Vegetables and Fruits 1

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a large tropical fruit with pointy leaves sticking out of the top that is sweet and yellow inside


a large, round melon or gourd with thick orange skin. It is associated with the Fall season, Halloween, and Thanksgiving


a large, round, yellow citrus tree fruit with a sour taste. Much bigger than any grape!


a leafy vegetable with large, dark green leaves. It has lots of iron, and is eaten raw or cooked.


a long, thin, usually orange root vegetable vegetable that grows in the ground


a long, white fruit with a yellow skin. The skin looks green until they're ripe.


a medium sized redberry with small brown or white seeds on its surface, and little green leaves at its top.


a plant with green leaves in "heads" that are usually eaten raw, in salads or on sandwiches, etc.


a round root vegetable with layers that has a strong taste and smell. Used mostly as a flavoring agent


a small fruit that is green inside and has black seeds and brown, hairy skin. Native to New Zealand?


a small, round fruit that grows in large groups and is often used to make juice or wine


a small, soft, orange tree "stone" fruit. They are much more delicate than peaches or plums


a small, soft, purple or black berry with seeds, and thorns (!) on its vines


a small, soft, red berry that grows on bushes


a small, sweet, dark blue berry that grows on bushes


a soft, sweet, round tree "stone" fruit with red and/or yellow skin


a type of leafy cabbage with thick, tightly curled green or purple leaves. Unlike other cabbages, it doesn't grow in tight "heads"


a type of oval, juicy, citrus fruit with pale yellow skin and very sour juice


a variety of beet with large leaves and thick stalks that is used as a vegetable. Most people only eat the top leaves


an herb/plant that can have either flat or curly leaves. It's added to food to give it flavor and color. Often used in Italian and other European cuisine

coriander; cilantro

an herb/plant whose leaves or seeds are added to food to give a special flavor. Often used in Mexican, South American, or Asian cooking


largish firm vegetables (actually fruit?) that grow on bushes or vines. They come in many shapes, colors, sizes, and varieties. There are "summer" types, like zuchinni or crook necked, and "winter" varieties, like butternut or acorn.

Hot Chiles

smallish, "hot"-tasting varieties of the capsicum plant. Some examples are jalapenos, Thai Dragon, serrano,


the large round fruit of a plant of the gourd family, with sweet pulpy flesh and often many seeds. Cantaloupe, honeydew, etc.


A starchy plant tuber that comes in a variety of colors that is one of the most important food crops; cooked and eaten as a vegetable.


Strangely, they don't look much like eggs! A roundish or cylindrical, usually purple fruit/vegetable that grows on small bushes. It can be long and somewhat thin, or fat and plump, like a fat person :).


The name of this fruit is also its color. A round, sweet fruit with a thick skin and a center that has many sections


a "head-like," leafy vegetable thicker & hardier than lettuces. Can be eaten raw, cooked, pickled, or fermented (sauerkraut, kimchi, etc.). Can green or purple. Related to Kale, etc.


a citrus tree "fruit" with thick, green, or purple skin, a large, round seed, and smooth green flesh that can be eaten. Most people think of it as a vegetable!


a hard, round tree fruit that can have a green, red, pink, or yellow skin (or a combo of many colors)

sweet bell peppers (chile)

a large green, yellow, orange, or red variety of capsicum which has a mild or sweet flavor and is often eaten raw.

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