USPS study guide

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Employees should do what is requested of them at work? Employees should do more than what is requested of them at work?

SLM: Employees should do more than what is requested of them at work

Even when I don't agree with a rule, I abide by it anyway? If I disagree with something, I won't do it?

SLM: Even when I don't agree with a rule, I abide by it anyway

I prefer to not spend time double-checking my work? I always double check my work?

SLM: I always double check my work

I always complete my work duties? I always exceed my responsibilities at work?

SLM: I always exceed my responsibilities at work

I am more comfortable when my supervisor doesn't observe me as I work? I do not mind if my work performance is observed daily?

SLM: I do not mind if my work performance is observed daily

I enjoy my work duties to change often? I prefer to perform the same duties at work?

SLM: I enjoy my work duties to change often

I enjoy when I have a lot of work to do? I prefer a reasonable and steady amount work?

SLM: I enjoy when I have a lot of work to do

I get bored working on the same task? I enjoy working on a variety of assignments?

SLM: I enjoy working on a variety of assignments

I enjoy working on various assignments? I rather work on repetitive tasks?

SLM: I enjoy working on various assignments

If I try my best, that is what matters most? I have high expectations of my work?

SLM: I have high expectations of my work

At times, I have not liked someone? I haven't ever disliked someone?

SLM: I haven't ever disliked someone

My coworkers aggravate me at times? I never get aggravated at my coworkers?

SLM: I never get aggravated at my coworkers

I perform my best when I am stress-free? I perform my best in a high-pressure environment?

SLM: I perform my best in a high-pressure environment

I prefer different tasks? I like to have regular assigned tasks?

SLM: I prefer different tasks

I prefer having a regular work routine? I prefer having a variety of tasks?

SLM: I prefer having a variety of tasks

I'm more content having a set of the same daily tasks? I prefer to not have a set daily routine?

SLM: I prefer to not have a set daily routine

I prefer to work in a stress-free environment? I prefer working under pressure?

SLM: I prefer working under pressure

I work best when I'm put under-pressure? I would rather avoid being put in a stressful work environment?

SLM: I work best when I'm put under-pressure

I work better in a calm work environment? I work better when it is very busy?

SLM: I work better when it is very busy

I do not like a job where my daily performance is tracked? I would not oppose having my performance monitored daily?

SLM: I would not oppose having my performance monitored daily

I regularly take a lot of time to focus on one given task? I would rather work on various tasks than spend too much time on one?

SLM: I would rather work on various tasks than spend too much time on one

I'm able to work efficiently in highly demanding conditions? I would rather work in a peaceful environment?

SLM: I'm able to work efficiently in highly demanding conditions

I've never made a mistake while I was working? I've made mistakes at work occasionally?

SLM: I've never made a mistake while I was working

I listen to directions only when they seem logical? It is always best to follow directions, even if it doesn't seem logical?

SLM: It is always best to follow directions, even if it doesn't seem logical

My outcome is based on my actions? There have been times where a situation impacted my outcome?

SLM: My outcome is based on my actions

My performance is best when I am very busy at work? When I have a reasonable workload, I perform best?

SLM: My performance is best when I am very busy at work

I can deal with anything that I am faced with? Some obstacles are too difficult to handle?

MLM: I can deal with anything that I am faced with

I can easily concentrate on the same tasks over and over? I do not like to waste time on one thing for too long?

MLM: I can easily concentrate on the same tasks over and over

Sometimes a problem is too tough to solve? I can find a solution to a hard task if I apply myself enough?

MLM: I can find a solution to a hard task if I apply myself enough

I can lose track of time when I'm working hard? I get distracted easily by my coworkers?

MLM: I can lose track of time when I'm working hard

I do not question any work policies? If I do not agree with a policy, I do not follow it?

MLM: I do not question any work policies

Sometimes I talk about my coworkers when they aren't there? I don't talk about people behind their back?

MLM: I don't talk about people behind their backs

I prefer slow work days? I enjoy having a lot of work to do?

MLM: I enjoy having a lot of work to do

I always do my job? I go above and beyond what is required of me?

MLM: I go above and beyond what is required of me

I complete all my daily assignments? I like to exceed expectations?

MLM: I like to exceed expectations

I like when obstacles at work challenge and motivate me? I get anxious when I'm faced with a challenge?

MLM: I like when obstacles at work challenge and motivate me

I prefer setting goals that are challenging and push my abilities? I like setting goals that I know are practical and reachable?

MLM: I prefer setting goals that are challenging and push my abilities

I set challenging goals for myself? I set goals I know I can accomplish?

MLM: I set challenging goals for myself

Sometimes I get sidetracked at work? I stay focused when I'm working?

MLM: I stay focused when I'm working

I succeed more when I work harder? Working harder does not always lead to success?

MLM: I succeed more when I work harder

I do what is required of me at work? I try to do more than what is required of me at work?

MLM: I try to do more than what is required of me at work

I'm a very focused individual? It is difficult for me to focus for long periods of time?

MLM: I'm a very focused individual

When I spend a long time on a task, I get bored? I'm able to focus on the same task for a long time?

MLM: I'm able to focus on the same task for a long time

Sometimes I can be rude to other people? I'm never rude to my coworkers?

MLM: I'm never rude to my coworkers

If something seems too difficult, I avoid it? I'm proud of my ability to take on difficult tasks?

MLM: I'm proud of my ability to take on difficult tasks

If I don't succeed the first time, I try again? I move on to something else if I don't succeed?

MLM: If I don't succeed the first time, I try again

If you try hard enough, you will succeed? There is no way to guarantee success?

MLM: If you try hard enough, you will succeed

At times it is okay to not tell the exact truth? It is best to be completely honest?

MLM: It is best to be completely honest

It is easy for me to handle a change of plans? I get upset when plans change?

MLM: It is easy for me to handle a change of plans

I get preoccupied easily? It is hard to make me lose focus at work ?

MLM: It is hard to make me lose focus at work

It is a waste of time to double check my work? It is important to review my work to verify the accuracy?

MLM: It is important to review my work to verify the accuracy

Most rewards are well deserved? Some people do not work hard enough to deserve a reward?

MLM: Most rewards are well deserved

When I don't accomplish something, I keep trying? I move on to something else if I don't accomplish it?

MLM: When I don't accomplish something, I keep trying

When a situation changes, I adjust quickly? It is best to always stick to the plan?

MLM: When a situation changes, I adjust quickly

When plans change, I can adapt easily? I like to stick to the plan and complete it as intended?

MLM: When plans change, I can adapt easily

When working on a repetitive task, I remain very focused? I do not like working on tedious tasks?

MLM: When working on a repetitive task, I remain very focused

You gain success by being lucky and working hard? You gain success by working hard and staying motivated?

MLM: You gain success by working hard and staying motivated

It isn't important for your work to be perfect? Your work should be as perfect as possible?

MLM: Your work should be as perfect as possible the first time around

Your coworker did not clean up her work area before she went on break, so you clean it up to avoid a potential accident. She goes back to her work station after her break without noticing anything.

ML -Tell her to be more cautious and aware of her work area before she leaves and the importance of cleaning procedures and safety precautions to avoid accidents. LL -Don't say anything because you cleaned it up already.

You are working to complete a task and must meet a deadline. A coworker begins to ask you some questions that you know the answers to and could explain, but that will take time away from the task you are trying to finish.

ML- Ask if they can wait since you need to complete your work. LL- Let them know you cannot help because you have a deadline to meet.

I always look over my work to make sure there are no errors? I'm not too worried about my work being perfect the first time?

MLM: I always look over my work to make sure there are no errors

I am always ready to take on a challenge? I wait until I feel prepared to take on a difficult job?

MLM: I am always ready to take on a challenge

I am always respectful to others? I'm disrespectful to some people?

MLM: I am always respectful to others

I am confident in my ability to do well? I have doubted myself at times?

MLM: I am confident in my ability to do well

I'm just as self-driven as others? I am more self-driven than others?

MLM: I am more self-driven than others

The most important thing is accomplishing my goal? I am satisfied if I tried my best?


If I don't succeed even after putting in my best effort, I am not disappointed with myself? Accomplishments motivate me to work hard?

SLM: Accomplishments motivate me to work hard

I do not mind my performance being closely supervised? I accomplish my work better when my supervisor doesn't closely observe?

SLM: I do not mind my performance being closely supervised

When I am supervised too closely, I do not perform as well? I don't mind being closely supervised?

SLM: I don't mind being closely supervised

I enjoy working quickly? I prefer to take my time?

SLM: I enjoy working quickly

Some challenges are just too hard work through? I can accomplish anything I put my mind to?

MLM: I can accomplish anything I put my mind to

All company policies should be followed? Only some rules and guidelines need to be followed?

MLM: All company policies should be followed

I don't set my goals too high, so I don't get disappointed if I don't achieve it? Challenging goals always motivate me?

MLM: Challenging goals always motivate me

Lucky people are successful? Hard working people are successful?

MLM: Hard working people are successful

I don't like when priorities regularly change? I adapt very well to change?

MLM: I adapt very well to changer

I usually follow rules at work? I always adhere to rules at work?

MLM: I always adhere to rules at work

Some directions at work I do not always agree with? I always comply with directions at work?

MLM: I always comply with directions at work

I follow the rules the way I believe they are meant to be followed? I always follow the exact rules?

MLM: I always follow the exact rules

I always follow the rules, even when coworkers do not? Sometimes it is okay to make an exception to the rules?

MLM: I always follow the rules, even when coworkers do not

I am responsible for following all work policies? It's okay to follow some rules more than others?

MLM: I am responsible for following all work policies

I am very precise when it comes to my work? I am not a perfectionist?

MLM: I am very precise when it comes to my work

There is a lot of work for everyone and production goals must be met today but you see a few coworkers talking and standing around.

ML- Encourage your coworkers to work together so everyone can meet the production goal. LL -Work faster and complete your coworkers' tasks to make sure the deadline is met.

You are using a machine when suddenly it stops working. You tell your supervisor about the issue but need to wait for it to be fixed to be able to finish your work on time.

ML -Check to see if there is another available machine you may use. LL- Take your break early while you wait for the machine to get fixed.

A new employee asks you to help with something, but you have a lot of work to finish and a deadline to meet.

ML -Suggest they ask other coworkers for help. Offer to assist only if the other coworkers cannot. LL- Tell the new employee you cannot help and apologize because you are too busy

You have been asked to take on an additional sorting assignment. You are concerned that the time away from your tasks will affect you completing your daily work on time.

ML- Ask your supervisor if taking on this assignment would affect you meeting your daily production goals. LL -Decline the assignment because you would not meet your production goal.

You are asked by your supervisor to help put away items that are blocking a work station. You must meet your production quota and are concerned that by helping, you won't have enough time to finish and the quality of your work will be affected.

ML- Ask your supervisor if you may continue with your assigned task so the quality of your work is not affected. LL -Tell your supervisor you can't stop what you are working on because of your deadline.

Your supervisor reviews a safety procedure with you, but from what you previously learned, you know part of what he explained is not correct. What would you most and least likely do?

ML- Explain the way you learned the procedure and ask if he is sure about the information he shared. LL -Don't say anything since he is your supervisor.

You notice that a machine is making a loud noise which could mean it is about to break. You don't want to stop to call a technician because you have a deadline to meet. If you fix it, it will take a few minutes, but if you continue to work and then it breaks, it will take a few hours to fix.

ML- Stop working to fix it. LL- Ignore the loud noise and keep working so you can meet your goal.

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