Unix exam

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Bash is a freeware derivative of the Bourne and ____ shells. A ) Korn B ) C C ) csh D ) tsh


Character special files are used by input/output devices for communicating one character at a time, providing what is called ____ data. A ) raw B ) binary C ) ASCII D ) block


Computer files containing nothing but printable characters are called ____ files. A ) text B ) binary C ) document D ) ASCII


If you have configured your prompt so that it does not show your working directory, you can use the ____ command to verify in what directory you are located, along with the directory path. A ) pwd B ) who C ) list D ) dir


Linux uses the freeware ____ shell as its default command interpreter. A ) Bash B ) Bourne C ) C D ) Korn


Runlevel ____ is multiuser mode, but network services are not enabled. A ) 2 B ) 3 C ) 4 D ) 5


Runlevel ____ shuts the system down. A ) 0 B ) 1 C ) 5 D ) 6


The ASCII character set represents ____ characters. A ) 256 B ) 512 C ) 16,384 D ) 65,536


The Line in the script for setting the Bash shell is A)#!/bin/bash B) !#/bin/bash C)#/bin/bash


The ____ file is run each time you log in or give the command to set Bash as your current shell, but not when you run a subshell. A ) .bash_profile B ) .bash C ) .bashrc D ) .bash_login


The ____ file typically contains settings, such as environment variable settings, aliases, and other settings that you always want in effect when you are in the Bash shell. A ) .bash_profile B ) .bash C ) .bashrc D ) .bash_login


The paste command normally sends its output to ____. A ) stdout B ) null C ) stderr D ) the file indicated as an argument


To run a program in the background, append the ____ character to the end of the command used to start the program. A ) & B ) * C ) $ D ) @


What is the first task the BIOS does? A ) performs POST B ) sends a signal to the SCSI controller C ) searches for an operating system D ) launches the boot loader


What is the main system initialization script for Red Hat Linux and Fedora? A ) rc.sysinit B ) rc C ) init D ) rc.local


When you no longer need a file, you can delete it using the ____command. A ) rm B ) remove C ) dl D ) delete


When you use the du utility, file usage is expressed in the number of ____-byte blocks (default) or by the number of bytes (the -b option). A ) 512 B ) 1024 C ) 2048 D ) 4096


Which command is equivalent to the init command and is used to change run levels? A ) telinit B ) inittab C ) sysinit D ) initd


You can use the ____command to create empty files. A ) touch B ) create C ) make D ) null


You can use the ____utility to compare the contents of two files, and if there is a difference, the command reports the location at which the files first start to differ. A ) cmp B ) compare C ) diff D ) difference


The kernel is normally a file named ____. A ) linux B ) vlinux C ) vmlinuz D ) ker


The root of a file system is denoted by the ____. A ) dot (.) B ) dot dot (..) C ) forward slash (/) D ) backward slash (\)


To move a file, you use the ____command along with the source file name and destination name. A ) rm B ) rename C ) mv D ) move


You can change your password, if necessary, by using the ____ command, but you must know your current password to change it. A ) pwd B ) chpwd C ) passwd D ) password


You can type more than one command on the command line by separating commands with a ____. A ) vertical bar (|) B ) colon (:) C ) semicolon (;) D ) dash (-)


____ is an Internet terminal emulation program. A ) IP B ) Emulab C ) Telnet D ) Terminal


____ is the default file name for the output of program compilation procedures. A ) out.a B ) obj.a C ) a.out D ) a.obj


____ variables are used to store information about the setup of the operating system, and after they are set up, you typically do not change them. A ) Global B ) Environment C ) Configuration D ) Shell


To run the myscript shell script located in the current directory, you should enter: ____. A ) start myscript B ) /.myscript C ) run myscript D ) ./myscript


UNIX/Linux computers can access shared Windows system drives through the use of ____. A ) RPC B ) NFS C ) IP D ) Samba


Unicode offers up to ____ characters. A ) 256 B ) 512 C ) 16,384 D ) 65,536


Which command is used to restart the printing service? A ) service lpd -stop -start B ) lpd restart C ) restart lpd D ) service lpd restart


You use the ____ command to display a directory's contents, including files and other directories. A ) dir B ) d C ) pwd D ) ls


___ is NOT a selection command. A ) comm B ) diff C ) grep D ) sed


____gives the owner read, write, and execute permissions. A ) chmod 155 B ) chmod 551 C ) chmod 577 D ) chmod 755


___ are programs that perform operations such as copying files, listing directories, and communicating with other users. A ) Extents B ) Utilities C ) Applications D ) Services


A simple way to delete a record using ____is with the -d (delete) option. A ) awk B ) sed C ) test D ) tr


A(n) ____ enables services and software on one computer to use services and software on a different computer. A ) NFS B ) RPC C ) Samba D ) SMB


For your own account, the shell that is set up by default is established by the system administrator in the ____ file. A ) /etc/shell B ) /etc/passwd C ) /etc/shadow D ) /etc/default


How much memory is in a page? A ) 1 KB B ) 4 KB C ) 1 MB D ) 1024 MB


If the ps command is entered without any options, which fields are displayed? A ) JOB, PID, %CPU B ) PID, TTY, TIME, and CMD C ) USER, PID, and TTY D ) JOB, PID, STAT, and %CPU


Stephen Bourne at AT&T Bell Labs developed the ____ shell as the first UNIX command processor. A ) Bash B ) Bourne C ) C D ) Korn


The .bashrc file is a hidden file contained in ____ directory. A ) the root B ) your home C ) the /usr D ) the /home


The ____ directory contains executables, which are the programs needed to start the system and perform other essential system tasks. A ) /boot B ) /bin C ) /dev D ) /etc


The ____ feature allows your UNIX or Linux system to access its own internal network configuration instead of an external network. A ) spaceship B ) loopback C ) netstat D ) ifconfig


The ____ utility schedules a command to run at a preset time. A ) batch B ) crontab C ) call D ) at


The ____command enables you to initialize the terminal display or terminal window, to place text and prompts in desired locations, and to respond to what the user selects from the menu. A ) put B ) tput C ) clear D ) tclear


The ____command takes a parameter that indicates how long to wait before shutting down the system and a parameter to indicate whether the system should be restarted or halted. A ) delay B ) shutdown C ) stop D ) quit


The ____utility gathers statistics and information about IP communications on a computer. A ) ping B ) netstat C ) traceroute D ) ifconfig


The df utility reports the number of ____-byte blocks that are allocated, used, and available; the percentage used; and the mount point—for mounted file systems. A ) 512 B ) 1024 C ) 2048 D ) 4096


The head and tail commands, allow you to view the first few or last few lines of a file (____ lines by default). A ) five B ) ten C ) fifteen D ) twenty


The init process is assigned a process ID number of ____. A ) 0 B ) 1 C ) 100 D ) 1000


The operating system's default runlevel is set by modifying the ____ file. A ) /etc/runlevel B ) /etc/inittab C ) /etc/startx D ) /etc/default


The two most popular hard disk interfaces are IDE and ____. A ) ATA B ) SCSI C ) EIDE D ) RAID


To append output to an existing file, you use ____. A ) > B ) >> C ) < D ) <<


To navigate the UNIX/Linux directory structure, you use the ____ command. A ) nav B ) cd C ) mv D ) jump


To redirect the list of the files in a directory to a file called homedir.list, you enter ____. A ) ls < homedir.list B ) ls > homedir.list C ) homedir.list < ls D ) homedir.list > ls


What is the script that starts system services such as networking, printing, automated script execution, and many others? A ) rc.sysinit B ) rc C ) init D ) rc.local


When viewing process information in the /proc subdirectory for the process, the ____ file tells you the command used to start the process. A ) start B ) cmdline C ) launch D ) begin


When you create a shell script to run in Bash, you can immediately run the script by typing ____and then the name of the script. A ) run B ) sh C ) start D ) exec


When you use find, it is useful to note that some UNIX versions require the ____option after the file name to display the names of files. A ) -display B ) -print C ) -show D ) -names


Which of the following sends the job with job number 1 to the background? A ) bg $1 B ) bg %1 C ) bg 1 D ) back 1


With no options, ____ displays the current listing of Bash environment and shell script variables. A ) let B ) set C ) sh D ) export


You can change the pattern of permission settings by using the ____ command. A ) chperm B ) chmod C ) chsec D ) chown


You can use the ____ operator to redirect commands or program error messages from the screen to a file. A ) 1> B ) 2> C ) 3> D ) 4>


You use the ____command to search for a specified pattern in a file, such as a particular word or phrase. A ) find B ) grep C ) sed D ) diff


A(n) ____ path begins at the root level and lists all subdirectories to the destination file. A ) root B ) primary C ) absolute D ) relative


After you create a Web page, you can publish the page on a Web ____. A ) program B ) database C ) server D ) client


In UNIX/Linux, text files and binary files are considered to be ____ files. A ) executable B ) document C ) regular D ) dynamic


In the ps command, the ____ field shows the amount of RAM currently used by the process. A ) MEM B ) RAM C ) RSS D ) VM


One use of ____is to get a general idea of how efficiently your network is designed. A ) ping B ) netstat C ) traceroute D ) ifconfig


Possessing a rich set of options that allow it to handle copies when other methods are inappropriate, the ____command can handle conversions to and from legacy EBCDIC to ASCII. A ) tee B ) convert C ) dd D ) df


System administrators and programmers refer to standard input as ____. A ) sin B ) stin C ) stdin D ) standardin


System administrators and programmers refer to standard output as ____. A ) sout B ) stout C ) stdout D ) standardout


The ____ command is used to create a new directory. A ) cdir B ) cd C ) mkdir D ) mk


The ____ command removes duplicate lines from a file. A ) grep B ) dup C ) uniq D ) diff


The ____ file runs when you log in using the Bash shell as the default, and each time you start a Bash shell within a Bash shell. A ) .bash_profile B ) .bash C ) .bashrc D ) .bash_login


The ____ redirects the output of one command to the input of another command. A ) output redirection operator (>) B ) input redirection operator (<) C ) pipe operator (|) D ) tilde (~)


The ____command displays a listing of the most CPU-intensive tasks, such as the processor state, in real time (the display is updated every five seconds by default). A ) stat B ) netstat C ) top D ) ds


The join command is used to associate information in two different files on the basis of a common field or ____ in those files. A ) index B ) link C ) column D ) key


A ____ is used to refer to the user's home directory. A ) dot (.) B ) dollar sign ($) C ) forward slash (/) D ) tilde (~)


Each record in the /etc/passwd file is simply a record with variable-length fields separated by ____. A ) dashes (-) B ) commas (,) C ) semicolons (;) D ) colons (:)


How are processes started? A ) by the kernel B ) from a command line C ) from a graphical desktop D ) All of the above


If you plan to have multiple users access a system, you can create a ____ partition, which is the home directory for all users' directories. A ) /root B ) /etc C ) /usr D ) /home


If your system does not start the X Window System automatically, you can start it by using the ____ command from the command line. A ) x11 B ) xfree86 C ) initx D ) startx


In ps output, the ____ field provides a cumulative measure of the amount of CPU time consumed by a process. A ) CPU_TIME B ) %CPU C ) CPU D ) TIME


Runlevel ____ is multiuser mode enabling graphical access via X Window. A ) 2 B ) 3 C ) 4 D ) 5


Samba is a utility that uses the ____ protocol, which is also used by Windows systems for sharing folders and printers. A ) RPC B ) NFS C ) IP D ) SMB


The IP address ____ is the standard designation for loopback communications. A ) B ) C ) D )


The UNIX/Linux ____ command displays the system date, which the system administrator maintains. A ) today B ) sysdate C ) system D ) date


The ____ command locates identical lines within two identically sorted files. A ) diff B ) sed C ) uniq D ) comm


The ____ directory contains configuration files that the system uses when the computer starts. A ) /boot B ) /bin C ) /dev D ) /etc


The ____ option of the find command displays files that have been changed within the last n days. A ) -cdays n B ) -ctime n C ) -mdays n D ) -mtime n


The ____ option of the find command displays files that have been changed within the last n minutes. A ) -min n B ) -cmin n C ) -nmin n D ) -mmin n


The ____ partition acts like an extension of memory, so that UNIX/Linux have more room to run large programs. A ) backup B ) primary C ) virtual D ) swap


The ____ utility manages concurrent access to files in a hierarchy. A ) tree B ) rlog C ) rcs D ) cvs


The ____command displays the amount of free and used memory in the system. A ) mem B ) stat C ) memstat D ) free


The batchcommand runs your commands when the system load average drops below ____. A ) 0.1 B ) 0.3 C ) 0.5 D ) 0.8


The command > accountsfile__. A ) deletes de file accountsfile B ) is not valid in UNIX/Linux systems C ) displays the contents of the file accountsfile on the screen D ) creates an empty file called accountsfile


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