Unit 6 Western Civilization Review

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( 450 - 404 BCE): Athenian nobleman who persuaded assembly to embark on the Sicilian expedition, a well-connected man often associated with controversy, was banished from Athens many times, switched sides during the Peloponnesian War from Athens to Sparta and back to Athens, latter helped by his infusion of Persian money, murdered in Thrace, and had a 'thing' with socrates.


(395 BC) Spartan naval general that ended the war, made alliance with Persians, Athens couldn't run blockade against them

Why did Lysander Succeed while Alcibiades failed?


Why did the peace of Nicias fail?

Almost immediately after the treaty had been signed, it collapsed. Corinth embarked upon an ambitious diplomatic offensive that was directed against Sparta; Thebes simply refused to sign; Sparta was unable to give back Amphipolis, and Athens did not return Pylos

Sicilian Expedition

Athenian expedition to Sicily from 415-413, results in the Athenian defeat and the complete destruction of Athenian forces

Why did Athens lose the Peloponnesian war?

Athens only military aspect was its navy, the Athenian army where no match for Spartans when Sparta destroyed the Athenian fleet in the attack on Syracuse the war was basically over this followed by Sparta gaining the help of Prussia and the rebellions in Athens (supported by Sparta) lead to the death of the once great Athens


Athens' last naval victory in the Peloponnesian War occurred south of Lesbos near:

Peace of Nicias

Break between the two fighting period of Peloponnesian war, From 421 - 413 BC the Spartans and Athenians agreed to return lands and punish their former allies for rebelling in this agreement. (supposed to be a 50 year peace lasted only 8 years)


Pericles was a prominent and influential statesman. He also was an orator, and general of Athens. He lived between the Persian and Peloponnesian wars. He was descended, through his mother, from the Alcmaeonid family.

Council of 30


Apology of Socrates

Socrates, a wise man, a thinker on the things aloft, who has investigated all things under the earth, and who makes the weaker speech the stronger.


The Battle of Amphipolis was fought in 422 BC during the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta. It was the culmination of events that began in 424 BC with the capture of Amphipolis by the Spartans.


The Battle of Sphacteria was a land battle of the Peloponnesian War, fought in 425 BC between Athens and Sparta. Following the Battle of Pylos and subsequent peace negotiations, which failed, a number of Spartans were stranded on the island of Sphacteria. An Athenian force under Cleon and Demosthenes attacked and forced them to surrender. They had caught Spartan hostages.

Why did Athens not conclude the war following the battle of Cyzicus?

The athenians were over powered by their victory and t got to their head. Sparta made a peace treaty but the Athenians said no which will lead to their downfall.


The battle of Syracuse of 415 BC was an Athenian victory won close to the shore south of the city of Syracuse, but one that had no impact on the long-term outcome of the Sicilian expedition, which ended in total defeat (Great Peloponnesian War).


Where in 410 did Alcibiades and Thrasybulus destroy an entire Spartan fleet?


commander of a fleet



Funeral Oration of Pericles

famous speech of Pericles explaining and defending Athenian democracy


the Socratic Dialectic; Socrates' conversational technique for obtaining wisdom, cross examination with questions


the last battle of the Peloponnesian War. Spartas fleet destroyed Athens.


turning point in Peloponnesian war - sea battle off Asia Minor in which Alcibiades leaves letting Athens loose

Long Walls

walls built around Athens to connect walls surrounding a city to walls at sea

Archidamian War

Name of the first part of the Peloponnesian War (431-404), the great conflict between Athens and Sparta. It is called after the Spartan king Archidamus II. This war started in 431 and ended in 421 with something that came close to an Athenian victory and a Spartan defeat. However, Athenian diplomatic mistakes, Spartan intransigence, and a catastrophic Athenian attempt to conquer the island of Sicily were enough to change the balance of power, so that Sparta got a second chance: the Decelean or Ionian War.

Scandal of The Hermes

One night during preparations for the expedition, the hermai, heads of the god Hermes on a plinth with a phallus, were mutilated throughout Athens. This was a religious scandal and was seen as a bad omen for the mission.

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