USAF CWO 1B4 Block 10 Ops Planning Unit 1: Joint Planning

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Vulnerability Window

A window of opportunity and direction for a tactical commander to conduct tactical operations.


An entity or object that performs a function for the adversary considered for possible engagement or other action.


Communications System Directorate

Off Station

Cyberspace forces are considered to be ______________ when assigned tasks are completed and cyberspace forces are no longer engaging assigned targets or performing mission in the tasked terrain.

On Station

Cyberspace forces are considered to be ______________ when the cyberspace operation commences on tasked terrain and targets.

Offensive Cyberspace Operations

Deny, Degrade, Disrupt, Destroy, Manipulate


For these SAPs, the SecDef has waived applicable reporting, even more restrictive reporting and access. Adverse effect to national security.


Intelligence Directorate


Logistics Directorate


Manpower and Personnel Directorate


Operations Directorate


Plans Directorate

Air Force Cyber Tasking Order (AFCTO)

Published daily, These are operational type orders issued to perform specific actions at specific time frames in support of AF and Joint requirements.

Cyberspace Operations Plan (CyOP)

Published semiannually, This is an overarching document addressing CDR AFCYBER's foundational strategy.

Joint Planning Process Steps

Step 1 - Planning Initiation Step 2 - Mission Analysis Step 3 - Course of Action (COA) Development Step 4 - COA Analysis and Wargaming Step 5 - COA Comparison Step 6 - COA Approval Step 7 - Plan or Order Development

Time-Over-Target/Terrain (TOT)

The exact timing directed by the tasking authority specified in the tasking order to execute a mission.


There are protective controls ensuring the existence of these SAPs are not acknowledged, affirmed, or made known to any person not authorized for the information.


These SAPs are formally included in the IJSTO process for CC use during deliberate planning, crisis action response or operational deployment.


These SAPs protect planning and execution of especially sensitive intelligence or CI operations/collection activities.


These SAPs protect sensitive research, development, testing/evaluation, modification, or procurement activities.

Operations & Support

These SAPs protect the planning for, execution of, and support to especially sensitive military operations.

DCO Response Actions

These are Authorized defensive actions which are taken external to the DODIN to defeat ongoing or imminent threats.

DODIN operations

These are actions taken to design, build, configure, secure, operate, maintain, and sustain DOD communications systems and networks in a way that creates and preserves data availability, integrity, confidentiality.

Internal Defensive Measures

These are conducted within the DODIN. It Includes Actively hunting for advanced internal threats.

Special Access Programs

These are established and maintained when absolutely necessary to protect the most sensitive DoD capabilities, information, technologies, and operations or when required by statute.


These are intended to identify the source of a threat to the DODIN and use non-intrusive techniques to stop or mitigate offensive activity in cyberspace.

Offensive Cyberspace Operations

These are intended to project power by the application of force in and through cyberspace. These will be authorized via execute order (EXORD).

Defensive Cyberspace Operations

These preserve the ability to utilize friendly cyberspace capabilities and protect data, networks, net-centric capabilities, and other designated systems. These also Include outmaneuvering adversaries taking or about to take offensive actions against defended networks, or otherwise responding to internal and external cyberspace threats.


These type of SAPs are affirmed, or made known to others but it's details are classified.

US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM)

This Functional Combatant Command offers direct action in the form of short duration strikes and small-scale offensives, special reconnaissance, unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, civil affairs operations, counterterrorism, psychological operations, information operations, counter-proliferation of WMDs, security force assistance, counterinsurgency operations, and any specific activities directed by the President or the SecDef.

Joint Planning Strategic Level Purpose

This Provides the President and SecDef options on the use of the military in addressing national interests and achieving the objectives in the National Security Strategy and Defense Strategy Review.

Operational Control (OPCON)

This command authority may be exercised by commanders at any echelon at or below the level of CCMD and may be delegated within the command. Delegated from a lesser authority than COCOM. Does not include authoritative direction for logistics or matters of administration, discipline, internal organization, or unit training.


This constitutes the actions individual cyberspace forces take to accomplish a tasked mission.

DoD Special Access Program Central Office

This entity execute, manage, administer, oversee, and maintain records on their SAPs

US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)

This functional Combatant Command is responsible for command of US nuclear capabilities, space operations, global surveillance and reconnaissance, intelligence, communications, computers, global missile defense and combatting WMDs.

US Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM)

This functional Combatant Command provides the DoD with an aggregate of transporttion capabilities and assets. It also enables a diverse array of joint mobility missions.

Tactical Control (TACON)

This is Limited to the detailed direction and control of movements and maneuvers within the operational area necessary to accomplish the missions or tasks assigned by the commander exercising OPCON or ____________ of the attached force. Delegated from a lesser authority than OPCON. May be exercised by commanders at any echelon at or below the level of CCMD.


This is a clearly defined action or activity assigned to an individual or organization.

Operation Order (OPORD)

This is a directive issued by a commander to subordinate commanders for the purpose of effecting the coordinated execution of an operation.

Execution Order (EXORD)

This is a directive to implement an approved military CONOPS. Only the President and SecDef have the authority to approve and direct the initiation of military operations.

Cyber LOOs

This is a line that defines the interior or exterior orientation of the force in relation to the enemy or that connects actions on nodes and/or decisive points related in time and space to an objective(s).

Fragment Order (FRAGORD)

This is a modification to any previously issued order

Course of Action (COA)

This is a potential way (solution, method) to accomplish the assigned mission. The staff develops these to provide unique options to the commander.

Strategic (lvl of warfare)

This is a prudent idea or set of ideas for employing the instruments of national power in a synchronized and integrated fashion to achieve theater and multinational objectives.


This is a sequence of tactical actions with a common purpose or unifying theme.


This is a series of related major operations aimed at achieving strategic and operational objectives within a given time and space.

Irregular Warfare

This is characterized as a violent struggle among state and non-state actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant population(s).

Traditional Warfare

This is characterized as a violent struggle for domination between nation-states or coalitions and alliances of nation-states.

Deliberate Planning

This is developed in non-crisis situations in support of future events. Several COAs are created. 6+ months to be accomplished.

Crisis Action Planning

This is driven by an incident or situation that typically develops rapidly and occurs with little or no warning. <6 months to be accomplished.

Warning Order (WARNORD)

This is issued by the CJCS and/or commander and is a planning directive that initiates the development and evaluation of military Course of Action.


This is regarded as the telecommunications networks, computer systems, embedded processors and controllers, Internet Protocol (IP) address(es), associated subnet, domain, or transport space within the tasked AO.


This is the Mechanism, method, or modality of armed conflict against an enemy.

Joint Planning Process

This is the deliberate process of determining how to use military capabilities in time and space to achieve objectives while considering the associated risks.

Tactical (lvl of warfare)

This is the employment and ordered arrangement of forces in relation to each other.

Integrated Joint Special Technical Operations (IJSTO)

This is the overarching formal process and management of SAPs


This is the task, together with the purpose, that clearly indicates the action to be taken and the reason therefore.

Operational (lvl of warfare)

This links strategy and tactics by establishing operational objectives needed to achieve the military and states and strategic objectives

Secretary of Defense (SecDef)

This position is the principal assistant to the President in all matters relating to the DoD. All functions in DoD and its component agencies are performed under the authority, direction, and control of this position.

Task Order (TASKORD)

This provides guidance and outlines associated objectives, desired effects and taks necessary for mission completion.

Joint Planning Operational Level Purpose

This ties the training, mobilization, deployment, employment, sustainment, redeployment, and demobilization of joint forces to the achievement of national security objectives in the service of enduring national interests.

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