?

Kentucky, Missouri, Delaware, Maryland

What are black codes?

Laws passed by Southern state governments that restricted the rights and freedoms of African-Americans, such as laws that kept blacks from gaining land, jobs, voting rights

Who was the president of the United States during the Civil War? Who was the president of the Confederate States of America?

Lincoln; Jefferson Davis

What is the name of the historically-black college in Atlanta that was founded as a result of Reconstruction?

Morehouse College

What does the 14th Amendment protect?

Protected all citizens by guaranteeing equal protection under the law; Makes discrimination against citizens illegal; defined African-Americans as citizens

Name two ways the Freedman's Bureau tried to help African-Americans after the Civil War.

Provided emergency food, housing, medicine, helped African-Americans get jobs, settled contract disputes, created new schools, promised (but never fulfilled) "40 acres and a mule" to every black family

Name one way the economy of the South was different after the Civil War.

Railroads, iron works, and textile factories were constructed; the South became less dependent upon cotton; the economy became more diverse; Slavery ended and workers were paid (although sharecropping was similar to slavery)

What was the significance of the Battle at Appomattox?

Robert E. Lee surrendered to Grant

Which Union general led the "March to the Sea" and won a major victory at Atlanta?


Why were no slaves immediately freed because of the Emancipation Proclamation?

Southern states weren't part of the Union

What is the Ku Klux Klan? What is lynching?

Southern terrorist group that arose during Reconstruction to support white supremacy and keep African-Americans inferior; punishing/killing someone without a legal trial

Name three military generals during the Civil War and which side they fought for.

Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee - Confederacy; Ulysses S. Grant and Sherman - Union

Radical Republicans in Congress, led by Thaddeus Stevens, passed new laws to try to make President Johnson's Reconstruction Plan more strict in order to protect African-Americans in the south. Name one of the new laws passed by Congress while Johnson's Reconstruction Plan was in effect.

The Freedman's Bureau and the 14th Amendment

How did the Compromise of 1877 bring an end to Reconstruction?

The deal that was made between Democrats and Republicans as a result of the election of 1876. When the election results came back tied, Democrats agreed to support the Republican candidate Rutherford B Hayes as president if Hayes would agree to end military districting in the South; Reconstruction officially ended with the Compromise of 1877

One of the worst parts of sharecropping was that the most sharecroppers quickly fell into the crop lien system. What is the crop lien system?

The system by which sharecroppers borrowed money from the landowner and to pay back these debts, they had to give up a larger percentage of the cotton they produced which caused sharecroppers to go into debt

Which president took over after Andrew Johnson, was elected in 1868 and 1872, and worked with Republicans in Congress to enforce Congressional?

Ulysses S Grant

Describe the Union and Confederate strategies during the Civil War.

Union - Anaconda Plan, wanted to divide at Mississippi River Confederacy - don't have to win, just outlast the Union

Name two specific examples of Jim Crow laws passed after Reconstruction ended.

any law that segregated whites and blacks in the South; literacy tests (reading requirements to vote), poll taxes (fees to vote); grandfather clauses to allow whites to not pay poll taxes and literacy tests.

What is "total war"? Provide one example of total war during the Civil War.

entire country helps win the war; drafting in new soldiers; making weapons instead of goods

Why was President Lincoln unable to lead the nation during Reconstruction?

he was dead (killed by John Wilkes Booth)

Why was Ulysses S. Grant's victory at Vicksburg a significant battle of the Civil War?

it divided the South into two halves

Name two characteristics of the "Presidential Reconstruction Plan" under Andrew Johnson.

lenient to south, allowed Southern states to quickly re-enter the Union, created black codes to get around restrictions

Name two reasons for the high casualty rates of the Civil War?

new weapons, old tactics

Name two characteristics of the "Congressional Reconstruction Plan" led by Radical Republicans.

offered protections and rights for African-Americans; States could re-enter the Union when they ratified the 14th Amendment, passed state laws allowing black men to vote in state elections; Did not allow ex-Confederate leaders to return to power or vote in state elections; Created 5 military zones to enforce the protection of African-Americans in the South

What was Lincoln's war goal when the Civil War began? What was Lincoln's new war goal after the Battle of Antietam?

preserve the union; abolish slavery

What is "Reconstruction"? Name two goals of the Union during Reconstruction.

rebuilding the South; rebuild nation, bring southern states back to union

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