Unit 8 - Matthew

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When Matthew was written

70-100 CE

Parable of the Net

A net is cast and many fish are caught, but the bad fish are taken out in the end.

Parable of the Treasure

A person finds treasure, hides it in a field, and buys the field that he buried it in

Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

Because God has forgiven us everything, we ought to forgive one another Make sure you know the story.

Original Language Matthew was written in


Why Matthew is first in the Bible

It was the most popular at the time the gospels were compiled

Important factors in the Infancy Narrative

Jesus is linked to Abraham and David Five women in the line of Jesus emphasizes how Jesus' birth is completed under unusual circumstances The birth and the slaughter of the innocents makes Jesus look like the New Moses

Matthew's Audience

Jewish Christians

Differences between Matthew and Mark

Mark begins with John the Baptist, Matthew begins with the genealogy of Jesus Matthew has extended infancy narrative and resurrection account Matthew has more parables than Mark Matthew uses the "Q" source

The Great Commission

ONE OF MATTHEW'S THEMES Disciples are told to baptize all nations. This means they should actively seek out Gentiles while remaining faithful to Mosaic Law.

God's Abiding Presence

ONE OF MATTHEW'S THEMES Emmanuel means God is with us "For where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am" - Jesus "I will be with you until the end of the age" - Jesus

The Problem of Gentile Inclusion

ONE OF MATTHEW'S THEMES Matthew both advises that they should be ministered to last and also that they deserve to be ministered to eventually. The Jewish population come first, then the others. This was focused on by Matthew so that his readers would be free to include Gentiles when they are spreading the Church.

Jesus as the New Moses

ONE OF MATTHEW'S THEMES The flight to Egypt The massacre of the innocents Return to Galilee Sermon on the Mount (like Moses delivering Mosaic Law on Mt. Sinai)

The Sermon on the Mount and Jewish Law

ONE OF MATTHEW'S THEMES These two are supposed to be compared to each other when reading Matthew. One is an update of the other, not a destruction of it. People are still supposed to follow the old version. This was important because the audience was Jewish Christian.

Rehabilitation of the Disciples (Partially)

ONE OF THE THEMES OF MATTHEW In Matthew, disciples are characterized as having little faith. In Mark, they are mostly ignorant of Jesus' divinity. This is a step up for them in Matthew. The lack of faith shows up in Peter doubting and sinking in the water, it is also seen when the disciples are in a boat that might sink and wake up Jesus to rescue them. Finally, it is after the Resurrection when they doubt he really had risen. This was used by Matthew to encourage his readers to have faith.

The Kingdom of Heaven

ONE OF THE THEMES OF MATTHEW The Kingdom of Heaven is here on earth and after we die We can access it by living out the teachings of Jesus

Peter and the Church

ONE OF THE THEMES OF MATTHEW This was emphasized to help Jewish Christians make the distinction between them and the other Jewish people who worshiped in synagogues. Peter is the rock of the Church and the one Jesus listened to. He also is shown to lose faith from time to time. This means that Peter is the rock of the Church, but he is flawed. Jesus is the one who is to be worshiped, not Peter.

Six Antitheses

Teachings about Anger, Adultery, Divorce, Oaths, Retaliation, and Love of Enemies.

Parable of the Pearl

The kingdom is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. Once he finds one of great value, he sells all he has to buy it.

Sermon on the Mount Meaning

The meaning of this passage is that Jesus came not abolish the Law and the Prophets but to fulfill them. It is a blueprint for Christian living, but not limited to Christians.

"More Parables" Meaning

The meaning of this passage is that Jesus is explaining that the Kingdom of Heaven is a treasure we find which nothing should get in the way of. It is worth everything we own put together to be able to enjoy this type of life.

Parable of the Two Sons Meaning

The meaning of this passage is that Jesus is not concerned with "showy" promises and the way things appear. His is more concerned about people actually turning towards God, even/especially people who are sinners (i.e. everyone).

Birth of Jesus Meaning

The meaning of this passage is that Joseph is the central figure in the account which establishes Davidic paternity. In Luke the focus is on Mary.

Teaching About Almsgiving Meaning

The meaning of this passage is that by doing goods deeds in secret, you are showing that you are not doing it so that people think you are so great. It shows you are doing it for God and the other person, not yourself.

Parable of the Weeds Among the Wheat Meaning

The meaning of this passage is that good and evil have to be encountered in a person's life. We can't avoid evil. However, in the end, it will be separated out and the good parts will go forward.

Dependence on God Meaning

The meaning of this passage is that if we could trust God has everything under control and we are actually very powerless our lives would be much simpler and happier. We stress about things, many times, for no reason.

Birth Record Meaning

The meaning of this passage is that is situates Jesus within the history of Israel. Abraham, David, the Exile, and Jesus are the key points. The claim is that Jesus came to the right family at the right time.

Teaching About Retaliation Meaning

The meaning of this passage is that it changes a traditional moral principle of justice which tries to deescalate a problem. Jesus is not asking people to be doormats. He is challenging the power structure in defense of the poor.

Treasure in Heaven Meaning

The meaning of this passage is that it is far better to "invest" in heavenly things because they are more valuable and will go on forever. If we focus on worldly things, they will only be temporary and we will be left with nothing at the end of the day.

Magi and Flight Meaning

The meaning of this passage is that it shows similarities with the story of Moses: A decree from a wicked king, A flight to escape, Slaughter of children, Return to the Promised Land after the death of the King.

The Greatest in the Kingdom Meaning

The meaning of this passage is that the lowliest in this life will be lifted up in the next. It also means that we should be humble and associate with the humble people of the world (not the powerful).

Love of Enemies Meaning

The meaning of this passage is that there are three types of love: Eros (romantic), Philos (love toward friend or family), Agape (God-type love for humanity as a whole and we have for each other as people) The focus here is on agape. We are called to see (and love) everyone as God sees them.

The Two Foundations Meaning

The meaning of this passage is that we are supposed to listen and then act. We shouldn't build our lives on faulty goals (money, power, etc.), it should be built on what Jesus is advising (love, forgiveness, etc.).

Judging Others Meaning

The meaning of this passage is that we never know all the facts about a person. It is impossible to be good enough to judge another because we are flawed. That would be like the blind leading the blind.

Teaching About Anger Meaning

The meaning of this passage is that you are wrong if you hold onto anger and let it fester and grow into hatred. Jesus is concerned with your thoughts as much as your actions. The most important thing is to restore right relationships with each other.

Parable of the Unforgiving Servant Meaning

The meaning of this passage is that, since we are all forgiven of our sins (which is a huge deal), we must forgive others who wrong us when they ask us for it. If we don't forgive, and yet accept forgiveness for our sins, we will then be held liable.

Birth Record Story

This tells about Jesus' genealogy. It begins with a stretch of 14 generations from Abraham to David, another 14 from David to the Babylonian exile, and another from the Exile to the Messiah.

Parable of the Weeds Among the Wheat Story

This tells about a parable where the kingdom of Heaven is like a man (Jesus) who sows his field (the world) with good seeds (children of God). Later an enemy (Satan) sows weeds (children of the devil). They grow together but the weeds can't be separated until the end of days. Once this happens, the wheat is saved and the weeds are burned in the fire.

Parable of the Unforgiving Servant Story

This tells about a servant who mismanages a huge amount of money for his master. The master forgives the servant of all the debt. The servant then makes others pay up when they owe him and does not forgive like the master did. The master finds out about this and severely punishes the wicked servant simply because he didn't forgive other people and show mercy as he had been shown.

Love of Enemies Story

This tells about another tradition that people were always told they should love their neighbors and hate outsiders/enemies. He is saying here we should love (agape) outsiders/enemies instead.

Teaching About Almsgiving Story

This tells about how Jesus advised people not to make a big show of giving alms to the Temple or the poor. He says the people who do make a big deal of it are rewarded already because other people think they are so great. If we do it in secret, only God will know the good we do. The reward for this will be massive.

Treasure in Heaven Story

This tells about how Jesus is advising the people not to put too much effort in acquiring things that are temporary (fancy clothes, jewelry, 15 minutes of fame, etc.). He says they eventually fall apart. Instead, invest in treasure in heaven which will last forever and will never decay.

Dependence on God Story

This tells about how Jesus is saying not to worry about your life, food, your body, clothing, etc. He says to look at the birds and the flowers. They don't care about all that and yet they are cared for by God. How much more valuable to God is a person than a bird, yet we don't think God will take care of us?

Teaching About Retaliation Story

This tells about how Jesus says that the tradition of justice has always been tit-for-tat. He says that the better way is to give your offender whatever he wants like it was no big deal.

Judging Others Story

This tells about how Jesus told the disciples that we will be judged by how we judge others. He tells them to remove the plank in their eyes before calling someone out in the splinter in their eye.

The Greatest in the Kingdom Story

This tells about how Jesus was preaching and a child was called over. Jesus says that we are all supposed to be as humble and lowly as this child in order to enter the Kingdom. Whoever can do this will be greatest in the kingdom. Whoever welcomes the humble, welcomes Jesus.

Birth of Jesus Story

This tells about how Joseph was visited by Angel Gabriel in a dream and specifically told to marry Mary, even though she appeared to already be pregnant. He was also told to name the child Jesus, which is another interpretation of "Emmanuel" which means God is with us.

The Two Foundations Story

This tells about how a foolish man builds his house on sand and a wise one builds his house on rock. To build the house on rock, you have to hear what Jesus is saying and go ahead and live your life how he recommends. Otherwise, the house will crumble, eventually.

Teaching About Anger Story

This tells about how the Law says we are not supposed to kill someone else, but Jesus goes further and says we shouldn't even be angry at someone else. If we are angry, we are supposed to do whatever it takes to make it right. He says this should be done before even worshiping God (which was the most important thing in the relationship between the believer and God, previously).

Magi and Flight Story

This tells about how three wise men traveled from the East to pay homage to the newborn Israelite king. They told Herod of this who told them to let him know where the child was. They went on to Bethlehem and gave the family gold, frankincense, and myrrh. They were warned in a dream not to tell Herod about the location and returned home another way.

Sermon on the Mount Story

This tells about the Beatitudes. It focuses on those who are: poor in spirit, mourning, meek, hunger and thirst for righteousness, merciful, clean of heart, peacemakers, and persecuted for the sake of righteousness. Jesus is saying all these people will be remembered and lifted up in the end and it is actually better to be among these people.

Parable of the Two Sons Story

This tells about this parable where one person who says he will work in the vineyard then doesn't and another who says "no" at first then, ultimately, does go to work. Jesus says the one who finally went to work is doing the will of the master. Jesus is saying that tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the Kingdom of God before scribes and Pharisees in the same way.

More Parables Story

This tells about two parables about the Kingdom of Heaven and we are to sell everything we have to acquire something of great value (the Kingdom). He also tells parables about how the Kingdom is like something that will separate out good things from bad things in the end. This is the separation of good and evil at the end of days. Good goes on and evil is burned.

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