Victorian road rules

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What do you do if you see a stop sign at an intersection?

Come to a complete stop even if there aren't any cars. You must wait until all cars have passed until you continue driving.

How does a hook turn work.

First you must be in the left lane. Move forward keeping clear of any marked foot crossings until your vehicle is as near as possible to the far side of the road. Remain in this position until you see that the traffic lights on the road you want to enter have changed too green. Turn right into the road and continue straight ahead.

When merging into another lane you should:

Give way to any vehicle already travelling in that lane. This includes when merging lanes into freeway traffic. Indicate and change lanes when there is a safe gap in the traffic.

When do you not need to give way?

If there is an oncoming vehicle turning right. If there is a vehicle making a u-turn

What do you do if the lane infront of you is blocked?

Indicate and give way before merging or passing in the next lane.

How do you make a U-turn?

Make sure you have a clear view of traffic in either direction. signal my indicating right. give way to all other vehicles and pedestrians. Complete your u- turn without disrupting any other traffic.

At what speed can you pass a tram at a tram stop?

No more than 10km per hour.

When can you not make a U-turn?

Over a single solid line, a double continuous line or if you see a no u turn sign.

How should you pass a tram safety zone?

To the left of the safety zone at a safe speed.

What is zip merging?

When two lanes of traffic merge into one on a road where there are no road markings. You must give way to any vehicle that has any part of its vehicle in front of yours.

When can you pass a tram?

You may only pass a tram at a tram stop if there are no pedestrians on the road and the doors are closed on your side of the road.

What do you do if you see a give way sign or give way lines at an intersection?

You must give way to any vehicle in, entering, or approaching the intersection.

If at a T intersection and you see a give way sign what do you do?

You must give way to any vehicles travelling along the continuous road.

What do you do if a tram is stopped at a tram stop?

You must not pass it. stop your car level with the rear of the tram. you cannot pass the tram while the tram doors on your side of the tram is open, or if pedestrians are crossing the road.

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