U.S. History Unit 3

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Which of the following statements might have been said by an Anti-Federalist? "A strong central government will concentrate too much power in the hands of an elite few." "Our nation is not large enough to necessitate or benefit from a republican form of government." "A pure democracy would devolve into mob rule and the blind following of tyrants." "Dividing the federal government into three branches will sufficiently protect our individual liberties."

"A strong central government will concentrate too much power in the hands of an elite few."

Which of the following statements would most likely have been spoken by a Democrat during the Jacksonian era? "We celebrate industrial advances and a spirit of improvement and innovation." "I see President Andrew Jackson as exercising tyrannical power." "We are alarmed by the tyrannical power displayed in the destruction of the national bank." "Andrew Jackson is an ideal leader because he represents ordinary Americans."

"Andrew Jackson is an ideal leader because he represents ordinary Americans."

Which of the following statements reflects planter paternalism? "The black man poses a threat to the white man, so he must be carefully restrained." "Compared to the working poor in Europe, American slaves live and work in superior conditions." "Slavery leads to conflict between the wealthy and the poor, the white and the black. It must be ended to achieve the vision of the Founding Fathers." "Slavery is a moral evil, yet a necessary one. The power to bring about its end rests in no earthly authority."

"Compared to the working poor in Europe, American slaves live and work in superior conditions."

Which of the following practices led in part to the creation of Jay's Treaty between the United States and Great Britain in 1794? The United States wanted to support Britain in its war against France. Britain had stopped fighting but didn't acknowledge American independence. Britain had been paying African pirates to target American ships. Britain had captured hundreds of American ships trading with the French.

Britain had captured hundreds of American ships trading with the French.

What is one way that the newly drafted Constitution reflected the principles of republicanism? The government agreed to regulate and impose penalties on the international slave trade. Electors, rather than individual voters, cast votes for president and vice president. All federal representatives would be elected by the citizens of each state by popular vote. It allowed for individual voters to determine who should be president.

Electors, rather than individual voters, cast votes for president and vice president.

Which of the following was a major economic shift in the North in the early 19th century? The North increasingly viewed the South and its economy as superior. Factory work gave workers in the North increasing indepedence and control over their labor. Free-labor ideology influenced individuals to believe that they could improve their social class with hard work, education and discipline. The construction of canals and railroads provided northern manufacturers with faster connections to the Atlantic ocean.

Free-labor ideology influenced individuals to believe that they could improve their social class with hard work, education and discipline.

Why was the Missouri Compromise significant? It decided the election of 1824 without any consideration for the popular vote. It let states decide for themselves whether to allow or forbid slavery. It highlighted divisions over slavery that had been growing since the nation gained independence. It led to a revival of the Federalist party.

It highlighted divisions over slavery that had been growing since the nation gained independence.

Which of the following statements about the 1828 Tariff is true? It was a lower-than-normal tax on domestically manufactured goods, which was generally viewed favorably by the northern states. It was a higher-than-normal federal tax on imports, which was generally viewed favorably by the northern states. It was a lower-than-normal federal tax on imports, which was generally viewed favorably by the southern states. It was a higher-than-normal tax on domestically manufactured goods, which was generally viewed favorably by the southern states.

It was a higher-than-normal federal tax on imports, which was generally viewed favorably by the northern states.

Jefferson often used the term "empire of liberty" when referring to the process of western expansion.Choose the statement that best describes the application of this term. The port of New Orleans will serve as a conduit for manufacturers to export their goods to Europe. Plans will be established for the organization of western lands, but not for their admission to the Union. Territories will be admitted to the union as equal states rather than being ruled over as a colonial power. The United States will rule Western territories much like Britain ruled the colonies.

Territories will be admitted to the union as equal states rather than being ruled over as a colonial power.

Which of the following was an effect of the Indian Removal Act? The cultures of the Southeastern tribes were greatly disrupted. The Supreme Court upheld the Act in Worcester v. Georgia. Southern slave owners were horrified by the legislation. The Cherokee Nation was finally able to assimilate to white culture.

The cultures of the Southeastern tribes were greatly disrupted.

Which of the following fears led in part to the creation of a republic instead of a democracy? The fear that government would be unable to raise enough money The fear that government would reunite with Britain The fear that government would allow toleration of Catholics The fear that government would be used to redistribute wealth

The fear that government would be used to redistribute wealth

Which of the following statements about the divided political climate during the administrations of George Washington and John Adams is true? Democratic-Republican societies organized to support Washington's domestic policies. Washington and Adams refused to censor their opponents, as was common practice in Europe. There was a peaceful transition from Washington's Federalist administration to John Adams's Democratic-Republican one. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison proposed that states could nullify a federal law if it threatened state sovereignty.

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison proposed that states could nullify a federal law if it threatened state sovereignty.

For what purpose was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution? To satisfy a commitment made to Anti-Federalists during ratification to clarify the unalienable rights that all Americans possess To satisfy Alexander Hamilton's concern that too much power was being concentrated in the hands of the people To separate the three branches of government from each other, as promised to the Federalists during ratification To satisfy Thomas Jefferson's demand that a framework by which new rights could be added to the Constitution be established

To satisfy a commitment made to Anti-Federalists during ratification to clarify the unalienable rights that all Americans possess

Which of the following factors contributed to many Americans voting strictly along party lines? Revolutionary ideology emphasized loyalty to one's political party regardless of the candidates. Voting was a public affair, so people often felt pressure to vote in a particular way. Ballots were secret, making it easier for a person to vote along party lines. Third parties were made illegal under the Alien and Sedition Acts, signed by John Adams.

Voting was a public affair, so people often felt pressure to vote in a particular way.

Which of the following statements is true? Jefferson's embargo on foreign trading crippled the Atlantic economy to the benefit of America. Washington D.C. was burned to the ground by British troops during the War of 1812. The United States was briefly disbanded and reabsorbed into Great Britain. The Treaty of Ghent included a promise that Britain would end for good the practice of impressment.

Washington D.C. was burned to the ground by British troops during the War of 1812.

"As we support others' causes, we are also beginning to understand our position in society in a new way."Which cultural shift from the early 19th century does this quotation represent?" The Second Great Awakening The antislavery movement The Temperance movement Women's activism

Women's activism

Why did some textile companies prefer to hire young women rather than whole family units? By hiring women, such companies hoped to correct a labor imbalance that was based on gender. Young women had formed unions that could benefit both the employers and the employees. Young women were more likely to have innovative ideas about how to increase production. Young women had few employment options and could be paid a very low wage.

Young women had few employment options and could be paid a very low wage.

Which of the following statements might have been said by a Federalist? a.)"A strong, central government will most effectively protect the rights of all its citizens." b.)"The United States under the proposed Constitution will become too similar to England." c.)"The wealthy and elite will use power to further their own interests at our expense." d.)"This proposed federal government is little different from being ruled by the British."

a.)"A strong, central government will most effectively protect the rights of all its citizens."

Which statement most accurately reflects the views of Thomas Jefferson? a.)"Our economic success, and the endurance of our republic, depends on landowning citizens." b.)"No state should have to repay the debts that they accrued during the war." c.)"We must correct income inequality to stabilize and strengthen the nation's economy." d.)"To pay our national debt, I propose that we sell government bonds to the public."

a.)"Our economic success, and the endurance of our republic, depends on landowning citizens."

Which of the following quotations best represents the cultural attitudes associated with the Temperance movement? a.)"We must ban the excessive use of alcohol and protect society from its ill effects." b.)"Religious rhetoric that emphasizes personal conversion reflects Revolutionary ideas about individualism." c.)"Campaigning against slavery has given us a public voice we lacked before now." d.)"Politics and public discourse must be reserved for only the most virtuous among us."

a.)"We must ban the excessive use of alcohol and protect society from its ill effects."

Which of the following statements reflects planter paternalism? a.)"We take care of our workers from birth until death, unlike other societies, which neglect their poor." b.)"If not subjugated, the African race will overrun this nation and take control of its government." c.)"Slavery benefits all white Southerners who share equally in the profits of the plantation economy." d.)"An overreliance on one type of worker will decrease wages and potential income for others."

a.)"We take care of our workers from birth until death, unlike other societies, which neglect their poor."

Which of the following statements best represents agreements between Federalists and Anti-Federalists? a.)"We want a form of government that will prevent tyranny, from which we just escaped." b.)"We want a form of government that will use checks and balances to prevent mob rule." c.)"We want a form of government that contains a bill of rights to best protect individual liberty." d.)"We want a form of government that will favor the working class, not the aristocracy."

a.)"We want a form of government that will prevent tyranny, from which we just escaped."

Consider the following statement: "I view the federal government as the most important mechanism for economic development." Which of the following people might have been most likely to make this statement? a.)A member of the Whig party b.)Martin Van Buren c.)A member of the Democratic party d.)Andrew Jackson

a.)A member of the Whig party

Which of the following best describes a republic? a.)A type of government in which people vote for representatives to make policy for them b.)A type of government in which the people vote directly on policy, and the majority rules c.)A type of government in which leadership is passed down through inheritance d.)A type of government in which a strong central leader crafts policy for the citizenry

a.)A type of government in which people vote for representatives to make policy for them

Why was the election of 1800, in which Thomas Jefferson succeeded John Adams, considered a "revolution?" a.)After a contested election and a tense decade, it marked the peaceful transition of power from one political party to another. b.)It led to Matthew Lyon and Roger Griswold fighting on the floor of the House, and a duel in which Alexander Hamilton was killed. c.)President Adams was overthrown by military leaders and removed from office for his support of the Alien and Sedition Acts. d.)It ended in an unprecedented tie between Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson that had to be decided by duel

a.)After a contested election and a tense decade, it marked the peaceful transition of power from one political party to another.

Why was the "Corrupt Bargain" of 1824 important? a.)It angered voters who felt that the democratic process had been thwarted by elite interests. b.)It demonstrated that the Constitution wasn't prepared to handle a presidential candidate not winning a majority of votes. c.)It prevented slavery north of a certain line but allowed it to expand in the south. d.)It resulted in a one-party political system that suppressed criticism and alternative ideas.

a.)It angered voters who felt that the democratic process had been thwarted by elite interests.

Which of the following statements about political tensions during the Jackson administration is true? a.)Jackson rejected the idea of states' rights to nullify federal law. b.)Jackson made repealing tariffs a top priority for his administration. c.)Jackson worked to promote national infrastructure like roads and canals. d.)Jackson sought to expand the power and scope of the federal government.

a.)Jackson rejected the idea of states' rights to nullify federal law.

which of the following reasons most likely contributed to the Annapolis Convention's failure? a.)Over half of the original states didn't even send delegates to participate. b.)More time was needed to settle disagreements over the status of slaves. c.)Uprisings in Massachusetts caused it to end earlier than planned. d.)The majority of working-class voters wanted a democracy, not a republic.

a.)Over half of the original states didn't even send delegates to participate.

How were the responsibilities of the national government, such as the maintenance of the Continental Army, funded under the Articles of Confederation? a.)States were expected, but not forced, to provide tax monies to Congress. b.)Individual citizens were taxed directly by Congress. c.)There was no plan for government funding under the Articles of Confederation. d.)Congress relied on assistance from the wealthiest members of society.

a.)States were expected, but not forced, to provide tax monies to Congress.

Read the following quotation: "The conduct of impenitent sinners demonstrates that they prefer Satan as the ruler of the world, they obey his laws, electioneer for him, and are zealous for his interests, even to martyrdom... A new heart is the choice of JEHOVAH as the supreme ruler." Which cultural movement was the author likely a part of? a.)The Second Great Awakening b.)Abolition of slavery c.)The Temperance movement d.)Women's activism

a.)The Second Great Awakening

Which of the following statements is true? a.)There were calls for New England to secede from the United States during the War of 1812. b.)Andrew Jackson's loss at the Battle of New Orleans was a crucial turning point in the war. c.)Francis Scott Key created many nationalistic paintings depicting the valor of American sailors. d.)The U.S. gained control over most of Canada from Britain as a result of the Treaty of Ghent.

a.)There were calls for New England to secede from the United States during the War of 1812.

Which of the following events led to the Barbary Wars? a.)Thomas Jefferson refused to increase U.S. tribute to Tripoli. b.)Genêt encouraged Americans to attack British and Spanish territory. c.)Stephen Decatur raided Tripoli's harbor on behalf of the United States. d.)Jay's Treaty sought repayment for captured American ships.

a.)Thomas Jefferson refused to increase U.S. tribute to Tripoli.

Which of the following was a major economic shift in the north in the early 19th century? a.)Traditional methods of production became mechanized and integrated into factories. b.)North-to-south river trade routes gradually replaced east-to-west railroads and roads. c.)The north abandoned free-labor ideology just as the ideology was gaining influence in the south. d.)The construction of turnpikes allowed for even faster transport of goods and people than railroads did.

a.)Traditional methods of production became mechanized and integrated into factories.

Which of the following was a cause of Indian Removal from the American South? a.)Violence on the frontier and the desire to possess native lands. b.)Federal treaties that had been formed with the southeastern tribes. c.)Slave rebellions that had been supported by southeastern tribes. d.)A Supreme Court order that required the state of Georgia to comply with the Indian Removal Act.

a.)Violence on the frontier and the desire to possess native lands.

Which of the following statements would most likely have been spoken by a Democrat during the Jacksonian era? a.)"Our party grew out of opposition to Andrew Jackson and his policies." b.)"A national bank is an institution that exists only for the benefit of elite businessmen and merchants." c.)"We are convinced that the national bank is popular with voters, and the president should bend to the will of the people." d.)"The government's right to establish a national bank is supported by the Constitution and is necessary for national economic stability."

b.)"A national bank is an institution that exists only for the benefit of elite businessmen and merchants."

Which of the following quotations represents the Federalists' attitude toward deference? a.)"A true republic requires the greatest number of voices." b.)"Men of proven virtue should be empowered to lead the nation." c.)"The property requirement to vote should be abolished." d.)"All people should have the right to vote, regardless of race, class or gender."

b.)"Men of proven virtue should be empowered to lead the nation."

Which statement most accurately reflects the views of Alexander Hamilton? a.)"It is unfair to require taxpayers in one state to help pay the debt of another state." b.)"To improve our nation's reputation with creditors, we must pay all debts at face value." c.)"It is unnecessary for the debts accrued during the war to be honored at all." d.)"The Constitution does not give Congress the authority to assume state debts."

b.)"To improve our nation's reputation with creditors, we must pay all debts at face value."

Which of the following was a result of the War of 1812? a.)A slump in American nationalism and pride b.)A sharp decrease in Native American resistance in the Northwest Territory c.)The purchase of Louisiana from France d.)The practice of impressment, whereby captured Americans were forced into the Royal Navy

b.)A sharp decrease in Native American resistance in the Northwest Territory

Which of the following circumstances led in part to the drafting of a new Constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation? a.)Many merchants were unable to meet their tax burdens and faced losing their businesses. b.)Discontent and riots among the working class were present. c.)Shay's Rebellion successfully overthrew the Massachusetts government. d.)There was a threat of another war with Britain and the need for a central military.

b.)Discontent and riots among the working class were present.

Which of the following statements about the 1828 tariff is true? a.)It was universally supported because it was viewed as a benefitting the "common man." b.)It exacerbated regional tensions because southerners viewed it as benefitting northern manufacturers at their expense. c.)It was proposed by Andrew Jackson, who was invested in promoting domestic industry. d.)It was strongly condemned by John Quincy Adams's administration, who viewed it as harmful to the American System.

b.)It exacerbated regional tensions because southerners viewed it as benefitting northern manufacturers at their expense.

Why was the Tallmadge Amendment significant? a.)It specified the procedure when no presidential candidate received a majority in the Electoral College. b.)It sparked a controversy that led to sectional divisions within the Democratic-Republican Party. c.)Once enacted, it set the stage for the ultimate abolition of slavery forty years later. d.)It allowed Missouri to have slaves but prevented the further spread of slavery in northern states.

b.)It sparked a controversy that led to sectional divisions within the Democratic-Republican Party.

Why was the Election of 1824 important? a.)It shifted the balance of power between northern free states and southern slave states. b.)It was perceived as highly undemocratic by Andrew Jackson's supporters. c.)It marked the emergence of women as a political force. d.)It showed a growing division among the people over the issue of slavery.

b.)It was perceived as highly undemocratic by Andrew Jackson's supporters.

Which of the following statements about southern slave owners is true? a.)Many slave owners sold off their slaves because the cotton gin made slave labor unnecessary for cotton production. b.)Many slave owners argued that their slaves were better off under their protection. c.)Southerners who did not own slaves likewise did not benefit from the system of slavery endemic to the region. d.)At heart, all slave owners recognized slavery as exploitative and contrary to liberty.

b.)Many slave owners argued that their slaves were better off under their protection.

Which of the following was a cause of Indian Removal from the American South? a.)Andrew Jackson supported Native Americans remaining in the southeast, but his party viewed them as a threat to state sovereignty. b.)Many whites perceived Native Americans as savages who could never truly assimilate. c.)The Cherokee Nation had petitioned the Supreme Court to declare it an autonomous nation. d.)The Cherokee Nation refused to adapt to the presence of whites in the region.

b.)Many whites perceived Native Americans as savages who could never truly assimilate.

What was John Adams's response to challenges to federal authority during his administration? a.)Creating the Democratic-Republican party to oppose Thomas Jefferson and his supporters b.)Signing laws that limited immigrants' rights and set penalties for criticizing the government c.)Drafting a resolution stating that laws which violated constitutional rights could be nullified d.)Refusing to run for a second term in the election of 1800

b.)Signing laws that limited immigrants' rights and set penalties for criticizing the government

Which of the following events did the most to spur the development of industrialized textile manufacturing in the early United States? a.)The American Revolution b.)The Embargo of 1807 and the War of 1812 c.)The organization of primitive labor unions in towns like Lowell, Massachusetts d.)The transition of power from Federalists to Democratic-Republicans

b.)The Embargo of 1807 and the War of 1812

Which of the following would Jefferson have viewed as a positive effect of westward expansion in the early 19th century? a.)Increased debates over the spread of slavery b.)The ability to become an independent farmer and landowner c.)Rapid industrialization in areas west of the Mississippi River d.)A better understanding of Native American culture and society

b.)The ability to become an independent farmer and landowner

Which of the following statements about the southern economy before the Civil War is true? a.)"King Cotton" was a fictional Alabama plantation owner used in northern propaganda. b.)The construction of textile mills in the north increased demand for cotton from the south. c.)Slavery remained concentrated on the east coast because it was forbidden to spread west. d.)The demand for cotton fell steadily throughout the first half of the 19th century, even though the southern economy depended on it.

b.)The construction of textile mills in the north increased demand for cotton from the south.

Which of the following statements about the divided political climate during the administrations of George Washington and John Adams is true? a.)The proposed theory of nullification demonstrated how the government was believed to serve only itself. b.)The president mustered a militia to enforce federal law and control a rebellion by private citizens. c.)Adams was believed by many to be an illegitimate president because he did not win in the Electoral College fairly. d.)American citizens were not allowed to read newspapers or take part in political debate.

b.)The president mustered a militia to enforce federal law and control a rebellion by private citizens.

Which of the following statements supports the argument that the Constitutional Convention was an "ongoing revolution?" a.)The majority of members of Congress were not interested in and did not support the creation of a totally new national government. b.)The system of checks and balances within the three branches of government would prevent any single interest from forming a tyrannical majority. c.)The Constitutional Convention disregarded the Articles of Confederation and attempted to repel the democratic movements occurring in the states. d.)The delegates to the Constitutional Convention sought to create a national government that would primarily support the interests of business, investments and the elite.

b.)The system of checks and balances within the three branches of government would prevent any single interest from forming a tyrannical majority.

Which of the following did many young women see as a negative aspect of working in the Lowell mills? a.)Employers kept in close communication with fathers, who still had complete authority over the young women. b.)The women worked 12-hour shifts and had only one hour of free time every day. c.)Most young women were not emotionally prepared to be away from their families. d.)The women had to send all their wages home and could keep nothing for themselves.

b.)The women worked 12-hour shifts and had only one hour of free time every day.

The Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans viewed the French Revolution differently. Which of the following statements represents the view held by most Democratic-Republicans? a.)They supported concessions to Great Britain in order to maintain close trade relations. b.)They considered Jay's Treaty a betrayal of France and protested in the streets. c.)They believed the violence of the French Revolution highlighted the dangers of direct democracy. d.)They argued that the opposing party's policies would lead the United States to anarchy.

b.)They considered Jay's Treaty a betrayal of France and protested in the streets.

Which of the following statements would most likely have been spoken by a member of the new Whig party? a.)"We continue to consider ourselves the defenders of the common man." b.)"We do not believe that the federal government should be involved in engineering economic growth." c.)"Many of our members support social and moral causes such as the Temperance movement." d.)"Our party has grown because of the elimination of property qualifications for voting for all men."

c.)"Many of our members support social and moral causes such as the Temperance movement."

Which of the following quotations best represents the cultural attitudes associated with the Second Great Awakening? a.)"We feel strongly that a democratic society cannot uphold racial slavery as a principle." b.)"We will use our recently-won right to vote to support or oppose specific people and programs." c.)"Some aspects of society may be crumbling, but individual salvation is the key to reform." d.)"Alcohol-related violence and public disturbances threaten the future of our nation."

c.)"Some aspects of society may be crumbling, but individual salvation is the key to reform."

Which of the following statements might have been said by a Federalist? a.)"The government will be run by the wealthy, who have little interest in serving all citizens." b.)"Tyranny by the majority can only be limited by granting most powers to state governments." c.)"The diversity of the United States demands a national government with three distinct branches." d.)"A government controlled by the elite will trample our individual liberties."

c.)"The diversity of the United States demands a national government with three distinct branches."

Which of the following statements would most likely have been spoken by a supporter of Andrew Jackson? a.)"I believe government should be involved in social and moral causes." b.)"Some members of my party seek to improve the lives of those victimized by capitalism." c.)"The federal government should not be used as an instrument of power for moneyed interests." d.)"We endorse federal support of internal improvements."

c.)"The federal government should not be used as an instrument of power for moneyed interests."

Which of the following statements about the French Revolution might have been said by a Democratic-Republican? a.)"We fear this radicalism may inspire uprisings in America." b.)"The policies embraced by our opposing party will lead the United States to anarchy." c.)"We must support the French, whose struggle for liberty mirrors our own." d.)"We must support Great Britain if we want to maintain trade relations."

c.)"We must support the French, whose struggle for liberty mirrors our own."

What was the Nullification Crisis? a.)A plan proposed by John Quincy Adams to build up infrastructure and raise tariffs b.)A campaign promise by Andrew Jackson to remove unfair taxes from the common man c.)A conflict over whether a state had the right to void federal laws it didn't like d.)A compromise to lower (but not altogether eliminate) tariffs on imported goods

c.)A conflict over whether a state had the right to void federal laws it didn't like

When Thomas Jefferson referred to Western expansion and the "empire of liberty," what did he mean? a.)Native Americans should be allowed to maintain their tribal territories. b.)New western territories should remain forever slave-free. c.)Americans should move westward to expand republican principles. d.)Western landowners should agree to some oversight from the government.

c.)Americans should move westward to expand republican principles.

Which of the following statements about Hamilton, Jefferson and the creation of a national bank is true? a.)Jefferson advocated the creation of a national bank but wanted a farm-based economy. b.)Jefferson opposed the creation of a national bank, which he believed would hurt merchants. c.)Hamilton advocated the creation of a national bank and a commerce-driven economy. d.)Hamilton opposed the creation of a national bank, favoring instead an agricultural economy.

c.)Hamilton advocated the creation of a national bank and a commerce-driven economy.

What was an effect of Jay's Treaty on the relationship between the United States and Great Britain? a.)It ended trade relations between the United States and Great Britain. b.)It formally allied the United States with Great Britain in Britain's war with France. c.)It exacerbated tensions between the Democratic Republicans and Federalists. d.)It helped to unify American politics and mend some of the rifts that had developed in the 1790s.

c.)It exacerbated tensions between the Democratic Republicans and Federalists.

Which statement best characterizes the South's economy by the mid-1800s? a.)It encouraged equality and economic prosperity for any person who worked hard. b.)It relied primarily on railroads to carry its goods to market. c.)It was heavily dependent on slavery, westward expansion and steamboats. d.)The demand for cotton decreased as textile mills in the North expanded.

c.)It was heavily dependent on slavery, westward expansion and steamboats.

Which of the following was a major economic shift in the North in the early 19th century? a.)The construction of canals and railroads in the North rendered many east-west trade routes obsolete. b.)Cotton production replaced textile manufacturing as the backbone of the economy. c.)Railroads fueled the growth of cities west of the Mississippi River. d.)Class divisions fractured northern society, as most workers realized they could never hope to climb the economic ladder.

c.)Railroads fueled the growth of cities west of the Mississippi River.

Which of the following was an effect of the Indian Removal Act on the American South? a.)Many Native Americans chose to work as slaves rather than be removed from their lands. b.)Removal of Native Americans created a labor vacuum that only slavery could fill. c.)Removing Native Americans from the Southeast opened up more areas for white agriculture. d.)Southern voters rejected Andrew Jackson and the Democratic Party in the election of 1832.

c.)Removing Native Americans from the Southeast opened up more areas for white agriculture.

Which of the following complicated Jefferson's ability to create an "empire of liberty" in the West? a.)The Northwest Ordinance, which established a process for new states to join the union b.)Land ordinances, which subdivided land for sale c.)Slave owners, who eyed western lands for the production of cash crops d.)The Louisiana Purchase, which added millions of acres of new land

c.)Slave owners, who eyed western lands for the production of cash crops

Which of the following statements about voting rights in the newly formed state governments is true? a.)Anyone who could vote in their own state could vote in national elections. b.)Most states gave all men the right to vote as long as they were citizens. c.)Some states allowed women to vote under certain circumstances. d.)The majority of citizens had a vote in state government.

c.)Some states allowed women to vote under certain circumstances.

Which of the following led in part to the War of 1812? a.)Revenge for damage done to Britain's economy by the Embargo Act b.)A renewed alliance between the United States and France c.)Suspicion of British involvement with Native American unrest in the Ohio River Valley d.)William Henry Harrison's invasion and temporary capture of Canada

c.)Suspicion of British involvement with Native American unrest in the Ohio River Valley

Which of the following statements supports the argument that the Constitutional Convention was a "conservative coup d'état?" a.)Delegates did their utmost to preserve American independence and the ideals of republicanism. b.)The Constitutional Convention was a necessary attempt to defend the American Revolution against failure. c.)The Constitutional Convention bypassed procedures outlined in the Articles of Confederation for amending government. d.)The creation of executive, legislative and judicial branches of government was sufficient to protect the interests of all Americans.

c.)The Constitutional Convention bypassed procedures outlined in the Articles of Confederation for amending government.

Which of the following agreements at the Constitutional Convention is correctly paired with its description? a.)The Electoral College: Planned for the legislative branch to be comprised of two separate houses b.)Three Branches: Established a system for representatives from each state to select the President c.)The Three-Fifths Compromise: Accounted for slaves in determining the make-up of Congress d.)The Great Compromise: Created an executive, a legislative and a judicial branch to govern the country

c.)The Three-Fifths Compromise: Accounted for slaves in determining the make-up of Congress

Which of the following was a cause of Indian Removal from the American South? a.)The Supreme Court case Worcester v. Georgia b.)The death of thousands of Cherokee on the Trail of Tears. c.)The emergence of some Native American tribes as sustainable economic competitors threatened white developers. d.)Suspicions that the Cherokee were assisting runaway slaves.

c.)The emergence of some Native American tribes as sustainable economic competitors threatened white developers.

Which of the following statements about the putting-out system is true? a.)The putting-out system benefited merchants, who were able to cut down on production costs, but at the expense of farm families, who could not compete. b.)The putting-out system benefited farm families, who came to dominate the economy but at the expense of merchants, who had to find new ways to earn profits. c.)The putting-out system benefited merchants, who were able to cut down on production costs, as well as farm families, who were able to earn extra income. d.)The putting-out system took a toll on both farm families and merchants, who had to work more to make less, but it helped the nation compete with Britain.

c.)The putting-out system benefited merchants, who were able to cut down on production costs, as well as farm families, who were able to earn extra income.

On what grounds did Thomas Jefferson and James Adams oppose the Alien and Sedition Acts signed into law by John Adams? a.)They believed the acts were designed to favor the working class at the expense of the rich. b.)They believed the acts violated the separation of church and state. c.)They believed the acts violated the First Amendment right to free speech. d.)They believed the acts explicitly criminalized the formation of political parties.

c.)They believed the acts violated the First Amendment right to free speech.

Which statement best describes Jefferson's plans for creating an "empire of liberty" in the West? a.)To make western territories colonies for the United States b.)To force western territories to sell raw materials to Europe c.)To reinforce the principles of self-government and individual liberty d.)To subject new groups of Native Americans to governmental control

c.)To reinforce the principles of self-government and individual liberty

Which of the following statements about the rise of democracy is true? a.)Black men gradually earned the right to vote in many of the northern states between 1800 and 1838. b.)Massachusetts had the most liberal voting laws, as it let women and free blacks vote before any other state. c.)Unmarried women were initially allowed to vote in New Jersey, but they lost that right in the early 19th century. d.)As voting rights became less strict, property ownership remained an essential qualification.

c.)Unmarried women were initially allowed to vote in New Jersey, but they lost that right in the early 19th century.

"We are taking on a more public role in civic life and extending our moral guardianship outwards from the home." Which cultural shift from the early 19th century does this quotation represent? a.)The Second Great Awakening b.)The antislavery movement c.)Women's activism d.)The Temperance movement

c.)Women's activism

Which of the following statements might have been said by an Anti-Federalist? a.)"A centralized government will enable us to become a respected, independent nation." b.)"Checks and balances will adequately protect individuals and states from tyranny." c.)"We must accept and ratify the Constitution that was written in Philadelphia." d.)"Power should be concentrated in the hands of state governments to best protect the majority from tyranny."

d.)"Power should be concentrated in the hands of state governments to best protect the majority from tyranny."

How would a Patriot suspicious of British tyranny be most likely to view the government under the Articles of Confederation? a.)As ineffective, because citizens voted for inexperienced representatives in Congress b.)As ineffective, because Congress was unable to negotiate treaties with foreign powers c.)As effective, because the national taxes imposed by the Articles erased the national debt d.)As effective, because the states were united and the nation won its independence

d.)As effective, because the states were united and the nation won its independence

Which of the following was a major economic shift in the north in the early 19th century? a.)Fewer people believed that citizens could self-improve through education and hard work. b.)Innovations and technological advancements raised the cost of consumer goods, making many of them too expensive for northern households. c.)The emergence of capitalism created a society in which wealth was shared equally. d.)Better transportation, along with the rise of capitalism, altered traditional modes of production.

d.)Better transportation, along with the rise of capitalism, altered traditional modes of production.

The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution as the result of disputes between which two people/groups? a.)Hamilton and Jefferson b.)The legislative branch and the executive branch c.)The Senate and the House of Representatives d.)Federalists and Anti-Federalists

d.)Federalists and Anti-Federalists

Why was the Missouri Crisis important? a.)It demonstrated the ability of the common man to stand against the powerful. b.)It led to support for a one-party voting system and the death of the Federalist party. c.)It banned slavery from any territory west of the Mississippi, putting to rest the controversy over slavery. d.)It established rules for the expansion of slavery in the Louisiana Purchase.

d.)It established rules for the expansion of slavery in the Louisiana Purchase.

Which of the following statements about the 1828 election is true? a.)Jackson was only elected after Adams dropped out of the race. b.)Jackson was elected without winning the popular vote. c.)Jackson was elected largely because of populous New England. d.)Jackson was elected to represent "the common man."

d.)Jackson was elected to represent "the common man."

Which of the following was a cause of the market revolution in the United States? a.)Laws restricting the development of factories in the states b.)The development of household economies, primarily in New England, but in other states as well c.)The formation of labor unions in the North d.)New technology like water-powered mills being introduced to the United States

d.)New technology like water-powered mills being introduced to the United States

The declines of deference and the Federalist party can be partially attributed to which of the following factors? a.)The continued practice of showing respect to members of the elite b.)The Naturalization Act, which extended voting rights to all immigrants c.)The successful political candidacies of George Washington and John Adams d.)The American Revolution's emphasis on natural equality

d.)The American Revolution's emphasis on natural equality

Historians interpret the Constitutional Convention in different ways and through different lenses. Which of the following statements would most historians likely agree on? a.)The Constitution represented the best interest of all Americans, regardless of race, class or gender. b.)The Constitution was an inevitable and necessary continuation of the revolution against tyranny. c.)The Constitution created a tyrannical government that favored social and economic elites. d.)The Constitution has thus far stood the test of time, albeit with some amendments.

d.)The Constitution has thus far stood the test of time, albeit with some amendments.

Which of the following statements is true? a.)The War of 1812 is sometimes referred to as "the actual American Revolution." b.)James Madison carried out the War of 1812 without approval from Congress. c.)The War of 1812 was primarily between France and England, with whom the United States sided. d.)The War of 1812 did not result in any significant territorial gains for the United States.

d.)The War of 1812 did not result in any significant territorial gains for the United States.

Which of the following was a major economic shift in the north in the early 19th century? a.)Agriculture and food production replaced industry as the backbone of the economy. b.)Better transportation led to the growth of the countryside, as more people left the cities. c.)Northern states received huge sums of money from the federal government to build canals and turnpikes. d.)The invention and application of interchangeable parts significantly increased agricultural production.

d.)The invention and application of interchangeable parts significantly increased agricultural production.

How did western settlement lead to more relaxed voting laws in the original states? a.)To promote western settlement, eastern states promised to relax their voting requirements for anyone who pledged to move. b.)Western states' use of liberal voting laws led to the Supreme Court forcing eastern states to guarantee the same rights for their citizens. c.)As western states grew in population and power, they lobbied for a constitutional amendment that would grant voting rights to all citizens. d.)Western states used liberal voting laws to attract settlers, which put pressure on eastern states that didn't want to lose too many people.

d.)Western states used liberal voting laws to attract settlers, which put pressure on eastern states that didn't want to lose too many people.

The Great Compromise, also known as the Connecticut Compromise, settled which of the following disputes? a.)Whether farmers who participated in Shay's Rebellion should be relieved of their debts b.)Whether slaves should be counted toward the represented population of their state c.)Whether the president should be elected by popular vote or chosen by the legislature d.)Whether more populous states should have greater representation in the legislature

d.)Whether more populous states should have greater representation in the legislature

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