Unit 6, Volcanic Catastrophes Wikipedia Homework

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In Wikipedia, look up "Mount Vesuvius" and answer this question: What kind of volcano is Mount Vesuvius? a. It is a stratovolcano b. It is shield volcano c. It is a cinder cone d. None of the above

a. It is a stratovolcano

In Wikipedia, look up "Pompeii", scroll down to "Eruption of Vesuvius", and answer this question: Who wrote his eyewitness account of the destruction of Pompeii by Vesuvius? a. Pliny the Younger b. Pliny the Elder c. Marcus Vergilius Eurysaces d. Titus

a. Pliny the Younger

In Wikipedia, look up "Crater Lake, OR" (make sure this is the one about the lake in Oregon as there are several) and answer this question: Which of the following are true about Crater Lake? a. There are no rivers flowing into or out of this lake. b. It is the deepest lake in the U.S. c. It partially fills a caldera that formed when Mount Mazama erupted 7,700 years ago. d. All the above

d. All the above

In Wikipedia, look up "Mount Pinatubo" and answer this question: Aerosol (small particles) ejected by the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo in Philippines blocked sunlight leading to global cooling. How much did the Earth cool in the years following the eruption? a. 0.5 deg C b. 1.0 deg C c. 2.0 deg C d. 3.0 deg C

a. 0.5 deg C

In Wikipedia, look up "Geyser" and answer this question: Where does the heat that leads to the steam that powers the geyser generally originate from? a. A magma chamber b. Earth's hot lower crust c. Earth's hot mantle d. Earth's hot outer core

a. A magma chamber

In Wikipedia, look up "Yellowstone Volcano Observatory", and answer this question: Which of the following is not part of the purpose of the observatory? a. To view stars in far off galaxies. b. To monitor the volcanic system c. To increase our scientific understanding of the Yellowstone volcanic and hydrothermal system. d. To disseminate data, interpretations and accumulated knowledge to the public.

a. To view stars in far off galaxies.

In Wikipedia, look up "Deccan Traps", and answer this question: True or False: The dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago during the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event. Recent research suggests that these extinctions might have been caused by a combination of an asteroid impact and a large igneous province (lava flow) initiated by the impact. a. True b. False

a. True

In Wikipedia, look up "Volcanic winter" and answer this question: What is a volcanic winter? a. When ash covers the ground making it look like a snowfall. b. A reduction in global temperatures caused by volcanic ash and droplets of sulfuric acid obscuring the Sun. c. The prevalence of volcanic eruptions to occur during winter because of the pressure of large snowfalls increases pressure on the magma chamber. d. Specifically refers to times when volcanic eruptions prevent summer from occurring.

b. A reduction in global temperatures caused by volcanic ash and droplets of sulfuric acid obscuring the Sun.

In Wikipedia, look up "Pompeii", scroll down to "Eruption of Vesuvius", and answer this question: What is the currently theory as to the main cause of death of the inhabitants of Pompeii? a. Suffocated by ash b. Exposure to extreme heat from pyroclastic flows c. Drowned by a volcanic induced tsunami d. Toxic gase

b. Exposure to extreme heat from pyroclastic flows

In Wikipedia, look up "Caldera" and answer this question: True or False: A caldera forms when a volcanic eruption explodes the top off of a volcano. a. True b. False

b. False

In Wikipedia, look up "1815 eruption of Mount Tambora" and answer this question: Which of the following is not true about the 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora? a. It was the most powerful volcanic eruption in recorded human history. b. It had an explosive rating of VEI 8. c. It caused a brief period of significant climate change that triggered extreme weather and harvest failures in many areas around the world. d. The eruption left behind a caldera 6-7 km across.

b. It had an explosive rating of VEI 8.

In Wikipedia, look up "Volcanic Explosivity Index", and answer this question: The Volcano Explosivity Index (VEI) rates the relative explosiveness of volcanoes. Which of the following is this rating based on? a. The volume of lava b. The volume of explosive products c. The size of the explosive crater d. The number of fatalities

b. The volume of explosive products

In Wikipedia, look up "Yellowstone hotspot", click to enlarge the figure with the caption "Past locations of the hotspot in millions of years", and answer this question: We know that Yellowstone is a hot spot because it the latest in a chain of volcanoes. How long ago did the first volcanic eruption occur in this chain? a. About 2 million years ago b. About 10 million years ago c. About 16 million years ago d. About 25 million years ago

c. About 16 million years ago

In Wikipedia, look up "Pompeii", scroll down to "Rediscovery and excavations", and answer this question: What caused the numerous voids found in the ash layers? a. Volcanic gases b. Erosion from underground water c. Spaces left by the decomposed bodies d. The settling of lower ash layers

c. Spaces left by the decomposed bodies

In Wikipedia, look up "Year Without a Summer" and answer this question: The 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora caused global cooling in 1816 which is referred to as the Year without a summer. Which of the following monsters were not created by their authors out of the gloom of that summer? a. Frankenstein b. Vampires c. Werewolves d. All the above were created in the summer of 1816

c. Werewolves

In Wikipedia, look up "Eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD" and answer this question: Which of the following is a characteristic of the eruption? a. Earthquakes occur before the eruption b. The eruption lasted two days c. It consisted of multiple pyroclastic flows d. All the above

d. All the above

In Wikipedia, look up "Flood basalt" and answer this question: What of the following is true about flood basalts? a. They are result of a giant volcanic eruption or series of eruptions that cover large stretches of land or the ocean floor with lava. b. They have been attributed to the onset of a hotspot reaching the surface of the earth via a mantle plume. c. They have been connected to mass extinction events. d. All the above

d. All the above

In Wikipedia, look up "Pompeii" and answer this question: Why is Pompeii interesting to study? a. Because it was buried under 4 to 6 m of volcanic ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79 b. Because it was largely preserved under the ash such that the excavated city offered a unique snapshot of Roman life, frozen at the moment it was buried. c. Because the decayed bodies of the dead left voids in the ash which archaeologists found could be used as molds to make plaster casts of these people in their final moments of life. d. All the above

d. All the above

In Wikipedia, look up "Yellowstone National Park" and answer this question: Which of the following statement is true about Yellowstone? a. It was the first national park in the U.S. and is also widely held to be the first national park in the world. b. It is the largest supervolcano on the continent. c. It contains over half of the world's geysers and hydrothermal features. d. All the above

d. All the above

In Wikipedia, look up "Toba catastrophe theory" and answer this question: What is the bottleneck theory? a. That the Toba eruption was so big because pressure was trapped by a narrow conduit from the magma chamber to the surface. b. That the Toba eruption cause global warming that led to an explosion in the population of humans. c. The Toba eruption caused a tsunami so large that it split Indonesia in two making it look like a bottleneck in its center. d. That global cooling associated with the Toba eruption reduced human populations to a dangerously small number.

d. That global cooling associated with the Toba eruption reduced human populations to a dangerously small number.

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