us history sem 1 exam

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Which statement below completes the phrase "Causes of the Great Depression"? Speculation of the stock market, uneven distribution of income, high tariffs blocking international trade and:

overproduction of goods.

What reason for opposing the League of Nations does it reflect? " The United States is the world's best hope, but if you fetter her in the interests and quarrels of other nations, if you tangle her in the intrigues of Europe, you destroy her power for good and endanger her very existence. Leave her to march freely through the centuries to come as in the years that have gone."

A belief that joining the League would endanger American sovereignty.

"Having behind us the producing masses of this nation and the world , supported by the commercial interests, the laboring interests, and the toilers everywhere, we will answer their demand for a gold standard by saying to them: You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns; you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold." Based on this speech, what did Bryan demand in his subsequent campaign for the Presidency?

A policy of bi-metalism that would help farmers by raising crop prices.

The list below provides details about the origins of World War I. >Nationalism >Imperialism & Economic Rivalries >Militarism >_________ What phrase completes the diagram?

Alliance system

Before 1898, most Americans had opposed imperialism. Why did imperialism suddenly become more popular in the United States by the end of the century?

Americans wanted to sell goods to new markets and buy raw materials for new industries

. What civil rights bill was introduced over 200 times from 1882 to 1968 and supported by the NAACP, but was blocked each time by Southern Democrats?

Anti-lynching law

"What were the rights and liberties for which Confederates contended? The right to own slaves; the liberty to take this property into the territories ; freedom from the coercive powers of a centralized government." What contradiction does this historian find in the secession of the Southern states?

Confederates demanded the freedom to enslave others.

What new method helped to insure that American troops safely arrived on Europe during World War I?

Convoy system

"England's naval bases have been in all parts of the world and her fleets have at once protected them, kept open the communications between them, and relied upon them for shelter... Colonies attached to the mother-country afford, therefore, the surest means of supporting abroad the sea power of the country... Britain's power was everywhere that her ships could reach." In this book, Mahan urged Americans to build a large navy and acquire colonies as Britain had. What other strategy did Mahan advocate for the United States to succeed as a naval power?

Developing an air force

How did Franklin Roosevelt change the role of the federal government during the first Hundred Days?

FDR expanded the role of government through programs designed to provide relief, recovery and reform

"Laws permitting, or even requiring, the separation of the races do not place a badge of inferiority upon on group over another. Thus it is not a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment." Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896. What practice did this ruling uphold?

Free public schooling for all races.

"The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent." Based on the excerpt, with which statement would Justice Holmes have agreed?

Freedom of Speech is not absolute.

Why did government leaders generally sympathize with business owners against labor in the late 19th century?

Government leaders received money from business with also believed in laissez faire

On May 1, 1930, President Herbert Hoover addressed a dinner of the United States Chamber of Commerce; "While the crash only took place six months ago, I am convinced we have now passed the worst and with continued unity of effort we shall rapidly recover. There is one certainty in the future of a people of the resources, intelligence, and character of the people of the United States - that is prosperity." Based on these beliefs, what actions did President Hoover take in response to the Great Depression?

He offered limited federal assistance directed primarily to businesses and banks.

"I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis - broad power to wage a war against the emergency as great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe." Based on this excerpt, what could be inferred about the direction that Roosevelt planned to take the executive branch of the federal government?

He planned to increase its size and power to deal with the Depression.

"But today we are raising more than we can consume. Today we are making more than we can use. Today our industrial society is congested; there are more workers than there is work; there is is more capital than there is investment. We do not need more money - we need more circulation, more employment. Therefore, we must find new markets for our produce, new occupation for our capital, new work for our labor..." Senator Albert Beveridge, 1898 The statement above provided a reason for the adoption of which policy in the late 19th century?


What was a negative aspect of the "Americanization" policy of the late 1880's for American Indians?

Indians saw the survival of their traditional cultures threatened.

Why is the Spanish-American War of 1898 often considered a major turning point in U.S. history?

It revealed that the United States had become a world power

How did the Wagner Act help working people?

It supported the right of workers to unionize

What was the name of the fighter above who defeated German Max Schmeling in a much anticipated rematch just before World War II?

Joe "The Brown Bomber" Louis

The phrases provides details about U.S. domestic policies in the 1920's

Lower taxes for the wealthy

Who am I? I founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association, which differed from the NAACP, with its support of the "Back to Africa" movement for African-Americans disenchanted with America.

Marcus Garvey

Which statement best describes the American economy in the 1920's?

Mass consumption was not equally matched by production.

What was one effect of the dust storms across the Great Plains in the 1930's?

Migration of many to California and other states

"So long as Standard Oil Company can control transportation as it does today, it will remain the master of the oil industry, and the people of the United States will pay for their indifference and folly in regard to transportation a good sound tax on oil, and they will yearly see an increasing concentration of natural resources and transportation systems in the Standard Oil crowd." Which action took place in response to these criticisms?

President Roosevelt filed a lawsuit to break up to Standard Oil Company.

Which best describes the activities of the Ku Klux Klan during the 1920's?

Promoted the anti-immigrant, anti-African-American, anti-Catholic, and anti-Jewish sentiments.

Which phrase would be similar for both the "Black Codes" and "Jim Crow"?

Required racial segregation in all public places

How did the plans of President Hoover and President Franklin Roosevelt compare for dealing with the Great Depression?

Roosevelt proposed that the federal government provide direct employment to the needy while Hoover relied more on local government and private charities.

Who were the two men convicted of murder, and later executed, more because of their ethnicity and political beliefs rather than the evidence presented?


"The growth of a large business is merely survival of the fittest. The American beauty rose can be produced in the splendor and fragrance which bring cheer to the beholder only by sacrificing the early buds which grow up around it. This is not an evil tendency in business. It is merely the working out of a law of nature and a law of God..." -John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Which concept is being described in the passage?

Social Darwinism

which statement best ties into details about U.S. domestic policies in the 1920's

Spurred a period of economic growth and prosperity.

. Which of these was NOT a long term result of the New Deal?

State ownership of basic industries such a steelworks and railroads

What dangers did William Jennings Bryan and other fundamentalists see in the teaching of evolution?

That cases like the Scopes' trial would lead to the teaching of non-religious beliefs in public schools

It took the Great Depression and the New Deal to create the Florida State Park System. One of the New Deal's work programs was responsible for: -Constructing facilities in all eight original parks -Constructing dams for flood control, reforestation and landscaping -Excavating sediment from caverns and establishing tourist routes for visitors -Fighting wildfires and creating wildfire breaks Which New Deal program was responsible for these accomplishments?

The Civilian Conservation Corps

How did the Platt Amendment differ from the Teller Amendment?

The Platt Amendment preserved Cuban independence but claimed the right to intervene in Cuban affairs

Which New Deal agency constructed a series of dams that produced hydroelectricity?

The Tennessee Valley Authority

Which problem was demonstrated by events at Rosewood in 1923?

The continuing prevalence of racism in inland Southern towns.

Which event was the catalyst for the secession of the first seven southern states in 1861?

The election of Abraham Lincoln as President.

What were the major consequences of the Civil War?

The end of slavery and a strengthening of the power of the Federal government

Women had many new experiences as a result of World War I, including working at new jobs, wearing new fashions, and acting more independently. What other new change came to women just after World War I?

The right to vote

"Article 10 - The members of the League undertake and respect and preserve the territorial integrity and existing political independence of all Members of the League against external aggression. In case if any such aggression, the [Executive] Council shall advise on the means by which this obligation shall be fulfilled." Why did many U.S. Senators object to this article?

They feared that Americans would be required to act against aggression in Europe.

What did African-American writers, artists and musicians hope to achieve during the Harlem Renaissance?

To demonstrate that African-Americans could produce great works of literature and art

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