Us History 2- Chapter 22-24 Test Review

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Which of the following does NOT explain why Americans hoped to avoid involvement in the war in Europe?

It was clear to most people that there was a little possibility of an allied victory

Why did Executive Order 9066 not apply to persons of Japanese descent living in Hawaii?

Since nearly 40% of population was of Japanese descent, the evacuation order would have been impractical

Ngo Dinh Diem

South Vietnamese president that was catholic and strongly opposed communism. His poor leadership and corrupt government spelled doom

Third World

Term applied to a group of developing countries who professed nonalignment during the Cold War.

How did the struggle against Nazi tyranny discredit racial inequality in the United States?

The Contradictions between the principle and practice of freedom in the actual status of African-Americans came to the forefront during the war.

After World War II, the only nation that could rival the United States was:

The Soviet Union

How did the Freedom Train suggest the meaning of freedom remained controversial?

The Wagner Act, the law guaranteeing workers' right to form unions, was removed from inclusion in the documents display

The charges against which of the following organizations led to the downfall of Joseph McCarthy in 1954?

The army

What gave conservatives of the 1950s their political unity?

The common enemies of the Soviet Union and the federal government

Why did American policymakers agree to spend billions of dollars on the economic recovery of Europe under the Marshall Plan?

They were afraid that if they did not help with he recovery, western European nations might fall into the Soviet sphere of influence.

How did the United States respond to Joseph Stalin's blockade around Berlin?

Truman ordered that supplies be brought to Berlin via an airlift.

Joseph McCarthy

US senator; claimed that their were Soviet spies and Communists within the government but had no evidence; discredited by the US senate

Manhattan Project

code name for the secret United States project set up in 1942 to develop atomic bombs for use in World War II

Black internationalism during World War II:

connected the plight of black Americans to that of people of color worldwide.

Secretary of State John Foster Dulles's policy of massive retaliation:

declared that any Soviet attack on an American ally would be countered by a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union.

During the Eisenhower administration, U.S.-Soviet relations:

improved somewhat after the end of the Korean War and the death of Stalin.

Organized labor emerged as

organized labor unions fighting for better wages, reasonable hours and safer working conditions. The labor movement led efforts to stop child labor, give health benefits and provide aid to workers who were injured or retired.

President Truman's civil rights plan called for all of the following EXCEPT:


During World War II, American Indians:

served in the military and worked in war production.

The double-V campaign was:

the effort to end discrimination against blacks while fighting fascism.

During the postwar suburban boom, African-Americans:

were often unable to receive financing for housing.

In 1948, the Progressive Party:

Advocated expanded social welfare programs

In 1940, the "cash and carry" plan:

Allowed Great Britain to purchase U.S Arms in restricted basis

Men like Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, and Father Coughlin were members of the:

America First committee, an isolationist group

During the 1950s

Americans became more religious developmental psychology made tremendous strides. Piaget, Erikson, Havinghurst were very influential

Labor and employers agreed to a new "social contract" that included all of the following provisions EXCEPT:

Employers require the national Association of Manufacturers to except the right of workers to organize unions

How did the promise of freedom in the postwar years differ for black and white Americans?

For white Americans, freedom was a position to be defended; for African-Americans it was a goal to be achieved.

During the Cold War, Americans:

Formed anticommunist groups who pressured public libraries to remove "un-American" books from their shelves

Who did publisher Henry Luce credit with the provision of "the abundant life" in his blueprint for postwar prosperity, The American Century?

Free enterprise

In what aspect of American foreign policy did Franklin D. Roosevelt remove himself from Herbert Hoover's precedent?

He formally recognized the soviet union in an effort to stimulate trade

The impact of the Cold War on the civil rights movement:

Included government action against black leaders

How did American companies contribute to the influx of Puerto Rican migrants by the hundreds of thousands beginning in the 1950s?

Increasing control of land by US sugar companies on the island push small tobacco and coffee farmers off the island and into a search for jobs on the mainland

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