Unit II Test Review 11/20/20

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Architecture and Art: very highly ornamented By 1730s- Rococo style - grace, charm, gentle action Highly secular (non church) Depicted the pursuit of pleasure, happiness & love


Bourgeoisie - middle class - part of the 3rd estate - 8% of pop. Owned 25% of land Merchants, bankers, industrialists, professional people - lawyers, holders of public office, doctors, writers Wanted to better their position Upset with the monarchial system Influenced by Enlightenment ideas - spread amongst the literate middle class and noble elites

Father of Modern Science


Name of the French Parliament before the Revolution.

The National Assembly? National Assembly, French Assemblée Nationale, any of various historical Frenchparliaments or houses of parliament. From June 17 to July 9, 1789, it was the name of the revolutionary assembly formed by representatives of the Third Estate; thereafter (until replaced by the Legislative Assembly on Sept.

The Declaration of Independence declared people's rights to choose their own _______________ ?


Federalists and Republicans disagree about this:

how much power the federal government should have

What factors played an important role in the Revolutions of 1848?

WIKI: Some of the major contributing factors were widespread dissatisfaction with political leadership, demands for more participation in government and democracy, demands for freedom of the press, other demands made by the working class, the upsurge of nationalism, and the regrouping of established government forces. They either wanted to be unified or these various groups resented rule and sought to establish independence

How did Russain's defeat Napoleons Grand Army?

You remember this one from the Ed puzzle They refused to go to war so Napoleon waited it out and then many of his army died. unloyalw ones left early, and the loyal ones died on their way back from the cold or hunger, 600k or so went to 40k by the end without even a war. The Russians retreated, burned their own land and countryside to prevent them from getting food making them retreat.

Simon Bolivar

a creole revolutionary from Venezuela lead the struggle for Venezuelan independence lead revolts in Columbia and Ecuador worked with Jose de San Martin to liberate Peru - Quizlet Answer: 1783-1830, Venezuelan statesman: leader of revolt of South American colonies against Spanish rule.

What was the political divide in the US in the early 19th century?

autocratically and libral? autocratic: wars, devoted to the king, manipulating king and parliment to serve his purposes liberal: free, good people

The political philosophies that emerged as a result of the French Revolution:

conservatism, liberalism, and nationalism? - (Internet) The French Revolution completely changed the social and political structure of France. It put an end to the French monarchy, feudalism, and took political power from the Catholic church. ... Although the revolution ended with the rise of Napoleon, the ideas and reforms did not die.

What happened to Silesia as a result of the Seven Year's War?

Europe All territories returned to original owners, except Silesia. Prussia permanently kept Silesia (3.3 S13)

Copernicus's Theory

(3.1 S5) Copernicus rightly believed the sun was at the center of the universe and the Earth revolved around it AKA heliocentric theory

Kepler's Theory of Planetary

(3.1 S5) Kepler, a mathematician Used detailed astronomical data to arrive @ his laws of planetary motion. Data confirmed sun was center Online: Kepler's First Law: each planet's orbit about the Sun is an ellipse. The Sun's center is always located at one focus of the orbital ellipse. The Sun is at one focus. The planet follows the ellipse in its orbit, meaning that the planet to Sun distance is constantly changing as the planet goes around its orbit.

Why did the church attack Galileo

(3.1 S6) Order by Catholic Church to abandon the Copernican view Threatened the Church's entire concept of the universe aka Geocentric theory My answer: he tested the churches view on the universe, and therefore they ordered him to abandon his views.

How did the Enlightenment thinkers use the scientific method? What was their hope?

(3.2 S2) My answer: enlightenment thinkers used the scientific method by applying reason to their new ideas. The goal was to progress toward a better society, and to change the world.

Montesquieu significance

(3.2 S7) Tried to find natural laws that govern society and human relationships Government functioned by having Separation of Powers Executive, Legislative, Judicial System of Checks & Balances limits & controls each other Balance would provide freedom & security for the state - 3 Most important Philosophes of the first half of the 1700's (18th Century): Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Diderot dominated the intellectual landscape of the enlightenment.

Federalism or the federal system

(3.4 S16) The new nation created an entirely new government. A federal system in which national and state governments shared power.

Why did Great Britain pass the Stamp Act?

(3.4 S5) United Kingdom - collect revenue from the colonies following the Seven Year's War to cover war costs & maintaining an army to defend the colonies. Basically they needed more money from being in debt because of the 7 years war. They needed it for their army to keep them safe.

Tennis Court Oath

(4.1) Quizlet Answers: A pledge made by the members of France's National Assembly in 1789, in which they vowed to continue meeting until they had drawn up a new constitution A vow by members of the 3rd estate not to disband until a constitution was written Book Answers: - June 17, 1789 - 3rd estate declared it was the National Assembly & would draft a Constitution when king refused to change the voting structure in the Estates General -3rd estate - is locked out of meeting place, go to nearby indoor tennis/handball court, swore to meet until they had a new Constitution- event known as The Tennis Court Oath

The bourgeoise and the nobles were influenced by this movement

(4.1) The influence of Enlightenment 2nd estate - est. pop. 350,000 Nobility Bourgeoisie - middle class - part of the 3rd estate - 8% of pop. - Influenced by Enlightenment ideas - spread amongst the literate middle class and noble elites - 3rd estate - is locked out of meeting place, go to nearby indoor tennis/handball court, swore to meet until they had a new Constitution- event known as The Tennis Court Oath

The Directory

(4.2) Executive was a committee of 5 called the Directory Mainly known for corruption and began to rely on the military to stay in power Faced political enemies from conservatives and radicals Economic problems increased Wars still being fought In 1799 Directory in a coup d'etat - a sudden overthrow of the gov't. Napoleon Bonaparte toppled the the Directory and seized power in France Quizlet Answers: -Established after the Reign of Terror / National Convention; a five man group as the executive branch of the country; incompetent and corrupt, only lasted for 4 years. -Group of five men who served as liaisons between Robespierre and the Assembly. Overthrown by Napoleon. -1785-1799. Five man group. Passed a new constitution in 1795 that was much more conservative. Corrupt and did not help the poor, but remained in power because of military strength. By 1797 it was a dictatorship.


(4.2) The National Convention pursued a policy of de-Christianization Committee believed the religion encouraged superstition rather than the use of reason Closed churches and encouraged priests to marry Removed church doctrine and filled it with the worship of reason Adopted a new calendar This had a significant affect on religion in France Eliminated Sundays, Sunday worship, church holidays Most people in France remained Catholic - Quizlet Answer: During the Terror, The Catholic Church was linked to real or potential counter-revolutions. Religion was linked with the Ancient Regime, and Superstition, and so the Committee of Public Safety enacted measures to reduce its influence. IT included: New Calendar, aboloishment of Religious holidays, new names for months, 7-day weeks replaced with 10-day decades.


(4.3 S13) Nationalism - sense of unique identity of a people based on common language, religion, & national symbols -Britain's ability to resist Napoleon and the rise of nationalism in the peoples he conquered were 2 important causes of the empires collapse - Quizlet Answer: A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country

Describe Napoleon's grand empire

(4.3 S:10-13)Building the Empire Napoleon's Grand Army defeated Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, ,Russia, Sweden. 1807-1812 was master of Europe. The parts of the Grand Empire Territory composed of 3 major parts: French Empire, dependent states, allied states. Dependent states like Spain were kingdoms ruled by relatives Allied states like Prussia were defeated countries, forced to join his struggle against Britain.


(4.4) A political philosophy based on obedience to political authority and belief in organized religion. Quizlet Answer: A political or theological orientation advocating the preservation of the best in society and opposing radical changes. A belief that limited government insures order competitive markets and personal opportunity. - commitment to traditional values and ideas with opposition to change or innovation. And the holding of political views that favor free enterprise, private ownership, and socially traditional ideas.

What happened after the failed revolutions?

(5.2) After initial successes, moderates and radicals were divided over their goals, and conflicts among nationalities proved disastrousThe revolts were in pursuit of self governmentHowever little was achieved due to the division- minorities fought one another and the old order prevailedNationalism and liberalism continued to influence political events - The Failures of 1848-Problems plagued popular revolts against conservative rule in Europe Internet: Revolutions of 1848, series of republican revolts against European monarchies, beginning in Sicily and spreading to France, Germany, Italy, and the Austrian Empire. They all ended in failure and repression and were followed by widespread disillusionment among liberals. - The movement left tens of thousands dead. We need to understand that these revolutions were not necessarily coordinated, but instead varied considerably and stemmed from a variety of causes. Each revolution was unique. - They all had short term success then failure. LINK: https://study.com/academy/lesson/european-revolutions-from-1848-1852-successes-failures.html

Crimean War (1853-1856)

(5.3) - Russians invaded the Turkish provinces - Ottoman declared war on Russia, Great Britain, and France - poorly planned, Russians had to seek peace - By the treaty of paris, Russia agreed to allow the 2 provinces be placed under the protection of all great powers. - the effect was to destroy the concert of Europe orchestrated my Austria's Metternich - Austria and Russia became enemies - Russia withdraws from European affairs for the next 20 years. - Conflict between the Russian and Ottoman Empires fought primarily in the Crimean Peninsula. To prevent Russian expansion, Britain and France sent troops to support the Ottomans.

How did Napoleons overthrow of European monarchies affect South American colonies?

(5.4) In the 1800's when Napoleon overthrew the monarchies of Spain and Portugal the authority of Spaniards and Portuguese in their colonial empires was weakened in a series of revolts gained independence for Latin Americans.

What inspired the revolutionary leaders in Latin America?

(Internet) A growing spirit of nationalism and the French ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity inspired many Latin Americans to rise up against their French, Spanish, and Portuguese masters

What do radicals believe in?

(Internet) In political science, the term radicalism is the belief that society needs to be changed, and that these changes are only possible through revolutionary means. - Radicalism, especially in a political context, is associated with extreme views and the desire for rapid social change. - Radicals attempt to understand the root of the social problem — to cultivate an approach that goes beyond what can be easily observed on the surface

What happened to Russia after its defeat in the Crimean War in 1856?

(Internet) The Crimean War (1853-1856) stemmed from Russia's threat to multiple ... After a terrible winter, the allies cut Russian logistics by occupying the Sea of Azov; ... Forced to accept defeat, Russia sought peace in January 1856. - 1856, the Crimean War was formally brought to an end with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. - 1856, the Crimean War was formally brought to an end with the ... of Paris came after Russia accepted a humiliating defeat against the alliance of - poorly planned, Russians had to seek peace - By the treaty of paris, Russia agreed to allow the 2 provinces be placed under the protection of all great powers. - the effect was to destroy the concert of Europe orchestrated my Austria's Metternich - Austria and Russia became enemies - Russia withdraws from European affairs for the next 20 years.

Napoleons treatment of women

*Horrible. Inferior to Men. Housewife* Although Napoleon Bonaparte respected his mother and put two of his sisters in charge of small territories, he believed that women were generally inferior to men. In Napoleon's view, women were destined to play a domestic role, inside the family, rather than a public one. Regardless of whether a woman was of nobility or of lower class, under the Civil Code, all women were treated in the same rigid way. The punishment for upper class women who disobeyed laws was no less than the punishment for lower class women. While the Civil Code brought equality to men in terms of citizenship, it brought equality in terms of treatment towards women.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau's concept of the social contract

- Internet Answer: Rousseau's central argument in The Social Contract is that government attains its right to exist and to govern by "the consent of the governed." Today this may not seem too extreme an idea, but it was a radical position when The Social Contract was published. (3.2 S19 or so) - Pt 2: For Rousseau, the only legitimate political authority is the authority consented to by all the people, who have agreed to such government by entering into a social contract for the sake of their mutual preservation. Quizlet Answer: (Who is he?) A French man who believed that Human beings are naturally good & free & can rely on their instincts. Government should exist to protect common good, and be a democracy - Publ. Discourse on the Origins of the Inequality of Mankind Argued - people adapted laws & gov't in order to preserve their private property. - "The Social Contract" - Society agrees to be governed by it's general will Liberty is achieved by being forced to follow what is best for the "general will" Must give up certain rights to their gov't in return for benefits shared by everyone. Ex. security, fair regulations The people are the foundation Gov't exist to protect natural rights All people shared the same rights All equal before the law LINK: https://www.sparknotes.com/philosophy/rousseau/section2/ (If you didn't find your answer and need to find more information in order to get it, copy & paste link)

Describe the Committee of Public Safety and the Reign of Terror.

- The Committee of Public Safety 12 members The Committee was dominated by Jacobin Maximillien Robespierre democratic despotism - elected leaders began to act as dictator or tyrant and adopted strict policies - The Reign of Terror Revolutionary courts prosecuted counterrevolutionaries & traitors - 40,000 killed from all classes 16,000 died by guillotine including Marie Antoinette Revolutionary armies set up to control rebellious cities Were brutal and merciless People form all classes were killed Clergy & nobles - 15% of the victims Republic of Virtue - a democratic republic composed of good citizens Good citizens formed by good education Abolished slavery in French colonies Committee tried price controls - did not work because gov't had not way to enforce them Women advanced - they observed sessions of the National convention & shared ideas Society for Revolutionary Women in Paris - ready to defend the republic Men thought women should not participate in politics or the military.

The effects of exporting cash crops to Latin America:

- They made an enormous profit for growing a single cash crop like coffee - land = power and money. most people didn't have enough land to got their crops, and experienced dire poverty. - depending on one crop is more risky then diversifying and planting several. u know why. u listened. bc of vulnerability and if something goes wrong, you don't have a back up.


A form of government in which the people select representatives to govern them and make laws. A form of government in which citizens choose their leaders by voting.

What was used to execute Louis XVI?

1793 - King Louis XVI beheaded by the guillotine

Rene Descartes

17th century French philosopher; wrote Discourse on Method; 1st principle "i think therefore i am"; believed mind and matter were completly seperate; known as father of modern rationalism Descartes & Rationalism Rene' Descartes - father of modern rationalism that believes reason is the chief source of knowledge Considered the "doubt" & "uncertainty" of the 1600's Emphasized the importance of his own mind Accepting only those things his reason said were true. Wrote "I think, therefore I am" in Discourse on Method 1637 Separation of mind & matter/body Matter/body totally detached from the mind & that could be investigated independently by reason

Describe the members of each of the three Estates of France before the Revolution.

1rst Estate: Clergy 2nd Estate: Nobles 3rd Estate: Peasants, townspeople, and bourgeoisie - 1st estate - est. pop. 130,000 Clergy - owned 10% of land, were divided into higher & lower clergy Higher - cardinals, bishops, heads of monasteries, from noble families, shared same outlook & interests Lower- parish priests, poor & from class of commoners Did not pay the taille, means "cut" French chief tax - 2nd estate - est. pop. 350,000 Nobility Owned 25-30% of land Held leading positions in gov't, military, courts, Roman Catholic Church. Controlled most wealth did not have to pay the taille 1st and 2nd estates - made up 3% of pop. - 3rd estate (97% of pop) - was a divided estate by vast differences in occupation, level of education & wealth Peasants - 75-80% of pop. of 3rd estate, owned 35-40% of land, middle class owned the rest Owed certain duties to nobles ex. Had to pay a fee to use a nobles tools, had to work certain number of days harvesting crops price of consumer goods increased faster than wages, decreasing their buying power. Other members were urban craftspeople, shopkeepers, workers.

Seven Years War

3.3 Powerpoint slides 9-17 (It explains the war throughout the different countries.) The enlightened absolutists were guided mostly by their interest in the power and welfare of their state 18th century rulers concern with the balance of power among the states led them to use their armies to conquer new lands - 1740 - 1748 War broke out over the succession to the Austrian throne Maria Theresa, a women, succeed her father, created confusion b/c she was a women Frederick II of Prussia invaded Austrian Silesia Action proved that Frederick did not recognize the legitimacy of the empress. France entered the war against Austria Maria Theresa would ally with G.B. - War fought in 3 areas Europe / Asia / North America 1748 - Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle which guaranteed that all territories would return to their original powers except Prussia refused to return Silesia, war dragged on for another year Theresa would rebuild her army, ally with France - The Final Result FR colonial empire needed to be destroyed in order for GB to create its own colonial empire. FR would be defeated GB gained control of Florida, Canada & all lands east of the Mississippi River FR gave Louisiana territory to Spain, FR ally during the war GB became the world's largest colonial power.


A New Bureaucracy Napoleon developed a powerful bureaucracy in which officials were chosen and promoted based on ability instead of rank or birth, called a meritocracy. Quizlet Answer: a system in which promotion is based on individual ability or achievement. - (internet) a system, organization, or society in which people are chosen and moved into positions of success, power, and influence on the basis of their demonstrated abilities and merit so basically like not the pyramid/king/queen?

How did Napoleonic Wars affect Europe's political systems?

A New Force Nationalism - sense of unique identity of a people based on common language, religion, & national symbols Britain's ability to resist Napoleon and the rise of nationalism in the peoples he conquered were 2 important causes of the empires collapse - I think his wars made more people nationalists? - WIKI: The Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815) were a series of major conflicts pitting the French Empire ... Among the reasons were Napoleon's changes to the international system in Western Europe, especially in ... and the popularity of the ideals of the French Revolution, the ideals had a deep impact on European social culture.


A direct tax from which most French nobles were exempt (free from an obligation or liability imposed on others). An annual direct tax, usually on land or property, that provided a regular source of income for the French monarchy. Clergy did not pay the taille, means "cut" French chief tax Nobility did not have to pay it.

Factors that contributed to the outbreak of Revolutions in Latin America

A series of nationalist revolts occurred in Latin America at the beginning of the 19th century, and these uprisings were partially inspired by the ideals of the American and French Revolution - There were revolts in Haiti, Mexico, & South America - The American Revolution began to influence the Creole Elites. (Internet) The Peninsular War, which resulted from the Napoleonic occupation of Spain, caused Spanish Creoles in Spanish America to question their allegiance to Spain, stoking independence movements that culminated in the wars of independence, which lasted almost two decades.

Coup d'etat

A sudden overthrow of the government by a small group - Brittanica: Unlike a revolution, which is usually achieved by large numbers of people working for basic social, economic, and political change, a coup is a change in power from the top that merely results in the abrupt replacement of leading government personnel. A coup rarely alters a nation's fundamental social and economic policies, nor does it significantly redistribute power among competing political groups. Among the earliest modern coups were those in which Napoleon overthrew the Directory on November 9, 1799 (18 Brumaire), and in which Louis Napoleon dissolved the assembly of France's Second Republic in 1851.

What role did conservatism play at the Congress of Vienna?

After Napoleons defeat, the European rulers adopter the philosophy of conservatism. The goal of the Congress of Vienna was to restore the old order. The old order was one of the main ideas of conservatism.

Allied States

Allied states like Prussia were defeated countries, forced to join his struggle against Britain. Napoleon fell from power because of his defeat in Russia and because of: The alliance of Russia, Great Britain, Austria, & Prussia. - The European countries defeated Napoleon - countries defeated by Napoleon and forced to join his struggle against Britain. states defeated by Napoleon and forced to join his struggle against Britain.

Catherine II of Russia

Catherine (II) the Great 1762-1796 Intelligent women, favored enlightenment reforms Goal: create a new law code that would recognize the principle of equality of all people in the eyes of the law End result - nothing was done She relied on the support of Russian nobility Policy would lead to worse conditions for peasants and eventually rebellion Successful in expanding Russian territory


Child prodigy 6 yrs old - gave first harpsichord performance 12 yrs old - wrote his first opera Works - 3 of the worlds greatest operas: 1. Marriage of Figaro click to play 2. The Magic Flute click here to play 3. Don Giovanni An enlightenment composer who produced a popular form of classical, not baroque, music

Napoleon's Civil Code

Codification of the Laws He did away with the 300 different systems and created a set of 7 law codes, including the civil code, which preserved some of the key revolutionary principles Napoleonic Code - 1804 Equality of all citizens before the law Right to choose profession Religious toleration Abolition of serfdom & all feudal obligations Women - position worsened - were "less equal then men" - Quizlet Answers: Ideals of the Enlightenment and from the French Revolution, all French men are equal, everyone has freedom of religion, protected property rights, workers are inferior to employers, men are superior to women (heads of family), women lost their rights. Affirmed the political and legal equality of all adult men.

Dependent States

Dependent states like Spain were kingdoms ruled by relatives kingdoms ruled by Napoleon's relatives - Dependent states included Spain, Holland, the kingdom of Italy, the Swiss Republic, a union of all German states except Austria and Prussia. Allied states were countries to join his struggle against Britain. These states included Prussia, Austria, Russia, and Sweden. Napoleon tried to destroy the old order

Mary Wollstonecraft

English writer and early feminist who denied male supremacy and advocated equal education for women Founder of modern EU and American movements for women's rights Publ. A Vindication of the Rights of Women Identified 2 problems w/Enlightenment ideas: 1.The power of man over women was equally wrong 2. Because women have reason, they are entitled to the same rights as men.

Another name for Age of Reason

Enlightenment Age of Satire

Who fought whom in the French and Indian War?

Europe, Asia, and North America fought each other throughout this war. Within these continents, many places had battles. (3.3 slides ll-15) - The War in Europe Rivalry between Great Britain & France emerged over colonial empires Rivalry between Austria & Prussia over Silesia France & Russia allied w/Austria Great Britain allied w/Prussia All seen as a diplomatic revolution in 1756 - Europe Great Britain & Prussia vs. Austria, Russia & France Superb army & military skill provided Prussia w/early victories Prussian army is worn down b/c it was being attacked from 3 diff. directions A new Russian czar withdrew his army creating a stalemate which led to peace All territories returned to original owners, except Silesia. Prussia kept Silesia - War in India A.k.a Great War for Empire Great Britain vs. France Great Britain's forces more persistent & won Treaty of Paris: France withdrew, left India to the British - The War in North America GB & FR colonies were very diff. French North America (Canada & Louisiana) Vast trading area, lightly populated British North America 13 colonies, eastern coast, heavily populated 2 main areas of conflict: 1. waterways of the Gulf of St. Lawrence 2. Unsettled Ohio River Valley

Why did European leaders react conservatively to the Revolution?

European view: revolution = new order. new order = powerful leader. powerful leader = bad old order is no powerful leader so no revolution! - The turmoil of the French revolutionary years resulted to a conservative European reaction since they sought first to restore the old order. They believed by the old order no other leader would rise to be powerful. They believed that powerful leaders weredetrimental to the success of their countries.

What's the colonies fear in terms of government?

Feared a strong central gov't They wanted power to the people. 1781 - Articles of Confederation - State's 1st Constitution - created a weak central gov't that lacked the power to deal w/national problems. 1787 - revised the Articles of Confed. Created an entirely new gov't. a federal system in which national and state governments shared power

Bill of Rights

First 10 Amendments to the Const. Guaranteed Freedom of religion, speech, press, petition & assembly Right to bear arms Be protected against unreasonable searches & arrests Trial by jury, due process Protection of property rights The Bill of Rights derived from the concept of natural rights proposed by John Locke and the 18th century philosophes

What institution did the French revolutionaries try to eliminate during the French Revolution?

France - revolutionaries overthrew the monarchy, quickly & violently, executing the king (American & French Revolutions Both grew from enlightenment ideas But outcomes were different American Colonists gained independence, but in Great Britain the monarchy remained intact)

Diderot's work and how it affected the church

Generated the first Encyclopedia - 28 volume collection of knowledge Purpose - change the general way of thinking Became a weapon used against old French society Called for social, legal, political reforms Spread Enlightenment ideas CHURCH: Attacked religious superstitions Supported religious toleration Internet: Through his works, specially the Encyclopedia, Diderot undusted extensive information and ... He was not afraid to show his disagreement with the church.

Why was Newton's universal law of gravitation important?

He created a new picture of the universe The universe is a uniform machine governed by natural laws. Isaac Newton discovered the Universal Law of Gravitation in 1600's. Every object in the universe is attracted to every other object by a force called gravity Newton's theories dominated the modern world view until Albert Einstein's theory of relativity in 1905


Idea that government should play as small a role as possible in economic affairs. Laissez faire - "to let (people) do" (what they want) The premise was when individuals pursue their own self interest, all of society will benefit. Gov't doesn't interrupt - no regulations

Which countries did Latin American nations establish strong economic ties with after gaining their independence?

Idk kinda just guessing Even though Spain and Portugal were no longer colonizing Latin America, Great Britain now dominated Latin American economy and old trade relationships soon reemerged. Latin America remains economically dependent on Western Nations. Europe and the United States

Name all of the rights of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the citizen

In response to peasant rebellions & rumors of foreign invaders - National Assembly voted to abolish all legal privileges of the nobles & clergy - The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen guaranteed basic liberties Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen 1789 National Assembly adopted The Declaration of Rights of Man Proclaimed that all men were free & equal before the law Appointment to public office based on talent No group exempt from taxation Freedom of speech, press. - The basic principle of the Declaration was that all "men are born and remain free and equal in rights" (Article 1), which were specified as the rights of liberty, private property, the inviolability of the person, and resistance to oppression (Article 2). All citizens were equal before the law and were to have the right to participate in legislation directly or indirectly (Article 6); no one was to be arrested without a judicial order (Article 7). Freedom of religion (Article 10) and freedom of speech (Article 11) were safeguarded within the bounds of public "order" and "law." The document reflects the interests of the elites who wrote it: property was given the status of an inviolable right, which could be taken by the state only if an indemnity were given (Article 17); offices and position were opened to all citizens (Article 6).

How was the French Society divided up before the French Revolution?

Inequality Population was Divided into 3 orders/estates 1rst Estate Clergy 2nd Estate Nobles 3rd Estate Peasants, townspeople, and bourgeoisie

What role did the telescope in Pascal's law play in the scientific revolution?

Internet: How did new technology such as the telescope and new theories such as Pascal's Law lay the foundation of the Scientific Revolution? Answer: Scientists used them to create new inventions and theories. (3.1 S9) Pascal's Law - how liquids behaved under pressure and developed the syringe & hydraulic press

Isaac Newton's most famous discovery

Isaac Newton discovered the Universal Law of Gravitation in 1600's. 3 Laws of Motion - govern the planets & objects on earth

What are the three branches of government outlined in the US Constitution?

Nat'l gov't - separated into 3 powers/branches using Montesquieu's executive, legislative, and judicial branches Est. system of checks & balances Power to check, restrain, acts of other branches.

The relationship between liberalism and nationalism:

Liberalism was a strong ally. neither believed in a king or queen, just a nation. one united nation. liberals focus more on rights and equality through everyone, and nationalists more for the love of their country, and how proud they are of it. - (5.2) Many ethnic groups gravitated to the idea of nationalismas a way to establish their own state. Some saw rebellion as the way to achieve statehood. Liberalism was a fight for more individual rights. Nationalism was a fight for national freedom

The countries that formed a coalition after the execution of Louis XVI:

Major foreign crisis emerged Coalition of --- Austria, Prussia, Spain, Portugal, Britain, & the Dutch Republic --- took up arms against France & was ready to invade - 1793 - King Louis XVI beheaded by the guillotine Execution created new enemies for the revolution, reinforced the trend toward a new radical phase Pressure is put on the National Convention to adopt more radical changes National Convention did not rule all of France, many refused to accept it

Thomas Paine and Common Sense

Many colonists were still loyal to the crown Common Sense - by Thomas Paine changed public opinion Argued - monarchs had been set up by seizing power from the people King George III was a tyrant It was time to declare independence - Quizlet Answer: A British citizen, he wrote Common Sense, published on January 1, 1776, to encourage the colonies to seek independence. It spoke out against the unfair treatment of the colonies by the British government and was instrumental in turning public opinion in favor of the Revolution.

Margaret Cavendish's work

Margaret Cavendish (1623-1673), English natural philosopher Cavendish wrote philosophy and science as well as science fiction, poetry, and plays. Her work anticipated some of the central views of Thomas Hobbes and David Hume, and she was an early advocate of the idea that matter is capable of thought. philosopher - observations based upon experimental philosophies Critical of the belief that humans, through science, were masters of nature

Congress of Vienna and its most influential leader:

Metternich- from Austria, most influential leader of the meeting called the Congress of Vienna Congress of Vienna: Meeting of representatives of European monarchs called to reestablish the old order after the defeat of Napoleon - Congress of Vienna, assembly in 1814-15 that reorganized Europe after the Napoleonic Wars. It began in September 1814, five months after Napoleon I's first abdication and completed its "Final Act" in June 1815, shortly before the Waterloo campaign and the final defeat of Napoleon. The settlement was the most-comprehensive (complete; including all or nearly all elements or aspects of something) treaty that Europe had ever seen.

Factors of the overthrow of the French government in 1799

Napoleon Staged a coup d'état - overthrow of the Directory & set up a new government, the consulate. - In the Directory, this happened: Committee's powers were reduced Churches allowed to reopen New Constitution of 1795 was drafted Set up 2 Legislative houses Lower house - 500 members, drafted laws Upper house - 250 members, accepted or rejected proposed laws Members all chosen by electors - qualified voters Had to own property or rented property worth a certain amount - only 30,000 qualified Executive was a committee of 5 called the Directory Mainly known for corruption and began to rely on the military to stay in power Faced political enemies from conservatives and radicals Economic problems increased Wars still being fought

What did Napoleon see as a model for the French Revolution?

Napoleon was deeply committed to promote the achievements of the French Revolution. * During his reign, FRANCE became the model for a novel sociopolitical system and Napoleon was the ideal leader. * He worked hard to rebuild France, specifically through extensive public constructions as well as civil reforms. Napoleon without a doubt was a child of the French Revolution and the Age Enlightenment. His leadership was a breath of fresh air

How many times did Napoleon rule France?

PROBABLY 2 TIMES a brief second reign brought to an end by the battle of Waterloo in June 1815. Crowned himself Emperor Napoleon I. well i mean i think it could be 2. cause like i remember her saying that he was thrown out but then like went back in and finally 3 different countries teamed up and finally threw him out or something. WIKI: Napoleon escaped from Elba in February 1815 and took control of France once again. The Allies responded by forming a Seventh Coalition which defeated him at the Battle of Waterloo in June. He was exiled to the remote British island of Saint Helena in the South Atlantic, where he died six years later at the age of 51.

What was Napoleon mostly doing in the French Revolution from 1789 to 1799?

Probably fighting in the military and wars? (History.com) Born on the island of Corsica, Napoleon rapidly rose through the ranks of the military during the French Revolution (1789-1799).

Frederick II of Prussia's effect on the country?

Prussia - Frederick William I & Frederick II Valued obedience, honor & service to the king Frederick William - doubled the size of the Prussian army (4th largest army @ the time) - became the most important institution in Prussia. Noble land owners became officers Strong sense of duty to king or state - A dedicated ruler Enlarged military by recruiting nobles into civil service. Kept a strict watch over the gov't Abolished torture, except in treason & murder cases Granted limited freedom of speech, press & greater religious toleration Kept serfdom & rigid social structure intact & avoided reforms


Prussia was known for its reliance on the military for strength, for its militarism. Militarization, or militarisation, is the process by which a society organizes itself for military conflict and violence. Preparing for war or act of assembling and putting into readiness the military forces for war or other emergency. - the contested social process through which a civil society organizes for the production of military violence

Reign of Terror

Quizlet Answer: (1793-94) during the French Revolution when thousands were executed for "disloyalty" The Reign of Terror Revolutionary courts prosecuted counterrevolutionaries & traitors - 40,000 killed from all classes 16,000 died by guillotine including Marie Antoinette - Revolutionary armies set up to control rebellious cities Were brutal and merciless People form all classes were killed Clergy & nobles - 15% of the victims Republic of Virtue - a democratic republic composed of good citizens Good citizens formed by good education Abolished slavery in French colonies

Universal Male Suffrage

Quizlet Answer: 1. the right of all males to vote in elections. 2. extended the vote to male citizens of any race or color. 3. all adult men could vote good

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Quizlet Answer: A French man who believed that Human beings are naturally good & free & can rely on their instincts. Government should exist to protect common good, and be a democracy. - Publ. Discourse on the Origins of the Inequality of Mankind Argued - people adapted laws & gov't in order to preserve their private property.


Quizlet Answer: A belief that government can and should achieve justice and equality of opportunity. - Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law - Liberalism and Nationalism threatened the order restored and the conservatism after the fall of Napoleon - free from government restraint, basic rights protected, government ruled by a constitution

National Assembly

Quizlet Answer: French Revolutionary assembly (1789-1791). Called first as the Estates General, the three estates came together and demanded radical change. It passed the Declaration of the Rights of Man in 1789. - Result: National Assembly voted to abolish all legal privileges of the nobles & clergy. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen guaranteed basic liberties - Estates General Met on May 5, 1789 1st & 2nd Estates - 300 representatives each (total 600) 3rd - 600 representatives Arguments over voting Originally - each estate had one vote 3rd estate demanded each representative/deputy have one vote and to set up a constitutional monarchy-also nobility should pay taxes - June 17, 1789 - 3rd estate declared it was the National Assembly & would draft a Constitution when king refused to change the voting structure in the Estates General 3rd estate - is locked out of meeting place, go to nearby indoor tennis/handball court, swore to meet until they had a new Constitution- event known as The Tennis Court Oath Kings power had collapsed Revolts began happening all over France

Montesquieu's contribution to the US Constitution

Quizlet Answer: French political philosopher who advocated the separation of executive and legislative and judicial powers (1689-1755) - Tried to find natural laws that govern society and human relationships. Government functioned by having Separation of Powers Executive, Legislative, Judicial System of Checks & Balances limits & controls each other. Balance would provide freedom & security for the state. They were his "Spirit of Laws"

What were the economic causes of the Revolution?

Quizlet Answer: Inflation rates were through the roof and people were starving because they could not even afford to pay for food. Also, due to deficit spending, the entire country was in debt. After this, the conditions were worsened due to bad harvests and natural disaster. Manors were being attacked so that people could get food. - (4.1 S9) Immediate causes of the Revolution: Near collapse of the French budget, Bad harvests, Slowdown of manufacturing led to food shortages rising prices for food & unemployment, Lavish spending of King & Queen, Aid given to Americans for American Revolution.

Benito Juarez

Quizlet Answer: Mexican national hero; brought liberal reforms to Mexico, including separation of church and state, land distribution to the poor, and an educational system for all of Mexico


Quizlet Answers: 1. people who had been born in Spain 2. Pure Spanish people who were appointed by the king to have political authority over everyone in their colonies 3. pure blood Spanish people born in Spain

Leaders of Italian Unification

Quizlet Answers: King Victor Emmanuel II (not as important or a main one apparently), Camillo de Cavour, Giuseppe Garibaldi, and Mazzani 1. Garibaldi 2. Mazzini 3. Cavour

Why did the United States intervention in Latin America increase?

Rousseau thought that liberty was important but hard to implement. Venezuelan ppl have been so oppressed they aren't ready to appreciate liberty yet. "It is the job of Congress, therefore, to lead them to it." The US felt like they needed to intervene to help Latin America achieve liberty. (Internet) U.S. presidents," states Jorge I. Dominguez, "were committed to combat ... to increase the United States' military support for Latin America

Jose de San Martin

South American general and statesman, born in Argentina: leader in winning independence for Argentina, Peru, and Chile; protector of Peru liberated Argentina and Peru from the Spanish (not alone) worked with Jose de San Martin to liberate Peru

How did Napoleons empire collapse?

The downfall started on his attempt to invade Russia, where he lost almost his whole army. Once he was weak, other countries found this the perfect time to take over and defeat him. European countries sent Napoleon into exile in the island of Elba. He escaped and was welcomed by his soldiers in Paris. Russia, Great Britain, Austria, and Russia all pledged to join together to defeat him once and for all, and they did.

The significance of Louis Philippe giving up his throne in 1848

The monarchy ended - He ( the"Citizen King") was the french king that preceded Charles X, during his rein (July Days) he passed liberal reforms that only benefited the upper middle class, not the lower classes, which sparked another revolution (Revolution of 1848) - When Louis Philippe banned a banquet planned by reformers, angry protesters took to the streets and Louis Phillipe quickly abdicated. * This led to a vote for a republic lead by Louis Napoleon. *

The Boston Tea Party in the Stamp Act proceeded what?

These two things caused the American Revolution.

What was the reaction of European intellectuals to the American Revolution, the US Constitution, and the United States Bill of Rights?

They admired us because European ideas came from ideas of natural rights; enlightenment ideas. Ideas that inspired the rev. & the new gov't were unique First, large, successful revolt driven by Enlightenment ideals i.e. natural rights, individual liberties & popular sovereignty Was a confirmation of the premises of Enlightenment.

How did the Enlightenment affect the American Revolution?

Thomas Jefferson, the main writer of the Declaration for Independence, was influenced by many enlightenment speakers (Locke, Bacon, Newton.) The Bill of Rights derived from the concept of natural rights proposed by John Locke and the 18th century philosophes Ideas that inspired the rev. & the new gov't were unique First, large, successful revolt driven by Enlightenment ideals i.e. natural rights, individual liberties & popular sovereignty Was a confirmation of the premises of Enlightenment.

Who lead the revolt in Haiti of enslaved peoples?

Toussaint Louverture lead more than 100,000 enslaved humans in an uprising on the French sugar colony in St. Domingue on the island of Hispaniola, today known as Haiti.

Napoleon is most famous for his involvement in this?

military skills? wars and military? his agreement with the pope of the church? - Talented, won a scholarship to a famous military school one of the worlds greatest generals & a man beloved by his soldiers Devoted to his goals Studied the French philosophers & studied famous military battles - Energy & initiative earned him devotion of his troops Personal qualities & charisma won him the support of those around him. The result of the military campaigns Napoleon led in Italy was that it gave victory to France and control of northern Italy. He returned to France a hero - Made an agreement with the Pope since most people in France were catholic and in doing so he gained more supporters Catholicism recognized as the religion of the French people. Church could not ask for lands back seized in the revolution. - Napoleon played a key role in the French Revolution (1789-99), served as first consul of France (1799-1804), and was the first emperor of France (1804-14/15). Today Napoleon is widely considered one of the greatest military generals in history.

Nationalism spread __________________ during Napoleon's reign.

nationalism? enlightenment ideas? A New Force Nationalism - sense of unique identity of a people based on common language, religion, & national symbols Britain's ability to resist Napoleon and the rise of nationalism in the peoples he conquered were 2 important causes of the empires collapse - During his rule there was a rise to nationalism. - WIKI: Napoleon Bonaparte promoted French nationalism based upon the ideals of the French Revolution such as the idea of "liberty, equality, fraternity" and justified French expansionism and French military campaigns on the claim that France had the right to spread the enlightened ideals of the French Revolution across Europe

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