us history 4/13

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"Lightning War," was Germany's strategy to avoid a long war in the first phase of World War II in Europe.

*Compare the strengths and weaknesses of the Allies and Axis Powers.

Allies strength is production productivity, axis strength is they had military dictatorship and they already had taken over the land

*What was the Lend-Lease Act?

An example of arsenal democracy

*What were the costs of WWII?

Around 50-80 million deaths, half were civilians, shortage in lots of products, and destroyed many cities, creation of united nations.

*Describe what it meant for the U.S. to be the 'Arsenal of Democracy' before Pearl Harbor.

Arsenal means how much weapons they had. The united states gave weapons to those fighting germany and japan

*Why did Japan conduct a surprise attack at Pearl Harbor?

Because they assumed incorrectly that the us would attack them and so they thought attack the navy to get a head start

*Why is a peacetime draft controversial in the U.S?

Because ur not at war, it's just in case their is a war

*What are some long-term effects from the experiences of women during the war?

Because women effectively did their job, allowed them to have more opportunities to do things men can

*Describe the causes and effects of Japanese internment.

Causes US gov feared japanese attack on west coast and paranoid about spies and racisms. Effects: horrible treatment and discrimination of japanese americans

*What were the economic effects of WWII on the U.S. home front?

Creation of jobs, us economy boomed because everyone had to buy from us, and women and minorities working

*Why did Hitler sign the non-aggression pact with his archenemy the Soviet Union?

Deal for them to split that part in two, but to stab stalin in the back

*Explain how the Munich Conference became the ultimate act of appeasement. *Give some examples of how Hitler broke the Treaty of Versailles. (Long-term & Short-term causes)

He built up military when he wasn't supposed to and took territory

*What was the significance of D-Day? (6/6/1944) (What could've happened if we had failed?)

It shortened the war and freed western europe. It would have lasted for years and nazis would have controlled it

*Why was the battle of Midway a turning point in the Pacific for the United States?

It turned to us attacking japan instead of them attacking us


Japanese army officer who initiated the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and who assumed dictatorial control of Japan during World War II

*What was the significance of the Battle of the Bulge?

Largest battle in us history

*Describe how different minority groups were discriminated against during the war.

Military was segregated, and segregation continued at home

*Was the attack on Pearl Harbor a success for Japan? Why or why not?

No, they didn't get the aircraft carriers and angered the american citizens

*What events led to U.S. involvement in WWII?

Pearl harbor

Rosie the Riveter

Propaganda for women to work

*What were some themes of U.S. propaganda during the war?

Ride-sharing or sitting with hitler, don't tell, Rosie the riveter, victory gardens, volunteering for the military, making the enemy look evil...

*Why was the U.S. government able to take control of the economy?

The government used emergency war time powers to tell companies what to make

*FDR and Churchill agreed to the Atlantic Charter in 1940. What did this pledge to do?

There plan of how the post ww2 was going to look and it does look like that today

-Why did the U.S. decide to focus on Germany first?

They were more dangerous

*How were groups like the Tuskegee Airmen treated after they came home from defending their country? **What's the effect of this?

They were the best american fighter pilots and when they came home they had to face segregation

*What did 'Germany first' mean?

We put our most resources toward germany because we thought they were a bigger threat

*How does FDR's 4 freedoms fit with the U.S. policing the world?

World police is a nickname for us because we have military forces all over the world. Freedom from fear... we are going to defend these four freedoms by being out in the world

Lend-Lease Act

a system that would allow the United States to lend or lease war supplies to any nation deemed "vital to the defense of the United States

*What did U.S. soldiers witness on Saipan that showed the power of Japanese propaganda?

civilians jumping off of cliffs because the propaganda said that american soldiers would rape and torture there prisoners.


defeat japan by hopping island till we got closer to japan to invade


first time where our troops landed on ground and allowed us to keep australia from germany


food stamps, controlled share of items

*What is considered to be the official start of WWII?

german invasion of poland

battle of Britain

kept britain alive in war and provided island base fro d-day

Battle of France

knocked france out of war

Iwo Jima and Okinawa

last two battles of war and so bloody and bad, so many people died. Part of the reason why truman dropped the bombs on japan to stop battling with japan

-"December 7th, 1941, a date which will live in infamy."

pearl harbor


prevented war from going longer and freed western europe

*Hiroshima and Nagasaki For and Against

pros: ended ww2, regular bombs killed a lot more... cons: kept emperor anyways, nuclear fallout, health conditions, harms environment...


the last attack by hitler and the largest battle in the usa


the name given to Britain's policy in the 1930s of allowing Hitler to expand German territory unchecked.


turning point


where people killed themselves and reach japan with our bombers for the first time

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