US History Exam

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The Tet offensive led to president Johnson deciding not to run for re-election. What part of his legacy was forever tarnished by the Vietnam war?

-The domestic policy/the great society -improving poverty and civil rights

Thurgood Marshall and the NAACP

-Thurgood: chief counsel/director of league defense and education fund for NAACP -NAACP: national association for advancement of colored people(supported court cases) -supported court cases in favor of African American rights. Worked towards full equality.

James Meredith and the university of Mississippi

-won a federal court case that allowed him to enroll in the all white university of Mississippi -they refused to let him enroll, Kennedy made federal Marshall escort James riots broke out on the campus and 2 people died. He continued to be escorted to school after 200 arrests in hours

U.S. involvement in WWII, before entering War, the cause of U.S. declaration of war, U.S. related events/battles during the War, and events that ended the War.

U.S. involvement in WWII before entering the war: was that they wouldn't get involved. Congress passed the Neutrality Acts. The first two acts outlawed arms sales or loans to nations at war. The third act was passed in response to the fighting in Spain. This act extended the ban on arms sales and loans to nations engaged in civil wars. The cause of U.S. declaration of war: was that men were eagerly entering into the war, women started serving in noncombat positions, factories were quickly converted to war production, the atomic bomb was created, and rationing. Some U.S. related events/ battles during the war: the battle of the Atlantic, operation torch, D-day, and battle of the bulge. Events that ended the war was that the Soviet army marched into Berlin. Hitler was preparing for the end of The war and ended up killing himself. Eisenhower excepted the surrender from the third Reich, And this day was celebrated as V-E Day.

Define credibility gap

A public distrust of statements made by the government

The " Little Rock Nine"

-9 African American students who had volunteered to integrate little rocks high school as the first step in blossoms plan -forced eisenhower to act and create the civil rights act of 1957. It gave power over school segregation and authority over violations of African Americans

Describe Tonkin gulf theory. What president was granted the powers from the resolution?

-A resolution adopted by congress in 1964, giving the president broad powers to wage war in Vietnam -president Johnson was granted the powers from the resolution

What were the key issues then that divided america at this time?

-America became divided into agressors and pacifists -doves withdraw from Vietnam Hawks more military force -many were angered that Americans were protesting a war in which the soldiers were still actively fighting -Vietnam War, segregation fueled it -new generation vs old generation: new was protesting old generation to not be like their parents -(A lot of issues caused division; racism, free speech, Korea, Vietnam war)

Cold War: The ways the U.S. tried to stop the spread of communism at the onset of the Cold War.

-Gain access to goods and raw materials and markets -(Create a new world order) spread democracy: -Reunite Germany (rebuild Europe) -Stop the spread of soviet influence/expansion (stop communism) (Wanted containment)

How did the Tet offensive change public opinion about the war? Be specific, including the role of media

-Media openly criticized the war because of free speech causing people to be against the war and president because they were seeing people dying and weren't improving anything over there -Johnson's popularity declined and the U.S. Was basically losing on their own front

Martin Luther King Jr.

-a pastor of the Dexter Avenue baptist church who was the leader of the Montgomery improvement association -the boycott that King led proved to the world the African American community could unite and organize a successful protest movement. It also proved the power of the no nuclear resistance, the peaceful refusal to obey unjust laws

Rosa Parks

-a seamstress and on the NAACP officer, took a seat in the front of a Montgomery bus -the leaders of the African American community formed the Montgomery improvement association to organize the boycott. They elected MLK jr to lead the group

What were some of the main reasons protesters oppose the Vietnam war?

-belief that the Vietnam was in a civil war and the Ud didn't belong there -belief that the south Vietnamese were just as oppressive as the communist -belief that the U.S. shouldn't have to police the entire globe -The war was morally unjust

Brown vs Board of education of Topeka

-case involving segregation of schools -reversed plessy vs ferguson saying that separate was not equal in the case of schools

Indentify and describe the major gains made by the civil rights movement.

-ended de Jure segregation by bringing about legal protection for the civil rights of all Americans -civil rights act of 1968: most important legislation for civil rights since reconstruction. Ended discrimination in housing and because of the end of school segregation African American education improved dramatically (and this quality of life) -pride in racial identity: more African American culture presented in mass media, as well as course offered -political gains: many more registered voters, and many more elected officials who were African Americans

Freedom riders

-one of the civil rights activists who rode buses through the south in the early 1960's to challenge segregation -they rode buses and hoped to provoke a violent reaction so Kennedy would enforce a law banning segregation. Whites attacked and bombed the bus. The riders all get out, police beat the African American riders. They refused to get off so Kennedy told the bus company they had to keep going, newspapers told about these violent events.

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

-organization formed by MLK Jr. And other leaders to work for civil rights through nonviolent means -made to carry on nonviolent crusades against the evils of the second class citizenship. The leaders hoped to July a movement from the grassroots up and to win the support of ordinary African Americans for all ages

What was the impact of "Vietnamization" on the United States?

-president Nixon's strategy for ending us involvement in the Vietnam war, involving the gradual withdrawal of US troops and their replacement with south Vietnamese forces -War diminished american faith in their government, passed the war powers act, and abolished the draft

"Sit ins"

-protesters would sit down in a segregated business and refuse to leave until they were seated -televisions would show the ugly face of racism which sparked many other sit ins across the south . The move,my continues and spread to the north. For the rest of the 1960's Americans worked to continue the rest of the country that black and whites deserved equal treatment

"Bombingham" aka Birmingham, AL

-strict enforcement of total segregation in public; radical violence including bombings -MLK was called to desegregate Birmingham. King was arrested and continued protests, am economic boycott and negative media coverage financially continued Birmingham to end segregation. This inspired African Americans across the nation. It convinced kennedy's that only a new civil rights act could end racial violence.

Plessy vs Ferguson

-this case of 1896, the Supreme Court ruled that this "separate but equal" law didn't violate 4th amendment: guaranteed all equal treatment -the Supreme Court ruled that this "separate but equal" law did not violate the 14th amendment, which guarantees all american equal treatment under the law, states separate races

World War II

-war between allies and axis powers: set the stage for the civil rights movement -the demand for soldiers created a shortage of white male laborers. The shortage opened up new job opportunities for African Americans, Latinos, and white women. Nearly 1 million African Americans see in the armed forces, which needed so many fighting men that they had to end their discriminate policies

Civil war

-war between north and south over states rights and slavery -north wins and officially puts an end to slavery

Causes and Effects of World War I (world and U.S. related). (19.2)

Causes: 1- nationalism: the strong feelings people have for their own country/desire of people ruled by others to throw off foreign rule and create their own nation 2- imperialism: the quest for new territories led to intense competition among the counties of Europe 3- militarism: policy of maintaining a strong fighting force in readiness for war 4- alliances: nations of Europe entered into a series of alliances to maintain a balance of power if war erupted- helped maintain a balance of power but also meant a minor incident could provoke war (triple alliance: Germany, Austria hungry, Italy) Effects: -Germany were forever weakened from the reparations they had to pay and from the land that got taken away. This made Germany struggle economically. -New countries were cerated in Europe in the land that was taken away from Germany. This weakened Germany even more. -The League of Nations was formed by Woodrow Wilson because he thought it would solve everything, but it did not end up helping in the end. -Tension in other countries after World War 1 would lead to world war 2 -World War 1 was the bloodiest war; Deaths numbered about 22 million, and more than half of them civilians.

Causes and Effects of the Great Depression (priority on Hoover).

Causes: 1- dining trade: tariffs and war debts cut down foreign markets for American goods 2- farm problems: many farmers were forced to sell 3- easy credit: borrowed money to invest in market 4- banks start closing: income disparity- federal government kept interest rates low and encouraged borrowing ****Effects: 1-affected people in negative way- unemployment rose and people couldn't afford anything 2-president Hoover believed that the economy would cycle around- do nothing- didn't believe in government interference 3-charities and organizations tried to help the poor but they had problems because they were also poor so they couldn't help much

Causes and Effects of the Spanish-American War (18)

Causes: 1-U.S. support of Cuba's independence 2-To protect U.S. business interests in Cuba~ American business interest had been growing (sugar cane) 3-Yellow Journalism 4-Sinking of the U.S.S. Maine & us blamed Spain Effects: 1- Cuba had to agree to the platt amendment but eventually gained independence from Spain 2-Puerto Rico became a U.S. territory 3- Guam was controlled by the US navy 4-Philippines became independent

Domino theory

If one country turns communist then they all will - speech by eisenhower

Define "Search and destroy missions" and explain the purpose of them

It is a US military raid on south witnesses village, intended to root out villages with ties to Vietcong, often resulting in destruction of villages and displacement of its innocence. -wipe out everything around them

Essay: Television and the impact on JFKs political career, Civil rights movement, and the Vietnam war?

Television made an impact on many events in ten 1960's. One major event was the affect on JFK's political career. To determine the election Kennedy and Nixon took part in the first televised debate between presidential candidates, the debate was also on the radio. Kennedy had been coached by television producers, which caused him to look and speak better. People who listened to the radio thought Nixon had won due to his speaking but because of television the election was based on looks, causing Kennedy to win. Television also effected the civil rights movement because MLK and the African Americans were protesting nonviolently where as the other protesters were violently acting against the African Americans with firehoses, dogs, and fires. Without television showing these violent acts, the north wouldn't see that the African Americans were peaceful which gained the north's support. This became more of a moral issue due to TV. The last event that was greatly impacted by television was the Vietnam war. Vietnam's violence was televised nationally and the Johnson's administration told the public things were going well, but they didn't believe it- credibility gap. America didn't support the war due to television showing graphic scenes and the media openly criticizing it.

What led to the growing concern in America about the Vietnam war?

The fact they weren't making headway, america thought it was a war we weren't meant to be in, credibility gap

How and why did the United States support France's Vietnam war efforts?

USA supported France with over 1 billion dollars and military support because of the fear of communism

Why did the U.S. forces have difficulty fighting the Vietcong?

Vietcong used hit and run tactics because of their lack of high powered weaponry. They also had key knowledge of the jungle terrain and had elaborate networks of tunnels. The Vietcong also lived among the people do it was hard to tell who was a friend or foe. -US also had to deal with heat, leeches, tunnels, and snakes

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