US History Thomas Jefferson

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This is a drawing of a slave quarters that existed at Monticello. How is it different than other residences that you have seen for slaves?(Monticello-stone house)

It has a more fancy structure, it looks bigger, has windows, better materials.

How could this document be used to argue that Jefferson supported slavery?(Declaration of Independence)

No evidence in this resource.

How old is the United States of America, according to Article 6? (Ordinance for NW Territory, July 13, 1787)

11 years old

Estimate the size of the cabin, based on the data that is provided.(Drawing of Slave Cabin)

12ft by 14ft

How does Article 6 of the Northwest Ordinance change what was said in 1784? (Ordinance for NW Territory, July 13, 1787)

1784 allowed slaves, but the Northwest Ordnance repealed the rule and now they don't allow slaves unless they are fugitives and can be reclaimed.

How many properties does Jefferson appear to own or manage?(Provisions and Property)

6 properties

When Robert was freed, what happened to his possessions? (Deed of Manumission for Robert Hemings)

All his possessions will be discharged of bondage or servitude. He got to keep them.

In your opinion, who is Thomas Jefferson referring to in the Declaration of Independence when using the term "all men?"

All races and color.

What evidence does Jefferson provide that makes slaves seem powerless?(Omitted Portion of DOL)

Bought and sold, captivating and carrying them into slavery.

How has Banneker inspired him to do more? What are Jefferson's plans?(Benjamin Banneker Letter)

Banneker inspired Jefferson to do something about slavery and to send Banneker's almanac to Monsieur de Condorcet. Jefferson's plan is to create a system commenced for raising the condition of slaves.

Rocks and stones seem to be common materials used in slave cabins. Why might that be so?(Drawing of Slave Cabin)

Because they were easily accessible.

What supplies does Jefferson distribute to his slaves?(Provisions and Property)

Beds and blankets

Describe how Jefferson feels about the future of the slave business.(Letter to John Holmes)

Believes the end is near, but he fears the economy is dependent on slavery that it would be trouble both economically and socially.

Which materials seem to be in greater abundance and need?(Provisions and Property)

Blankets are in greater demand.

How would you describe the materials that were excavated from the archaeological site?(Drawing of Slave Cabin)

Clay, stone, wood

How does Jefferson react to the possibility that, if slavery is abolished, inter-racial offspring (amalgamation) may occur?(Letter to Edward Coles)

He doesn't like the idea of it and thinks that their offspring would be no longer to the country. That there is no lover of the human character that could innocently consent the offspring . It will not turn out well.

Are there any states in the map that have information that surprises you? Explain. (The Distribution of Slaves: 1820)

Florida, because it does not have any slaves.

What does Jefferson believe that slaves will do, if they are not used actively as laborers?(Letter to Edward Coles)

He believes they would be pests in the society by their idleness.

Jefferson was not a devoutly religious man, yet he mentions God in his argument. How does he do that?(Notes on the State of Virginia)

He is afraid of God's wrath and that it is an injustice that they are going to be called upon the injustice of slavery.

How does this document help to answer the question, "Where Did Thomas Jefferson Stand on the Issue of Slavery?"(Letter to William A. Burwell)

He is conflicted on the Issue of Slavery, worries his friends want change but thinks it is not happening.

It appears that Jefferson made many changes to the design and architecture of the building. Why might that be so?(Monticello-stone house)

He wanted to make it as good as he could, he liked designing & architecture.

How does Jefferson feel about slavery and its affect on the progress of African Americans?(Benjamin Banneker Letter)

He wants to improve their body and mind and wants to see a system where it brings the slaves' body and mind up. He feels slavery is bringing the people down.

Jefferson describes a relationship between climate and labor. How does he use climate to explain the condition of slavery?(Notes on the State of Virginia)

He wrote in a warm climate, a man will not work if he can make another person work for him. He used this analogy to say that slave owners do not work and a very small portion is seem in labour. He is saying warm climate inspires wealthy people to make slaves work instead of themselves.

What proof does Jefferson cite that African Americans are capable of equal talents.(Benjamin Banneker Letter)

He wrote that nature has given to our black brethren talents equal to those of other colors of men and that the appearance of a want of them is owing merely to be degraded.

How does Jefferson characterize the relationship between slave and master?(Notes on the State of Virginia)

He wrote that the relationship between the master and slave is an exercise of the most boisterous passions, the most unremitting despotism in the one part, and degrading submissions of the other. One half the citizens trample the rights of the other, destroys the morals. He thinks slavery is an unhappy influence and a terrible situation for all involved; bad for society.

What slaves may have been permitted to live in a residence such as this? What might their jobs have been?(Monticello-stone house)

Higher slaves, favorites, cooks, cleaners of the house, nannies, family, privilege slaves.

What kind of document is this? Is it a primary or secondary source? What evidence provided convinces you of that?(Slave Advertisement, Virginia Gazette)

It is an advertisement for a runway/missing slave in the newspaper. It's is a primary source because Thomas Jefferson wrote the ad in September 14, 1769.

What is its purpose? What is the author trying to say in the document?(Slave Advertisement)

Its purpose is to find a missing slave and the author is trying say that his slave is missing and that there is a reward.

How does this data make you feel about Jefferson's treatment of his slaves?(Provisions and Property)

Jefferson cares about his slaves by giving blankets and beds.

Explain how this document could be used to help answer the question, "Where Did Thomas Jefferson Stand on the Issue of Slavery?"(Deed of Manumission for Robert Hemings)

Jefferson didn't like slaves, so he freed a slave. You can use the fact that Jefferson freed a slave to answer the question.

How does Jefferson feel about slaves and African-Americans when considering their capabilities as citizens?(Letter to Edward Coles)

Jefferson feels slaves are pests to the society by their idleness if they are not slaves. They are incapable like children.

Describe how Jefferson sees the potential for violence, and its effect on abolition.(Letter to William A. Burwell)

Jefferson is fearful of slaves uprisings. Slave uprisings have happened before, but had been stopped. He foresees a time of where there will be more uprisings and be successful.

Many historians argue that this passage may be the best source in this argument because of its evidence of conflict in the mind of Jefferson. Describe how the letter may argue that Jefferson both supported slavery and opposed it at the same time.(Letter to John Holmes)

Jefferson opposed slavery because he thinks it is like holding a wolf by its ears. Jefferson supported slavery because he does not want it to end right away. He thinks it would ruin the states economically and socially. He didn't like slavery but he didn't want it to end. Economics: large amount of money for states/country Morals: does not believe that they should be called property

Does Jefferson sound like an abolitionist or slave owner in his letter? Explain.(Benjamin Banneker Letter)

Jefferson sounds like an abolitionist because he wrote that black people have equal talents and that he wants a system to improve the body and mind.

Does this source support the idea that Jefferson opposed slavery or supported it?(Provisions and Property)

Jefferson supported slavery because he has slaves and he takes care of them. He treats them kindly by giving them beds & blankets. Both

By 1805, how does Jefferson feel about the prospects for the abolition of slavery?(Letter to William A. Burwell)

Jefferson thinks it is not going to end during his lifetime or soon. He also thinks slavery will erode naturally, go away on its own. Since values of slaves are lessening, it is going to affect economically. And there is a burden on their owners/ harder and harder to own slaves.

Describe the many different attitudes that seemed to exist at this time about the issue slavery.( Letter to William A. Burwell)

Jefferson would argue against slavery morally. He understands slavery is wrong. He believes the country would struggle economically and financially if it was abolished. Morally: thinks slaves are misnamed as "property" Economically: financially it's important Politically: goes with his colony

How could this document be used to argue that Jefferson opposed slavery?(Declaration of Independence)

Jefferson wrote that all men are created equal and they have unalienable rights such as Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

Define or describe exactly what the term manumitted means to a slave.(Deed of Manumission for Robert Hemings)

Manumitted means to be free from slavery. Slaves will be set free and remain free.

Does this document lead you to believe that Jefferson was a tough and perhaps ruthless master or kind and generous?(Monticello-stone house)

Kind and generous master because he gave them nice houses.

Can you explain why Jefferson, and other slave owners, may use the names that they do for slaves?(List of slaves from Monticello)

Named by order to created a system and to get rid of their African American names.

What does Jefferson consider the status of slaves to be? Are they considered to be people?(Letter to John Holmes, Monticello, April 22, 1820)

Property, no, they are not considered to be people.

Does Jefferson mention slavery at all in this document? In what context?

Not directly but he does mention liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

If Jefferson were to die, what would Robert's obligation be to the Jefferson family? (Deed of Manumission for Robert Hemings)

Nothing because he will be free. Jefferson's Heirs executors or administrators cannot exact him services or duties.

Does this document portray Jefferson as a defender or opponent of slavery?(Notes on the State of Virginia)

Opponent of slavery because he does not want God's wrath upon his country for owning slaves. He thinks slave owners are crushing the morals of slaves and he hopes slavery will end by the consent of the masters.

Is Jefferson calling for the restriction or expansion of slavery into new territories? Explain your answer.(Letter to John Holmes)

Restriction, he does not want slavery to end but he does not want slavery to spread into the new territories. He thinks if slavery ended, the slaves would have no where to go and turn into criminals.

What event is he describing when referring to transportation?(Omitted Portion of DOL)

Slaves coming from Africa to America in slave boats.

What generalization can you make about the distribution of slaves in the United States in 1820?(The Distribution of Slaves: 1820)

The colonies near the coast has more slaves in the southeast.

Analyze the reward language near the end of the document. What is Jefferson trying say here, in simple terms?(Slave Advertisement)

The further someone finds his slave, the higher the reward money.

Who is Jefferson referring to in this document when using the term "He?"(Omitted Portion of DOL)

The king of England.

Who does Jefferson blame for the slave business in colonial America and what evidence does he cite?(Omitted Portion of DOL)

The king, he waged cruel war against human nature violating the most sacred right of life and liberty in the person's who never offended him.

According to the document, how would you describe the subject of the notice?(Slave Advertisement)

The slave is a male and his name is Sandy. He is short, chubby, light skinned, a drunk, 35 years old, a shoemaker, left handed, and a carpenter. He also has a white horse with scars and carries his shoemaking tools.

Jefferson uses symbols beside the names of his slaves at Monticello. What might the symbols represent?(List of slaves from Monticello)

The star means a laborer in the ground/fields. The minus sigh is a person discharged from labor because of old age. The plus sign means a person who was bought.

Jefferson seems to indicate that slavery may fail on its own. What evidence for the document supports that theory?(Letter to Willam A. Burwell)

The value of slaves are lessening. The burden of the master is daily increasing .

According to Jefferson, who provided the people with their unalienable rights?

Their Creator, God.

Thomas Jefferson helped to write the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. How was slavery treated in those areas?(The Distribution of Slaves: 1820)

There are less slaves in the Northwest. Some places have no slaves at all.

Do you notice any trends in the data with regard to age or gender?(Lost of slaves from Monticello)

There are more male slaves than female. Not all names have numbers; the numbers might represent when they were bought.

Thomas Jefferson helped to secure the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. How was slavery treated in that area?(The Distribution of Slaves: 1820)

There are more slaves in the Louisiana Purchase than the Northwest.

What does Article 6 state about slavery in the territory? (Ordinance for NW Territory, July 13, 1787)

There is no slavery in the territory unless a fugitive slave escaped from the states that allow slavery and if caught, the owner can reclaim his slave.

How does Article 6 address the issue of fugitive slaves? (Ordinance for NW Territory, July 13, 1787)

They are punished if convicted of running away and their owners can reclaim them rightfully.

How does this document help to answer the question, "Where Did Thomas Jefferson Stand on the Issue of Slavery?"(Omitted Portion of DOL)

Thomas Jefferson does not like slavery because he thinks the king made slavery from people who never offended him.

How does this document help to answer the question, "Where Did Thomas Jefferson Stand on the Issue of Slavery?(Letter to Edward Coles)

Thomas Jefferson does not like the fact of slaves going into society and intermarrying with white people. He doesn't like slaves and black people.

How might this map be used as proof to help answer the question, "Where Did Thomas Jefferson Stand on the Issue of Slavery?"(The Distribution of Slaves: 1820)

Thomas Jefferson is okay with the fact to have slaves in the colonies but he does not want slaves in the Louisiana purchase. He was not able to stop it completely. This map show areas with a lot of slaves and with areas where there is none.

Explain how this data or document helps to answer the question, "Where Did Thomas Jefferson Stand on the Issue of Slavery?"(List of slaves from Monticello)

Thomas Jefferson likes slaves because he owns them and has a list of his slaves.

How does this document help to answer the question, "Where Did Thomas Jefferson stand on the Issue of Slavery?"(Ordinance for NW Territory, July 13, 1787)

Thomas Jefferson wrote there shall be no slavery or involuntary work in the said territory unless they are fugitive slaves.

Does this drawing provide any insight as to Jefferson's feelings about slavery? Explain your answer.(Drawing of Slave Cabin)

Yes, Jefferson gave slaves shelter but the cabin is small. He cared about his slaves but gave them small shelters and he gave them resources.

Does this document help to answer the question, "Where Did Thomas Jefferson Stand on the Issue of Slavery?(Slave Advertisement)

Yes, because Thomas Jefferson made this ad to look for his slave.

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