US History Chapter 3 Reconstruction

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Charles Sumner

-Leader of anti-slavery forces in Massachusetts -Worked to destroy Confederacy, free all slaves, and keep on good terms with Europe

Thaddeus Stevens

-Member of the Pennsylvania HOR -Strongly against slavery and racism -Sought to secure blacks' rights during Reconstruction

14th Amendment

-Passed in 1866 by Congress -Stated that all US-born people were citizens -Stated that no state could deprive people of life, liberty, or property without due process

15th Amendment

-Ratified in March 1870 -Stated that no citizen may be denied the right to vote based on their race, color, or previous condition of servitude

Civil Rights

-Women are denied the right to vote, led to development of Womens Suffrage Movement -Blacks were freed from slavery, yet still faced many challenges in new world


White southerners who supported Reconstruction and the Republican Party


-Federal governments effort to repair South damage and restore southern states to Union

Reconstruction Act of 1867

-Laid out the process for readmitting Southern states to the Union

Lincoln's Plan

-Agreed to pardon any Confederate who would take an oath of allegiance -Ten Percent Plan for Reconstruction -Congressmen were Lincoln's opposition


-America's first ever terrorist group formed -Protect Southern white womanhood from blacks -Punish any scalawags and freed slaves

Rutherford B. Hayes

-Became president through the Compromise of 1877 -Signed the Act to Relieve Certain Legal Disabilities of Women which cleared way for female attorneys to argue cases in any US federal court

Failures of Reconstruction

-Blacks still stayed in poverty and were targets of KKK and other white supremacists -KKK created as first US terrorist group

Johnson's Plan

-Called Presidential Reconstruction -Similar to Lincoln's but more generous to the South -Pardoned 13,000 southerners

Freedmen's Bureau

-Created to help black southerners adjust to freedom -First major federal relief agency in US history -Helped 250,000 black students receive formal education in bureau schools

Successes of Reconstruction

-Economic growth -14th and 15th amendments passed -Freedmen's Bureau created

Tenant Farmer

-Farmers who contribute their labor along with sometimes varying amounts of capital and management -Did not own land the farmed, but paid rent for land to owners


A person from the Northern states who went to the South after the Civil War in order to profit from Reconstruction


A tenant who harvests crop for the landowner in exchange for a share of crops as payment during harvest season


An official forgiveness of a crime


To charge and remove the president from office because of any kind of misconduct committed during their term

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