US History

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Which amendment guaranteed the "equal protection" of the laws to all American citizens?

14th amendment

Which sequence of events correctly identifies a rise in tensions, bringing the nation closer toward armed conflict?

Compromise of 1850 - Dread Scottdecision

What contradiction does this Civil War historian find in the secession of the Southern States?

Confederates demanded the freedom to enslaves others

Which practices were introduced in Southern States after Reconstruction to circumvent this amendment?

Poll taxes, literacy tests, and residency requirements were passed, which affected African Americans more than other citizens

What was a positive long-term impact of Radical Reconstruction on the South?

Public education systems were established for students of all races

Which even was the catalyst for the secession of the first seven Southern States in 1861?

The election of Abraham Lincoln as president

Why did the Union impose a naval blockade on the South during the Civil War?

To strangle the shipment of supplies to the Confederacy

What impact did Radical Republicans in Congress have on Reconstruction?

Encouraged the freedoms to exercise their new political rights

What was an important effect of the sharecropping system and debt peonage?

Freedmen often remained in a a state of economic dependence on their former master

Which 2 groups most helped the freedmen during the Reconstruction Era?

Radical Republicans and Carpetbaggers

How did the law influence conditions for African Americans in Florida?

Schools for African-Americans children received fewer resources than schools for white children

Which view was held by most Southerners of the secession crisis of 1860-1861?

Since the Union was created by the states, they could leave it all at any time

What contributed to the outbreak of the Civil War?

Southerners feared that Northerners intended to abolish Slavery

What was an immediate effect of the changes described above which were implemented by congressional reconstruction?

The balance of power in Southern state governments shifted

What were the major consequences of the Civil War?

The end of slavery and a strengthening of the power of the federal government

What was a significant impact of the Emancipation Proclamation?

The war became a moral contest over slavery

What was one impact of these issues on Republican following the Civil War?

They disagreed over whether the president of Congress should set conditions for Reconstruction


White Southerner who supported Reconstruction

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