US History H CH 2-3

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New England Colonies

-1614-Capt John Smith -Mayflower, 1620 -Anchored at Cape Cod, MA

St. Mary's, Maryland

-1634, led by George and Leonard Calvert --Cecilius Calvert, Lord Baltimore was their proprietor - --refuge for English Catholics --commercial success -to attract Protestants as well, established the Toleration Act of 1649 --no one professing a belief in Christ should be troubled in the free exercise of his religion -Protestants outnumbered Catholics in MD by 1776

Great Migration 1630s

-50,000 settlers came -1st group of 1,000 Puritans came to Massachusetts Bay on 17 ships --Charles I wanted to impose taxed and punish Church members who opposed church rituals -Bay Colony expedition was large, well organized, and well financed.

patroon system

-A person transported and settled 50 families in exchange for a large tract of land -lived on patroon's land and under his control -ultimately failed and limited growth

Quakers (Society of Friends)

-Against the corruption of the Church of England, but abandoned many biblical teachings --denied the trinity --all men have a spark of grace to achieve salvation by doing the right things --rejected the office of pastor --guidance by the inner light --allowed women to hold authority in meetings --refused to grant governmental officials due honor

At Work: Slave

-Akachi -Virginia -1720


-Area south of VA, named Carolina (Carolus, or Charles) -For decades, a place of drifters, desperadoes, and pirates -Two settlements began: Albemarle (NC), Charlestown (SC) -North Carolina had fewer settlers -Tobacco for income

At Work: Wigmaker

-Jeremy Shrimpton -Boston, MA -1735


-King added DE to William Penn's vast holdings -DE had a checkered history of ownership --swedish --dutch --english --dutch --English finally won out -Finally separate legislature, but not under a governor's control until 1776 -Log cabin-a fixture in American society for next 2 centuries

At Work: Rice Farmer

-Louis Timothy -Edisto Island, SC -1718

What were the royal colonies?

-NH after it separated from MA -NY, NJ, VA, N and SC, and GA -Massachusetts 1691 -Maryland 1692-1715, when it reverted to proprietary status

1619 "Starving Time"

-New man drained the food supply of the colony -The colony saw a brief period of prosperity under John Smith and his "work or die" plan -Smith returns to England in 1609 because of an injury, the starving time begins -disease and hunger ravage the colony(some colonists eat their shoes, some turn to cannibalism) -Gates finally arrives to find a sad remnant of men

Indian Relations

-Opechancanough atacked the colonists on morning of Good Friday, March 22, 1622 --347 killed --Virginians got revenge -continued to be a threat


-Presbyterian Scots from Protestant colony of Ulster NI -came to escape religious persecution and economic difficulties -pioneers and frontiersmen -migrated west and southwest


-Puritans and Pilgrims both migrated to Connecticut -Thomas Hooker, Puritan minister 1636 -set up communities at Hartford, Wethersfield, and Windsor(River Colony or River Town) -Fundamental Orders of Connecticut 1639 --known as the first written constitution in America --established framework for self government in CT -more democratic order-church membership was not required for voters

List several of the towns established north of Cape Cod

-Salem -Dorchester -Charlestown -Boston

Southern Carolina

-Sir Anthony Ashley-Cooper, the Earl of Shaftesbury -Began trading buck skins and slaves -Rice cultivation 1690s -Formally divided in 1719-SC royal colony -NC royal colony in 1729

Tell about the Indians that helped the Pilgrims

-Squanto and Samoset -taught crop fertilization -how to catch fish and eels -helped peace between the settlers for 50 years

Which colonies started as corporate colonies?

-VA, Massachusetts, Connecticut, NH, and RI -By 1776 Connecticut and RI were the only two corporate colonies

1676 both Jerseys owned by Quakers

-William Penn from PA being one of these -Law, Concessions, and Agreements -provided self governing assembly -full land right -officially recorded deeds -religious freedom -public trials by jury -many principles by which 13 colonies would eventually share in the Constitution

A Child's Life in the Colonies

-boys:indentured servants or apprentices -young women: maids, cooks, nurses until married

Colonial Administration: Charter Colony

-governed by a trade company -most independent-self governed -example: VA Company -issued by the King, royal charter allowed the grantees (whether proprietors or corporations) the right to colonize specified tracts of land and to administer themselves as long as they did not pass legislation contrary to the laws of England

Education: New England

-hornbook -New England Primer -taught at home -Dame school


-indentured servants -in 1600s male indentured servants half to third of immigrants -in 1700s reports of hardships keep European laborers away


-less enthusiasm -wealthy-tutor -Charleston --2 free schools --1st public library


-purpose-basic skills, read Bible -Puritan New England had many college graduates -education was highly valued in New England

Who ensured the survival of that settlement by enforcing a biblical principle, and what was that principle?

Captain John Smith, 2 Thessalonians 3:10, that everyone should earn his livelihood through work

Which colony besides New York was founded by a nation other than England?

New Jersey

In which three of the middle colonies were the Quakers influential in government?

New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware

Which three colonies tolerated different religions from the time of their foundings?

New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland?

Which dissenter became so separated that he finally abandoned any institutional church?

Roger Williams?

Why was education so important to the Puritans?

they wanted basic skills and the ability to read the Bible

Why was the birthrate higher in America than in Europe in the 1700s?

women married younger, there were less women, and larger families were favored because they provided more labor

Emerging American

-American's 13 colonies reflected the British heritage as well as their own upbringing -isolation strengthened their love of freedom and encouraged their individualism -A stubborn streak of independence and a firm commitment to equality also ran through the colonies -They believed it was only right to have their own legislatures --built houses for shelter and worship --organized their own governments

At Play

-Americans did enjoy life during colonial times-even Puritans had colorful wardrobes and listened to music -different leisure activities in cities (socialized, formed clubs) and on frontier (barn raisings and quilting brought people together) -Worship services were also social occasions -News papers and Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanac(underlined) --astronomical and weather conditions --musings by Franklin

Mayflower Compact

-Bound settlers into a "civil body politick" where they agree to submit to the laws and duly elective leadership of the colony -first document of self government of its kind in America -William Bradford wrote "Of Plymouth Plantation" about their encounters

Plymouth Company

-Brief settlement at St. George, Maine -44 men in 1607 -After 1 winter, those who lived returned to England -Plymouth Company made no more attempts to colonize and King dismantled the company


-Capitalism and Puritanism worked together in early years -Praised hard work (Prov. 12:24, 13:11, 21:25) -Later generations did not maintain the spiritual covenant --material prosperity replaced spirited inquiry and dependence upon God -organized but tightly controlled --land was based on social position resulting in less indentured servants in New England -more organized than other colonies -results of moving away from spiritual town to material wealth?

New Hampshire's Settlements

-David Thomson, 1623 --Little Harbor, NH --Colony was 5 men, eventually dismantled -John Wheelright, 1638 --settled at Exeter, NH --anntinomian and Anne Hutchinson's brother in law --he left RI during Hutchinson's controversy -NH became a thriving settlement -NH became a separate colony in 1679

At Work: House Servant

-Debora Reidhauser -Germanstown, PA -1747

London Company

-Jamestown, VA -sent 104 men in December 1606, arrived May 1607 -1st real settlement in the New World

Pennsylvania "Penn's Woods"

-William Penn, Quaker leader --expelled from Oxford for his puritan beliefs -received proprietorship from Charles II-who owed Penn's father money -Began Penn's "Holy Experiment" --Utopia of love, peace, and tolerance -Wrote Frame of Government --religious tolerance and political liberty --respectful treatment of Indians -Philadelphia: "City of Brotherly Love" -Became a diverse society and important commercial center

Name and define the three categories of colonial government.

-a charter colony was governed by a trade company that received its authorization from the king -a proprietary colony had the king appoint a proprietor(s) (ultimately responsible to the king) to govern a colony -a royal colony was controlled directly by the crown, which meant that the king and his councilors appointed the governor directly

Roger Williams

-arrived 1631 in MA -reputation as a troublemaker -"Notional sinne" for England to take Indian land without compensation -denounced Puritans for not severing all ties with Anglican Church -advocated complete separation of Church and state -After being banished in 1635, established settlement called Providence RI --"pure" church led to him abandoning church as an institution --key figure in development of modern conception of religious liberty --advocate for people of any religion or no religion to practice their beliefs or not-results:secular nation we have today

New York

-began as Dutch settlement -Henry Hudson, Dutch -Peter Minuit, Dutch --purchased Manhattan from the Indians for $24 worth of cloth and trinkets --Birth of New Amsterdam -Charles II granted New Netherland to his brother James, duke of York -James conquered New Netherland 1669 -Dutch surrendered but remained --Roosevelt (FDR and Teddy) --Martin Van Buren -General George Clinton was 1st governor in 1777


-childbearing was dangerous -infant mortality rate high -even higher than in Europe -epidemics more common with growth of cities -colonies generally flourished

At Play(children)

-children usually had few toys -homemade -highly prized

How was the Pilgrim's first winter?

-devastating -half died by spring, including Carver

Captain John Smith and Jamestown

-enforced discipline and 2 Thessalonians 3:10(the whole thing about those that dont work dont eat or something) -relations improved and Powhatan eventually taught them how to grow maize and melons

Harvard College

-established 1636 near Boston -train young men for ministry

River Colony

-eventually united all the CT settlements under royal charter -need for security against Indian threat --Pequots --brutally murdered 9 settlers in 1636 -English retaliated --killed 400 men, women, and children --burned village --Indians that survived sold into slavery


-first home in an area=primitive -"colonial style" -materials used often depended on location -most lived in simple homes

New Jersey

-first settled by swedes and dutch -originally east and west jersey -James II divided the region and gave it to 2 friends -eventually controlled by Quakers -finally united as a royal colony in 1702

Anne Hutchinson

-fled to RI, 45 year old, 15 children-when she followed John Cotton, Puritan pastor to MA in 1634 -antinomianism --outward obedience to the Scripture was unnecessary to demonstrate an inward relationship to God --God gave her a direct revelation that superseded the Bible --She was banished and went to Portsmouth, RI, but eventually moved to NY, killed by Indians

Law of 1647(Old Deluder Satan Act)

-formal schools more desirable -towns of 50 families must have a schoolmaster who would teach the children to read and write -towns of 100 families must have a grammar school master who could prepare the children to attend Harvard


-many were baptists(dunkers) -immigrated from MD to GA -often Protestant -Pennsylvania's Dutch -most immigrants adopted English ways, maintained traditions -looked at differently because language was different


-more independent -believed that each local congregation should be independent of all other churches, free to worship, and serve God without interference -many harassed and jailed in England

the Powhatan Confederacy and Jamestown

-peaceful then turned against the colonists -Powhatan (Chief Wahunsonacock)-war parties attacked colonists -until Pocahontas(Rebecca) married John Rolfe, finally peace


-related to social standing -frontier foods -hard cider and rum -foods transported from other parts of the world potatoes, coffee, farm animals

Education:Middle Colonies

-religiously diverse -apprenticeships established -for children and lower middle class

List three reasons why the English and others came to America.

-riches -opportunity to own land --head rights: land grants if you could pay for land --indenture: work contracted for a specific time (4-7 years-nearly half the new colonists came this way) -political freedom -religious freedom -adventure

royal (crown) colony

-ruled directly by the crown -King and his councilors appointed governor -crown or royal colonies were under the direct protection and supervision of the British monarch -Many became royal colonies after their corporate or proprietary ventures failed -although royal colonies set up legislative assemblies that passed laws for self governance, their acts were technically subject to the approval of Parliament

Thomas Gates and Jamestown

-sent for the newly appointed governor, Lord De La Warr (Delaware), along with 500 men -shipwrecked -400 eventually arrived

Marrying:Population increase

-settlers 250,000 (1200) to 2,500,000 (1775) -slaves: 28,000 to 500,000 -high birth rate --women married at younger ages --larger families helped provide farm labor

John Winthrop

-the driving force behind the Puritan movement and governor -"A Modell of Christian Charity" message -Christian community -"we shall be as a city upon a hill" -all would contribute to the success of the colony


-two purposes for colonizing --military buffering against spanish --colony where debtors and vagrants could be productive -James Oglethorpe --Rehabilitation: wanted to reform prisoners rather than punish --Grew rapidly-offered 50 acres of land, tools, and seed for the 1st year --Savannah established 1733 --Rapid growth and commercial success ---scots, germans, austrians, portugese jews


-wanted to worship God freely -2 groups: Puritans and Separatists -From Scrooby, England -migrated to Holland -William Bradford, 1620 -35 Pilgrims -original destination was VA, landed in MA

Marrying:Women and Men

-women:cooked, made butter and cheese, clothes, tended the livestock, etc -men: worked in fields, built houses/barns, represented family in community

4 Crucial Events

1. Martial law imposed by previous governors was lifted 2. Formation of House of Burgesses, the 1st self-governing assembly in the New World 3. Arrival of Dutch ship with the first African slaves in the colony 4. Arrival of 90 eligible women to be purchased as wives for 125 pounds-not the 1st women to the colonies but the first eligible women

Name two ways in which non-English cultures were introduced to America.


Using four core values of individualism, freedom, growth, and equality, briefly describe the emerging America revealed in the chapter(2).


What role did religious freedom play in American settlement?


How could proprietors make money off of these colonies?

A charter of grant was issues to an individual or group of people who essentially hold the land as a private estate between 1660-1690. proprietors could earn income from the land by selling, leasing, or renting parts of it to settlers.

What happened with the Virginia Company?

Charles I dismantled it, and Virginia became a royal colony in 1624

Where was the first public library in America established?


What nationality originally settled New York? Which nation eventually took control of it?

Dutch; English

What was the first permanent English settlement in the New World?


Who was the first governor of Plymouth Colony?

John Carver

What political document guaranteed certain basic rights to some Englishmen?

Magna Carta

Which colonies began as proprietary ventures?

Maryland, Carolinas, NY, NJ, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Georgia -NY, NJ, NC, and SC later became royal colonies -By 1763 most colonies surrendered their charters to the crown and became royal colonies By 1776 only Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware remained as proprietary colonies under a charter

What was the name of Powhatan's brother?


Near the bank of what river was the first settlement in Maryland established?

Potomac River

What was the difference between Puritans and Separatists?

Puritans wanted to purify the church from within while the Separatists believed each local congregation should be independent of all other churches

Which Englishman tried to establish a colony on Roanoke Island?

Sir Walter Raleigh

Who elected or chose the colony's officials?

Those settling in the colony became its "freemen" who elected or chose the colony's officials, including the governor

Who was governor after Carver?

William Bradford, and the colony grew steadily

Name the colony with which each of the following men was most closely associated a. Peter Minuit b. Thomas Hooker c. James Oglethorpe d. Roger Williams e. Sir Anthony Ashley-Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury f. William Penn g. John Winthrop h. Cecilius Calvert, Lord Baltimore

a. New York b. Connecticut c. Georgia d. Rhode Island e. South Carolina f. Pennsylvania g. Massachusetts h. Maryland

Which colonies began with a royal charter?

all colonies except NJ

Since the Puritans had come to the New World to worship as they saw fit, why did they not allow Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson the same freedom of worship?

also dont rlly know she never rlly went over any of these in class im sorry fam maybe they only gave religious freedom to people who didnt contradict them?

What name is given to the heresy, taught by Anne Hutchinson, that outward obedience to Scripture is unnecessary to show an inward relationship with God?


Why did the English Separatists leave the Netherlands?

because the Dutch language and habits threatened to undo their efforts to preserve their own language and culture among their children

How did the Great Philadelphia Wagon Road aid in developing the American frontier?

by providing access to back country settlements from Virginia to Georgia

Why did two colonies form from Massachusetts? What were those two colonies?

expansion and dissension; Massachusetts and Connecticut?

Providence, RI

formation by dissenters of Puritan leadership

How was King James I(1606) involved in settlements in America?

he sent companies to colonize Virginia-2 million square miles from the Carolinas to Maine -London Company -Plymouth Company

How did the trials and successes of Jamestown manifest the core values of freedom, individualism, equality, and growth? What contradictions to these values began to develop?

idk contact me if you do

Why was Pennsylvania unable to maintain the Quaker ideals that William Penn envisioned for the colony?

idrk but i think because more non-Quakers moved into the colony and the Quaker ideals became diluted

joint stock companies

investors shared profits without sharing liabilities

Why did English believers become frustrated with the Church of England?

it embraced aspects of the Protestant Reformation while still continuing several Roman Catholic practices

Why did the patroon system fail?

it limited the growth of the colony because smaller land holders could not get a stake in the land and therefore had little incentive to come

the "covenant"

legally binding relationship with God that the Puritans believed in

What were some of the challenges faced by the Jamestown settlement in its first year?

malaria, typhoid fever, dysentery, half died by the end of the first winter

Which geographic division of the thirteen colonies was the most diverse culturally?

middle colonies

corporate colony

might also be formed when a proprietor sold or leased land to another organization

What were the main crops of northern and southern Carolina respectively?

nc-tobacco, sc-rice


non English ethnic diversity

Law of 1642

parents required that children know the principles of religion and the laws of commonwealth

What two divisions did chartered colonies fall into?

proprietary and corporate

Who governed charter colonies?

proprietors appointed by the King

Name at least three deadly diseases that American colonists faced.

smallpox, infectious dysentery, and diphtheria


south -few legal/social rights, little schooling -cook, clean, garden, farm chores -rich and poor submit to husband north -have extensive work responsibilities, few legal rights -only single women, widows own businesses -wives submit to husbands

In what way were the Mayflower Compact, the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, and William Penn's Frame of Government(underlined) each an important step in the development of American government?

they started the development of government and provided a basis for our official documents?

How did the English settler's view of religious liberty differ from the modern view of religious liberty?

they viewed religious freedom as the freedom to structure their society so that every part of life experienced the renewal of Protestant Reformation

What was the religious motive in planting the Maryland colony?

to provide refuge for English Catholics


wanted to purify the state church from within by pushing for reforms that would rid England of Roman Catholic influences and bring greater spiritual vitality to the nation

joint stock company

with investors obtained a charter to own and manage a specified territory for its investors(usually settlers)

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