US History Final

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The Kennedy administration's defense policy

stressed a "flexible response."

During the Cuban missile crisis,

the United States and the Soviet Union went on full military alert.

In the election of 1972,

- George Wallace was paralyzed by a would-be assassin's bullet. - George McGovern was an old-fashioned liberal Democrat who seemed out of step with the times. -Nixon carried 49 of 50 states, capitalizing on votes of white ethnics and white southerners.

The New Deal touched

- The lives of American Indians - The lives and employment conditions of farmers, workers, the old, blacks, and women. - Almost all facets of Americans' lives

The Works Progress Administration (WPA) did which of the following?

-Built municipal buildings. -Employed American artists and writers. -Employed historians.

President Nixon's New Economic Policy resulted in

-No change in the problems surrounding wage and price controls. -A strengthened international monetary system. -Continued deindustrialization

George Wallace, former governor of Alabama, ran for the presidency hoping to capitalize on votes from those who were

-Opposed to the civil rights movement -Opposed to the antiwar movement -Opposed to the youth movement.

The election of 1968 gave voice to a new Republican, Ronald Reagan. He advocated

-Opposition to federal programs such as Medicaid. -Reducing taxes. -Escalating the war in Vietnam.

On August 2, 1964, the U.S. destroyer Maddox was

-Part of a scheme to allow President Johnson to expand the war in Vietnam. -Off the coast of North Vietnam in the Gulf of Tonkin. -Possibly attacked by three North Vietnamese torpedo boats.

The American Indian Movement (AIM) was

-Patterned after the Black panthers -Founded by young Indian men and women in Minneapolis -The group that occupied Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay to demand that an American Indian Museum be built there.

President Hoover was true to his Republican values, believing that the federal government

-Should use its power to collect information valuable to businessmen. -Should use its power to encourage cooperation between businessmen. -Should not interfere with the economy.

By 1932,

-The army had dispersed the Bonus Marchers, veterans of World War I, using tanks and mounted cavalry. - President Hoover was sullen and withdrawn. - Unemployment in the United States was almost 24 percent.

By 1932 many Americans were

-Unemployed. -Homeless. -Hungry

"New Conservatism" is characterized by all of the following except

An isolationist foreign policy They did support: Hostility to federal government power, a belief in individual freedom, and a more aggressive anti-communist foreign policy

The new young postwar conservatives had __________ as their popular spokesman.

Barry Goldwater

In March 1969, Nixon authorized B-52 raids into


President Nixon used the CIA to destabilize an elected Marxist government in


The Tet Offensive

Coalesced Americans' worries that the war was not going as well as they were being told because the North Vietnamese were able to launch such an impressive strike so deep into South Vietnam.

The most prominent woman reformer during the period was

Eleanor Roosevelt.

The Civil Works Administration

Employed 4 million young men and women to build or renovate roads in the United States.

The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934

Empowered tribes to adopt democratic constitutions and embrace self-determination.

"Vietnamization" was the term applied to the policy designed to

Encourage South Vietnam to take responsibility for its own defense.

Which of the following was a success Mexican American activists could claim by the end of the 1970s?

Ending state bans on teaching in Spanish

Carl Gerstacker, the chairman of Dow Chemical, wished his corporation could

Exist in an environment in which it was free to do as it pleased without U.S. government interference.

The crash of the stock market in October 1929

Exposed underlying economic weaknesses.

Early developments in the space program included all of the following except

Formation of the Soviet-American space station -It did include: Alan Shepard's suborbital flight, President Kennedy's pledge to land a man on the moon before 1970, and The Telstar communications satellite.

The ex-CIA agents who directed the break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters on June 17, 1972, were

G. Gordon Liddy and E. Howard Hunt.

The "Stonewall riot" in New York City in 1969 involved a protest by

Gay men

The National Labor Relations Act, also known as the Wagner Act,

Guaranteed workers' rights to organize unions and bargain collectively.

Before the crash of the stock market, American farmers

Had suffered falling agricultural prices for about a decade.

In March 1967, President Johnson shocked the American people by announcing all of the following except that

He was firing General William C. Westmoreland.

What appeared to be John F. Kennedy's biggest handicap in the 1960 election?

His Catholic faith

Which of the following weaknesses added to Ngo Dinh Diem's difficulties in stabilizing South Vietnam?

His cold demeanor made him profoundly unpopular with his people, Communist or not.

Nixon's election in 1968 is usually attributed to all of the following except

His pledge to dismantle Social Security and Medicare. -Can be attributed to: Serious divisions in the opposition party. His defense of the "forgotten Americans," later termed the "silent majority." His promise to "end" the Vietnam War.

President Johnson's "war on poverty"

Implemented the Head Start program, which provided early schooling, meals, and medical exams for poor preschool-age children.

When the United States came to the defense of Israel in the Yom Kippur War, the Arab countries

Imposed an oil embargo on the Western world

During Kennedy's term in office, the number of American "advisers" in South Vietnam

Increased compared with the norm during President Eisenhower's administration.

The Hawley-Smoot Tariff is generally believed to have prevented

International trade from lifting the economy out of depression.

Mississippi State Police killed two African American student protestors at

Jackson State College.

Why were Americans attracted to Japanese cars in the 1970s?

Japanese cars were far more fuel-efficient.

President Kennedy confronted the Soviets over their construction of launch sites for nuclear missiles in Cuba. Kennedy's initial response was to

Order a naval quarantine of the Caribbean island.

The result of such a grassroots movement as the sit-ins energized

Other groups to confront their own civil rights issues

The equal rights amendment (ERA) was

Passed by Congress in 1972 and ratified by 34 states by the end of 1974 but thereafter stalled and was never ratified.

The Social Security Act in 1935 originally provided for

Pensions to the elderly.

The campaign of 1968 is remembered for all of the following except

President Lyndon Johnson's dramatic victory in the Democratic primary.

The Gulf of Tonkin resolution

Provided a justification for the introduction of American troops.

The National Organization for Women (NOW) was founded in 1966 to

Push for the civil rights of women.

President Nixon's strategy of détente was designed to

Relax tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union.

In return for the withdrawal of Soviet missiles in Cuba, the United States

Removed obsolete missiles from Turkey.

Title IX of the Higher Education Act of 1972

Required colleges and universities receiving federal funds to give equal opportunities to male and female students in admissions, athletics, and other programs.

The National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)

Reversed decades of antitrust legislation.

In the 1970s a new term was coined for the regions in the Northeast and Midwest with their empty, decaying factories. That term was

Rust Belt.

President Roosevelt believed that farmers

Saw an imbalance between city and country as a cause of the Depression.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 did all of the following, except

Secure the rule of the Democratic Party that had enacted the law

The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

Sent 250,000 young men to do reforestation and conservation work.

Which group in the new coalition that made up the Democrats in the 1930s limited the party's progressivism?

Southern rural whites.

An unprecedented combination of high unemployment and high inflation led to a new descriptive term for the economy. That term was


Which of the following was a cause of the Great Depression?

Structural flaws in national and international economies

During the 1970s, industry and workers moved from the Northeast and Midwest to the _________.

Sun Belt

Despite his Republican ideals, President Nixon

Supported affirmative action programs

"Freedom Summer" of 1964 was known for its

Symbolic peaceful cooperation between black and white civil rights activists working to register black voters in Mississippi.

One reason that Kennedy could become a vocal supporter of the civil rights movement was

That the civil rights movement was gaining broad-based support.

Like his predecessor President Eisenhower, President Kennedy used __________ to make certain that the Soviets did not gain control.


October 29, 1929, also known as "Black Tuesday," was the day

The New York Stock Exchange collapsed

All of the following except __________ were part of President Johnson's Great Society Program.

The Peace Corps -It did include: Community action programs Volunteers in Service to America The Department of Housing and Urban Development

How does the Second New Deal compare with the first one?

The Second New Deal left a far more enduring legacy.

The United States exported its financial disaster to the world because

The United States was the world's leading creditor, producer, and consumer.

"New Liberalism" advocated all of the following except

A balanced budget -They did support: full employment, a growing gross national product, and strong consumer demand

Which of the following did Franklin D. Roosevelt promise during his election campaigns in 1932?

A cut in government spending.

That there were more than 300 race riots in American cities can be explained as

A dramatization of the conflict between the promises of the Great Society programs and the reality of life in black America.

Kennedy defeated Nixon in 1960 by

A popular vote margin of fewer than 120,000.

The Nixon Doctrine was

A repudiation of the Truman Doctrine.

As a result of the Voting Rights Act of 1965,

Black voter registration in Mississippi grew from 6 to 44 percent.

The busing program designed to end segregation in __________ was perhaps the most controversial.

Boston, Massachusetts

The English economist John Maynard Keynes argued that

Deficit spending was necessary to stimulate the nation's economy.

One of the results of the construction of the Berlin Wall was

Defusing the crisis along the Iron Curtain

To counter the appeal of Communism, the Kennedy administration supported

Democratic political reforms. The Peace Corps. Modernization programs.

By the late 1930s an alliance between __________ and the Democrat Party had been forged.


Despite his Republican ideals, President Nixon

Left many Great Society and New Deal programs in place

The Supreme Court's decision in Schechter Poultry Corporation v US (1935)

Made it difficult for Congress to regulate the national economy

In the Supreme Court case Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg, the Court ruled that

Mandatory busing to desegregate schools was constitutional

Why did students protest on the Kent State University campus in Ohio on May 4, 1970?

Nixon had ordered the invasion of Cambodia

The group of Third World oil-exporting nations that came to be so familiar to Americans in the 1970s is


What accounts for Americans' public memory of the Kennedy years as a "Camelot"?

The administration's unfulfilled promises made Kennedy more mythical and less of a real politician.

By the end of the 1970s, the United States was in economic decline, in part because of

The failings of business, government, and economists.

President Roosevelt's basic problem with the justices on the Supreme Court was

Their decisions declaring certain New Deal legislation unconstitutional.

Civil rights activists, liberals, conservatives, and members of the "New Left" had one thing in common:

Their membership was youth driven.

The Dust Bowl was in

The northeast.

All things considered, __________ were minimally helped by the New Deal programs.

The rural poor

Nixon's trip to China was designed to accomplish which of the following?

To encourage the Soviet Union to believe the United States and China were becoming allies.

The effects of the crash of the New York Stock Exchange

Triggered a global depression.

According to the rationale of Franklin D. Roosevelt's "Brains Trust," the maldistribution of wealth led to


In addition to old-age pensions, the Social Security Act also provided for

Unemployment compensation.

What did the Supreme Court bar in its decision in Regents of the University of California v. Allan Bakke?

Universities could not impose admission quotas.

To secure the soundness of the banking system, Roosevelt did all of the following except

Veto the Glass-Steagall Act -He implemented the following: Insure the bank accounts of individual depositors, Reassure the nation through his fireside chats, and Authorize a national bank holiday

The "Bonus Marchers"

Wanted the "bonus" Congress had promised them that was not due until 1945.

Compared with President Eisenhower, President Kennedy

Was more willing to intervene in the affairs of the Third World.

By the election of 1936, the nation's economy

Was recovering.

Implementation of the New Deal programs, particularly its nationalized social welfare and economic security programs, was

Weakest in the South.

American Indian activists seized __________ at gunpoint in the spring of 1973 to protest policies of the U.S. government toward the Native Americans.

Wounded Knee, South Dakota

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