US History Chapter 2

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German mercenaries hired by King to increase number of troops.

Colonists' Attack on British Soldiers

Guerrilla Warfare (hiding in bushes and shooting soldiers) after British turned to go back to Boston after defeating patriots.

Slavery Clause

Had to be dropped in order for Georgia and South Carolina to vote in favor of Declaration.

Charles Towne

Howe and General Cornwallis recaptured.

Nathanael Greene quote

"I am determined to defend my rights and maintain my freedom or sell my life in the attempt."

Mercy Otis Warren quote

"I see the inhabitants of our plundered cities quitting the elegancies of life, possessing nothing but their freedom, I behold faction and discord tearing up an island we once held..."

British Soldiers name calling

"Lobsters", "Bloodybacks", "Redcoats"

What 4 violent actions have King's armies taken?

"Plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burned our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people."

Abigail Adams

"Remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the Husbands. Remember all men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care. . . Is not paid to the Ladies, we are determined to foment a revolution."

Town Meeting

All New England colonies (RI, CT, NH, Massachusetts Bay). Only works where people live within walking distance of meeting.

County System

All Southern Colonies (MD, VA, GA, NC, SC). 1 official for each county (colony divided into numerous counties) appointed by Royal Governor called Justice of the Peace.

Benjamin Franklin

American negotiator, "the sage", demanded that U.S. independence be first priority

"Common Sense"

Anonymous 50-page pamphlet written Thomas Paine to attack George III. Explained that his own revolt against the king had begun in Lexington and Concord. Sold nearly 500,000 copies.

Declaration of Independence

Drew on concepts of English philosopher John Locke: people enjoy "natural rights" of life, liberty, property. Jefferson described as "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness".

Parliament's reaction

Extremely angry. Punished Boston and Massachusetts Bay punitively as an example to other colonies.

If government bodies defy King George III?

Fatigue them into compliance.

Sons of Liberty

First group led my Samuel Adams of Boston in Massachusetts Bay. Riots, tar and feather tax collectors, destruction of British officials property. British factory owners and merchants pressure Parliament to repeal Stamp Act. Parliament agrees but reminds colonies who's in charge.

Why reported as Battle of Bunker Hill?

Fog saturated area, mistaken by observers.


Fought for independence. Nathanael Greene (pacifist Quaker), James Armistead (permitted to enlist as a slave), Mercy Otis Warren (woman)

"Spy Network" of patriots

Founded by Sam Adams, system of patriot spies to keep lines of communication open.

Famous signers

Franklin (PA), Richard Henry Lee (VA), Sam/John Adams (MA), Thomas Jefferson (VA).

Crispus Attucks

Free black shot during Boston Massacre.

Marquis de Lafayette

French aristocrat came to assist with military and leadership support for George Washington. Like a son to him.

French Aide to American Independence

French had been secretly sending weapons to patriots since 1776. Made alliance with Americans in 1778, recognizing American independence and agreeing to not make peace with Britain unless Britain also recognized American independence.

James Armistead quote

"At the peril of his life [Armistead] found the means to frequent the British camp, and thereby faithfully executed important commissions entrusted to him by the marquis."

Charles Inglis quote

"By a reconciliation with Britain [an end] would be put to the present calamitous war, by which many lives have been lost, and so many more must be lost, if it continues."


Opposed independence and stayed loyal to crown. Charles Inglis (clergyman of Church of England), Joseph Brant (Mohawk chief who fought for British in French and Indian War), Isaac Wilkins (had to leave home after he opposed sending delegates to the second continental congress).

Smuggling in Colonies

Parliament orders extra supervision via Royal Governors and more troops. Colonies ask for more decision making power, Parliament approves as long as it gets final say so.


Patriots able to get up and be ready in less than a minute.

Warning dispatched to Lexington and Concord

Paul Revere, William Dawes, Samuel Prescott **only one to make entire trip to Concord**

Victory by Howe in Spring of 1777

Philadelphia, loyalists welcomed victory.


Practicing military drills on village green. In response to growing tensions.

Friedrich von Steuben

Prussian captain came to U.S. to "make soldiers out of country bumpkins".

Intolerable (parliament)/Coercive (colonies) Acts

Punishment from parliament: Boston Harbor closed to all traffic, town meetings forbidden, Quartering Act more extreme (requires soldiers to stay in homes), future trials held in England.

General Gage

Put in charge of city. Martial law government.

Margaret Corbin

Replaced gunner who was shot and killed, shot herself.

What local government bodies have been suspended by King?

Representative Houses

Outcome of Washington's army by August 1776


Robert Morris

Rich Philadelphia merchant appointed as superintendent of finance by Congress in 1781. Associate was Haym Solomon, Jewish political refugee from Poland. Begged and borrowed on personal credit to raise money to provide salaries for the Continental Army (sources include Philadelphia's Quakers and Jews). On September 8, 1771, troops were finally paid in specie (gold coin)

Lexington and Concord

Rumored to have a cache of supplies, Gen. Gage will order British soldiers to siege.



Expectations of Colonies

Sell all items produced in colonies to mother country (little pay), buy imported goods from mother country ONLY (very expensive)

1st Continental Congress

September 5, 1774. Colonial representatives sent to Philadelphia @Carpenter's Hall (all but Georgia). Sent letter to King George III/Parliament.


Site of second impressive win by continental army 8 days after Trenton.

Middle Colonies

Some used Town Meeting (Philadelphia), some used County System (backwoods areas), depends on distance.

Boston Tea Party

Sons of Liberty dressed as Indians, boarded tea ships in Boston Harbor, threw all tea crates in harbor, destroyed thousands of pounds (currency) of tea, no one could identify who was involved (colonists omitted info).


Joined U.S., Britain, France for peace talks in Paris in 1782.

Battle of Bunker Hill

June of 1775, Breed's Hill (center of city of Boston). Group of citizens/soldiers gather at base of Breed's Hill, British soldiers gather at other side of base. Meet and confront at top of hill. Colonial retreat/defeat.

Proclamation of 1763

Land between Appalachian mountains and MI River would be closed to settlement by colonists. To be used by Indians only.

2 sources of power that allow colonies to be separated (Jefferson)

Laws of Nature and Nature's God.

King refuses allow what to be passed to help colonies?

Laws urgent and important to people.

What 4 things may they now officially do?

Levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce

What 3 things do they mutually pledge?

Lives, fortunes, sacred honor


Location where British army was stopped in goal to isolate New England.

Stamp Act Letter (Stamp Act Congress)

Loyalty to King, rights must be protected: British citizens protected, fair taxes directed locally and colonies have voice, property protected, trials by jury, economic relationship (threat to England by reminding them they need colonies)

Boston Massacre

March 5, 1770. Sunday evening in Boston. Five colonists were killed. Famous engraving by Paul Revere (silver smith, son of Liberty). Colonists demand trial for soldiers, attorney John Adams represents soldiers.

British spies

Monitored all colonies (what was being planned). Went to village taverns to get info. Boston was most watched city.

Boston Massacre engraving

Moon (evil omen), clock running backwards, Butcher's Hall instead of customs house. Troop orders and volley of firing lineup grenadiers, dog licking up blood, smoke, HUGELY exaggerated

Letter to King George/Parliament from 1st Continental Congress

No more British imports, no more Parliamentary dictates, colonial support for one another, agree to wait up to one year for reply.

Colonists' concerns

No one in parliament represents them. Had a secret meeting of colonies in New York, 1765. 9 colonies represented (no reps from GA, NC, VA, NH). Sent Stamp Act Letter to King George III.

Richard Lee Henry

On June 7, 1776, moved that "these United Colonies are, and of a right ought to be, free and independent States." Thomas Jefferson (Virginia Lawyer) was chosen to express Continental Congress' points for a formal Declaration of Independence.


Openly supported U.S. After 1777 in bitterness against British.

Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley

Took husband's place at a canon when he was wounded at the Battle of Monmouth. Known for carrying pitchers of water to soldiers, nicknamed "Molly Pitcher"

Treaty of Paris of 1783

Treaty signed by all four countries ending war and acknowledging American independence.



House of Burgesses

Virginia's legislature, asked by Virginia's delegates to propose a Declaration of Independence. Committee appointed to write explanation as to why proposal was necessary. Most of writing done by Thomas Jefferson of Virginia.

Delaware River

Washington crossed for surprise attack on Trenton

Battle of Trenton

Washington's army launched surprise attack on Christmas Eve on Hessians in Trenton. Major victory.


When Congress ran out of hard currency, borrowed money by selling bonds to American investors and foreign governments, especially France. Also printed paper money called Continentals (more printed, value plunged causing inflation). Also profiteering (selling scarce goods for profit)


Where British were finally defeated in SC

Native Americans

50% of population east of Mississippi and Americans took tribal land unprotected by Treaty of Paris.

African Americans

5000 served in Continental Army, impressed white Americans

Numbers of Battle of Bunker Hill

Colonists had 1500 and lost 450, British had 2400 and lost 1000+.

North Carolina

Colony that Gave most harassment of British and enormous resistance

General Horatio Gates

Continental Army leader to slow progress of British in 1777.

Valley Forge

Continental army winter base in Pennsylvania. Bitter cold and primitive conditions. 2000 of 10000 Valley Forge soldiers died.

Pennsylvania State House

Declaration was read to crowd outside of Pennsylvania State House, now called Independence Hall. Closing vow: "We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor."

Division of Colonies (opinions)

1/3 patriot, 1/3 loyalist, 1/3 neutral.

Sugar Act

1764. Molasses/sugar (tax).

Quartering Act

1764. Provide all maintenance for soldiers and colonies (local taxes) to be collected to pay expenses.

Stamp Act

1765. New fee for licenses, diplomas, playing cards, newspapers, legal papers, advertisements. When paid, item Must carry royal tax imprint or "stamp"

Townshend Acts

1767. Tax on tea, lead, glass, paint. Writs of assistance may be used to search and seize smuggled goods. No limits on searches.

Tea Act

1773. All tea purchases from East India Tea Company (most expensive). Passed without colonial input.

2nd Continental Congress

1775, No response from King George III. New round of representatives meet in Philadelphia at Independence Hall, all 13 colonies present. Sent letter to King George: remain loyal, obey local laws, continental army, commander George Washington


1781, British moved forces for attack on Virginia


1804: Northern states take steps to outlaw slavery. In MD and VA, 4000 ---> 20000 free blacks after war.

July 2nd, 1776

2nd a Continental Congress approved Virginia's resolution; Delegates vote unanimously that American colonies are free

July 4th, 1776

2nd continental congress approves Declaration of Independence as amended (changed 87 times and 500); Adopted Declaration

Boston Massacre

5 colonists shot outside Customs House (labeled Butcher's Hall) on March 5, 1770.


Belief in the equality of all (white, male) people.

Sarah Franklin Bache of Pennsylvania

Ben Franklin's daughter. Organized volunteers to mend clothing for the soldiers.

General John Burgoyne

British General. Joined Howe's plan to isolate New England.

General William Howe and Admiral Richard Howe

British Generals (brothers) in charge of 32,000 troops.

York Town

British defeated by Lafayette's plan to send 2 fleets to York Town in 1781.

King has taken away what legal documents from some colonies?


New York

City to be captured in order to isolate New England.

Colonists' resistance to Tea Act

Closed harbor when EITC ships arrived, riots when EITC ships unloaded, burned tea crates when unloaded, boycotted tea.

Analysis of Bunker Hill

Colonial fighters can't easily replace losses, more British troops can easily be dispatched.

British moved actions to South...?

Summer of 1778 in hopes of support from Loyalists.

Albigense Waldo

Surgeon stationed at Valley Forge.

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