U.S. History chapter 16 & 17 guided reading

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Why did President Roosevelt order the internment of Japanese Americans?

-Citizens feared that the Japanese would soon attack the United States; they believed false rumors -this sense of fear and uncertainty caused a wave of prejudice against Japanese Americans -he believed they posed a threat and he justified the internment of them as necessary for national security

What impact did the outbreak of war in Europe have on U.S. foreign and defense policy?

-FDR increased the national defense -slowly moved away from isolationist policies

What moves did Germany make in its quest for lebensraum?

1. Takes over Czechoslovakia 2. Took over Poland 3. Took over Austria

What were the key ideas and goals that Hitler presented in Mein Kampf?

1. Uniting all German-speaking people in a great german empire. 2. Wanted to enforce racial "puification" at home. 3. national expansionism (lebensraum, or living space).

How did the United States respond to Jewish refugees?

100000 refugees were accepted but the citizens were concerned that letting them in during the Great depression would deny them jobs and threaten economic recovery

In what ways were women able to participate in the armed forces during WWII?

A bill was passed that established the WAAC which allowed women to participate in the war.

Why did the new democracies set up after WWI fail?

A lack of democratic tradition, failure of the Treaty of Versailles, and economic devastation.

Describe the circumstances of Hitler's death.

A prosecution for murder will be reduce

What did allied troops discover when they entered the death camp of Majdanek?

A thousand starving prisoners barely alive, the world's largest crematorium, and a store house containing 800,000 shoes.

What serious threat was created for the United States when the Axis powers signed the Tripartite Pact?

A threat to start a war.

In what combat roles were African Americans and Mexican Americans allowed to participate?

African Americans participated in the war as pilots.

Briefly explain how Hitler took over France.

Germans would occupy the Northern part of France and a Nazi-controlled puppet government would be set up at Vichy, in southern France.

Why did Roosevelt take one "unneutral" step after another to assist Britain and the soviet union in 1941?

Germany had become a major threat and neutrality was losing support in Congress. The Lend-Lease Act was passed in March 1941 giving aid to Britain, China, and the Soviet Union. Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was determined that Britain not be defeated, took advantage of the rapid shifts of public opinion.

What precedent did FDR break in the 1940 election?

He broke the tradition of the election when he decided to run for a third term.

How did General Douglas MacArthur change Japan during the seven year occupation?

He wanted to island hop past Japanese strongholds. He would then seize islands that were not well defended but were closer to Japan

What was the main point of FDR's "Quarantine Speech"?

He wanted to meet Diotrophes eyeball to eyeball to deal with the problems - deal with people face on about problems instead of dragging it out behind their back

How did Hitler rationalize the German invasion of Denmark and Norway?

Hitler launched a surprise invasion on Denmark and Norway in order "to protect (those countries') freedom of independence" But in truth, Hitler planned to build bases along the coasts to strike at Great Britain.

Why did hitler form a union (Anschluss) with Austria?

Hitler wanted all German-speaking nations in Europe to be a part of Germany.

Why was Iwo Jima a significant island in the war in the Pacific?

it provided an air base for Japanese fighter planes to intercept long-range B-29 Super-fortress bombers, and it provided a haven for Japanese naval units in dire need of any support available.

In what ways were Asian Americans, Mexican Americans, and Native Americans able to serve in the armed forces?

long work hours, factory pollution, and struggle to feed their families.

When goods were rationed during the war, how were you able to purchase products?

meat, shoes, sugar, coffee, and gasoline.

What are the characteristics of a totalitarian date?

no rights and suppression

What major decision came out of the 3 week long meeting between Churchill and Roosevelt in 1941?

pouring more resources in the civil war.

What was the overall importance of the Nuremberg Trials?

the Nuremberg trials were a series of 13 trials carried out in Nuremberg, Germany, between 1945 and 1949.

What caused the race riots in the 1940s?

the migration of African-Americans into already overcrowded cities caused tensions to rise

What decisions did Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin make at the Yalta Conference?

to demand Germany's unconditional surrender and began plans for a post-war world.

What was appeasement, and why did Churchill oppose it so strongly?

war was inevitable

What groups were included as targets of Hitler's "Final Solution"?

-Gypsies- Whom the nazis believed to be an "inferior race". -Free masons- Whom the nazis charged as supporters of the "Jewish conspiracy". -Jehovahs witnesses- Who refused to join the army or solute Hitler.

What are examples of attempts at resistance from inside the Jewish ghettos?

-Publishing and distributing underground newspapers. -secret schools to educate jewish kids.

Why did President Roosevelt create the OSRD, and what did it do?

-Roosevelt created the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) to bring scientists into the war effort. -spurred improvements in radar and sonar, new technologies for locating submarines underwater.

How was oil a source of conflict between Japan and the United States?

-US protested this new act of aggression by cutting off trade with Japan. -embargoed goods included one Japan could not live without—oil to fuel its war machine. -Japanese military leaders warned that without oil, Japan could be defeated without its enemies ever striking a blow. -The leaders declared that Japan must either persuade the United States to end its oil embargo or seize the oil fields in the Dutch East Indies. This would mean war.

How did the war affect families and personal lives?

-the war helped create new families. -longtime sweethearts rushed to marry before the soldier or sailor was shipped overseas-mothers struggled to rear their children alone. -teenagers drifted into juvenile delinquency -when fathers came home there was a painful period of readjustment as family members got to know one another again.

Why was the battle of the bulge important?

The germans had lost 120,000 troops, 600 tanks and assault guns, and 1600 planes in battle.

In what ways were the American victory at Midway and the Japanese triumph at Pearl Harbor alike?

Both battles damaged each country's Navy was crippled

Why did FDR encourage congress to accept the Lend-Lease Act? What were the provisions of the Lend-Lease Act?

Britain had no more cash to spend in the arsenal of democracy.

How did world war 2 cause the US population to shift?

-greatest mass migrations in American history -families suddenly uprooted themselves to seek work elsewhere.

What factors contributed to Americans' growing isolationism?

-international conflicts -kellogg-brand pact

What foreign countries were involved in the spanish civil war?

-spain -germany -italy

Why was Okinawa a significant island in the war in the Pacific?

Because Okinawa put Japan within regular bombing distance.

Why was the battle of Leyte Gulf so crucial to the allies?

Because after the battle, the Japanese were no longer able to attack in the pacific, they only could defend.

Describe a day in the life of a concentration camp inmate.

Concentration camp inmates went through being crammed into crude wooden barracks that held up to a thousand people each, sharing crowded quarters, and being gassed.

What basic problems were the OPA and WPB created to solve?

Controlling inflation, managing shortages, and making sure that the armed forces and war industries got the resources they needed.

What major step did FDR take after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor?

FDR addressed congress. And declared war on Japan.

What does the text mean when it states that industries were "converted to war production"?

It meant that the industries were converted to support the US in the war.

How did world war 2 help the economic position of farmers and women?

It put people to work making war materials

Why was the Atlantic Charter important?

It was a declaration in which the United states and Great Britain set forth their goals in opposing the Axis powers.

How and why did Japan surrender to the United States in 1945?

The surrender of Japan was announced by Imperial Japan on August 15 and formally signed on September 2, 1945, bringing the hostilities of World War II to a close. By the end of July 1945, the Imperial Japanese Navy was incapable of conducting major operations and an Allied invasion of Japan was imminent.

Why did Japan invade Manchuria?

Japan wanted more living space.

What problems did German Jews face in Nazi Germany from 1935 to 1938?

Jews were stripped of citizenship, jobs, and property. Jews were killed, injured, and arrested.

Why did the United States enter into an undeclared shooting war with Germany in the fall of 1941?

President Roosevelt granted the navy permission for U.S. warships to attack German U-boats in self defense

What type of discrimination did African Americans face while serving in the armed forces during world War 2?

Race and Religion discrimination

Why was Roosevelt anxious to make concessions to Stalin concerning the fate of postwar Germany?

Roosevelt hoped the the Soviet Union would stand by it's commitment to join the war against Japan that was waging in the Pacific. Also, Roosevelt wanted Stalin's support for a new world peace keeping organization to be named the United Nations.

What circumstances pushed FDR to ask Congress to pass the "cash-and-carry" provision of the Neutrality Acts?


What were the results of the Italian campaign?

The allies took over Italy, and Mussolini was killed in Milan.

What was the goal of the Nazi's final solution and what different methods were used for extermination?

The final solution was genocide of the jews and it was achieved by the Nazi death squad killing on the spot, Jews taken to concentration and the mass murdering of Jews.

Why did the United States start drafting soldiers if so many men had volunteered?

The 5 million men who volunteered for military service, were not enough to face the challenge of an all out war on two global fronts.

Why had the tide turned in the Battle of the Atlantic by mid-1943?

The Allies responded by organizing their cargo ships into convoys. Convoys were groups of ships traveling together for mutual protection, as they had done in the First World War. The convoys were escorted across the Atlantic by destroyers equipped with sonar for detecting submarines underwater. They were also accompanied by airplanes that used radar to spot U-boats on the ocean's surface. With this improved tracking, the Allies were able to find and destroy German U-boats faster than the Germans could build them.

Briefly describe the Battle of Britain.

The Battle of Britain was a combat of the Second World War, when the Royal Air Force defended the United Kingdom against the German Air Force attacks from the end of June 1940.

How did German Blitzkrieg tactics rely on new military technology?

The Blitzkrieg made use of advances in military technology - such as tanks and more powerful aircrafts - to take the enemy by surprise and then quickly crush all opposition with overwhelming force.

What two key decisions determined the final outcome at Stalingrad?

The Soviets saw the cold as an opportunity to roll fresh tanks across the frozen landscape and begin a massive counterattack. The Soviet army closed aroundStalingrad, trapping the Germans in and around the city and cutting off their supplies.

How did German wolf packs interfere with our delivery of supplies to the British?

They sank as much as 350,000 tons of shipments in a single month.

Why did so many men leave their homes during the Depression?

They search for jobs to support their families.

With all of the devastation caused at pearl Harbor, what important part of the U.S. Navy survived the attack?

Three aircraft carriers.

What was the goal of signing the pact of nonaggression between Hitler and Stalin?

To commit that both Russia and Germany would never attack each other.

How did President Truman view the atomic bomb (for what purpose)?

Truman received word that American scientists had successfully tested a secret new weapon, the atomic bomb. A single bomb was powerful enough to destroy an entire city. Some scientists believed that it was too dangerous to use.

What was the outcome of the North African campaign?

While the Battle of Stalingrad raged, Stalin pressured Britain and America to open a "second front" in Western Europe. He argued that an invasion across the English Channel would force Hitler to divert troops from the Soviet front.

What difficulties did women and minorities face in the wartime work force?

Women faced discrimination by being paid less.

Was the allied invasion of Europe successful? Explain your answer.

Yes, General Omar Bradley unleashed a massive air and land attack that made a gap in Germany line of defense which Gen. George Patton used to advance his army; September 1944, the Allies freed France, Belgium and Luxembourg.

What did hitler and mussolini both accomplish that challenged the role/authority of the League of nations?

an alliance

What factors led to the rise of fascism in Italy?

bitter disappointment over the failure to win large territorial gains at the 1919 Paris peace conference.

How was America able to fool the Germans about our landing location for D-Day?

by changing its industries and refitting machinery at the factories.

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