Unit B: Metabolism Practice Quiz

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(true/false) The body's adipostat utilizes a negative feedback mechanism that maintains a certain amount of adipose tissue.


(true/false) There are nine essential amino acids and two essential fatty acids.


What is the average energy expenditure for an active man not engaged in heavy manual labor? A) 2100 kcal/day B) 2500 kcal/day C) 2900 kcal/day D) 3200 kcal/day


What organ has the most insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in the absorptive state? A) Skeletal muscle B) Brain C) Liver D) Cardiac muscle


Reactions that cause triglyceride storage to increase, and bones of the skeleton to grow longer, would be considered ________. A) anabolic B) hydrolytic C) catabolic D) degradation


Strict vegetarians may be susceptible to ________. A) pernicious anemia B) night blindness C) abnormally low blood glucose levels D) scurvy


The actions of thyroxine ________ the production of metabolic heat. A) increase B) decrease C) have no effect on


The main factor determining differences in energy requirements of individuals of the same gender and body size is the difference in ________. A) physical activity B) genetics C) body temperature D) height


The only energy source for the brain is ________. A) glucose B) glycogen C) fatty acid D) protein


The satiety factor that acts to suppress neuropeptide Y and stimulate MSH release is ________. A) leptin B) MSH C) glucose D) insulin


A stressful situation would stimulate ________ gluconeogenesis. A) increased B) decreased C) no change in


Adipose cells are less sensitive to insulin in ________. A) obese individuals B) anorexic individuals C) individuals who do not exercise D) individuals at their optimal weight


Cells synthesizing hydroxyapatite in bones are termed as ________. A) osteoblasts B) osteoclasts C) osteocytes D) osteosarcoma cells


Growth hormone ________. A) stimulates hepatic somatomedin secretion B) directly stimulates bone growth C) inhibits lipolysis D) stimulates tissue glucose utilization


Growth hormone secretion is ________ during sleep. A) increased B) decreased C) increased, then stopped D) decreased, then increased


If a thyroid tumor were to result in hypersecretion of calcitonin, we would expect ________. A) a decreased level of osteoclast activity B) a reduced rate of endochondral ossification C) a rise in blood calcium concentration D) increasingly brittle bones


If an unsaturated fatty acid chain is 22 carbons long and the first of three double bonds is at the fifth carbon from the methyl end, it would be an ________ fatty acid. A) omega-5 B) omega-22 C) omega-3 D) omega-16


Insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes mellitus can cause ________. A) increased hepatic secretion of glucose and decreased uptake by skeletal muscles B) increased hepatic secretion of glucose and increased uptake by skeletal muscles C) decreased hepatic secretion of glucose and decreased uptake by skeletal muscles D) decreased hepatic secretion of glucose and increased uptake by skeletal muscles


Insulin secretion is stimulated by ________ blood glucose concentrations. A) increased B) decreased C) unchanged


One of the factors that increases body heat during adaptive thermogenesis is the production of ________ by skeletal muscle. This product causes leakage of protons from the intermembrane space of the mitochondria. A) uncoupling protein B) insulin C) glycogen D) glucagon


What would happen following a complete parathyroidectomy and no post-surgical pharmacotherapy was initiated? A) Blood calcium levels could drop to dangerously low levels. B) Blood calcium levels would increase slightly, but not to dangerous levels. C) Blood calcium levels would increase to dangerous levels. D) No net effect on calcium levels over time as the thyroid would enlarge and secrete additional calcitonin to compensate.


Which condition is NOT found in metabolic syndrome? A) Hypotension B) Insulin resistance C) Dyslipidemia D) Central obesity


Which hormone would promote the storage of triglycerides? A) Insulin B) Epinephrine C) Glucagon D) All of the choices are correct.


Which of the following components of energy expenditure is greatest in an average, sedentary adult? A) Basal metabolic rate B) Adaptive thermogenesis C) Physical activity D) None of the choices are correct.


Which of the following contains the greatest amount of potential energy? A) 70 Calories of lettuce B) 1/2 teaspoon of peanut butter (contains 4 g fat, 3 g carbohydrate, and 2 g of protein) C) A portion of pasta sufficient to raise the temperature of 6 cubic centimeters from 14.5° to 15.5°C D) A portion of fat trimmed from a steak equal to 6 calories


Which of the following demonstrates a situation when the metabolic rate in A is greater than in B? A) A single person in two different thermic states; A = exercise induced hyperthermia, B = surgically induced hypothermia B) A single person running at different two speeds; A = 5.5 mph, and B = 7.0 mph C) Two different people running at the same speed; person A = 155 lbs, person B = 180 lbs D) A single person in two different thyroid states; A = hypothyroidism, B = hyperthyroidism


Which of the following is NOT a nonenzymatic protection against oxidative stress? A) Hydrogen peroxide B) Glutathione C) Ascorbic acid D) Alpha-tocopherol


Which of the following is associated with an effective treatment of type 2 diabetes? A) Exercise-related adipocyte atrophy, fasting blood glucose reductions, and increased insulin sensitivity B) Exercise-related muscle hypertrophy, increased blood glucose after 2 hours of an oral-glucose tolerance test, and increased fasting insulin levels C) Exercise-dependent GLUT4 carrier translocation, increased glycosuria, increased insulin resistance


Which of the following situations would result in a chronic state of elevated glucagon, decreased insulin, increased growth hormone, increased cortisol, and decreased sex steroids? A) A chronic state of fasting B) A bodybuilder immediately postworkout C) A middle-aged male with metabolic syndrome D) A menopausal female in the absorptive state


Which of the following would be favorable to bone deposition? A) Increased kidney reabsorption of calcium B) Increased PTH hormone secretion C) Increased osteoblast inhibition D) Intestinal excretion of phosphate E) Stem cell differentiation into osteoclasts


Which vitamin or mineral is associated with preventing free radical accumulation in the body? A) Vitamin C B) Vitamin A C) Vitamin K D) Niacin


A free radical has ________ electrons. A) paired B) unpaired C) unbonded D) bonded


A tumor suppressing the activity of which brain area could induce obesity? A) Ventromedial hypothalamus B) Lateral hypothalamus C) Dorsomedial hypothalamus D) Anterior hypothalamus


Bone resorption is produced by the action of ________, which return bone calcium and phosphate to the blood. A) osteoblasts B) osteoclasts C) osteocytes D) calcitonin


Destruction of which pancreatic cells would cause hyperglycemia? A) Alpha cells B) Beta cells C) Delta cells D) None of the choices are correct.


Drugs that activate PPAR gamma receptors are useful in the treatment of what metabolic disorder? A) Type 1 diabetes B) Type 2 diabetes C) Hypothyroidism D) Acromegaly


Elevated concentrations of glucagon would result in ________. A) decreased lipolysis B) decreased glycogen synthesis C) increased gluconeogenesis D) increased lipogenesis


Formation of new connective tissue after a cut would be delayed due to a lack of ________. A) vitamin E B) vitamin C C) potassium D) vitamin A


IGF-1 and IGF-2 are known as ________ because they mediate the actions of growth hormone. A) somatostatins B) somatomedins C) somatotropins D) None of the choices are correct.


Identify the process characterized by an exaggerated response of beta cells to a rise in blood glucose, usually seen in those predisposed to Type II diabetes? A) Hyperglycemia B) Reactive hypoglycemia C) Stress hyperglycemia D) Exercise hypoglycemia


Leptin administration may be helpful for treating a number of conditions. Given its actions, choose the appropriate clinical application for leptin. A) Administering leptin should increase hunger in those with eating disorders, leading to greater food intake. B) Administering leptin may help to restore menstrual cycles in women with insufficient adipose tissue. C) Administering leptin will signal the hypothalamus to decrease metabolic rate, thereby allowing a thin individual to regain lost weight. D) Administering leptin will in turn increase ghrelin secretion in those who are leptin deficient.


Levels of ________ could not be measured in a blood sample. A) glucose B) glycogen C) fatty acids D) amino acids


Lipolysis would ________ as a result of inadequate cortisol secretion by the adrenal cortex. A) increase B) decrease C) not change


Since they are released between meals, ________ are involved in the short-term regulation of hunger. A) leptin and CCK B) ghrelin and CCK C) insulin and PYY D) leptin and insulin


The BMI of a female weighing 130 pounds with a height of 68 inches would be closest to ________. A) 2.4 B) 19.8 C) 76.5 D) 34.8


The actions of parathyroid hormone are antagonized by the actions of ________. A) vitamin D B) calcitonin C) estradiol D) insulin


The effects of glucagon are ________ by insulin. A) enhanced B) opposed C) synergized D) agonized


The metabolic rate of an awake, relaxed person, 12 to 14 hours after eating, at a comfortable temperature is known as the ________. A) average metabolic rate B) basal metabolic rate C) oxidative metabolic rate D) metabolic rate


The risk of cardiovascular disease is increased in someone with ________. A) a larger hip than waist circumference B) a 1:1 waist to hip ratio C) a BMI of 24 D) insufficient visceral fat storage


Uncontrolled type I diabetes mellitus has the potential to ________. A) cause hypertension B) induce metabolic acidosis C) increase brain glucose utilization D) decrease hepatic ketogenesis


What hormone is important in adaptive thermogenesis? A) Calcitonin B) Thyroxine C) Insulin D) MSH


What hormone is most important for maintaining blood glucose levels during the post-absorptive or fasting states? A) Insulin B) Glucagon C) Somatostatin D) Thyroxine


What hormone is necessary for the epiphyseal discs (growth plates) to seal and stop bone growth in length? A) Calcitonin B) Estrogen C) PTH D) Leptin


What is the major function of brown adipose tissue? A) Shivering thermogenesis B) Nonshivering thermogenesis C) Decreasing metabolic rate D) Decrease body temperature


Which hormone has no effect on blood glucose levels? A) Insulin B) Thyroid hormone C) Growth hormone D) Epinephrine


Which of the following is NOT an action of parathyroid hormone? A) Stimulates osteoclasts to resorb calcium B) Stimulated osteoblasts to deposit calcium C) Stimulates kidneys to reabsorb calcium D) Stimulates formation of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3


Which of the following is NOT an endogenous source of ROS (reactive oxygen species)? A) Peroxisomes B) UV light C) Catalase D) NADPH oxidase


Which of the following is an adipose tissue hormone that stimulates glucose utilization and fatty acid oxidation in muscle cells, thereby producing an insulin-sensitizing, antidiabetic effect? A) Leptin B) Adiponectin C) TNF alpha D) Resistin


Which substance is made by the delta cells of the pancreas? A) Glucose B) Somatostatin C) Glucagon D) All of the choices are correct.


Lipolysis is increased by ________. A) epinephrine B) growth hormone C) glucagon D) All of the choices are correct.


A lack of vitamin D ________. A) stimulates increased calcitonin secretion B) causes osteomalacia in children C) decreases absorption of dietary calcium D) inhibits PTH secretion


A positive energy balance occurs when ________. A) daily energy expenditure is greater than the calorie intake over time B) daily energy expenditure balance the calorie intake over time C) calorie intake is greater than daily energy expenditure over time D) you lose weight


Activation of the sympathoadrenal system would cause ________. A) hypoglycemia B) diabetes insipidus C) hyperglycemia D) excessive weight gain


Adaptive thermogenesis is the heat energy expended by the body in response to all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) increase in ambient temperature B) digestion of food C) physical activity D) decrease in ambient temperature


Choose the mineral that is only needed in trace amounts by the body. A) Sodium B) Potassium C) Iron D) Calcium


Excessive production of free radicals that can damage lipids, proteins, and DNA is called ________. A) inflammation B) antioxidation C) oxidative stress D) quenching


Formation of glucose from noncarbohydrate molecules is called ________. A) glycogenolysis B) glycolysis C) gluconeogenesis D) ketogenesis


How much of the blood glucose does the brain use when a person is at rest? A) 30% B) 40% C) 60% D) 80%


Hypocalcemia enhances the excitability of nerves and muscles because of the ________ permeability of the cell membrane to ________. A) increased; K+ B) decreased; K+ C) increased; Na+ D) decreased; Na+


If an individual consumes excess calories in the form of carbohydrates, the excess energy is stored as ________. A) glycogen B) structural carbohydrates C) adipose tissue D) skeletal muscle


In brown adipose tissue, norepinephrine stimulates ________. A) beta1-adrenergic receptors B) beta2-adrenergic receptors C) beta3-adrenergic receptors D) All of the choices are correct.


Increased expression of ________ in the plasma membranes will promote the cellular uptake of glucose. A) glucagon B) insulin C) GLUT4 D) leptin


Insulin resistance may be stimulated by elevated concentrations of all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) tumor necrosis factor alpha B) resistin C) adiponectin D) retinol binding protein 4


Prolonged bleeding time may be an indication of a ________ deficiency. A) vitamin C B) vitamin D C) vitamin K D) vitamin E


Satiety would be induced by all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) cholecystokinin B) naloxone C) ghrelin D) serotonin


Starvation decreases metabolic rate by as much as ________. A) 10% B) 20% C) 40% D) 65%


The hormone that antagonizes the effect of growth hormone is ________. A) glucagon B) thyroxin C) insulin D) epinephrine


The nuclear receptor protein required for differentiation of ________ is PPARγ (perioxisome proliferator activated receptor γ). A) erythrocytes B) fibroblasts C) adipocytes D) reticulocytes


The preferred energy source for resting skeletal muscle is ________. A) glucose B) glycogen C) fatty acids D) protein


Tissue damage by free radicals is prevented to some extent by all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) beta-carotene B) vitamin C C) vitamin D D) vitamin E


What hormone is needed to set the BMR? A) Calcitonin B) Cortisol C) Thyroxine D) Glucagon


Where is the major site of body energy storage? A) Brown adipose tissue B) Liver C) White adipose tissue D) Inside skeletal muscle cells


Which of the following is NOT a fat-soluble vitamin? A) Vitamin E B) Vitamin A C) Vitamin C D) Vitamin D


Which of the following is caused by the excess secretion of growth hormone in adults? A) Gigantism B) Myxedema C) Acromegaly D) Osteomalacia


Which of the following is characterized by parallel losses of mineral and organic matrix from bone? A) Osteomalacia B) Rickets C) Osteoporosis D) Osteitis deformans (Paget's disease)


Which of the following is true of type 1 diabetes mellitus? A) Lack of insulin leads to hypertension and decreased fatty acids in the blood. B) Lack of insulin causes a decrease in glucagon production. C) Glucagon production will increase, which leads to hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis. D) Lack of insulin leads to hypoglycemia and ketoacidosis.


Choose the process below that does NOT describe a function of water-soluble vitamins and their derivatives. A) Serving as coenzymes in metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins B) Forming hydrogen carriers NAD and FAD C) Acting as cofactors for enzymes D) Intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphate


Decreased leptin secretion should not cause ________. A) a decline in helper T abilities B) delayed onset of puberty C) menstrual abnormalities D) suppression of appetite


Glucose regulation by cortisol would be impaired by ablation of the ________. A) adrenal medulla B) thyroid gland C) Islets of Langerhans D) adrenal cortex


Lipolysis and gluconeogenesis are stimulated when ________. A) insulin and glucagon are both decreasing B) insulin and glucagon are both increasing C) insulin is increasing and glucagon is decreasing D) insulin is decreasing and glucagon is increasing


Metabolic rate can be measured by the ________. A) amount of heat generated by the body B) heart and respiration rates C) amount of oxygen consumed by the body D) amount of heat generated and the amount of oxygen consumed by the body


Osteoclast (growth or function) is inhibited by ________. A) calcitonin B) osteoprotegerin C) osteoblasts D) All of the choices are correct.


Osteoporosis ________. A) is most common in premenopausal women B) does not occur in men C) can be treated by stimulating osteoclasts D) can be limited by estrogen-replacement therapy


Superoxide radicals have which of the following beneficial effects? A) Killing bacteria B) Promote proliferation of fibroblasts C) Promote proliferation of lymphocytes D) All of the choices are correct.


The major hormone promoter of anabolism is ________. A) glucagon B) somatostatin C) epinephrine D) insulin


The period between meals is ________. A) absorptive state B) fasting state C) postabsorptive state D) Both fasting and postabsorptive state are correct.


The thyroid gland secretes all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) thyroxin B) triiodothyronine C) calcitonin D) parathyroid hormone


To mobilize calcium from bone, osteoclasts bind to bone and transport ________ into the bone matrix to dissolve calcium. A) phosphate B) calcitonin C) PTH D) H+


Type II diabetes mellitus ________. A) is characterized by destruction of the pancreatic alpha cells B) is characterized by destruction of the pancreatic beta cells C) results from a deficiency of insulin D) results from a decrease in the effectiveness of insulin on body tissues


What is the major non-enzymatic protective mechanism against oxidative stress? A) Ascorbic acid B) Alpha-tocopherol C) Beta-carotene D) Glutathione


Which hormones are involved in long-term regulation of hunger? A) Leptin and CCK B) Ghrelin and CCK C) Insulin and PYY D) Leptin and insulin


Which of the following can regulate the skeletal system? A) Estrogen B) Testosterone C) Calcitonin D) All of the choices are correct.


Which of the following is NOT an essential amino acid? A) Leucine B) Valine C) Lysine D) Proline


(true/false) During the absorptive state, catabolic reactions are favored over anabolic reactions.


(true/false) Fatty acids that have double bonds between the carbons are called saturated fatty acids.


(true/false) Following thyroid gland removal, individuals would need to take pharmacological levels of both thyroid hormone and calcitonin.


(true/false) Lipolysis is the process by which triglycerides are stored in adipocytes.


(true/false) Obesity in adults results primarily from adipocyte hypertrophy, rather than hyperplasia.


(true/false) Once glycogen stores have been met, an excess of calories results in the production of triglycerides.


(true/false) One gram of fat contains more energy than 2 grams of protein.


(true/false) Primary energy reserves include stored glycogen and triglycerides.


(true/false) Ablation of the thyroid gland would cause a drop in basal metabolic rate.


(true/false) Ablation of the thyroid gland would increase plasma Ca2+.


(true/false) Destruction of the alpha cells of the pancreas would decrease glucagon secretion.


(true/false) Elevated blood glucose triggers insulin secretion.


(true/false) Epinephrine increases lipolysis and ketogenesis.


(true/false) Exercise should be recommended for Type II diabetics since it lessens muscle tissue's dependency on insulin.


(true/false) Glucagon and cortisol can both increase lipolysis to provide energy substrates.


(true/false) Hyperphagia is produced by destroying the ventromedial area of the hypothalamus.


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