US history

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How did the displacement of native peoples in Australia differ from the experience of Indians in the American west

Government policy orchestrated the removal of the original children from their homes for official adoption by whites

Why was William tweed so popular with the city's immigrant poor?

He had provided food, fuel, and patronage to them in exchange for their votes

How did expanding agricultural production in places like Argentina and the American west lead to the migration of rural populations to cities?

Increasing output worldwide pushed down the prices of farm products making it more difficult for farmers in the end to make ends meet

Why did western territories take longer than eastern territories to achieve statehood?

Many easterners were weary of granting statehood to the territories until white and non-Mormon settlers counterbalanced the large Latino and Mormon populations

Why was the Hollywood version of the western "cowboy" based more on fantasy than reality

Most cowboys were low payed workers, some of whom even went on strike for higher wages

How did the expansion of railroads accelerate the second industrial revolution in America?

Railroads created a true national market for U.S. goods.

The interstate commerce commission was established in 1887 to:

Regulate the railroad industry, patriarchy monopolistic practices. The act required rates be " reasonable and just" but did not empower the government to fix specific rates

What criticism did Henry Demarest Lloyd leverage against Rockefeller's Standard Oil in Wealth against Commonwealth (1892)?

Standard Oil was undermining fair competition in the marketplace.

How did economic development in Brazil during and after the American civil war affect the lives of southern cotton farmers

The expansion of Brazilian cotton cultivation lowered global prices for the crop industry and independence and loss of land for southern farmers

How were skilled workers able to secure new freedoms for themselves in rapidly expanding industries?

Their knowledge allowed them to control the production process and the training of apprentices.

Why did new products like Ivory Soap and Quaker Oats symbolize the continuing integration of the economy in America's Gilded Age?

These products were national brands, sold everywhere across the United States thanks to the expanding railroad network.

What did the books of Henry George, Laurence gronlond, and Edward Bellamy all have in common

They all offered decidedly optimistic remedies for the unequal distribution of wealth

What did native Americans have in common with the Zulu of South Africa and the aboriginal people in Australia?

They found themselves pushed aside by centralizing government trying to control large interior regions.

Why did railroad companies and other businesses form "pools" during the American Gilded Age?

They hoped to escape the chaos of market forces by fixing prices with their competitors.

What was the aim of board schools for Indians?

To civilize the Indians

The second revolution was marked by the acceleration of:

the acceleration of factory production and increased activity in the mining and railroad industries.

By 1890, the majority of Americans:

worked for wages

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