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What social class in South America had the most power?


What was the effect of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade on Africa between 1500 and 1800?

Power in West Africa shifted from kingdoms in the interior to coastal kingdoms.

Why is the year 1492 a turning point in history?

The Spanish establish an exchange between Europe and the Americas.

What was an economic result of the Columbian Exchange?

The development of a European dominated global trade network.

Middle Passage

The forced journey of enslaved Africans to the Americas.

What was the "Africa Diaspora"?

The forced migration of Africans from their homeland.

What is an effect of the Columbian Exchange?

The interaction of cultures between Western and eastern Hemispheres.

What do the use of the word Encounter and the Columbian Exchange represent attempts to describe?

The nature of cultural interactions.

What effect did the Columbian Exchange have on Europe?

The population of Europe increased with the introduction of new foods.

What is one way that the voyages of Zheng He of China and the explorations funded by Queen Isabella of Spain are similar?

Trade and cultural diffusion


What disease passed from the Old World to the new world and decimated a large percentage of the Native American population?


What technology was used during the 17th and 18th centuries to explore and colonize the Americas?

Which key factor fueled competition between European countries for colonies in the Americas?

a need to secure control of gold and silver

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

A trading system in which goods and humans moved between the colonies, Africa and Europe. Provided labor on colonial plantations.

What was an economic result of the Columbian Exchange?

A European dominated global trade network.


A Spanish conqueror of the Americas


A favorable balance of trade where colonies provide raw materials and markets for colonial powers.

What was the main reason for European voyages during the 1400 and early 1500s?

A need for alternate trade routes to India and China.

Encomienda System

A system in Spanish America that gave settlers the right to tax local Indians or to demand their labor in exchange for protecting them and teaching them skills.


A technological advancement that enabled European navigators to determine their location during the Age of Exploration.


An economic concept that colonies exist to provide raw materials and markets for colonial power.

In the early 17th and 18th centuries, what was the primary goal of mercantilism practiced by European countries?

An increase in supply of gold and silver through a favorable balance of trade.

Where were most manufactured goods produced between 1500 - 1800s?


What was one effect of the Encomienda System in Latin America?

Exploitation of indigenous peoples.

What did knowing about trade wind patterns, and the ability of sailors to utilize them in the Indian and Atlantic Ocean demonstrate?

Geography and technology influence economic activity.

How were Spanish conquistadors able to conquer the Americas?

Technology, fear and disease.

What was a result of the efforts of Prince Henry of Portugal, Christopher Columbus, and Ferdinand and Magellan?

The European view of the physical world was transformed.

Why was Catholicism a major religion in the Americas?

The Spanish conquered and colonized much of Latin America, spreading Catholicism.

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