Victimization Chapter 8

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What are two possible reasons that cohabitating couples experience more incidents and more severe IPV?

- Individuals in these relationships may be less committed and perceive less stability - Couples feel more social isolation and abuse may be more likely to occur and continue without the support of family and friends

What are the three commonalities of the definition of rape shared by most states?

- Rape occurs when there is nonconsensual contact between the penis and the vulva or anus, or when there is penetration of the vulva or anus - In order to be considered rape, force or threat of force must be used -Contact or penetration must occur without the consent of the victim or when the victim is unable to give consent such as asleep or under the influence of drugs or alcohol

According to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS), how many women had been raped during their lifetime?

1 in 5 women

When the CTS was used in the National Family Violence Surveys in 1978 and 1985, what did they find?

1 in 8 couples, the husband perpetrated violence with females perpetuating IPV in 12% of couples in the study

A study of complaints of sexual assault in Portland, Oregon, showed that what percent of sexual assault complaints were false?

1.6% of all reported cases are considered to be false

What fraction of child maltreatment cases involve substance abuse?

1/3 to about 2/3's of all cases

Teplin et al. (2005) discovered that what fraction of those with severe mental illness had experienced a completed or attempted violent crime in the past year?


How much higher is the rate of abuse of children who live with a single parent with a cohabitating partner than that of other children?

10x higher

How many more times higher was the prevalence rate for those with severe mental illness than the NCVS of those in the general population

11.8 times higher

According to the National Survey of Youth in Custody: a. What percent of youth in facilities had experienced at least one incident of victimization in the past year or since admission?


In 2007, how many homicide were the result of IPV?


What percent of incidents were perpetrated by a father acting alone? (child maltreatment)


What percent of boys with developmental disabilities are at risk for sexual abuse before the age of 18?

16% to 36% of young boys

1. When did child maltreatment first become the concern of the public and justice system?


3. When did widespread concern lead to the first federal legislation addressing child abuse?


How many more times are persons with severe mental illness more likely to be violently victimized than the general population?

2.5 times more likely

What age group? (child maltreatment)


What percent was perpetrated by both a mother and father acting together? (child maltreatment)


What percent of women and men experience severe physical intimate partner violence during their lifetime?

24.3% of women 13.8% of men

In a DHHH (2010) survey, what percent of child maltreatment incidents were perpetuated by a mother acting alone?


What percent of women with disabilities are estimated to be sexually assaulted over their lifetimes?


How many times more likely are children with disabilities to be sexually abused than the general population?

4 to 10 more likely

How many more times likely are women with disabilities to be sexual assault victims than women in the general population?

4 to 10 times more likely

On average, how many times do women leave an abusive relationship before severing their relationship?

6 times

By what percent increase is physical abuse in childhood linked to the risk of living in poverty in adulthood?


What percent of these homicide victims were women?


In the 2008 NCVS, what percent of rape/assault assault victims were males?


What percent of child maltreatment incidents were perpetuated by parents in 2012?


What percent of children who died from child maltreatment were under the age of 4 according to the DHHS 2012 study?


Typically, how are those who do not report a suspected child maltreatment held criminally liable?

A civil punishment is generally sought with a fine to the criminal negligence that occurred in regards to the injured child

What is patriarchy?

A form of social organization in which men are dominant and are allowed to control women and children

According to the 2007 NCVS, what percent of victims used some type of self-protective action?

About two thirds of all use some type of self protective strategy

How is having physical health impairments or mental health impairments related to IPV?

Adults that have physical health impairments or mental health impairments increase he risk so IPV victimization

6. What factors account for the relationship between IPV and race?

Age (the younger adults are more likely to experience) Race (Black females are a greater risk)

What are safe haven laws?

Allow mothers or custodial parents who are in crisis to relinquish their babies anonymously to designated places so that their babies are protected and can receive medical care until a permanent home is found

What is a guardian ad litem (GAL)?

Appears on behalf of the child in court to represent the child's best interest

Specifically, what was "one of the most important findings from the replication studies?

Arrest differentially impacted offenders

What is dependency theory?

As dependency increase, stress will increase, as will the risk of abuse and neglect.

What are the two ways in which risky lifestyles have been linked to IPV?

Associating with known criminals Using alcohol and drugs

It is estimated that over half of all women with developmental disabilities who are victims of sexual assault will experience at least how many incidents during their lives?

At least 10

c. Dual Arrest:

Both the offender and the victim are arrested

According to the National Survey of Youth in Custody: By whom were youth more likely to be victimized?

By staff

What does shaken baby syndrome cause?

Causes brain hemorrhages, skull factures, and retinal hemorrhages

What was deinstitutionalization?

Closing of many institutions in the 1950s that put out a lot of mentally ill persons, releasing them into the community without further aid or an established plan on how to go on with new life

What is the Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS-2)?

Designed to measure levels and use various conflict tactics

b. Permissive Arrest Policies:

Do not mandate or presume that an arrest will be made by law enforcement when warranted

Along with physical, emotional, and sexual abuse and neglect, what are two additional types of maltreatment that are specific to elderly persons?

Financial exploitation Power of Attorney Abuse

What are the four types of self-protection actions?

Forceful physical strategies: actions that include shoving, punching or biting the offender Nonforceful physical strategies: passive actions meant to be fleeing or pulling way Forceful nonphysical strategies: yelling, are active and are used either to scare the offender or to attract the attention of others nonforceful verbal strategies: pleading with, talking to, and begging the offender

In one study of inmates housed in three prisons in Ohio (Wooldredge, 1998) what was found?

Half of all inmates had experienced some type of victimization during the previous 6 months

Persons with mental disorders have high rates of what three risk factors for victimization?

Homelessness, poverty, and substance abuse

8. How do IPV rates of homosexual males compare to those of heterosexual females?

Homosexual men are at higher rates of IPV than homosexual woman

What is the definition of coerced sexual contact

If the offender uses psychological or emotional coercion, than the unwanted contact is considered to be coerced in its nature

How is child abuse and neglect among children 0-11 related to IPV in adulthood?

Increase in the odds of suffering an injury via intimate partner violence victimization in adulthood

2. List and describe the two types of IPV according to Michael Johnson (2006).

Intimate Terrorism - a need for power and control, which the abuse is based on. Severe, persistent, and frequent abuse that tends to escalate over time Situational Couple Violence - conflict gets out of hand and results in violence, begins with a disagreement

What is sexual coercion

Involves sexual intercourse or penetration with the offenders penis, mouth, or tongue, digit, or object

What is the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program?

Is mandated by every state in the united states to have data regarding elder maltreatment in long term care facilities

Silver (2002) suggests what?

It may not be the mental disorder per se that places a person at risk bu the fact tha person with mental disorders are often involved in relationship characterized by conflict that produces victimization

Though stalking laws differ, generally what are the three ways in which a victim must show that the behavior constitutes a course of conduct?

It occurred more than once Behavior must be unwanted and harassing must cause some level of emotional distress without a legitimate purpose Offender must be a credible threat to the victim, the victim's family, or the victims friends

4. When did IPV take "center stage" in policy and research?

It took center stage in the 1970s as the Woman's Rights Movement began to take it on as a central focus for a lot of their campaigning.

. In the NIS-4 study, children parents in what two conditions had the highest rates of maltreatment than other children according to Sedlak et al. (2010)?

Low socioeconomic households and high rates of unemployment

By whom are male inmates more likely to be physically victimized?

Males are more likely to be victimized by staff

By whom are female inmates more likely to be physically victimized?

More likely to be victimized by another inmate than males are

Are persons with mental illness more likely to be victims or perpetrators of violence?

More likely to be victims of violent crimes than to actually perpetuate

What is elder maltreatment?

Nonaccidential harm against an elderly person that causes pain, injury, or impairment

What is the definition of visual abuse

Occurs when a perpetrator uses unwanted visual means

What is the definition of drug or alcohol facilitated rape?

Occurs when a person is raped while under the influence of drugs or alcohol after being deliberately given alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicant without his or her knowledge or consent

What is the definition of unwanted sexual contact

Occurs when a person is touched in an erogenous zone, but it does not involve attempted or completed penetration

What is statutory rape?

Occurs when a person is under the proscribed age of consent engages in sex

What is the definition of incapacitated rape

Occurs when a victim cannot consent to because of self-induced consumption of alcohol, drug, or other intoxicant

What is the definition of Verbal Sexual Abuse?

Occurs when the perpetrator says something or makes sounds that are intentionally condescending , sexual, or abusive

What is the definition of unwanted sexual contact with force

Offender uses force or threatens to use force

4. What are the two major forms of child maltreatment?

Physical and Emotional

What are the three domains in conflict tactics that it examines?

Physical assault, psychological aggression, and negotiation

1. What are the three types of harm mentioned that are involved in intimate partner violence (IPV)?

Physical violence Emotional Abuse Sexual Violence

According to routine activities theories, what are examples of the following that increase the likelihood of being sexually victimized?

Presence of motivated offenders: dating teenaged boys Lack of capable guardianship: (Who constitutes social guardianship? What constitutes physical guardianship?) when a person is present who can protect a person from being sexually victimized, having roommate present, etc. Suitable victim: dating teenaged females

What is the Child Abuse Prevention Act (1974)?

Provides the definitions o child abuse and neglect and required states to pass mandatory reporting laws for suspected case of child maltreatment in order to receive certain federal funding

a. Pro-arrest or Presumptive Arrest Policies:

Require arrest but limit this requirement to specific situations in which certain criteria are met

What are mandatory reporting laws?

Require certain individuals to report to authorities if they suspect that a child is a victim of maltreatment

What are the most common characteristics of those who are sexually victimized

Sex: Female Age: Late teens to early adults Socioeconomic Status: Low socioeconomic status and unemployed Race: Black

How is violence and victimization of persons with mental illness linked to symptomology?

Symptomology- exhibiting behaviors of delusions and hallucinations and are likely act on violent behaviors to deal with these lapses in reality They cope through violence, act in bizarre ways to which others may not know how to respond.

2. How did child maltreatment again receive meaningful attention in the 1940s and 1950s?

The attention came from the medical community in which they began to examine physical injurie that appears through various checkups

What did the Federal Crime Victims with Disabilities Awareness Act of 1998 require?

The collection of statistics on the victimization of persons with disabilities

What is the definition of forcible rape?

The offender uses or threatens to use force to achieve penetration

What are mandatory arrest policies?

The prescribe arrest by police officers when there is probable cause that a policy may create a situation in which a victim does not want the offender to be arrested and the police make an arrest regardless.

Are males or females more likely to be victims of child maltreatment?

They are about equal, female beats male by about 2%

What is response latency?

This is the fact that after a woman has been victimized will take time for that woman to come to the conclusion of the victimization and understand that the offender had taken it to far.

In the Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment, what did the researchers find according to the interview data?

Those who were arrested were less likely than others to commit additional domestic violence offenses

3. List and define two additional types of IPV that have also been identified.

Violence resistance - when a person is violent but not controlling Mutual Violent Control - both people are violent and controlling

What are the four mentioned risk factors for victimization for persons with disabilities?

Vulnerable due to reliance on others, intellectual/developmental disabilities may not be able to recognize a possible risk, more likely to live in poverty, related to dependency-stress model

What race are most perpetrators child maltreatment?


1. Among persons with disabilities who is more likely to be the victim of violent crime: Sex Race Type of Disability

Women White Cognitive Disorders

7. What are the four mentioned evident gender differences?

Women are violently victimized it is more likely to be by someone they know and by intimate partners Males also may use tactics in IPV incidents that are more likely to result in violence Males are more likely to engage in intimate terrorism Severe IPV is more a male enterprise

What is the parity hypothesis?

a victim's use of self-protective action should be on par with the offender's attack

Studies have revealed that persons with disabilities are most likely to be victimized by whom? (McFarlan et al., 2001; National Council on Disability, 2007

family members, intimate partners, and personal assistance/health care providers

What are the characteristics of most victims of elder maltreatment in regards to: sex age race what fraction of elder maltreatment is perpetuated by adult child what fraction of elder maltreatment is perpetuated by other family members

female over the age of 60 white 1/3 3/4

Generally, which self-protective strategies have been shown to be ineffective?

nonforceful verbal strategies have shone to be ineffective

What are rape shield laws?

prohibit the defense from using a victim's previous sexual conduct in court

What fraction of domestic violence victims reported that the assistance they received from shelters was very helpful?


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