Unit 9 Test Study

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Which of the following was the most recent to experience rapid growth in industrial output?


"China's achievements in health care across the twentieth century..." The changes in life expectancy in China described in the second paragraph are most likely attributable to which of the following?

By the mid-twentieth century China was still plagued by infectious diseases associated with poverty, while by the end of the twentieth century it had overcome those diseases.

(Chart) Which of the following best explains the differences in the major causes of death experienced by high-income countries versus low-income countries during the early twenty-first century?

Changing lifestyle habits and greater longevity in high-income countries

"In theory, all of the peoples of the world, though different..." Which of the following international organizations were founded upon principles that were in direct opposition to the approach to international politics advocated in the second paragraph?

Collective security and cooperation organizations, such as the League of Nations and the United Nations

"Twenty years of Green Revolution agriculture have succeeded..." Which of the following could best be used to counter Vandana Shiva's criticism of the effects of globalization on the world's agricultural practices, as outlined in the passage?

Data on population and food production trends in developing countries before the advent of industrial farming in the mid-twentieth century

(Graph) Based on the graph, which technology was developed most recently?

Satellite television

What was the leading cause of the unprecedented increase in global population in the twentieth century?

The impact of medical innovations and public health measures

A demographic trend in industrialized countries worldwide in the late twentieth century was

a decline in family size

"Twenty years of Green Revolution agriculture have succeeded..." Which of the following could be most effectively used to challenge the objectivity of Vandana Shiva's arguments in her book The Violence of the Green Revolution?

As an environmentalist and anti-globalization activist, Shiva may have been selective in presenting the scientific data regarding the effects of the Green Revolution.

"Our country needs a large population to utilize and exploit..." Keshavarz' analysis in the third paragraph of the difficulties of growing Iran's population best reflects which of the following demographic realities in the early twentieth century?

Diseases associated with poverty and underdevelopment were still prevalent in most world regions.

(Graph) The changes reflected in which of the following lines in the table are most directly associated with international conflicts over scarce natural resources in the late twentieth century?

Lines 5 and 6

Historians argue that the twentieth century marks a significant break in world history for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

Low-wage laborers migrated from continent to continent.

"Many of my fellow students here have personal collections of..." Considering the global context of the 1970s, which of the following would have been the most significant difference between young people living outside the Communist bloc and the two young men in the source?

Young people outside the Communist bloc would have been unlikely to need to buy Western goods on the black market.

"Twenty years of Green Revolution agriculture have succeeded..." Which of the following arguments could be most effectively used to undermine Vandana Shiva's implicit criticism of free trade and globalization in the passage?

Many developing countries could never become self-sufficient food producers because of limitations of size, climate, and available cropland.

"I argue that the current state of affairs is unsound and..." Which of the following would most likely be cited to explain a weakness in Soros' arguments in the passage about the power granted to free-market forces in the global economy?

Market forces are constrained to a large extent by regulations imposed by governments, international economic institutions, and regional trade agreements.

"I have longed to make the acquaintance of a 'modern girl,'..." Kartini's goals were most clearly advanced by which of the following during the early twentieth century?

New concepts of rights and citizenship

(Graph) Based on the graph, which of the following best describes the development of transportation and communication in the twentieth century?

New methods of transportation and communication became more affordable over time.

"I think we should continue to emphasize the history and culture..." Which of the following would most directly challenge the author's argument that people all over the world aspire to imitate the West?

The growth of fundamentalist religious movements advocating theocratic government

Which of the following was the leading cause of the huge global population increase in the twentieth century?

The impact of public health measures

Which of the following was a major factor that contributed to changes in family dynamics in both Great Britain and Japan during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

The increased number of women in the workforce

(2 Images) Based on the images, Banksy's work best illustrates which of the following?

The spread of social protests against the inequalities of global economic integration

(Graph) In the late twentieth century, members of conservationist and environmentalist movements would most likely have cited the data in all of the following lines of the table as support for their concerns EXCEPT

lines 1 and 2

During the 1980s and continuing into the 1990s, the governments of Argentina, Brazil, and Chile moved politically toward

representative democracy

(Graph) Which of the following contributed most to the demographic changes shown on the graph above?

Diffusion of Green Revolution technology

(Chart and Picture) The chart and map best illustrate which of the following aspects of human interactions with the environment in the late twentieth century?

Economic development policies intensified competition over limited natural resources.

'The painting shows Chinese youths dressed in the style...' The policies pursued by the Chinese government starting in the 1980s, which led to the economic situation reflected in the painting, are best seen as an example of which of the following late-twentieth-century trends?

Economic liberalization

"I argue that the current state of affairs is unsound and..." Which of the following best explains how a supporter of free trade and market deregulation would counter Soros' critiques of free markets in the passage?

Soros ignores the fact that the adoption of free-market policies by states around the world in the late twentieth century increased standards of living for many people.

"When one realizes the influence that the practice of physical..." Which of the following offers the best interpretation of the passage above?

The use of sports to project national and social aspirations

WANG GUANGYI, CHINESE PAINTER, COCA-COLA, PAINTING, CIRCA 1995 Based on the image and its historical context, which of the following can best be inferred about the artist's primary purpose in creating the painting?

To offer an ironic commentary on the triumph of Western consumer culture in communist China

Which of the following was a significant environmental effect of the globalization of the world's economy in the period 1980 to the present?

While air and water quality generally improved in the developed world, they deteriorated in many parts of the developing world.

"To the Honorable Members of the Government of the Province..." Which of the following aspects of the international context in which the petition was produced most likely strengthened the petitioners' demands?

Women's critical contributions to the home front effort during The First World War

The rise to economic prominence of many East Asian nations in the 1980s and 1990s entailed

the emphasis on producing high-value consumer goods for export

"China's achievements in health care across the twentieth century..." The authors' argument in the third paragraph concerning the effect of "social factors" on the effectiveness of a country's healthcare system likely refers to all of the following general trends in the twentieth century EXCEPT

the high likelihood that increasing longevity would lead to an increase in overall healthcare costs

In developed countries during the second half of the twentieth century, more effective methods of contraception contributed to which of the following?

Greater control by women over their own fertility

(2 Images) Which of the following twentieth-century processes contributed most directly to the adoption of the system of cultural values to which Banksy alludes in Image 1 ?

Greater industrial productivity and new technologies led to increased availability of consumer goods.

"To the Honorable Members of the Government of the Province..." The political activism embodied in the petition is best seen in the context of which of the following broader twentieth-century developments?

Groups and individuals using universal principles to challenge established social norms

"The poor live their Christian faith and proclaim their hope..." Which of the following examples best represents the philosophy of liberation theology as expressed by Guitiérrez in the passage above?

Latin American religious clergy fought for economic and social justice.

"To the Honorable Members of the Government of the Province..." The policy position of the Manitoba Liberal Party quoted in the appeal is best seen as a continuation of which of the following broader trends in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

Political parties embracing mass politics and broader popular participation in the democratic process

(Chart and Picture) On a global scale, which of the following directly prevented problems such as those alluded to in the map and graph from leading to population decline in the late twentieth century?

The increases in average agricultural yields per acre brought about by the Green Revolution

'Agreement reached between delegates from 44 nations, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, 1944' Which of the following best describes a difference between the purpose of the institution established in Source 1 and the purpose of the institutions established in Source 2 ?

The institution established in Source 1 was intended to prevent war, while the institutions established in Source 2 were intended to promote economic development and international trade.

"Mr. President, I am writing you a letter which maybe you'll read..." The response by the author to the idea of being sent to Vietnam to "kill wretched people living far away" best exemplifies which of the following late-twentieth-century global processes?

Individuals challenging established racial and cultural assumptions

(2 Images) Artists such as Banksy would most likely argue that the conditions in Africa alluded to in Image 2 are in large part the result of which of the following?

International economic organizations imposing free-market reforms on African states

(Graph) The changes reflected in which of the following lines in the table are most directly associated with the emergence of debates about the nature and causes of climate change in the late twentieth and early twenty-first century?

Lines 4 and 9

"By the 1930s, many Europeans were ready to leave behind the..." Mazower's interpretation in the passage is most clearly informed by which of the following?

Postcolonial critiques of imperialism

Which of the following was a major effect of the globalization of the world economy during the last decade of the twentieth and the first decade of the twenty-first century?

Rapid economic growth in many countries that lowered trade barriers and increased their participation in global trade

"I argue that the current state of affairs is unsound and..." Which of the following developments in the late twentieth century would most likely be cited to explain a flaw in Soros' arguments regarding "social needs" and "collective decision making" in the first paragraph?

The Soviet Union and other communist states in Eastern Europe collapsed largely because of economic inefficiencies created by centralized economic planning and attempts to eliminate all economic and social inequalities.

"Many of my fellow students here have personal collections of..." A historian studying the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s would most likely use the letter above to illustrate which of the following?

The alienation of Soviet citizens from their government's official rhetoric of class struggle and anti-capitalism

"China's achievements in health care across the twentieth century..." The authors' discussion in the third paragraph of "the marked acceleration in health care improvements" in China after 1950 refers most directly to which of the following historical developments?

The communist victory in China's civil war

(Graph) Which of the following is best supported by the information shown on the graph?

The cost of technologies that rely on the use of petroleum declined less rapidly than the cost of technologies that do not rely on the use of petroleum.

"Many of my fellow students here have personal collections of..." The letter above could best be used to illustrate which of the following aspects of the historical context of the late twentieth century?

The globalization of consumer culture despite the rivalries of the Cold War

"By the 1930s, many Europeans were ready to leave behind..." Which of the following post-1945 processes in Western Europe was most directly inspired by the "sea-change" in Europeans' political and social attitudes described by Mazower in the last sentence of the first paragraph?

The initial steps toward European economic and political integration

"While the dynamic force in Globalization 1.0 was countries..." Which of the following contributed most to the development of the process that Friedman labels Globalization 3.0?

The invention of the Internet and the increased availability of personal computers

'Agreement reached between delegates from 44 nations, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, 1944' Which of the following best describes a main idea common to both passages?

The new organizations should facilitate greater international cooperation.

'Agreement reached between delegates from 44 nations, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, 1944' The ideas behind the establishment of the council referred to in Source 1 and the ideas behind the establishment of the bank referred to in Source 2 are most similar in that

while the council and the bank were intended to provide benefits to all members, a small group of states were allowed to retain permanent decision-making power

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