US History

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Who were "border ruffians"? How did they vote? "border ruffians

(labeled by Republicans) - went to Kansas to vote as many times as necessary to make the state pro-slavery -most voted illegally - casting 1700 illegal ballots - sending a pro-slavery delegate to congress -the next year, 5000 came and to vote to create the territorial legislature, voting illegally & creating a pro-slavery legislature -this leg. adopted slave codes Free State party had no intention of obeying laws of "bogus" legislature; in fall, 1855 they had a majority, called a convention, adopted a free-state constitution, and elected own leg. & governor

Why did Irish immigrants vote Democratic and for slavery?

-believed Dem. would keep slaves out of the north -Abolitionists directed hostility towards immigrants equating Catholicism with slavery -Irish working-class and poor often attacked Af-American neighborhoods

What were the provisions of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

1) repealed the Missouri Compromise, 2) divided the Louisiana Territory into 2 territories, 3) Popular Sovereignty would decide slavery for both territories

Who did the Democratic Senate and Pres. Pierce recognize in Kansas as legitimate? (441) Where?

Pierce sided with pro-slavery folks in LeCompton

.Define nativism

Preference for native born citizens and prejudice and discrimination against immigrants.

What did the Know-Nothings do to the Whig Party?

The movement swept through the northeast doing to it what the slavery issue had done to it in the south. (killing it)

Who were the Know-Nothings (American Party) and what did this party believe? What did they want?

Who were the Know-Nothings (American Party) and what did this party believe? What did they want?

Who was largest party in North?


To what region does the Democratic party move?


What are the results of the violence?

Brown's actions set off violence that kills 200 from May to September. President Pierce sends in 1300 federal troops to stop the violence (and a new territorial governor)

Which parties evolved into the Republican Party?

By this year, the Republican Party had become the largest party in the north -it included Freesoilers as their core, about ¾ of the Whig party, & 1/5 of Democrats -also, first truly sectional party in history as they had no chance of winning a county in the south - many nativists abhored slavery as well Many Republicans saw nativism (and Know-Nothings) as misplaced Read Lincoln quote on p. 438 -they believed they needed to ban together to halt slave owners power, in 1855, they were successful in doing this

Why was Charles Sumner caned?

Charles Sumner ridicules (text p. 442) southerners, singling out Andrew Butler (SC), cousin to Congressman Preston Brooks -Brooks responds to Sumner with a cane

In what ways would Stephen A. Douglas benefit by opening up the KansasNebraska Territory?

Gain southern support for a presidential run, increase value of real estate in Illinois, and passionate belief in Popular Sovereignty

What did Douglas think of popular sovereignty? And slavery?

He had no firm moral convictions about slavery.

How did John Brown respond?

He kills 5 people at Pottawatamie Creek

How did the rate of immigration change in the 1840's? ________________ In the 1840's where did immigrants come from, why, religion, and what were their skills?

How did the rate of immigration change in the 1840's? ________________ In the 1840's where did immigrants come from, why, religion, and what were their skills?

How did the so-called Free Party respond? (what % did they hold?)

How did the so-called Free Party respond? (what % did they hold?)

What is the text's first quote from Abraham Lincoln's about slavery?

It is "an unqualified evil to the negro, the white man, and to the state ... There can be no moral right in connection with one man's making a slave of another."

Where was the anti-slavery legislature stationed?


What happened on May 21 in the free-state capital of Lawrence? (this is called the 'Sack of Lawrence'

"Sack of Lawrence" - Pro-slavery "army" marched on free-state capital Lawrence (441) sacking the town Free-staters respond: 3 days later: John Brown leads one attack killing 5 men at Pottawatomie Creek - when it is over 200 would die it ends when Pres. Pierce sends troops in Sept.

Where did these immigrants come from, what was their religion, and what was their skills?

Most were Protestant, from Britain - skilled workers, farmers

What event led to the death of the Whig party? Why

A unanimous vote against the Kansas-Neb. Act by the northern Whigs was final straw - and they never recovered in the south The Kansas-Neb Act spurs several new parties (which spurn the Whig label) such as Anti-Neb, Fusion, Peoples, Independent, & Republican - -Abolitionists, Free soilers, northern Whigs, and many northern Democrats joined forces, forming anti-Neb. Coalitions - that were unsuccessful in Congress from stopping the bill - Prior to that, in the 1852 presidential election, it took 53 ballots for Whigs to nominate Gen. Winfield Scott (although he was from VA) - he took a national view rather than a southern view -this led to an exodus of southern Whigs into the Dem. Party -Zachary Taylor betrayed southern Whigs by supporting 'free' CA In 1854 elections, northern Dems. did poorly - losing the House of Reps. - in south Dems. gained ground, becoming a mostly sectional party

What was the motivation to organize the Nebraska territory?

As settlers move west people began talking about a RR to CA. To do this, territories needed to be organized.

What was the rate of immigration in the 1820's-30's?

At this time immigration was low (btwn 1%-4%) in 1820s and 1830s (pop. was around 20 million)

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