US History exam 4

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Geraldine Ferraro is best known as: A. the first female candidate on a major-party presidential ticket B. a conservative who campaigned against the equal rights amendment C. co-founder of the National Organization of Women (NOW) D. the first female Supreme Court justice


In 1975, The Vietnam War ended: A. as the only war lost by the United states B. as a military, political, and social victory for the United states C. leaving very few Vietnamese casualties D. leaving many Americans optimistic


Which of the following is not true of the reaction to U.S. Involvement in Vietnam. A. While some in America questioned U.S. involvement in Vietnam. global response was largely in favor of America's actions in Vietnam. B. By 1968, many Americans saw that the Vietnam War had sidetracked much of the Great Society effort. C. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote that the administration's Vietnam policy was a drain on American resources better spent at home. D. By 1968, the U.S. had more than a half-million troops committed to a war that was tearing apart American families and the Democratic Party.


which of the following was true of the 1960s woman's liberation movement? A. It was a movement born of other movements where female activists had experienced discriminatory treatment from their male counterparts B. It remained a tiny fringe movement because of its radical tactics, including "consciousness-raising" sessions and a takeover of the 1968 Miss America pageant. C. It was a single-issue movement that argued for equal pay for equal work. D. B and C


Because of the 1965 changes in immigration laws, thirty-five years later the immigrant population in the United states: A. had declined significantly B. Increasing came from Asia and Latin America, rather than from Europe C. Increasing came from Eastern Europe D. had stayed about the same


How did trickle-down economics claim to increase government tax revenues? A. by increasing the tariff B. by lowering tax rates for wealthy C. by raising taxes D. by lowering wages


The 1960s "counterculture" demonstrated itself by doing all of the following EXCEPT: A. Wearing distinctive clothing, and rejecting the values of their parents especially bans on sexual freedom and drug abuse. B. Embarking on a single-minded quest for wealth, power and pleasure that foreshadowed the 1990s. C. Publishing "underground" newspapers and establishing utopian communities called "communes". D. Turning toward Eastern religion and a quest for universal love.


The Moral Majority: A. favored abortion rights B. feared family values were being undermined C. wanted divorces to be easier to obtain D. favored decreasing military spending


The Three Mike Island nuclear plant: A. proved the success of the alternative energy resource B. was the first of its kind to be operational C. brought a halt to the nuclear power industry's expansion D. stood as a symbol of American scientific and technologic superiority


What was the Contract with America? A. a press term for the Clinton reelection strategy B. Clinton's 256-page proposal to overhaul the nation's welfare system C. A 1994 Republican plan to steeply cut federal education, medical, and environmental programs D. a speech delivered by Clinton that promised to continue to work on health care reform


Which of the following was not a result of the 1990s phenomenon termed the "prison-industrial complex"? A. Five states spent more funds on prison systems in 2008 than they did on education B. Calls reserve fights on Trans World Airlines were often answered by prisoners C. The percentage of incarcerated Americans rose to levels roughly equal to that of most of the world's industrialized nations D. Sate and federal governments constructed more than 200 new prisons between 1990 and 1995


A year of seemingly worldwide upheaval, 1968 saw massive anti-war demonstrations in London, Rome, Paris, Munich, and Tokyo, and other uprisings around the globe. What connection was there between these acts and America? A. Many of these demonstrations involv ed young radicals who took their lead from the decade's social movement led by America's college students and youth. B. Protests seeking religious freedom i Northern Ireland were inspired by the American civil roghts movement C. Women's groups in France and Italy followed the lead of the second wave of American feminism by fighting for more-equitable divorceaws and the decriminalization of abortions. D. All of the above are true


How did conservatives of the era view the relationship between women's rights and freedom? A. Most conservatives viewed women's sexual freedom as undermining traditional family values and promoting immortality B. Conservatives like Phyllis Schlafy campaigned against ratification of 1972s Equal Rights Amendment, claiming that it would lead women away from their divinely appointed roles as a wife and mother C. Conservatives joined the Catholic church in calling for a reversal of the Rie v. Wade Supreme court decision that legislated abortion D. A, B, and C


Major causes of America's economic decline in the 1970s included: A. The decade saw the U.S. experience its first trade deficit - it imported more goods than it sold in world markets - of the 20th century B. The oil embargo of 1973 and "oil shock" of 1979 caused severe gasoline shortages and monumental gas price increases across the U.s. C. Foriegn corporations had a competitive price on manufactured goods ranging from steel to automobiles to consumer goods due to strong value of the American dollar. D. All of the above


Globalization: A. had little to do with the collapse of communism B. was symbolized by corporations such as Microsoft and organizations like the World Trade Organization C. is closely associated with the 1990s, and led to the longest uninterrupted period of economic expansion in US history D. promoted the free flow of goods and services across borders, but only with a strict regulatory apparatus in place E. B and C


What were the chief features of Nixon's policy of "realism" in dealing with china, the Soviet Union and other communist nations? A. Nixon realized that china had its own interests, and must be delt with separately from the Soviets. B. Nixon, a staunch anti-communist, continued to undetermine Third World governments deemed dangerous to America's strategic or economic interest. C. Nixon became the first American president to visit Russia, amd subsequently signed trade and arms limitation treaties with the Soviets. D. A and C E. A, B, and C.


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