US History Chapters 17-20 Review

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The urban ethnic neighborhoods of the late nineteenth century were __________________ and unhealthy.


Blacks in the South were not totally __________________ or segregated until southern states enacted literacy tests and poll taxes in the 1890s.


On the eve of the Civil War the American Indians in the West still occupied about ___________________ of the United States.

Half; 50%

In 1869, __________ introduced the elective system and took the lead in reforming higher education in the Gilded Age.


As a result of the __________, membership in the Knights of Labor declined quickly because the public associated unions with violence and radicalism.

Haymarket Square riot

In its treaties with ____________________, the American government generally showed little interest in honoring them


The first newspaper editor to reach a truly massive audience without abandoning his basic integrity was ________________________.

Joseph Pulitzer

The creation of the Interstate Commerce Commission in 1887 challenged the philosophy of ___________________.

Laizzes Faire

Industrialist Andrew Carnegie donated millions of dollars to help build _______________.


Barbed wire destroyed the _________________ cattle industry because it prevented the free movement of cattle.

Open Range

The discovery that cattle could feed on the prairie grasses of the public domain of the northern plains led to the development of ______________________.

Open Range

Established in 1886, the __________ was the prime example of "bread and butter" unionism.

American Federation of Labor (AFL)

The new nativism of the late nineteenth century was exemplified by the ____________________________Association.

American Protective

The __________ process directed a stream of air into a mass of molten iron, burning off impurities, and greatly lowered the price of steel.


The black leader identified with the "Atlanta Compromise" was ____________________.

Booker T. Washington

John D. Rockefeller's success was due primarily to his talents as an ______________ and his meticulous attention to detail.


Late nineteenth-century spectator _________________ were notable for their mixture of upper- and working-class interests


Andrew Carnegie dominated the __________ industry.


As a result of the __________________, American cities expanded their geographical area enormously as the upper- and middle-classes fled city centers.

Street Cars

The black educator Booker T. Washington chose __________________ rather than confrontation.


In 1887, Congress passed the ___________________ Act, which was intended to destroy traditional tribal cultures.

Dawes Severalty

The major development in retailing during this period was the growth of huge urban ___________________.

Department Stores

The government's administration of _________________ was notable over the years for its level of corruption.

Indian Affairs

The doctrine of "separate but equal" facilities was handed down by the Supreme Court in _______________________.

Plessy v. Ferguson 1896

The effects of Darwinism in America were apparent in the philosophy of __________, which stated that all truths are constantly evolving and can be judged only by their concrete results.


After 1870, American _________________ changed steadily in response to the many social and economic changes of the era.

Public Education

In the 25 years after the Civil War, ________________ were probably the most significant element in American development.


Railroads commonly encouraged large shippers to use their lines through giving them _________________.


Granger-controlled legislatures attempted to ________________ railroad rates.


American land-grant railroads in the late nineteenth century sent _____________ overseas to recruit likely settlers and purchasers of railroad land.


Before 1882, Americans restricted __________ from immigrating to the United States.

Almost Nobody

The ability of the Plains Indians to resist white expansion was severely damaged by the destruction of the ______________.


The federal regulatory board, established in 1887 by Congress to supervise the affairs of railroads, investigate complaints, and issue "___________________" orders against railroads acting illegally, was the Interstate Commerce Commission.

Cease and Desist order

The two railroads joined in 1869 to form the first transcontinental railroad were the __________ Pacific and ____________ Pacific.

Central/ Union

The theory of evolution by natural selection which helped Americans justify their exploitation of others was the work of ____________________.

Charles Darwin

In 1882 Congress passed a law which in effect stopped immigration from _______________.


Cattle herds were driven across the unsettled grasslands of the __________ Trail on their way to the railroad at Abilene, Kansas.


President _________________ intervened in the Pullman strike on the pretext that the mail had to be delivered.


National elections between 1856 and 1912 were characterized by __________________ contests


In the late nineteenth century, wealth, power, and influence were increasingly ____________________ among the largest financiers.


In 1851, the government negotiated a new policy with the Plains tribes based on a divide and conquer strategy. This was known as the __________ policy.


The novelist who described America evolving into an ideal socialist state was ____________________.

Edward Bellamy

As a result of the centralization and concentration of industry in the late nineteenth century _________________ increased in industries where close coordination of output, distribution, and sales was important.


The main reason for ___________________ to the United States during the late nineteenth century was the desire for economic betterment.


As a result of late nineteenth-century industrial development, personal contact between ______________ and _______________ tended to disappear.

Employer, (higher hand) Worker

The "new" immigrants from eastern and southern Europe settled in ______________________ in the urban centers.

Ethnic Neighborhoods

The leader of the American Railway Union in its dramatic 1894 strike against the Pullman Palace Car Company was ___________________.

Eugene Debs

In 1867, the government tried a new strategy toward the Plains Indians, training the reservation Native Americans to become _______________ like other Americans.


When compared to others in the late nineteenth century, ______________ experienced declining status.


The Pacific Railway Act of 1862 set the pattern for government land grants by giving the builders of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroads __________________ of public land on each side of their right-of-way for every mile of track laid.

Five Square Miles

In his frontier thesis, _______________________ argued that the frontier gave Americans their unique character.

Fredrick Jackson Turner

Because late-nineteenth century Americans tended to tolerate gross waste and corruption so long as it did not interfere with their own pursuit of profit, Mark Twain labelled this period the _________________

Gilded Age

The mammoth organization of Union Army veterans that quickly became a powerful national political pressure group was the _______________ of the Republic.

Grand Army

The National _________________ of the Patrons of Husbandry was founded in 1867 by Oliver H. Kelly.


The most influential social Darwinist was the English thinker ___________________.

Herbert Spencer

The emphasis in railroad construction after 1865 was on organizing ___________________.

Intergraded Systems

After the railroads, the second most important development in America's industrial advance in the late nineteenth century was the transformation of _______________________.

Iron Manufacturing

The author of How the Other Half Lives (1890), the classic description of slum conditions in the United States, was ______________________.

Jacob Riis

In 1891, ___________________ invented the game of basketball.

James Naismith

The founder of Hull House was _______________________.

Jane Addams

The educator __________________ insisted that education was the fundamental method of social progress.

John Dewey

Barbed wire was invented by _______________________.

Joseph Glidden

The first union to welcome blacks, women, and immigrants into its ranks was the _____________________.

Knights of Labor

Between 1890 and 1910 there was a dramatic increase in __________ blacks.


The author of novels such as Huckleberry Finn, whose acute reportorial eyes and ears caught the spirit of his age, was ____________________.

Mark Twain

From 1873 to 1893, the economy experienced intense competition for _________________.


Generally speaking, the formation of _________________ during the 1870s caused a drop in prices.


The __________________ land-grant university system was co-educational from the start.


A bastion of Republican party strength during the latter part of the nineteenth century were the __________ states.

New England

The fundamental distinction between the Democrats and the Republicans during the late nineteenth century arose from differences in _________________, geographic location, and ethnic background.


During the Gilded Age, the legislative body known as a "_________________" was the Senate

Richman's Club

By the middle of the 1880s, __________ monopolized the oil industry in the United States.


In the new types of work, women found in the late nineteenth century, they were often hired as ____________________ in department stores because managers considered them easier to control than men.

Sales Persons

The community centers started by idealistic young people to guide and help the urban poor were _____________________________.

Settlement Houses

In 1890, Congress tried to restore competition by outlawing the restraint of interstate trade by corporate monopolies with the __________ Act.

Sherman Antitrust

In general, the workers who were usually well-off as a result of late nineteenth-century industrialization were __________________ workers.


Louis H. Sullivan was closely associated with the development of the __________________.


Prominent advocate of _____________________, William Graham Sumner was identified with the phrase "it's root, hog, or die."

Social Darwinism

One of the causes which eventually led to restriction on immigration was the fears of __________________________ that immigrants would undermine American "racial purity."

Social Darwinist

Supporters of the _____________________ Movement believed the church should focus on improving the lives of the poor, ending child labor, and regulating the power of big corporations.

Social Gospel

Beginning in the 1880s, the source of American immigration shifted to new immigrants from _________________ and ________________ Europe.

Southern, Eastern

When J. P. Morgan assembled ______________________, he formed the first billion dollar corporation.

United States Steel

As a result of the intense competition among railroads, the railroads were ________________ and vulnerable to any downturn in the business cycle.


________________ College holds the distinction of being the first college for women.


Probably the most famous of all the gold strikes in the West, the site of the Comstock Lode and the Big Bonanza, was _______________________.

Virginia City

The Supreme Court decision in the _______________ case concerned early railroad regulation.


The most influential preacher of the Social Gospel Movement was _____________________.

Washington Gladden

Known as the "____________________," the inventor of the phonograph and the electric light bulb was Thomas A. Edison.

Wizard of Menlo Park

A result of the gold and silver rushes of the late nineteenth century was an improved financial position for America in _________________.

World Trade

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